Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1561 Twelve Golden Immortals

Kong Yuan looked at the Taoist body of the ancestor of the Confucian family in the sky outside the 'Qinglong Temple', and his heart was excited. Although the ancestor of the Confucian family did not come in real body, after all, he was still integrated with the flesh and blood of the ancestor of the Confucian family. His mind, will, and the supreme Dao body refined together with many heavenly materials and earthly treasures, or organ people, but they are thoughtful, and they can be refined. The Mohists have made indelible contributions. Among them, many methods of the Mohists were used to make each of them as strong as the supreme Taoist weapon, which can last forever.

Xuanyuan's voice was a little excited, and he said in a heavy voice: "Hongmeng and the disciples, although they are not their real bodies, but just based on their aura, I think they should be very powerful, right?"

"Those who created the Supreme Dao Artifacts must be stronger than the Supreme Dao Artifacts themselves, and their Supreme Dao Bodies are naturally incomparable with their true deities, and compared to the Supreme Dao Artifacts they forged with their own hands. It is slightly inferior, but it is also extremely powerful, and each of them has bred their will and wisdom, and their combat power is amazing, and these supreme bodies are closely connected. After so many years, I am afraid that they have formed a It's an extremely terrifying killing formation." Kong Yuan nodded, and there seemed to be thousands of avenues revolving in his eyes, staring at the Dao body left by Hongmeng and the disciples, and he was looking forward to seeing them show their power.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, I'm 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' at your disposal at any time, and everything will be handed over to you in 'Qinglong Holy Land'." 'Son of Hongmeng' bowed to Xuanyuan with a calm expression and a gentle smile. 'Son of Hongmeng' seemed very calm.

"Don't dare, let the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' be the leader, and I, the 'Qinglong Holy Land', will be on the sidelines. Compared with the major forces, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is really hard to convince the public." Xuanyuan knew that since the 'Son of Hongmeng' had already done After expressing that, I am afraid that other big forces will also join in. Immediately, he gave an order from Xuanyuan: "My 'Qinglong Holy Land', supplemented by three thousand great scholars, will fight against 'Baopu Mountain'. As for Senior Kong Ming, you will sit in ' In Qinglong Holy Land'."

The three thousand Confucian scholars are the strongest force in the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land', the best way for other big clans is to let them stay in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to recuperate, and now all ethnic groups have settled in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' , Maybe a lot of powerful strength to stabilize the situation, if the full strength of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is sent out, it will lead to the emptiness inside of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and it will be bad for people with bad intentions to take advantage of it.

"Okay." Kong Ming replied, he naturally knew the importance of sitting in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

"This time to suppress the underworld, we need a supreme Dao weapon to help, and I ask the 'Holy Master Xuanyuan' to agree." At this moment, the 'Son of Hongmeng' made a request. His words were very sincere, and it was obvious that he really needed it. of.

"Please tell me." Xuanyuan stretched out his hand to make a false lead.

"If the 'Hao Ran Long Book' of the Eight Immortals of the Yang Dao can be used to help the battle, it will surely be like a tiger with wings." This supreme Taoist artifact was carved by the words of all the sages, and it was indeed in their hands. Drive this supreme Taoist instrument to the extreme.

Hearing this, Kong Ming immediately took out the 'Long Book of Greatness' from his bosom, and the 'Eight Immortals of Yang Dao' knew that it was difficult to control this 'Long Book of Greatness' although it was left by their ancestors, but they gave it to Kong Ming for safekeeping.


I saw the "Long Haoran Book" tumbling with the boundless holy spirit of hundreds of schools, and finally fell into the hands of the "Emperor Hongmeng". The head of the hundred saints.

"Thank you." The 'Son of Hongmeng' nodded, looked at the 'Long Book of Greatness' in Kong Sheng's Supreme Dao Skill, and was extremely amazed in his heart. This kind of treasure is hard to find anymore.

This volume of "Long Book of Haoran" describes the awe-inspiring righteousness in the hearts of all the sages. No matter how different their thoughts are, their hearts are good. Or the Mohists' universal love, Feigong, Tianzhi, and Shangtong's countless wills are all great inspirations to all living beings...

In the "Haoran Long Book", each person has integrated their life's literary spirit and great will with just one word, which is extremely rare.

Indeed, when the body of the Hundred Saints descended, the "Haoran Long Book" immediately had an extremely strong resonance, and Kong Ming knew it.

"Besides that, I need one more thing." The 'Son of Hongmeng' looked at Xuanyuan and said.

"I see." Xuanyuan nodded, took out the 'Fengtian Seal' directly, and handed it to the 'Son of Hongmeng'. Beside him was the supreme Taoist body of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor'. Only in his hand can he fully exert his strength, and since he has a relative in his hand, there is no need for the 'Yuan Slaughter Sword' to carry the 'Feng Tian Seal'.

At this moment, Shangguan Feiyan, holding the 'Sunrise and Eve', led the Shangguan family's eighteen holy knights down from the sky.

