Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1554 Lovesickness Tribulation

As for taking over the work of Bai Youniang, this is in charge of the financial power of the entire "Qinglong Holy Land". Qian Duoduo, a small fortune fan, is happy to tinker with these things. After all, for her inheritance, it means that she can see many talents every day. Dibao can make her eyes shine and she will be happy.

At the end of the chaos, there were rumors that Daoist Duobao refined all the supreme Dao weapons of the major forces. Although they were all counterfeit, they were extremely powerful. For fun, I don't know if Qian Duoduo has inherited this precious treasure, even if it is a counterfeit supreme Taoist weapon, but the above is the unique experience of Taoist Duobao. The word "Duobao" is not white here.

Therefore, Qian Duoduo got his inheritance, and the best thing is to handle the baby every day. For her, it is the greatest enjoyment, so soon, she and Bai Youniang completed some handover tasks at hand, and Bai Youniang directly shut down Yes, these people she honed in the world of mortals have greatly helped her improve her cultivation. She only hopes that she can do her part in the turbulent world in the future. After all, she was born in the Bai family. Death is also the soul of the Bai family, and it is absolutely impossible to embarrass the ancestors.

In the following days, Xuanyuan did not have much communication with the emperors of the major forces. Being able to be in the "Qinglong Holy Land" and collide with various Dao thoughts, they can get the most real feelings from it. Xuanyuan He didn't feel that he could give them much inspiration, so he didn't bother them. Everyone's perception is different. He went to the 'Wanxian Peak' alone, found the previous mountain, and practiced on his own.

What Xuanyuan needs most now is a breakthrough. He has accumulated too much. Before the retreat, it took thirty years. Such a cultural background, the derivation of various big clans, this is not the perception that ordinary people can get casually, now he needs to start to make a breakthrough, and he feels that he can hardly suppress the power in his body, if this continues, something will happen sooner or later.

He landed on a fairy peak, immediately opened his own small world of the thirty-sixth heaven, rushed straight up, and reached the twenty-first heaven, Daluotian.

Last time, I overcame the Taishan Tribulation here, and I don't know what will happen next. That Taishan Tribulation made Xuanyuan's strength improve by leaps and bounds.

Xuanyuan looked at the portal above his head. It portrayed a woman with a delicate and gentle face. She stood outside the cliff, and her pair of star pupils contained deep thoughts. There is a majestic aura on her body, which can be compared with ordinary women, but the aura of an empress. This woman may not be familiar to others, but the greedy old man definitely knows it.

She is Liyue from "Nanyan Xianzhou". On the other side of the starry sky, Xuanyuan did not expect that he would see Liyue's appearance in his small world of thirty-six heavens, and it was portrayed on the portal of the avenue that he broke through. Now, could this be her at the other end of the starry sky? It seems that after these days, Li Yue has also improved a lot. Thanks to her help in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', he was able to survive the disaster and accomplish many things.

Originally, Xuanyuan thought that if the two of them wanted to meet again, there would be no chance. It would be a very distant thing. After all, the distance between the two states was too far. It was pure luck to be able to come back last time. Attacking, I'm afraid it will also attack the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', when the four major immortal states will be integrated with the 'Central Shenzhou' again, I don't know if Li Yue is doing well now, how is the situation of Senior Mo Ma, go It's been so long and I still haven't come back. Is there something wrong?

At this moment, Xuanyuan thought a lot in his mind, but in the end there was no result at all. Xuanyuan changed his mind and directly entered the twenty-second heaven, Chang Sitian.

No matter how sincere the feelings are, no matter how deep the thoughts are, there will be a day of separation. Even the Holy Emperor cannot live forever, it is only the length of time. In the end, they will all be turned into dust in the eternal years, and passed down in the "Hongmeng" Origin'Many people are looking for the door to eternal life, but no one can find it.

After Xuanyuan entered Changsitian, it was a world submerged by the world of mortals. Red threads of love wound around Xuanyuan's body and merged into his body, making it impossible to resist. Above this, there was Li Yue Deep thoughts, lingering, day and night, are extremely real emotions.

The greedy old man laughed strangely and said: "This is lovesickness tribulation, you boy, be prepared, if you are not determined, you will fall into the net of lovesickness, it is difficult to make a slight progress, every man, every woman There will always be a secret in your heart. Liyue is a secret to you in "Central China", even Yuaner doesn't know much. Although you have returned to "Central China", when you look at the starry sky occasionally, It is inevitable that you will think of Li Yue, which is also a kind of longing, but you did not notice it unconsciously."

