Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1618 South Yan City

The medical skills of the 'Xuanhu Royal Family' are extremely superb. At the beginning of the ancient times, the 'Xuanhu Royal Family' has always healed the weak when there were disputes among thousands of races. Until the rise of the human race, the two sides started a war. There are countless blessings, so among the ancient royal families, they have a reputation no less than that of "Linglong Xianfu". In terms of the means of treating war wounds, the "Xuanhu Royal Family" has their own unique methods, because they have healed too many. up.

I saw that as soon as the strong men of the 'Xuanhu Royal Family' made a move, many seriously injured warriors of all races recovered at an extremely fast speed, and they no longer felt pain. Among the wounded healers, there are many people with super backgrounds. Many people of ten thousand races treat their wounds with such strength, which makes them flattered. For them, these are extremely extraordinary figures. Generally speaking, they are He will not take it easy to heal people.

In the 'Qinglong Holy Land', densely packed and crowded, there are a lot of refugees in 'Nanyan Xianzhou', even if the Sun family and the Shangguan family give up their military tents, it is just a drop in the bucket, looking at the countless soldiers of the Sun family and Shangguan family , Build temporary shelters for the people of Limin in 'Nanyan Xianzhou', and conduct patrols, or appease the Limin people who are in panic, sadness, and despair, and guard them.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xuanyuan sighed, and said to Sun Duanfeng and Shangguan Feiyan beside him: "It's been hard work for the two soldiers, since they entered the 'Qinglong Holy Land', they have been stationed all the time. Giving up my place of residence really makes me feel bad."

"Haha, what's the matter, as soldiers, this is what they should do. Brother Xuanyuan said so, it is polite. Soldiers, they are proud to protect the people of Li. They are the soldiers of the people of the world." Sun Duanfeng waved In his opinion, this is the value of military strategists. Without these unarmed civilians, military strategists have no meaning of existence. Soldiers are civilians, and civilians are soldiers. There is something common in their bodies. of blood.

"Brother Sun is right. It is true. This is the embodiment of the value of military strategists. Everyone will have parents, wives and children. Since they are their own people, they can sacrifice for them, let alone doing these trivial things. Brother Xuanyuan Don't take it to heart." On the side, Shangguan Feiyan smiled peacefully, this time, they fought a battle and wiped out a large army of the God Race, which was almost destroyed. They won the first battle and killed it with great joy. A bad breath.

At this moment, in the distant sky, Qian Duoduo flew over with Bai Mudan and a group of people from the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce'. They brought a lot of supplies, food and grass for the people of the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' Use, since Bai Youniang retreated, the entire finances of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' have been handed over to Qian Duoduo, including the food, which is in the hands of Qian Duoduo, because this time all the food for the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' will be given. It is the most refined, and the volume is particularly large, so she needs to do it herself.

"Xuanxuan, there are a lot of people here this time." Qian Duoduo looked at the crowded tents and was amazed. Emotionally unstable, all kinds of things.

"Well, under the crushing of the gods, there are still fifty-six major forces, including the human race, the demon race, the monster race, and the ancient royal family... you will be busy in the future." Xuanyuan smiled lightly.

"Okay, it's getting more and more lively. This is fun. I will distribute supplies to their leaders first. The faces of these people are not good. It seems that the war has brought them a lot of mental damage. They need to cultivate for a while "The golden bells all over Qian Duoduo's body jingled, and he left with a group of people from the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce'. Bai Mudan took another look at Xuanyuan, with deep understanding. She never thought that she had just arrived in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' Soon, Xuanyuan will be able to achieve such an achievement, so many people, just wait for them to recover.

"Who was this one just now?" Qian Duoduo was very beautiful and was very close to Xuanyuan. Li Yue was a little puzzled, and after Qian Duoduo left, he asked.

"Oh, this is the property manager of my 'Qinglong Holy Land'. The entire economic lifeline of the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' is in her hands, called Qian Duoduo." Xuanyuan smiled and said.

At this moment, Shihou was dressed in fluttering purple clothes and her black hair was flying. She led a large number of strong men from the Medicine Hall to descend from the sky. She looked at Xuanyuan without even saying hello. She looked at the countless Limin people at her feet and sighed: "It seems that these people have suffered greatly from the war. Many people have suffered from epidemic diseases, and many people are very frightened. They are very frightened, and they should have experienced horrific experiences."

"Well, there is the Labor Medicine Hall, we can distribute some pills to enhance their physique, and get rid of some diseases, go." Xuanyuan didn't talk to Shihou much, and there are so many things now, Shihou is obviously already in charge of the medicine hall , she has her duties.

The 'Xuanhu Royal Clan' and the Medicine Hall each have a division of labor. The 'Xuanhu Royal Clan' is responsible for the treatment of wounded soldiers, while the Medicine Palace is responsible for expelling the disease and strengthening the physical fitness of the people of Li, which is also crucial.

