Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1545 Five Fading Mirrors

If the Meng family was that powerful, they would not have died at the hands of the gods, so in his opinion, these three thousand great Confucian scholars are just sensational, and their remarks should not be taken into account at all.

"Hehe, don't you find it very puzzling, why do they say that?" Xuanyuan looked at Tianshen Bu with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"That's true. I don't agree that a piece of 'Mengmu Monument' can win one hundred thousand ancient holy generals. Maybe they don't understand the meaning of one hundred thousand ancient holy generals. Even in the ancient times of the human race, there may not be so many Quantity." Tianshen Bu wanted to get more information from Xuanyuan.

"A piece of 'Mengmu Monument', the will to pass on to future generations, the filial piety towards grandparents, the power that can be generated is beyond your imagination. The human race is not like the god race, where the weak eat the strong. My parents were able to kill and refine their blood to achieve their own body, and one day, you will understand what they mean." Xuanyuan was deeply moved, at this moment, he felt that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was far from the prosperity of the ancient human race, There is still a long way to go, but with the "Mengmu Monument", it is finally a big step forward.

"Okay, the third piece of supreme Taoism." Xuanyuan interrupted before Tianshenbu could take it out.

Xuanyuan looked at Tianshen Bu with a smile, with unprecedented determination in his eyes, his words were sonorous, and he could not refuse: "Give me the supreme Dao weapon of the Mo family, and don't tell me that the Mo family is not the hand of your god clan."

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, my God Clan can freely choose the gift of the Supreme Dao Artifact?" A cold light appeared in the eyes of Tianshen Bu, and there was a chill in his voice. You must know that the attack on the Mohist family back then caused the God Clan to suffer too heavy a loss. Well, the number one defender of the city in the world is really not just a vain name, this is a supreme Taoist weapon that Tianshen Bu is most unwilling to hand over.

"Hehe, I never said that, the gods can choose on their own, and hand over the supreme Dao weapon of the Mo family, otherwise, you will never get the 'ancestral blood of heaven and man'." His complexion changed, he had already given so many things, Xuanyuan suddenly gave him this move, which made it difficult for the god Bu to ride a tiger, no matter if he gave it, or no way if he didn't give it.

In the end, Tianshen Bu discussed with many super-informed figures, and they could only take out the supreme Taoist weapon of the Mohist family again. Apart from this, they had no other choice. The Protoss had never been so embarrassing. One side, but now for the sake of the 'ancestral blood', they can only bear it.

Tianshen Bu handed over the Supreme Taoist Artifact of the Mo family to Xuanyuan's hands. This is a very ordinary-looking box. I don't know what material it is made of. The Dao weapon was attacking with all its strength, trying to smash it and see what kind of treasure it contained, but in the end it was fruitless. Fearing that the supreme treasure box of the Mo family would come back, it could only be suppressed and collected.

Seeing the treasure box in Xuanyuan's hand, Mo Xuan and Mo Ying couldn't be more excited. Even though they have stepped into the realm of the second heaven of the ancient sages, they still can't restrain their excitement. In those years, They searched for the lost inheritance of the Mohist family, and searched almost the entire "Central China", but there was no news of the "Mystery Box". This account can only be settled later.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, thank you for returning the most treasured inheritance for our Mohist family. Thank you for your great kindness. My Mohist family will live and die with the 'Qinglong Holy Land' in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' from generation to generation." Mo Xuan patted Patting Xuanyuan on the shoulder, he spoke firmly.

"Okay, let's live together and die together." Xuanyuan responded firmly. The Mo family's help to the "Qinglong Holy Land" is really great. With this "mystery box", the strength of the Mo family will definitely increase. To be able to come back, once the Mohists of 'Nanyan Xianzhou' join, the whole 'Qinglong Holy Land' will definitely be able to make an overall leap forward. The Mohist's refining tools, organs and many other skills are too crucial.

The existence of the gods divination and the super heritage of many gods is very painful. There is no doubt that the strength of the "Qinglong Holy Land" is also improving. At this moment, I understood Xuanyuan's intention. It is true that the addition of these three supreme Taoist artifacts directly brings extraordinary significance to the "Qinglong Holy Land", and the "Ancestral Blood of Heaven and Man" wants to exert all its magical effects. It takes a long time.

"Okay, Holy Master Xuanyuan, we have already given you what you want, so you can give us the 'Ancestral Blood of Celestial Beings'." The "Heavenly God Divination" was already a little impatient, for fear that Xuanyuan would backtrack.

Xuanyuan nodded, and in front of all races in the world, he handed over the 'Heavenly Human Ancestral Blood' to the 'Heavenly Divination'.

Beside him, there appeared nine superheroes, who divided the 'Ancestral Blood of Heaven and Man' into ten parts, and only heard the 'Ancestral Blood of Heaven and Man' making a scream similar to that of a child. Obviously his spirit Wisdom was separated, and a future "Son of Heaven, Man and God" was strangled by their own hands. Xuanyuan didn't care.

