Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1570 History of Ten Thousand Races

"Forget it, come up, what else can I do but submit?" After thinking about it for a while, the 'Ghost Dragon' weighed the pros and cons, but in the end there was no other way. Xuanyuan is standing on the same line. The Wu Clan, the 'Beidou Daomen' and the 'Longevity Daomen' don't have mounts, only the Sun family's 'Linglong Xianfu' has them. The 'Ghost Dragon' has a huge body and can hold so many horses. people.

Xuanyuan looked at the crowd and said: "You who don't have a mount, come to the 'Ghost Dragon'. As for Brother Duanfeng, let the 'Zhiyin Four Guards' join the 'Cloud Swallowing Beast' to use hidden tactics to cover up Our breath, cover our whereabouts, don't let people find out."

Almost at the same time, Xuanyuan also cast the "Wan Hua Dao Fa", trying his best to hide the aura of everyone.

At the same time, the four "cloud-swallowing beasts" swallowed thick black mist, and Xuanyuan and the others were also wrapped in darkness. From the center of Xuanyuan's eyebrows, the "eye of truth" was activated, with Xuanyuan's current strength Then activate the 'Eye of Reality' and cooperate with the 'Eye of Tongtian' to penetrate this dense layer of mist and see many things.

However, there was only darkness at the 'Mt. Tai Yukou', making it difficult to distinguish the direction. Xuanyuan looked at the 'Beidou Daomen'.

The 'Big Dipper Emperor' understood and waved his hand. The star swords on the backs of the seven old men behind him unsheathed and evolved into small stars, suspended above their heads, in the dark, interacting with the 'Big Dipper' Pulling, closely connected, in the darkness, seven small stars point out the direction for a group of people.

Xuanyuan looked at the 'Ghost Dragon' and said in a heavy voice, "All the way to the east."

"What, you kid don't want to go to the entrance gate of the 'Taishan Palace', right?" 'Ghost Dragon' was taken aback by Xuanyuan's words, and there was a kind of disbelief in his eyes, just because of them, How is it possible?

"You listen to me, carefully avoid some guards of the underworld along the way, so as not to be discovered by them." Xuanyuan explained cautiously.

The 'Ghost Dragon' was speechless, winding its huge body, heading towards the east of the 'Taishan Yukou'.

A group of people can feel that they are constantly sinking towards the 'Taishan Yukou'. During the sinking process, in the dark, a cold breath containing death penetrates into everyone's body At the beginning, I didn't feel how powerful this breath was, but as it continued to deepen, this terrifying Yin Qi intensified invisibly, like a tong attached to the bone, nibbling away at the human body bit by bit, I don't know Unknowingly it causes great harm, and it is difficult to disperse. If it continues, this terrifying yin energy will directly penetrate into the soul of the person, and eventually make the person die unexpectedly.

"So that's how it is." The 'Emperor of Three Lives' smiled slightly. Behind him, the super foundation of the past, present, and future three major Dao of Longevity exists. Immediately, he unfolded the Dao of Longevity, and a strong vitality of longevity filled everyone's body Within, those cold, death breaths were instantly melted away.

"The 'Lord of Order' really knows very well about the 'Underworld'. If there is no 'Lord of Order' this time, I'm afraid we will suffer heavy losses. The strength of the Underworld is too terrifying, and it is so mysterious. Our understanding of it , not much." Zhizhi sighed lightly, expressing her amazement at the 'Lord of Order'.

Tian Xingchang has been very silent. If we say that among the current clans, only the Wu clan knows about the underworld.

"It's a pity that the 'Lord of Order' is a scourge after all, and sooner or later it will threaten our survival." Behind the 'Big Dipper Emperor', an old man with super background said loudly.

"Using it well is a blessing, and using it poorly is a disaster. Mr. Kong Yuan has the knowledge of people and the wisdom of using people, so we have the vitality we have now. Don't be suspicious of these. Sealing the 'Taishan Yukou' is the right way. matter." In the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion', a goddess smiled gently, dissolving the discordant atmosphere.

It is true that Xuanyuan can control the 'Lord of Order', but this is an indisputable fact. What is there in him that defies the sky?

Xuanyuan was very silent along the way. The 'Lord of Order' in the hands of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was always a threat to the major forces, and it was only natural that others would be afraid.

"Boy, don't think so much. They think whatever they like, and it has nothing to do with you." The greedy old man laughed.

"Understood." Xuanyuan calmed down, and used his "eyes of truth" and "eyes of the sky" to search the four directions, for fear of any accidents, but just sank all the way, but gained nothing. The only gain was to feel This cloud of death has become even more powerful.

He finally understood why he didn't send heavy soldiers to guard this 'Taishan Yukou', because these breaths are enough to make ordinary intruders die invisible, just like boiling frogs in warm water, even if the seriousness of the problem is discovered in the end, it will be too late The general powerhouse who stepped into the realm of the ancient sage and the ancient emperor will perish.

