Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1556 Fighting Ten Fangs

Hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers, fighting spirit soaring to the sky, with boundless momentum, overwhelming, sweeping forward, shocking people's hearts, it is difficult for those who are not brave enough to resist.

Xuanyuan frowned, and saw a celestial soldier holding a drumstick and beating violently on the war drum in front of him. The sound of the beating drum was like thunder and thunder, and the sound of the beating drum was endless. It is doomed that there is no way to perform the technique of Taoism.

Unless he can refine the heavenly soldier avenues of this piece of heaven and earth one by one, and finally be able to integrate into this piece of heaven and earth, obviously this will be a head-to-head battle to the death, and there is no room for maneuver.

I saw a phalanx of heavenly soldiers, ten thousand of them, holding silver longbows, setting up sharp arrows, aiming at Xuanyuan, shooting in unison, swish swish swish, the terrible whistling sound made the scalp numb and the apex of the heart tremble.

The rain of arrows covered the sky, and the corner of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched. The killing power of these bows and arrows was too terrifying, and ten thousand silver streamers came towards him.

Xuanyuan immediately cast the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Technique" and fled quickly. Even so, he was covered by more than a dozen sharp arrows and hit the nine animal mask shields, making a loud bang. The offensive and defensive power of the shield was so strong that it strangled the dozen or so sharp arrows to pieces.

Watching Xuanyuan fly back and escape, a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers chased him up, at this moment, the voice of the greedy old man sounded in Xuanyuan's heart: "Boy, this road can only be advanced, not retreated."

Xuanyuan gritted his teeth, and immediately separated an incarnation, turned the "Devouring Demon Sword" into a "Devouring Demon Bow", and handed it over to him, only to see this incarnation of Xuanyuan flying out of the south with "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu". Tianmen.

In addition, Xuanyuan evolved into three Taoist bodies, activated the "Flowing Moon Fighting God Ancient Art", and Qiqi followed him to kill the phalanx of one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers.

Xuanyuan's speed is extremely fast, "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" is not in vain, he held the little relative in one hand, and the "Yuan Slaughter Sword" in the other, directly crashed into the square formation of the army, wherever he went, there were long The halberd broke, the silver armor shattered, and the heavenly soldiers turned into a light spot, which merged into Xuanyuan's body, and the clanging sound was endless.

Xuanyuan activated the "Liuyue Fighting God Ancient Jue", increasing his own combat power by thirteen times, the killing power was extremely astonishing, and swept out ax after another with "Punishment War".

Ax light, ax light.

The whistling sound was endless, the terrifying air waves, and the berserk battle energy swept across, and the heavenly soldiers could not resist wherever they passed. The moment they were torn apart by Xuanyuan, they immediately turned into balls of light and merged into Xuanyuan's body.

At this moment, another rain of arrows fell from the sky, Xuanyuan gritted his teeth, and planned to stand up, even if he would be severely injured, and he was in the phalanx of so many heavenly soldiers, they would suffer even more than himself , just ignore it.

However, when the facts happened before Xuanyuan's eyes, he couldn't believe it. He saw that these sharp arrows passed through the bodies of those heavenly soldiers, but did not cause any damage to them. He saw countless sharp arrows shooting at Xuanyuan's body angrily. , the nine beast-mask shields surrounding Xuanyuan's body were cracked inch by inch and turned into shattered pieces. The killing power of these sharp arrows is too strong, and a small number can resist them. Once there are too many, even the beast-mask shields can resist Can't stop, I saw countless sharp arrows passing through the protection of the beast face shield and directly shooting at Xuanyuan's body.

Boom boom boom, the sharp swords turned into pieces on Xuanyuan's body, and fortunately on Xuanyuan's body, there is a "swallowing myriad of transformations armor", which evolved into a "ten thousand transformations kingdom" to resist these sharp arrows one by one, and transport them Most of the killing power was lost, but Xuanyuan still felt the pain all over his body. The bows and arrows of these heavenly soldiers are really terrible.

Although Xuanyuan himself is safe and sound, the Dao body derived from the one-qi transformation of the Sanqing was shot and riddled with holes. Even so, they have the same firm and unyielding will as Xuanyuan, and they continue to fight against the world. It was obvious that they were seriously injured and couldn't last long, but they still fought non-stop, using the Yin-Yang Five Elements Fist and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist to blow up a heavenly soldier.

At this moment, the incarnation of Xuanyuan in the distance held the 'Devouring Demon Bow', drew the bow and shot arrows, condensed the fighting spirit into arrows, and assisted Xuanyuan at the side. Every arrow shot could penetrate at least ten corpses of heavenly soldiers. In the light arrow condensed by a ball of fighting spirit, there is an extremely terrifying power of myriad transformations. You must know that Xuanyuan's power of myriad transformations includes the power of the five elements in the body, the power of the bloody battle, the power of the green dragon, etc. It is formed, and its power is naturally conceivable.

Knowing that the opponent's attack will not hurt his own people, Xuanyuan knew that he must kill the bow and arrow phalanx of the heavenly soldiers first, otherwise, even he himself would not be able to continue to resist such shooting.

Xuanyuan's speed was extremely fast, and with the three severely injured Dao bodies, he directly smashed through the air towards the bow and arrow phalanx.

