Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1601 A group of ghosts dancing wildly

Unexpectedly, 'Shi Ting', 'Qi Zong' and 'Xuan Zong' are all so ambitious. After so many years, they have been planning, are they just waiting for the 'Central Shenzhou' to change? If that's the case, there's really nothing to say.

Xuanyuan fell silent when he heard the words. He looked at Jiang Yan and said, "It seems that Miss Jiang Yan is also planning to stay in my 'Qinglong Holy Land'."

"Why? Don't you welcome it?" Jiang Yan raised the corners of her mouth, her eyes were compassionate, and the'six-toothed white elephant' under her swung its long trunk and curled it around. 'It gives people the feeling that it is full of spirituality, as if they can understand the world.

"Naturally welcome, well, since that's the case, let's go in the direction of the 'East China Sea'. After receiving and guiding the casual practitioners, we will set off for the Shiwan Dashan. It's time to leave." Xuanyuan gave an order, and immediately There was a trace of determination in his eyes.

The Pig-headed Emperor immediately mobilized the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' and headed in the direction of the 'Eastern Sea Region'.

"My family, I like Xuanyuan like this the most. It's so handsome." The voice of the 'Nine-tailed Fox Fairy' at the side was sweet and attractive, and everyone rolled their eyes. Inside the 'Blue Dragon Palace', it was out of tune with everyone.

On the 'Blue Dragon Hall', a mysterious mirror manifested the appearance of the 'Central Divine State'. Now in this piece of land, both the human race and the ancient royal family have evacuated a large area, and there is more depression. Looking around There are no people living there, and there are only some old people left, people who don't want to leave their homeland.

Just when the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' was traveling to Dongzhou, the roar of a green dragon pierced through the Nine Heavens, and spread thousands of miles away, shocking people's hearts.

On the mysterious mirror, it immediately manifested the location of the "Land of Green Underworld", and saw a green dragon with a size of one hundred and eight thousand miles, meandering its huge body, straight to the sky, breaking into the clouds.

Xuanyuan's heart trembled, remembering what the 'Qing Ming Huang' said to him before, to activate the Qinglong, this should mean that Senior Qinglong refined his body into a supreme Taoist weapon and handed it over to the 'Qing Ming Royal Clan'.

Yiyi stood on the 'Qinglong Palace', silently looked at the Qinglong that was charging straight up, and saluted. In his eyes, there was trust and expectation for his brother.

The huge green dragon seemed to have sensed something, and after looking back, it turned into a blue light and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"'Qing Minghuang' is an amazing person. One day, you brothers will meet again. I hope that your achievements will surpass him." Xuanyuan said to Yiyi.

"Well, when I see my eldest brother again in the future, I will definitely surpass him and live up to his expectations." Yiyi's voice was very firm, holding the 'Qingming Excalibur' in his hand, this is the 'Qingminghuang' to him. The biggest expectation is that after Xiang Liuli improved his physique with the secret medicine, Yiyi is now practicing and progressing very fast, and his physical body is beyond ordinary. Only Xiang Liuli knows what medicine was given to Yiyi.

"It's good to have confidence." Xuanyuan patted Yiyi on the shoulder, and looked at other places. Sure enough, some ancient tribes had evacuated one after another. They were afraid of being attacked by the underworld, the heavens, and the gods. Protoss, some of them turned to the remaining four royal families.

The four characters of the "Holy Lin Royal Family", "The Immortal Royal Family", "Swallowing Heaven Royal Family" and "Ancient Sword Royal Family" gathered together and looked at the direction where the "Swallowing Immortal Mansion" left, and the "Sacred Lin Emperor" was the first spoke up:

"Why didn't you put forward your own ideas this time? We each put a group of elites in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Does no one want to keep that group of people?"

"That's right, that group of people is indeed elite, but their sense of guarding is too strong, and they are all influenced by the masters and saints of the past, and their status in the clan is very high. Sometimes their thoughts will only Interfering with our actions is the best chance for my ancient royal family to turn around when the world is in turmoil." The 'Undead Emperor' laughed and said: "Those people you have arranged in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are all They are people who usually disagree with you, don’t think I don’t know, that’s good, on the one hand, it can sell Xuanyuan’s favor, on the other hand, it will also help us control the royal family itself.”

"Haha, everyone has the same idea. These old guys are loyal to the royal family. Sometimes their opinions are hard to refute. Sending them to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' saves us a lot of trouble. Now this 'Central China' Our land will be ours in the future." Lu Ya of the 'Ancient Sword Royal Family' said heavily.

