Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1611 Li Daitao stiff

Seeing Xuanyuan being bound by the Dao Cage, the 'You Sha Ghost Iron' seemed to be struck by lightning, and it was so frightened that its soul was almost gone. This meant that once Xuanyuan was caught by the gods, its future would also be destroyed if it was executed.

"I don't know. There are several people in charge of the 'Wanbaodian'. I didn't expect them to leave behind such a backhand. Maybe they are used to calculate the enemy. This is the first time since the 'Wanbaodian' was opened. We don’t know that there will be such a mechanism when we activate the magic circle from inside.” As soon as the 'You Sha Gui Tie' finished speaking, he said: "Now my life is closely connected with you, you think I am willing to have this happen. Kind of thing? Hurry up and find a way to get out! You want to die, but I don’t want to die. I have gone through countless years, and finally I can transform into a human being. Do you know how long I have been waiting for that day?"

Xuanyuan fell into silence. Indeed, if "You Sha Gui Tie" wanted to harm him, there was no need to involve himself in it. It can only be said that the God Race's thoughts were too meticulous, and he was also to blame for being too careless.

Just before the 'Wanbao Hall', 'Dou Zhan Buddha' saw the spider threads pulling away one after another, and said in a heavy voice, "Quickly, take away these treasures of heaven and earth."

The pig-headed emperor laughed out loud. Thirty-six terrifying black holes appeared around him, devouring those treasures that flew autonomously and wanted to leave the 'Hall of Treasures' one after another. Their sudden rush caught many treasures of heaven and earth by surprise. , those spider silks are not only used to prevent intruders, but also to prevent these treasures, once they want to escape from being entangled by the spider silk, and want to struggle, they will pull the 'shocking clock', When the protoss powerhouses arrive, there is only one end for them, that is, to be refined. When the 'Wanbaodian' was first built, there were many spirits in heaven and earth who did not believe in evil, but the final result is obvious.

In the 'Wanbao Hall', countless treasures of heaven, materials and earth are suspended, exhaling a majestic breath, Peng Fei's eyes almost fell off the ground, watching the speed at which the pig-headed emperor collected the treasures of heaven, materials and earth made the corners of Pengfei's lips twitch. Convulsions, Xuanyuan's deity made Pengfei unbearably twitched all over his body, seventy-two black holes swallowed, and in a short while, I don't know how many treasures of heaven and earth were collected into the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact" .

At this time, everyone understood why the "Emperor Devourer" had such strong financial resources. Xuanyuan could see the shadow of the "Emperor Devourer" back then. He was simply a tiger man. With Bao's speed, it's hard not to get rich.

Others also used their own means to collect all the treasures of heaven and earth in the 'Wanbao Hall' into their own supreme Taoist artifacts. After all, the 'Wanbao Hall' is so big that it occupies a square radius Thousands of miles away, and how many treasures there are in this world, the number can be imagined.

However, when everyone was in the 'Wanbao Hall', they found that Xuanyuan's soul was locked in a cage of the Great Dao.

"Brother Xuanyuan, what's going on, you didn't say anything about your soul being imprisoned?" Sun Duanfeng looked at Xuanyuan's true self, he looked at this great way cage, and felt that it was not simple, and definitely not easy to open.

"It's okay, it's important to take away these treasures of heaven and earth. This cage of the avenue is hard to break. 'Lord of Order', you come to think of a way. No one else can figure it out except you." Xuanyuan looked at 'Order' "Lord of the Great Dao", this cage of the Dao is extremely terrifying, with all kinds of shackles, even Xuanyuan can't get out with "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu".

"Boy, if the deity is in the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, it would not be difficult to saw through this cage of the Great Dao, but now I am only in the realm of the Fourth Heaven. The main material for making the Supreme Dao Artifact is jointly refined with the existence of twelve ancient emperors in the fifth heaven realm, no matter how powerful this deity is, there is no way to saw it open." 'Lord of Order' The look on his face was very melancholy, he never calculated that the Protoss would actually keep a hand here.

"Then what should we do now?" Xuanyuan frowned, and said, "Can't you split it with the Supreme Dao weapon?"

"Unless you kid wants to die, your soul can't bear the fluctuations of the Supreme Dao Artifact. Once the cage of the Great Dao is attacked, the people in the cage must bear the waves of the Supreme Dao. It’s really not ordinary ruthlessness. It seems that various possibilities have been thought of long ago. The above depictions of the avenue patterns are incomprehensible to ordinary people. It may not be able to split." The 'Lord of Order' didn't dare to act rashly, he watched the depiction on the cage of the avenue.

"The rest of you don't watch here, first collect all the treasures of this world, I will find another way here." Xuanyuan looked at the crowd and said heavily.

"Yes." Xuanyuan is the master of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', they can only obey, and they also understand that Xuanyuan is focusing on the overall situation, even Xuanyuan's real deity has not stopped.

