Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1550 Flat sparrow

"Boy, why don't you stop them? With the current power of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it is not difficult to kill these casual cultivators. If you do this, it will only make the 'Qinglong Holy Land' lose its prestige. , in his own territory, he would be threatened like this by someone, and if it spreads, I'm afraid he will lose his face." On the side, the 'Lord of Order' suddenly said that he wanted to do something before, but he wanted to Thinking, since Xuanyuan didn't say much, he didn't bother to meddle in such nosy matters.

"No need, this will only make the world see that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has also become a villain. In their view, since the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can do something to these casual practitioners today, it can also do something to them in the future, as long as As soon as we do it, all ethnic groups will be wary of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', losing credibility and not worth it. Since these casual cultivators have not harmed the bloodline inheritors of the Bian family, so what if we let them go, a copy of "Heretics" Can they turn the sky over? And the Protoss will also trouble them. I can tell that this 'Purple-faced God' is proud and proud, and wants to create his own immortal career in this chaotic world of the Emperor of Heaven. He is not willing to join the Protoss, as long as we live in the land of "Central China", we have a common enemy. Sometimes, if our friends kill each other for such a trivial matter, I'm afraid I will laugh It's the Protoss." Xuanyuan watched many rogue cultivators leave the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', there was not much anger in his eyes, on the contrary it was very peaceful, at least this 'purple-faced god' could reach the real villain, The most disgusting thing is the hypocrite.

"Damn it, if I were the Daoist, I would definitely make them look good. How dare you threaten us like this? It's simply a crooked life. Do you really think that my 'Qinglong Holy Land' is something they can come and leave when they say it? It’s just looking for death!” Peng Fei looked aggressive, obviously feeling extremely displeased with the group of 'Purple Faced Gods', and he dislikes being threatened the most.

"Forget it, it's nothing, if you can't bear it, you can make a big mess, and my 'Qinglong Holy Land' has not suffered any substantial damage. He even sent us an orphan of the Bian family. In short, this transaction is a profit. It's gone." Xuanyuan shook his head, his eyes were deep and his face was serious, obviously thinking about the ups and downs of the future.

At this moment, the remaining ancient royal families stood up one after another. These great royal families were all on Xuanyuan's side, and gained something, and obtained the ancient relics passed down by their ancestors. Now that they have achieved their goals, they no longer stay It is necessary, even if there are other ancient relics, it has nothing to do with them. Now that the Protoss has retreated, what they are more worried about is whether the Protoss will attack them, or stick to their own clan.

Ao Fan's gaze was very firm and sincere. He looked at Xuanyuan, bowed his hands and saluted, and said, "Holy Lord Xuanyuan, I, the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family', will take my leave first. Among the "royal family", there are honest and good people, and there are many elites with super background entering the "Qinglong Holy Land" to inherit the way of my "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family", but this is a big project, and I need to go back and prepare for a while, otherwise , the people you look for in a short while will inevitably be uneven."

The other 'Tiantian Royal Clan', 'Immortal Royal Clan', 'Sacred Lin Royal Clan' and 'Xuanhu Royal Clan' echoed one after another, saying that they would go back and make preparations, and then lead the strong members of the clan to enter the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' to compete with their disciples , to inherit one's own avenue, and to improve each other, at the same time, the strength of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has moved to a higher peak.

"Okay, senior brother Feng Lie, help me see off the distinguished guests of the ancient royal family." Xuanyuan looked at Feng Lie at the side.

Feng Lie nodded, stretched out his hand and said falsely: "Everyone, please follow me."

Under the leadership of Feng Lie, the five ancient royal families left the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Peng Fei glanced at Xuanyuan and asked, "Do you really think these ancient royal families can help you in the same boat? I I feel a little nervous, these people are all old and cunning, I think they have done a good job on the surface, borrowing the momentum of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and can protect themselves to the greatest extent, but I'm afraid they have another idea in their hearts, when the time comes Even if you recruited their people, if you don't agree, it will be equal to zero, and there will be side effects instead."

"Among the emperors of the ancient royal family, Ao Fan may be able to do so, and Guan Zizai should remain neutral, but as for the 'Emperor Swallowing Heaven', 'Emperor Shenglin' ​​and 'Emperor Immortal', I feel that they all have their own ideas. It's a ghost, but you can't ask too much at the beginning." Xuanyuan made a preliminary judgment of his own, frowned, his eyes were shining, and he recalled the performance of the princes of the ancient royal family just now.

"Ao Fan? This kid obviously had the elixir of immortality before, but he didn't give it to you. He has no sincerity at all. But you kid said that he might stand on the same front as the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. I said you have no brains." You got kicked by the donkey, but you are so skeptical about those people who are so happy to give you something first?" Peng Fei rolled his eyes and looked down on Xuanyuan.

