Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1608 Poisonous Spider Silk Formation

It has to be said that at critical moments, many things still depend on the 'Lord of Order'. There is no doubt that he is the one who has the strongest law of the Dao among all the people present. He is invincible in the same realm and can also be used in ' On the body of the "Lord of Order", even if it is the existence of those ancient sages of the Witch Clan, even if it is against the "Lord of Order", it will be quite difficult. In charge of the "God of Order", this kind of innately powerful , It is difficult to make up for just one big realm higher.

Of course, how to cooperate with the Supreme Dao Artifact is another matter, at least the "Lord of Order" has not yet had his own Supreme Dao Artifact.

Presumably his own treasure was suppressed along with his true self. Xuanyuan was very curious about how powerful the "Lord of Order" was at its peak. He really wanted to know what the world was like in the ancient times Yes, how powerful it is.

In addition, the 'Lord of Order' is also the person who knows the most, an old monster who has lived for countless years, and is almost immortal. This is why Xuanyuan wants to bet on the 'Lord of Order'.

The existence of the "Lord of Order" itself is equivalent to a supreme treasure house combining wisdom and strength, which can benefit oneself too much. If you want to get something, you have to pay something. Benefits and risks match each other.

This double-edged sword is used well and has endless benefits.

"Okay, for the sake of your begging eyes, this deity will make a move once, and let you see how powerful this deity is." The 'Lord of Order' smiled proudly, and spat out a very thin line from his fingertips. The God of Order is like a thread, but it has a terrifying power that can cut everything.

Under the eyes of everyone, I saw this silk thread fall on the 'Fu Dao lock', put on the self-locking sleeve, and began to be cut bit by bit, and the 'God of Order' eroded everything. Although the speed is not fast, it can indeed correct Fu Daosuo' caused great damage, and 'Lord of Order' obviously didn't use all his strength, so he was very leisurely and didn't take it seriously.

After a while, the 'Fu Daosuo' was directly cut in half, Zhutou Dadi and Peng Fei shot very quickly and caught it at the same time, even if the damaged 'Fu Daosuo' was still of great value, it could be used as a refining The main material of the Supreme Dao Artifact strengthens the Supreme Dao Artifact's resistance to the myriad ways of heaven and earth.

"Damn it, fatty, let go of your trotters, this 'Fu Daosuo' belongs to me." The pig-headed emperor kicked Peng Fei's ass. Although the kick was not heavy, it was not light either.

"Damn it, pig head, you're so ungrateful, do you still want me to take you to rob the tomb next time?" Peng Fei's face turned green, grinning from the pain, obviously not as strong as the pig head emperor , Seeing that 'Fudaosuo' was about to be robbed.

At this moment, Xuanyuan exploded with thirteen times the combat power, and couldn't reach the defense, snatched the 'Fu Daosuo' from their hands, immediately put it into the 'Swallowing Wanhua Dao Tool', and said to the two: " This kind of treasure is useless to you, I will give it back to Duoduo, and it will be more effective."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan threw Peng Fei and the Emperor Zhutou a "Xian Lingyuan Mountain" each and said: "Just let me make up for you, okay, don't thank me."

"Fuck..." Zhu Tou Dadi and Peng Fei turned green immediately, and everyone laughed.

Xuanyuan led the crowd and pushed open the gate of the 'Wanbao Palace'.

This "Wanbaodian" contains the world of heaven and earth, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles. Because the whole hall is inverted, the floor is above the head when entering, and the bottom is bottomless under the feet. In the box, they were all floating in mid-air, as if they were fixed, and the number was surprising. Peng Fei was so excited that he was trembling all over, and his saliva dripped all over the floor, soaking his shoes.

The pig-headed emperor's eyes glowed green, and he was about to rush in. After all, Xuanyuan was the Holy Lord of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', so he had to endure it to maintain his demeanor.

At this moment, a "God of Order" lay in front of everyone, and the pig-headed emperor stared at his eyes, and said angrily, "Damn it, do you want to swallow the Lord of Order alone? The restriction was opened, the 'Fudao lock' was opened, but the location here is what we were looking for, and it is impossible to monopolize it."

"Unless you want to die, just go in if you want to." The 'Lord of Order' withdrew the 'God of Order' and invited the pig-headed emperor and Peng Fei to enter. A piece of cake.

Regarding the issue of life and death, the Pig-headed Emperor and Peng Fei became very cautious, and the two looked at each other. Obviously, if there was nothing real, the "Lord of Order" probably wouldn't say so.

The pig-headed emperor snorted coldly: "Don't be afraid, let me try and see who you want to bluff."