These eighteen holy knights are the strongest background of the Shangguan family. Each one is at the peak of the ancient sage's four heavens. The mounts under them are violent with blood and blood, and their attacking power is extremely astonishing. It is covered with protective scales, poured like a road of fine steel, it is difficult for ordinary people to break their bodies, even Xuanyuan can't match the strength of a mount they sit on, this is a Shangguan with the strongest background named 'Dragon' Like war riding'.

"Shangguan Feiyan, wait for 'Holy Master Xuanyuan' to order." Shangguan Feiyan saluted Xuanyuan and said sonorously.

"This time, the 'Son of Hongmeng' is the commander in chief, and we will be on the sidelines." Xuanyuan didn't dare to pretend that the means brought by the 'Son of Hongmeng' were too strong. By.

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan, you don't have to be humble. You are the only one who can discover the conspiracy of the underworld. Maybe you feel that your qualifications are not enough to take on important responsibilities, and it is difficult to convince the public. Why don't you use Mr. Kong Yuan as the commander? In ancient times, he studied both civil and martial arts. He was one of the most promising disciples of Kong Sheng at the beginning of the ancient times. It would be best for him to be the head coach this time, I know that this time the 'Qinglong Holy Land' must have paid a great sacrifice for the news of the birth of the underworld." 'Son of Hongmeng' immediately understood Xuanyuan's heart Among the ideas, I didn't want to force others to make things difficult. Putting forward such a suggestion can not only create momentum for the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but also convince the public of the existence of super backgrounds.

"It's so good." Xuanyuan's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Son of Hongmeng" is really extraordinary, if it were ordinary people, a big force would soon threaten their status, and they would only obstruct everywhere, not like "Son of Hongmeng" The same, but there is a kind of humility and desire to fulfill the other party's feelings.

When Kong Yuan heard the words, he chuckled and said, "If that's the case, then the old man will take on this important task."

As soon as the words fell, he held Kong Sheng's avenue wat board, pointed towards the sky, and shot out a holy light. After a while, there were statues with swords in their waists, long crowns on their heads, neat clothes, spotless, and lingering Confucianism all over their bodies. Righteous Confucianists descended from the sky one after another, even the 'Son of Hongmeng' and 'Shangguan Feiyan' bowed their hands and saluted immediately.

The three thousand great scholars returned the salute together, obviously they also understood the important task of this trip, Peng Fei grinned at the side and said: "This kind of good thing can't be done without the great emperor."

"Haha, don't worry, you are indispensable." The pig-headed emperor looked at Peng Fei and said, "We'll see if we can sneak into other ancient tombs and get some things to help ourselves. They're all dead anyway. , keeping those things to be buried with him is just a waste of money."

Hearing this, Peng Fei took it for granted, and nodded solemnly.

The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched wildly and the corners of his mouth twitched. These two people really have similar tastes, but Peng Fei and Zhutou Emperor are indeed indispensable combat forces. I'm afraid they will play a great role at that time.

At this moment, another person descended into the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. There were thirteen people in total. When everyone looked around, it was none other than Jiang Wushen. His face was still the same as when he was young, but his eyes However, it is full of a sense of vicissitudes. For Jiang Wushen, the loss of six thousand years of life is a serious injury. Everyone can see that Jiang Wushen's body is invisible, exuding the kind of twilight. gas.

But from his eyes, Xuanyuan saw a kind of firmness again, not being moved by others, not like a godly horse, and he came with Jiang Wushen through the air.

Behind Jiang Wushen, there are twelve extremely terrifying Taoist powerhouses. According to legend, the Taoist ancestors of the Jiang family had a very good relationship with Taoism. Among them, the twelve golden immortals are the most famous, and these twelve Taoist powerhouses, It is the disciple grandson of the Twelve Golden Immortals who unexpectedly appeared in Jiang's family and became an existence with super heritage.

In their hands, they all held all kinds of magic weapons, and Peng Fei's eyeballs almost fell out, he screamed: "Isn't that the 'Fan Tian Yin' and 'Bagua Immortal Clothes'? 'Yin Yang Mirror' 'Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes', 'Immortal Slashing Sword', 'Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover'..."

Peng Fei has seen many ancient books and is well-informed. He knows that among these Taoist sects, there are powerful magic weapons.

"Don't talk nonsense, these are all fakes refined by my master. They begged from my master with great difficulty. Now it seems that after such a long time, they have been refined to become stronger Now." Qian Duoduo walked out, and now she is in charge of the financial power of the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land', so naturally she should know about such a big event as soon as possible.

Qian Duoduo was holding the 'Gathering Dao Basin' in his hand, and saw that the eyeballs of the twelve Taoist masters almost fell to the ground. They hurriedly bowed to Qian Duoduo and said, "I have seen Master."

"Hmph, there is no distinction between men and women. Don't call me Shishu, call me Shigu." In fact, even women in the Taoist sect are called Shishu. Hearing Qian Duoduo reprimand them like this, the twelve People with super background can only touch their noses.

Daoist Duobao's master and the Twelve Golden Immortals' masters are brothers, and Taoist Duobao's seniority is similar to that of the Twelve Golden Immortals. Qian Duoduo is a generation older than them, so they naturally have to salute.

"Yes, Auntie."

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