Those ten copies of 'Heavenly Human Ancestral Blood' were handed over to the sons and daughters of the various ministries. On the side of the 'God Son of Dragon Candle', Xuanyuan would naturally devour and refine them, and they were of no use to Xiang Liuli.

'Son of Heaven's Sun' just extracted a little bit of the 'Heavenly Ancestor Blood' in his hand and integrated it into his body, a surge of combat power surged, and the blood power from his body was superimposed layer by layer, even his own His bones have been strengthened, and many martial arts of the "Five Decays of Heaven and Man" have been realized layer by layer. He looked at Xuanyuan coldly, with an indifferent smile on his lips, and said: "Xuanyuan, you will be grateful for what you did today. regrettable."

Xuanyuan smiled slightly and didn't care, and said: "I won't regret it. By the way, I forgot to tell you that besides the 'Ancestral Blood of Heaven and Man', there are also some ancient artifacts of the God Race. This 'Ancestral Blood of Heaven and Man' can be divided. The following antiquities of the Protoss are inseparable, it depends on whether you want or not the Protoss..."

As soon as this remark came out, not to mention that the various tribes of the Protoss could not sit still, even the major forces of the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans and the Human Race were shocked. Xuanyuan was about to go against the sky. Is that much?

A piece of 'Ancestral Blood of Heaven and Man' has already cost the Protoss such a big price, and the next artifacts of the Protoss, even if they are not as precious as 'Ancestral Blood of Heaven and Man', I am afraid they will not be much worse.

The major forces were stunned and looked in disbelief.

"Hahaha, what do you look at, how many of the major forces of the human race are stupid, if it weren't for the 'Swallowing Emperor' who has countless treasures, how could they be so shameless as to unite together to surround and kill the 'Swallowing Emperor'? Think about it If you think about it, you can understand that the threat of the 'Swallowing the Great' to them is small, but it is true that they covet the wealth hidden by the 'Swallowing the Great'!"

The pig-headed emperor didn't breathe a sigh of relief until today, Xuanyuan was really elated. Although many of the major forces of the human race who plotted against the "devoured emperor" back then are no longer there, the ones who stayed are almost all the leaders from back then. Those who have experienced that era are very silent and do not say a word.

Their super background figures are completely ignorant of these things, and they frowned. Many things can only be verified after they return to their respective homes. It is superfluous to say anything now.

However, there is no doubt that Xuanyuan, the inheritor of the 'Swallowing Emperor', has risen with an extremely strong posture after all, unstoppable, and the glory of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' is already indelible on this day , and it will be passed down through the ages, the world's first "grand meeting of all races", including a large number of strong people from the Protoss, but the "Qinglong Holy Land" has become the dominant one.

Xuanyuan took out a fragmented ancient mirror, with five mirrors on it, full of cracks, obviously caused by a terrible battle.

There are many carvings on the frame of the ancient mirror, which follow an ancient pattern of the gods, and flow the mysterious rhythm of the ancient gods, which made all the super-inherited beings of the gods present blush and tremble.

"Haha, it turned out to be this 'Mirror of Five Decays', do you know how this 'Mirror of Five Decays' was broken?" The 'Lord of Order' at the side suddenly spoke, everyone looked at him, obviously, Every terrifying existence can feel that the grade of this 'five-decay mirror' is absolutely beyond the existence of the heaven-level supreme Taoist weapon, and it can be broken. Is there a treasure of the same grade?

"On that day, the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' fought with the 'Emperor's Son', and after killing the 'Emperor's Son', the 'Mirror of Five Decays' revived and fought against the 'Fengtian Seal', and finally the 'Fengtian Seal' was shocked It was shattered and scattered in the four directions of the world, and the "Five Decaying Mirror" was also hit hard and fled in panic because it lacked the manipulation of the "Emperor of Heaven and Man" and was not as good as the unity of human and instrument of "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor".

Hearing this, all races in the world were shocked. The realm of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' at that time was unimaginable to ordinary people. In the human race, he has always been the supreme existence.

"This is really the 'Mirror of Five Decays'. How could it be on Xuanyuan's body? This is the ancestor of my protoss." Finally, the existence of a protoss with super heritage can't be restrained. Why are there so many treasures in Xuanyuan? body.

"Hehe, in fact, it is in my hands. The 'Five Decay Mirror' is a treasure left over from your protoss 'Five Decays of Heaven and Man'. This is a broken treasure. Its grade when it is intact is beyond The level of the heaven-level supreme Taoist weapon must have been brought down from the "Origin of Hongmeng", or a supreme divine weapon that was cultivated at the beginning of the ancient times, who should own this thing?" Xuanyuan's words were filled with With strong sarcasm, the protoss will definitely want something like this. No matter which one, they can get the "Five Decay Mirror", which will greatly improve their future. Xuanyuan's purpose is obvious. It is for the Protoss to win blood for it, at least to create a huge crack.

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