"These foreign things are secondary. The important thing is, whether a person is sincere or not, you can tell by looking at his eyes. At least I saw these things in Ao Fan's eyes. They are very precious. They are precious among other royal emperors. From the eyes of the sons, what I see is more their ambitions."

"Then you're giving these people things back, aren't you out of your mind?" the 'Lord of Order' scorned Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan shook his head, and said calmly: "It's okay, I want all races to coexist, they want to create a new world, we are in conflict in some places, it's normal for them to have other ideas, everyone wants to live in troubled times Open up a piece of their own world, these emperors are all ambitious people, I also have one, I can only fight for it according to my ability, no one is willing to be a vassal, including me."

Xuanyuan said every word very seriously, including "Tian Yaozi", "Luan Xiandizi" and "Qing Yaoyue" are people with their own ideas. They all want to break through the shackles given to them by the demon saint Nuwa. It is understandable for everyone to want to get out of that halo, so they are not willing to submit to Tsing Yi's 'Mendian City'.

But with their current methods, if they want to learn from Nuwa to mend the sky, I'm afraid it will not be so easy, because the various natural disasters hidden in the void universe, sometimes even the realm of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven can't bear it. Saint Nüwa possessed many treasures and suffered severe injuries. It is difficult for future generations to surpass her great achievements.

"Then how do you plan to deal with the members of the royal families who are about to enter the 'Qinglong Holy Land'?" Peng Fei frowned. Since those emperors have their own ghosts, these people cannot be kept.

"It doesn't matter, those with bad intentions will be swept out first, and those who are left behind are those with simple hearts. Whoever enters the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will become a member of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. I am not worried. Even if they don't, it's enough that their natures aren't bad." Xuanyuan smiled lightly.

After seeing the ancient royal family leave, Xuanyuan also gave a pair of clay figurines from the Yaozu to Tsing Yi, 'Tian Yaozi' and the others also felt that there was no need to stay any longer, they had already seen everything they needed to see, and they had a certain feeling in their hearts. Proportion and grasp are enough, and it is impossible for him to send the children of the monster clan into the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', and there is no need to keep it.

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan, we also bid farewell in advance." 'Tian Yaozi' put his hands behind his back, and as soon as the words fell, he left with a group of people on his own. It's time to do something to show the world, or kill a few god sons to show the world.

The 'Emperor Chaos Immortal' and 'Love Yaoyue' greeted each other and left with them. Tsing Yi thanked Xuanyuan in front of everyone and then left too. She should not stay for a long time.

All of a sudden, the grand gathering of ten thousand races became quite deserted. Except for Mozi, Wumingtian, Tianmozi, Gumozi, and Tianxingchang who hadn’t left yet, only the major forces of the human race remained. They all knew that, Xuanyuan must have left many ancient relics of the human race for the end.

Seeing that only the internal affairs of the human race were left, Mozi felt that he was a member of the demon race after all, and it was not appropriate to keep it. I will announce this matter to the entire 'Mozhou Dynasty'. If someone has ulterior motives and opposes it, I will suppress it with all my strength. I will also make careful preparations at this stage, and will introduce a large number of demons who are wanted by the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Entering here can be regarded as leaving a way out for me, the "Mozhou Dynasty", after all, the future of the world will fluctuate, and no one can say for sure."

"Brother Xuanyuan, I am also the 'Battle Demon Sect'. After a certain period, I will definitely bring the most elite sons of my demon clan into your 'Qinglong Holy Land' to inherit the holy way of my 'Battle Demon Sect'. Then you will wait Just wait and see, my 'War Demon Sect' will definitely become the most elite army in 'Qinglong Holy Land'." 'Wu Mingtian' grinned brightly, showing a mouthful of white teeth. A crab, very big, domineering, extremely terrifying, Xuanyuan instinctively felt that this crab was not simple.

"Hahaha, of course welcome, I hope it can be so."

'Tian Mozi' and 'Ancient Mozi' were a bit boring, they didn't get what they wanted, they just said goodbye.

Xuanyuan had someone send them away from the 'Qinglong Holy Land' together.

At this time, the man with the only blood of the Bian family had been helped by Zhixie to the side to rest. There were injuries on his body, but it was not serious. After a few blows, the injury healed a lot. If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't run the avenue of medical skills in this world, he would have fully recovered.

Xuanyuan came to him unhurriedly and asked, "What's your name, brother Bian?"

"Bian Que." He quickly stood up, Xuanyuan had saved his life, and he kept it in his heart.

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