Under the leadership of the 'ghost dragon', a group of people kept going deep into the 'Taishan Yukou'. Xuanyuan could feel that the death yin energy became more and more intense in all directions. Everyone can still feel the terrifying power contained in the death yin energy. Presumably there must be a powerful magic circle spread in the depths.

Xuanyuan's 'Eye of Reality' and 'Eye of Tongtian' never stopped along the way, he was watching all directions all the time, but unfortunately, he still didn't see anything.

"'Phantom Dragon', there are few guards from the underworld in this area." Xuanyuan dared not relax his vigilance and asked.

"'Taishan Palace' is very confident in its own strength. As early as a few months ago, many strong people in the 'Taishan Yukou' tore the broken seal, and it seems that 'Baopu Mountain' has emerged. It seems to be plotting something." The 'ghost dragon' has a certain status in the underworld, and is naturally no stranger to these things.

"What, someone from the 'Taishan Palace' came out of the 'Baopu Mountain'?" Xuanyuan was startled, and quickly asked: "Tell me, what is the strength of the 'Taishan Palace'?"

"'Taishan Palace'? I don't know, because even we can only wander in the 'Shanhai City' outside the domain gate leading to the 'Taishan Palace', and with my strength, I can't enter the domain gate entrance , not to mention entering the 'Taishan Palace', enough to enter the 'Taishan Palace', at least only the terrifying existence of your human race 'Xia Changqing' can enter it, and we are not qualified."'Ghost Dragon' said heavily.

"What, 'Xia Changqing'?" Xuanyuan was shocked, he didn't expect that 'Phantom Dragon' also knew about 'Xia Changqing'.

"Who is 'Xia Changqing', I have never heard of it." Sun Duanfeng raised his brows and looked at the 'ghost dragon'. You must know that the most outstanding existence of the human race is all concentrated in the prosperous age of the human race at the beginning of the ancient times. There is no one called 'Ghost Dragon' Xia Changqing'.

"That's right, hearing Brother Xuanyuan's tone, it seems that this 'Xia Changqing' has a great understanding, and seems to have a great background, why don't you let everyone hear it?"'Big Dipper Emperor' looked at Xuanyuan, He knew that there was a "Lord of Order" beside Xuanyuan, so he must be well-informed.

"In the ancient times, that is, the era when the 'Central China' was formed, Xia Changqing, a mortal body of the human race, broke through to the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor when he was eighteen years old, and refined the first-seeing heaven-level supreme Taoist weapon , 'Evergreen Immortal Tree', as long as it is under the cover of this supreme Taoist weapon, it is equivalent to having an immortal body. He was a young generation at that time, killing all invincible opponents in the world, and finally tore the void and ascended to the 'Great Origin'." Xuanyuan's every word, like Hong Zhong Dalu, is so deafening that many people find it unbelievable.

"The eighteen-year-old ancient emperor's five-layer realm is really amazing, and he is still in a mortal body. This sounds more like a myth." The "Sansheng Taoist" chuckled, but his eyes were full of surprise.

"It's so unbelievable. How powerful was the human race in the ancient times when the eighteen-year-old ancient emperor reached the fifth heaven?" Zhixie exclaimed.

"I don't know, because after that the 'Lord of Order' was plotted against, all races suffered heavy losses in order to assassinate the 'Lord of Order', only the Protoss were mostly spared, and then began a conquest of all races, starting from the ancient In the beginning, until the end of ancient times, after two ancient times, the immortal foundation of the gods was finally established. However, during this period, all the history about the ten thousand races became blank and wiped clean, as if the only gods in the world The only thing is that the others are all slaves of the gods, so it is said that the human race only appeared between the heaven and the earth in the ancient times. In fact, as early as the ancient times, all the races in the world existed, and now they are all leftovers from that time. "

Xuanyuan sighed a long time. I have to say that the ambition of the Protoss is great. Not to mention the unification of the "Central China", but also to cut off all the history that once existed. A large family will be killed. This behavior is unbearable. It made the thousands of people at that time feel deeply humiliated. It can only be passed on word of mouth. It is doomed to the ignorance of the younger generation, so until the end of the chaos, among the rising ancient royal families, at most they only knew some secrets about the chaos.

Some of this is passed down orally from generation to generation, and some seem to be recorded, but a small part that has not been destroyed. However, this information is all mastered by the most powerful ancient royal family. The clan, the 'Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan' clan and many other terrifying ancient royal families finally died out in the world due to various reasons. Even the Wu clan fell into a long silence and did not appear again. Among the tens of thousands of ancient races, there are even fewer people who know the history of the chaotic ancient times, let alone the human races that only rose at the beginning of the ancient times.

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