Two hours later, the 'Wanbao Palace' with a radius of thousands of miles was almost completely swept away, without any omissions, even the 'Shocking Clock' hanging untouched was pulled away by the pig-headed emperor. Even Peng Fei sighed that he was inferior, seniors are seniors after all, Jiang is still old and spicy.

Everyone returned to the place where Xuanyuan was located. The ancient witch inherited from the Xingtian clan held a small relative and said, "Let me try to see if I can split it? Without using the power of the Dao, use pure strength."

"No, even if you don't use the Dao, if you strike down with an axe, this Dao cage will transfer 90% of your attacking power to Xuanyuan's soul. He can't bear the fluctuation of this blow. It's extremely mysterious, and it's very nerve-wracking to do it intentionally." The 'Lord of Order' was very helpless, and never thought that Xuanyuan would be planted here.

"Forget it, my main body still has a ray of soul. After some time, I can always cultivate the three souls and seven souls to perfection. Don't implicate everyone, just leave." Xuanyuan's soul said.

"What kind of green onion are you kid? If your soul is gone, it will be gone. The key is that your soul holds countless secrets of the human race. The things that mend the sky that are suppressed in your soul are all treasures. How can you throw them away? Among the protoss, even if you want to blew your soul, this great cage can keep your soul alive, as long as they refine it one by one, they can get the information they want from it." The 'Lord of Order' rolled his eyes, Xuanyuan I really don't know the severity.

"Then what can be done?" The pig-headed emperor at the side was also anxious, Xuanyuan's soul was indeed crucial.

"Yeah, aren't you the 'Lord of Order' who knows everything? You won't let us go, and you want to save Xuanyuan, so you can come up with a way?" Peng Fei was also a little anxious.

The 'Lord of Order' pondered for a moment, looked at Sun Duanfeng, and said, "The only thing that can save you now is the Sun family's means."

Sun Duanfeng was taken aback, and said: "What's the explanation? Please 'Lord of Order' make it clear that I also want to save Brother Xuanyuan, no matter what price I pay."

"In Sun Shengdaoji, there is a plan called Li Daitao Zombie, let Xuanyuan deity evolve into an incarnation, to see if he can replace his soul, but the price is that Sun Shengdaoji will be left in the Dao cage together. , I just don’t know if you can sacrifice.” The 'Lord of Order' looked at Sun Duanfeng.

"Okay." Sun Duanfeng agreed without thinking about it.

"Brother Duanfeng, the 'Sun Shengdao Ji' is the supreme Dao weapon inherited by the Sun family. If you keep the 'Sun Shengdao Ji' here, I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction among many people in the Sun family." Xuanyuan wanted to refuse, How could the inheritance of the Sun family be lost among the gods because of him.

"It doesn't matter, brother Xuanyuan, just think you owe me a favor. 'Sun Shengdao Ji' is dead, but people are alive. As long as Brother Xuanyuan's soul can be rescued, 'Sun Shengdao Ji' will return to the Sun family sooner or later. Moreover, the mere Sun Shengdao calculation is nothing compared to the many ancient techniques mastered by Brother Xuanyuan, the secrets of the human race, and the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of living beings." Sun Duanfeng did not allow Xuanyuan to refuse, and said: "Brother Xuanyuan, don't say anything more , quickly evolve into an avatar, everyone must leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible."

Xuanyuan stopped talking nonsense, and walked out of an incarnation from his true deity, the 'Lord of Order' confessed: "It is enough for you to use your soul to evolve to be the same as your Dao body breath, and your actions must Synchronize."

"Okay." Seeing that Xuanyuan's soul had also begun to evolve into a flesh and blood body, he looked at Sun Duanfeng and said, "Okay!"

Sun Duanfeng urged with all his strength to let Xuanyuan's incarnation hold the "Sun Shengdao Strategy" and instill his own fighting spirit into it. On one page of the "Sun Shengdao Strategy", there were painted a peach tree and a plum tree, Mysterious and profound.

Accompanied by Sun Duanfeng's stern shout: "Li Daitao is stiff!"

Two beams of brilliance spewed out from the 'Sun Shengdao Ji' and merged into the cage of the avenue. A mysterious force opened up two portals on the cage of the avenue. The 'Lord of Order' said to Xuanyuan: "You The incarnation of your soul goes in through Limen, and your soul comes out from Taomen, but don't try to bring out the 'Sun Shengdao Ji', otherwise you will be beaten."

Xuanyuan didn't say any more, the power erupted by the "Sun Shengdao Ji" was even stronger, and the two gates of peach and plum were opened up even bigger.

I saw Xuanyuan's soul synchronized with the avatar, one in and one out, and when Xuanyuan's soul came out, the avatar also walked in.

The avenue cage didn't reflect at all from the beginning to the end, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Xuanyuan looked at the 'Sun Shengdaoji' in the avenue cage, still a little unwilling, looked at the 'Lord of Order' and said: "Is it possible? You must keep the 'Sun Shengdao' in it? This is the supreme inheritance of the Sun family!"

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