"We have already prepared the elixir, let's go distribute it." Shihou nodded, and immediately left with many experts from the Medicine Hall. The relationship with Xuanyuan was very dull, and in the eyes of others, it didn't feel like a husband and wife at all. .

I saw the strong man of the Medicine Palace lightly flicking his fingertips, and from the nine heavens, fine powder of medicine fell from the sky. Xuanyuan opened the 'Eye of Reality', which is a medicine powder developed by the Medicine Palace and can be spread in a large area.

It has the effect of calming the nerves and calming the mind, and can drive away fatigue and eliminate diseases. This medicine powder is called Xinshen Powder. It is not very precious, but it is absolutely impossible to buy from the outside world. Over the years, the Hall of Medicine has developed too many There are always things that can come in handy.

"'Qinglong Holy Land' is really powerful. This kind of fine powder has unknowingly relieved many Limin people who were in great panic. Originally, their emotions were very disturbed, but Now many people have settled down, their complexions have improved a lot, and the black air above Yintang has begun to dissipate." Li Yue's expression was amazed, this was done invisible, seeing Shihou and Xuanyuan The communication was very dull, so she didn't ask any more questions this time.

"Well, Master is really very careful. This Holy Master's wife is really not simple. Haha, Brother Xuanyuan, you really married a good lady. I'm so envious of others." Sun Duanfeng laughed and patted Xuanyuan's shoulder, expressing envy, jealousy and hatred.

Li Yue's body trembled when she heard the words, she couldn't believe it, she looked at Xuanyuan and said, "Is this your wife?"

Xuanyuan nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, I finally married Shiwan. Our story is very long, and I will tell you when I have a chance."

There was an indescribable loss in Liyue's eyes for an instant, and she laughed at herself: "Liyue, Liyue, you are so self-indulgent... How could he not have someone he likes in 'Central China'? Aren't you making trouble for others?"

Xuanyuan patted Liyue on the shoulder, and said: "Don't think too much, let everything take its course."

Li Yue felt that her thoughts seemed to be pierced by Xuanyuan's hole, her heart was shaken, she looked at Xuanyuan, and for a while, she didn't know what to say.

Xuanyuan smiled and entered into the crowd, Sun Duanfeng was dumbfounded, Shangguan Feiyan rolled his eyes and said to Sun Duanfeng: "Brother Sun, learn a little bit, Brother Xuanyuan is a master at picking up girls .”

Sun Duanfeng was shocked!

The Wu family, the Zhuge family, the Sima family, all the strong men of the older generation followed Xuanyuan's side. As for Mo Ma, he had brought the elite of the Mo family into the Ministry of Industry and met with Mo Xuan and Moying. In the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there will inevitably be many big cities built, and the current Mohism is very powerful.

"Do you have any thoughts on the construction of the city in the future?" Xuanyuan looked at the older generation beside him.

They all have a great say in their respective clans, and as long as they speak, opinions are likely to be biased towards them.

"Let's build it according to our previous family. We don't have any more ideas. In fact, we shouldn't let the 'Qinglong Holy Land' rebuild the city for us. It will cost too much." The old man of the Wu family was very embarrassed. The family also built a house for them.

"Well, we can't ask for anything more than that. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is already troublesome enough. Even building a city will cost a lot. I think we should collect some treasures from heaven and earth to replenish the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." The old man of Zhuge's family didn't want to bother the 'Qinglong Holy Land' too much.

"That's true. We are already very grateful for being able to accommodate the people of the Li people of all races. How dare we ask for anything else." The old man of the Sima family sighed, and the old men of many powerful forces at the side agreed one after another.

"I do have an idea, but it's just my personal opinion. As for whether it works, you can check it out." Xuanyuan cupped his hands and saluted, showing respect.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, you don't need to be polite. To put it bluntly, we owe a lot to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' from the people of the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'." The old man of the Wu family said.

"The ups and downs of the avenue, the suffering of all races, the brutality of the gods, the rise of the underworld, the reappearance of the heavens, and the rampage of the evil races, this should be the time when all races of ours work together. My 'Qinglong Holy Land' upholds the will of all the saints and creates the coexistence of all races." In the prosperous age, all races in the world belong to the same family, and there is no distinction between strong and weak, high or low, and the common people live and work in peace and contentment, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe, which is the blessing of all races." Xuanyuan looked at a group of old people, and spoke solemnly, every word.

"What Holy Master Xuanyuan said is very true." All the elders agreed.

"After the war of the Protoss, Wanmin was terrified. They went through the most difficult and tormented period together. Now if you divide things, I'm afraid it's not suitable for Wanmin." Xuanyuan said in a harmonious voice.

"Oh? What about Holy Master Xuanyuan's opinion?" The old man of Zhuge's family asked immediately.

"I want to build a 'Nanyan City' to gather all the people of the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' in one big city. They are brothers in life and death. After experiencing common disasters, they live in a common City, this is the best time to make them inseparable from each other."

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