"It's natural. Our four royal families, with their blood as an alliance, advance together and retreat together. We will definitely fight for a piece of the world in the 'Central China'. As for them, they can be regarded as leaving a trace of blood for our four royal families."'Tun The Son of Heaven' looked at the direction where the 'Qinglong Holy Land' left, and his voice was very firm. After all, they could also understand that if this move is not successful, they will become benevolent. Consider inheritance.

"Okay, we must kill a piece of heaven and earth!" All the emperors of the royal family shouted in unison.

"How should we deal with the fierce gods who are suppressing in our forbidden areas?" At this moment, the 'Tiantian Dizi' raised the question that everyone should worry about first. This is indeed the biggest problem. These fierce gods are extremely terrifying. Like a time bomb, it may explode at any time, causing great losses to them.

"The seal restriction of the human race can still be suppressed for a while. Let's start anew, abandon our ancestral land, and find a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. How about recuperating and getting ready for attack?" 'Emperor Shenglin' ​​looked at everyone and said peacefully .

"This method is feasible. There is really no other better way for us now. If we want to kill these fierce gods, we will probably lose the heaven-level supreme Dao weapon. Let them deal with the underworld, heaven, and even the gods. There must be someone from the evil clan." Lu Ya said in a deep voice.

"The so-called places that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, where should we choose?" "Immortal Emperor" raised the question that everyone was thinking about. The choice of land is extremely important, and it is related to the life and death of the four ancient royal families.

"Sea of ​​Bitterness." Obviously, the 'Tiantiandizi' has been studied for a long time. In the 'Central China' there are Beihai, Donghai, and South China Sea. Only the sea in Xizhou is called the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. It is not without reason. According to legend, many people If you want to get a glimpse of the law of longevity from here, you can see the mystery of this place, and the sea of ​​suffering is boundless. If others are interested, it is difficult to find their location. near.

"Okay." Hearing the words, the emperors were suddenly enlightened and nodded repeatedly.

The 'East China Sea', the surrounding area of ​​'Wanxian Island', 'Shanglong Mountain', 'Wutian Temple', and 'Little Penglai Island' have all been assembled.

Three days have passed, and it took some time for the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to attract the major forces.

It was already the fourth day, and seeing that the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' hadn't come yet, some people raised doubts on the spot.

"The 'Qinglong Holy Land' missed the appointment, we were all deceived."

"No, something must have happened. Xuanyuan will not break his promise. Wait a little longer. If he wants to give up on us, he doesn't need to help us that day. Maybe something happened." Ye No dual channels.

"That's right, you can't be wrong to listen to Master Ye." Immediately, the island owner of 'Little Penglai Island' also echoed his words. At this time, people's hearts should not be confused. Once various suspicions arise, all kinds of panic will arise, and Everyone can feel that Ye Wushuang has a very close relationship with Xuanyuan.

However, at this moment, a black wind suddenly swept across the sky, covering the nine heavens and ten places. The leader was the "Eight Seal Ghost King" whose strength was at the peak of the ancient sage's fourth heaven. , falling from the sky.

"So that's what happened. I thought that the 'Nine-tailed Fox Fairy' had already integrated all the major forces in the East China Sea. It turned out that she and herself would be involved in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. I really didn't expect that this It's beyond our expectation that a woman would do such a thing." There was a trace of coldness in the eyes of the 'Bafeng Ghost King', which made people feel chilly. Holding a scroll of paintings, this is a supreme Taoist weapon, "Ghosts dancing wildly", which contains extremely terrifying killing power.

"What do you want?" The master of the "Five Heavens Temple" frowned and said.

"Dare to talk to me like that, are you courting death?" The voice of 'Bafeng Ghost King' was full of murderous intent, and the chill in the syllables made people tremble all over.

"Then you can give it a try. The various forces in the 'East China Sea' have been able to stand in this world for such a long time. Naturally, we have our background. Don't make yourself feel bad." The owner of the 'Shanglong Mountain' is very upset To be polite, it is true that 'Shanglong Mountain' also has its own background, but it cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Haha, you guys are very arrogant. People of the 'Nine-Tailed Fox Fairy', do you want to surrender to this old man, or die with them? Choose yourself, and I will give you a quarter of an hour to think about it." In his eyes, he seemed to be looking at a group of dying ants. The subordinates of the 'Nine-Tailed Fox Fairy' looked at each other, and within a quarter of an hour, five thousand out of ten thousand were in the camp of the 'Eight Sealed Ghost King' .

Loose cultivators have no family or sect, and a large part of them only pay attention to their own personal interests. Naturally, they don't want to die, and the only key is that they can get promoted.

The remaining part is the confidant of the 'Nine-tailed Fox Immortal' who has been developing for many years. They still stick to their respective positions. It can be seen that the 'Nine-tailed Fox Immortal' also has its own unique charm.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone knew that the 'Bafeng Ghost King' was going to attack them...

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