These heavenly soldiers in the bow and arrow phalanx, when Xuanyuan entered the phalanx, were swept away by a large ax light, and were smashed to the ground. It was difficult to resist Xuanyuan's fierce power. Xuanyuan's three Taoist bodies were also like a giant dragon entering a group of tigers , tearing apart everything rapidly, a bow and arrow heavenly soldier turned into a ball of light and merged into Xuanyuan's body. At the same time, he felt the power in his body becoming stronger and stronger. While killing these heavenly soldiers, his own is also being improved.

I saw these bow and arrow heavenly soldiers holding up daggers in their hands and stabbing at Xuanyuan again and again. Each dagger was extremely sharp and spewed Daoguang. Twelve beast-faced giant shields were directly derived. They revolved around Xuanyuan's body crazily, and strangled those heavenly soldiers who tried to approach Xuanyuan one by one.

Although the deity resisted, his three Taoist bodies were repeatedly injured. These heavenly soldiers can not only shoot with bows and arrows, but also assassinate with daggers. The way of assassination is also extremely superb. No matter how powerful Xuanyuan's Taoist body is, He was also injured one after another.

At this moment, human-shaped lightning fell all over the sky, its shape was like a heavenly soldier, and it fell down without distinction. It also had little effect on other heavenly soldiers. The violent thunder and lightning made Xuanyuan vomit blood again and again.

The lightning from the heavenly soldiers actually ignored the protection of the twelve beast face shields, and directly blasted on Xuanyuan's body. No matter how strong Xuanyuan's physical body was, he couldn't help bleeding from the corners of his mouth in the face of this terrible punishment from the heavenly soldiers.

He looked at the other phalanx. These were the Thunder Heavenly Soldiers, with thunder in their hands, and the three avatars were all turned into dust under the lightning of the Heavenly Soldiers.

Xuanyuan didn't say a word, the battle ax in his hand split the phalanx of the bow and arrow heavenly soldiers, and the bow and arrow heavenly soldiers fell one by one. In an instant, Xuanyuan was killed among the lightning heavenly soldiers. His own defensive power is not much at all, and he can't stand Xuanyuan Ye's grudges in large areas.

Xuanyuan rushed into it, like harvesting wheat, and fell down in pieces. However, at the same time, Xuanyuan was also enduring the thunder calamity of heavenly soldiers falling from the sky all the time. At the beginning, Xuanyuan only had bleeding from the corner of his mouth, but in the end he was vomiting blood No matter how strong the physical body is, it cannot withstand the continuous bombardment of this kind of heavenly soldiers and thunder. This kind of heavenly soldiers' calamity is not something ordinary people can resist.

The Celestial Soldiers Tribulation is really too strong, this punishment is difficult for many people to touch in their lifetime, because they don't even have the qualifications to let this punishment come.

'One Qi Transforms Three Purities' cannot evolve at any time. Xuanyuan's three Taoist bodies were defeated too quickly just now, and it is difficult to manifest for a while, so it is very difficult to fight now, but at this moment, Man Tian The sea of ​​flames came overwhelmingly, and the faces of various heavenly soldiers evolved from these fires, which turned into human shapes, and slaughtered Xuanyuan's body. Suddenly, thunder and fire intersected, making Xuanyuan bear even more.

Xuanyuan saw that there was actually a camp of Fire Magic Heavenly Soldiers next to him, this time it seemed a bit bad, as expected, as the 'greedy old man' said, if he could get over it, he would be alive, if he couldn't kill him, he would be dead.

On the side, the incarnation of Xuanyuan, with the "Devouring Demon Bow", shot and killed repeatedly, and pieces of fire magic soldiers fell down. Every time an arrow was shot, at least more than twenty fire magic soldiers died. After death, they would turn into a ray of light and directly merge into Xuanyuan's body. Their lives would be easier to reap, and more or less it would reduce the pressure on Xuanyuan.

However, the incarnation of Xuanyuan angered them, and a phalanx of heavenly soldiers with long halberds directly killed Xuanyuan's incarnation.

Xuanyuan had no choice but to shoot and kill them with the "Devouring Demon Bow" while running, keeping a distance to prevent them from chasing, and engaged in a war of attrition. With the speed of the gods, it is difficult for these heavenly soldiers to catch up, so Xuanyuan knew that as long as he grinds slowly, he can grind them all to death.

In each phalanx, there are a total of 10,000 celestial soldiers, and ten phalanxes, a total of 100,000. Seeing Xuanyuan plundering the phalanx of Lei Fa's celestial soldiers, a celestial soldier with this big shield came over immediately. The huge shield in his hand resisted Xuanyuan's attack, and gave the Thunder Heavenly Soldiers a chance to kill Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan can naturally understand their intentions. These heavenly soldiers and generals complement each other, and he must find out the mystery from them, otherwise this battle will consume a lot of himself, including the consumption of life.

Thunder and fire bombarded and covered the sky with arrow rain, and the twelve beast-faced battle shields surrounding Xuanyuan's body were once again shattered. With thirteen times the combat power, he once again stimulated the power in the little relatives, and there was a bang, and suddenly Twenty-four beast-faced battle shields covered with fangs manifested, and their killing power was even more terrifying.

Xuanyuan was in this piece of world, killing to the point of madness, covered in blood, fighting in all directions, without a single pause, killing the whole world was stained with blood.

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