Hearing this, Xuanyuan smiled slightly and said: "This kind of longing will gradually narrow the distance between me and Liyue with the passage of time. Now the Protoss have tried their best and tried their best to make the four Daxianzhou merged with 'Central China', sooner or later, I will see Liyue again, so this is nothing."

"Hahaha, well, you can take care of yourself, as long as you can resist, you should not suffer from lovesickness." The greedy old man laughed, and didn't say much.

Since it is a sincere longing, then bear it. Xuanyuan integrates the emotions of these longings into his body, and refines them one by one with his own power of myriad transformations, refining them into the power of his own body. These emotions can be evolved Become the most real will, strength, let people move forward, and become the driving force of Xuanyuan.

Time passed bit by bit, half a month, when Xuanyuan was refining, I suddenly felt these longings, filled with a deep crisis, as if on the side of the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', Liyue As if encountering a huge danger, Xuanyuan's mood also fluctuated.

In an instant, the world in all directions has evolved into a world of chaos and chaos, and Xuanyuan is in it. The originally peaceful and harmonious "Nanyan Xianzhou" is full of wars, and the big cities are full of smoke. Had the most intense collision with the God Race army, if he hadn't repaired the barrier of the 'Fierce God's Nest' with Baisheng Hongguang earlier, I'm afraid it would have caused even more terrible consequences.

Liyue was covered in blood, and her white clothes were stained red. Surrounded by the army of the gods, she fought in all directions, causing the world to collapse, the avenues were separated, and her eyes were extremely firm, because at the other end of the starry sky in the "Nanyan Xianzhou" , With her promise, she once said to Xuanyuan that sooner or later, she will come to the 'Central China' and appear in front of him.

Seeing Liyue being besieged from all sides, Xuanyuan wanted to rescue her, but he couldn't reach her.

Suddenly Xuanyuan found himself in the illusion of the Great Dao, even if it was real, it was useless to worry, only breaking through his own strength would be real. Now that the "Central China" has stabilized and the "Qinglong Holy Land" is flourishing, Xuanyuan suddenly has A crazy idea is to lead a group of people to the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'. Now that Zhang Tianling and Huangtian have such super backgrounds, it is not a big deal to want to return to the 'Central Shenzhou' from the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' It's difficult, not to mention that I have already written down the way from 'Nanyan Xianzhou' to 'Central Shenzhou', as long as there are no accidents, there should be no problems.

But all of this has to wait until he has improved his strength. Immediately he calmed down and felt the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy in his love. Across the distant starry sky, he felt the joy of lovesickness, the anger of lovesickness, The sorrow of love, the joy of lovesickness, the avenue of this piece of heaven and earth is really mysterious.

Fifteen days later, Xuanyuan completely stepped into the realm of the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm. Although his power did not suddenly increase a lot, it gave Xuanyuan a very stable and solid feeling, and he could continue to break through.

This time, Xuanyuan intends to fight steadily, not to break through domineeringly, because he feels that his strength is too far apart, and he must step into the realm of the ancient sages, otherwise, it will be difficult to compete with those who have stepped into the realm of the ancient emperors and ancient sages. The strong contend, even if you step into the realm of the ancient sages, there is still something lacking, but the gap is not so big.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath and looked at the Dao portal above his head. This time, what was depicted on it was Yan Ziyun. She was dressed in white hair like snow and looked miserable. She practiced the way of suffering day and night. , Missing Xuanyuan, if Liyue misses Xuanyuan in that way, then Yan Ziyun has a kind of sincere love for Xuanyuan, that kind of only wishing for the other party to live a good life, but she can't get it, and that kind of suffering, only in her heart I know, it's so painful that I can't express it.

All her life, she has been suffering from love, secretly watching everything about the person she loves, and keeping silent.

Xuanyuan saw Yan Ziyun's separation before them many times, and had been secretly paying attention to himself, but he didn't know about it. Xuanyuan knew Yan Ziyun, and every time he thought of it, he would feel very helpless, and he also I want to take Yan Ziyun to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but Yan Ziyun always refuses with various reasons every time, and Xuanyuan can't force her, so in the end, she can only let her come.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan realized that he hadn't seen Yan Ziyun for a long time, and he missed her very much. He didn't know if she was doing well now, and where was she?

This time, Yan Ziyun did not come to the 'Great Gathering of Ten Thousand Races', probably because of her master, but with Ji Dian by her side, nothing serious should happen.

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