I saw that the pig-headed emperor took out a restraint from his arms and activated it instantly. This is a puppet restraint. A puppet whose strength is at the first level of the ancient sage was derived. , it walked into the Wanbao Hall under the idea of ​​the Pig-headed Emperor.

It was only within a distance of ten feet that he could see that his body had been cut into dozens of pieces, and thick poisonous gas was emitting from the edge of the wound, which melted clean in the snap of his fingers.

When everyone saw it, they were shocked: "What is this?"

Xuanyuan frowned tightly. He opened it with the "Eye of Reality", only to find that the entire "Wanbao Palace" was covered with dense silk threads, intertwined back and forth. Contains highly poisonous, touching it will kill you. These silk threads can cause harm even to the existence of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven realm.

The 'Lord of Order' said coldly: "This is the natal spider silk spit out by the 'Dao Poison God Spider', which has been tempered thousands of times. The "Poisonous Spider Silk Formation" formed by the interweaving of 6 million spider silks, those with strong strength, who are involved in the "Poisonous Spider Silk Formation", will be entangled by billions of spider silks, unable to escape, and finally eroded by the poison And die, weak people, this is the end in front of them, and the "poisonous spider silk formation" in the "Wanbao Hall" can kill the ancient emperor, ancient sage, and fifth-layer powerhouse, it should be set up by them jointly. Organ array."

"What, so scary?" Even the fearless 'Dou Zhan Buddha' couldn't help but feel hairy all over his body.

"But it also confirms a problem from the side. There are many precious treasures in this 'Hall of Treasures'." Xuanyuan said in a deep voice.

"It's so difficult, just chop these spider threads." Wu Mingtian sat on the big crab and said carelessly.

"Indeed, it's not difficult to destroy these spider silks by attacking them with the supreme Dao weapon." Tian Xingchang said.

"Then you can try it, but if it's just the consequences, you will have to bear it." The 'Lord of Order' shrugged and stepped aside, intending to let Tian Xingchang have a go.

Tian Xingchang frowned, paused, and said, "The 'Lord of Order' is well-informed, so what will happen if you talk about it."

"At the end of these spider threads, there is a 'shocking bell'. As long as the spider threads are forcibly attacked, the bell will ring, which can be heard for tens of thousands of miles." The 'Lord of Order' said lightly.

The people present were amazed when they heard the words. The methods of the Protoss were intertwined, which was unexpected. Only a well-informed old monster like the 'Lord of Order' could know so thoroughly.

"Then this matter can only be handled by the 'Lord of Order'." Tian Xingchang didn't say any more, but luckily he didn't add to the confusion.

"I can't deal with this matter. Although this 'poisonous spider silk array' is powerful, it also has a fatal flaw, that is, it can hold tangible things, but not invisible things. Presumably they think that 'V Dao lock' is difficult even for them to break open by force, this door can also block the invasion of the soul body, so there is no work on the 'Dao poisonous spider silk array'."

The 'Lord of Order' looked at Xuanyuan and said: "No matter how powerful the magic circle is, there will be a switch. One of the switches is in the hands of the person in charge of the 'Wanbao Hall', and the other is in the 'Wanbao Hall'. , you can use the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" to turn off the switch."

Xuanyuan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately said: "Of course there is no problem."

"But the time is limited. The 'Wanbaodian' has been opened by someone now, and it will always be discovered. If you can't find the switch of the organ magic circle in a short time, then it is meaningless."'Order Lord of the Heavens' looked indifferent. For him, what kind of natural materials and earthly treasures he has never seen before. Originally, he was an amazing existence in the "Origin of Hongmeng". This so-called "Wanbao Palace" can let him see There are obviously not many things that are eye-catching.

However, he really admires the bold creativity of the main cannon of 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion', which is indeed terrifying in this respect. Without any suspense, in his opinion, the only valuable thing for these treasures of heaven and earth in the 'Wanbao Palace' is to refine them into the three main cannons to enhance the power of the 'Wanhuashen Cannon'.

The 'Lord of Order' is looking forward to how powerful the three main cannons will grow. The 'Emperor Devourer' is an extremely difficult character. If he can step into the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, he will definitely surpass the 'Emperor Hongmeng'. ', there is no doubt that the 'Lord of Order' felt that the 'Swallowing Emperor' was abnormally strong, and it may have a lot to do with the 'Wanhua Shengdi' of 'Origin of the Grand Mist', which is why he helped The reason for Xuanyuan.

"Xuanyuan, don't worry, safety comes first. I will use the method of 'Crossing the Sea' to show that the 'Wanbao Palace' is safe and sound." At this moment, Sun Duanfeng stood up and saw the Sun Shengdao counted, and breathed out a flash of spiritual light, and the door of the 'Wanbao Hall' that had been opened was closed again immediately, and the restriction that had been cut open was closed again.

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