Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1586 Trees move to death, people move to live

"Hehe, Xuanyuan, you are indeed a great talent. They really didn't misunderstand you. You are indeed qualified to inherit the inheritance of my witch clan." An ancient witch in a gray witch robe spoke hoarsely to Xuanyuan. In one sentence, the tone is full of appreciation.

The speed of the 'Shanhai Palace Master' is fast. This ancient witch used secret techniques to lead everyone through the air. The speed is not slow, but he can't catch up for a while. When he catches up, everyone is afraid that they have already arrived "Taishan Yukou", Xuanyuan can see the space jumping non-stop, except that he will reach the realm of the ancient emperor one day, and he will be able to match this speed if he has a thorough understanding of "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu". Leading everyone to jump and cross together, the supernatural powers of the witch clan are really terrifying and incomprehensible.

"So that's how it is... I always thought that your strength is only in the realm of the ancient sages' fourth heaven." Xuanyuan suddenly came back to his senses, suddenly realized, and only then did he understand what their intentions were.

The strength of these nine ancient witches is all in the realm of the ancient sages and five heavens. They must be terrifying existences that survived the great war at the end of the chaos. This time they were all born. Sensual, observing Xuanyuan, and every move of the younger generation of emperors from various major forces.

This was a deliberate observation and test. Even when Xuanyuan was being hunted down, they were silent. They just wanted to see how Xuanyuan would respond in a desperate situation, and the result was very satisfying to them.

"Haha, what's the matter, the performance is not bad." Tian Xingchang looked at Xuanyuan and laughed loudly. When everyone knelt down and shouted the young master, Xuanyuan was really shocked.

"That's right, it confuses me." The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched.

"Haha, otherwise, how can we be fooled by the 'Shan Hai Palace Master', but having said that, the acting skills are not as good as you and the 'Goddess of Thorns', it really opened our eyes, haha, fairies, all the witches will test you It's over, we don't want to fight with them here, the 'Goddess of Thorns' is among them, if we fight desperately, we may hurt her, that's not good." Tian Xingchang said with a smile.

On the side, the 'Big Dipper Emperor' looked at the nine mysterious ancient witches with a bit of surprise on his face. He never imagined that these ancient witches around him were so terrifying that the witch clan would be defeated in the chaos of ancient times. At the end of the day, it is not unreasonable to become the head of all races.

The 'Three Lives Emperor' remained calm, as if he couldn't understand, and there was a hint of strangeness in the eyes of the past, present, and future three super-inherited figures. Could it be that in the end of the Dharma Era, the witches still have to To save the world? I don't know how much the Wu Clan has grown after so many years of precipitation. Among the 100,000 mountains, there is always a mystery. Countless people are more in awe of the 100,000 mountains.

"Okay." Xuanyuan naturally agreed with Tian Xingchang's statement, and soon, under Xuanyuan's guidance, a group of people flew out of the place where the 'Taishan Yukou' was located.

'Son of Hongmeng' raised his brows and breathed a sigh of relief. The risk Xuanyuan took this time was too great. He smiled and said: "Very well, you have finally returned safely. They are about to catch up. Kill them."

"No, let's retreat, don't forget, there are still thousands of terrifying existences of the Protoss, and there are also 'forbidden gods' ruled, it is impossible to suppress the underworld, it will only increase casualties, preserve the maximum strength, Introduce the people under your command into your own holy land to avoid casualties, no matter what, first evacuate here."

Xuanyuan made a judgment at the first time. The strength of the gods is definitely more than this, and there must be more terrifying existences that have not been born. The existence of the nine ancient saints and the fifth heaven of the witches, let alone the existence of the nine ancient saints and five heavens The protoss of the three eras of barren ancient times, ancient times, and chaotic ancient times? Everything is definitely not as simple as it seems.

Xuanyuan's incarnation was directly integrated into his real body.

There was a trace of resignation in the eyes of the 'Son of Primordial Meng', but he didn't say much, indeed, Xuanyuan was right.

"Listen to you." Under the support of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' and the supreme Taoist body of all the saints, Xuanyuan and his party quickly retreated to the center of 'Baopu Mountain'. Xuanyuan looked at Zhizhi, only Seeing that her complexion is very good, and her strength has also improved, it must be the magical effect of Pengfei's supreme liquid.

The 'Lord of Order' nodded repeatedly, and said: "Okay, 'Megatron' can be withdrawn, Ao Fan, prepare yourself so that the other eight major forces can retreat safely, and there is no need to suppress them. I feel that there are several strong men in the Protoss The seal is broken, and if they intervene at that time, we will not be able to fight, now is not the time to fight recklessly."

Talking here, through the invincible restriction of 'Megatron Eight Directions', can be heard. The hearts of the powerhouses of the eight major forces sank, and they didn't say much. After all, there is still no way to suppress the underworld.

Xuanyuan looked at the 'Son of Hongmeng', and asked solemnly: "Can you tell me, what is being suppressed under the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'?"

'Son of Hongmeng' closed his eyes, and sighed softly: "Forget it, they are the strong men of the 'Heavenly Court'. After expelling them from the 'Heavenly Court' that day, my father created a place called 'Hongmeng Immortal Mansion' , let them enter it, today, they have become more and more powerful, the overall strength of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' has weakened, it is difficult to suppress them, if not under the 'Hongmeng Immortal Mansion' If you want to suppress a behemoth called the Xiezu and check and balance with the 'Heavenly Court', I'm afraid they will break the seal a long time ago."

"What! The powerhouse of the 'Heavenly Court'!" Everyone of the major forces present had an expression of shock that could not be concealed. This kind of big hand was probably made by the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' and the 'Princes and Hundred Saints'. No one else knows the shocking secret, not even the 'Nanwu Emperor', who is the successor of the 'Nanshengtiandi'.

"The evil clan, this clan is very powerful. Hehe, it has some connection with the witch clan." The corner of the 'Lord of Order''s mouth drew an evil smile.

Everyone looked at the strong man in the witch clan, and saw an ancient witch wearing a purple witch robe coming out, saying: "Yes, the evil clan is my witch clan, some rebels and the evil clan outside the sky Combined, they are using poison and spells to dominate the world, and they have existed since ancient times, which is equivalent to your human race's current 'six paths of reincarnation' and 'immortality'."

"I think Mrs. Liu is also at fault for this matter." The woman in the blue witch robe said softly.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things. I didn't expect that there would be such intricate forces in the 'Central China'. 'Son of the Primordial Mist', what are you going to do?" Xuanyuan looked at the 'Son of the Primordial Mist' with a serious expression on his face. His decision is the direction of hundreds of millions of people in the "Central Province Dynasty".

"Stick to the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', after all, this is the immortal foundation created by my father." 'Son of Hongmeng' said slowly.

"Then how can you be worthy of the people of the 'Central State Dynasty'? Let's quit the 'Central China'?" Xuanyuan suggested.

"What, quit the 'Central China'? What do you mean by that?" The 'Son of Hongmeng' frowned. His father's immortal achievements in creating this piece of heaven and earth were now about to be destroyed in his own hands, so he was naturally not very willing.

"Trees move to death, people move to live, as long as we live, the human race will always be there, if we die, the human race will never be able to turn around, the overall situation is settled, it depends on what you think, I believe that the 'Hongmeng emperor' It is still possible to tell the difference between the importance and the wisdom." Xuanyuan did not expect that the situation in the "Central China" would develop to this point, the underworld, the "Heavenly Court", and the evil race, this was something he had never thought of before. He was caught off guard.

"I think what Xuanyuan said makes sense. Back then, the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' and all the sages created a 'All Saints Kingdom' as a place of refuge for the people under his jurisdiction when a catastrophe occurred in the 'Central China'. Use it, don't disappoint what your father has passed down." The 'Lord of Order' who was on the side also gave some kind words of persuasion.

"Will the 'Halloween Kingdom' still use it in the end?" The 'Son of Primordial Mist' was indeed able to see the general situation clearly, and felt quite helpless in his heart. Up to now, he could only do so.

"Forget it, the lives of the common people in the world are important, and I don't want to go against the sky."

Xuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Ao Fan, Guan Zizai and others, and asked: "What about you? What are you going to do? Now it seems that even the ancient royal family's position is difficult to defend. I already feel that Going to the underworld and the ambitions of the Protoss, especially if the 'Heavenly Court' and the Evil Clan can't be suppressed, the 'Central China' will be in a different situation."

Ao Fan thought for a moment, and said: "I will lead the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Clan' and settle in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there is no other choice."

Guan Zizai was silent for a moment, and said: "Now China is in chaos, the heaven and the earth are in turmoil, and I, the 'Xuanhu Royal Family', can only take care of myself, so let's stay in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'."

Before this, both the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Clan' and the 'Xuanhu Royal Clan' had sent some elites to enter the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

"Okay, I, 'Qinglong Holy Land', welcome of course."

As soon as Xuanyuan's words fell, at this moment, the 'Shanhai Palace Master' led a group of terrifying existences, killed them, and they were so angry that they were about to go crazy. They lost so much combat power. Please come out from the reclusive figure, the 'Shanhai Palace Master' looked at Xuanyuan and his party, the Protoss moved!

At this moment, the "Lord of Order" gave an order, and from the direction of the eight trigrams, the eight gods returned through the air without any casualties. However, after several days of continuous fighting, their expressions also seemed a little tired. After all, they The enemy is not a star and a half, if there is no invincible restriction of 'Megatron', it is impossible for them to resist.

The situation in 'Baopu Mountain' is very tense, and a war may break out at any time, and no one knows what the outcome will be.

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