Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1625 God Beast Gluttony

(I recommend an official book, official career, you can read it, there are a lot of words.)

Seventy-seven forty-nine days passed in the blink of an eye.

There has never been a moment of rest. Xuanyuan and Huang Yuechan poured the blood essence in their bodies on the body of the 'taotie phase' all the time. precious.

Swallowed by it all, I saw very clear blood veins and tendons appeared on the incomparably transparent 'gluttonous phase', giving people the feeling that there is flesh and blood, as if they could come alive at any time, with surging vitality Running, able to feel the throbbing in the deepest part of his body.

The blood flowing in its body has the power of Xuanyuan and Huang Yuechan's Dao, as well as the inheritance of their spirit and will, and even more majestic Dao vitality.

"This is half done." The 'Lord of Order' nodded and looked at Xuanyuandao: "I know you still have the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' in your hand, take it out together with the 'Xuanwu Immortal Origin' , let it devour, and then use your pure 'Xian Lingyuan Mountain' as a neutralizer, let it completely devour and absorb it, then after it takes shape, its strength will be extremely terrifying."

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, nodded immediately, said no more, and immediately took out the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Source' and 'Xuanwu Immortal Source', once they were swallowed by them, it was equivalent to the attack of Qinglong, the attack of Xuanwu Defense, this Taotie will be very unique.

Xuanyuan placed the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' and 'Xuanwu Immortal Origin' on the left and right sides of the 'Taotie Phase', and then took out ten 'Xianlingyuan Mountains' for neutralization, suspended above the nine heavens, and dropped down pure In Xuanyuan's hands, the fighting spirit in Xuanyuan's hand was repeatedly mobilized, depicting the power, "both sides have power".

I saw that 'Swallowing Immortal Origin' began to frantically absorb the power of 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' and 'Xuanwu Immortal Origin'.

The long chant of Qinglong and the roar of Xuanwu are powerful in all directions. Even Xuanyuan's "swallowing years" can't conceal the power of the two immortal sources of Qinglong and Xuanwu. From the eyes of countless strong people, they can only see Qinglong rising in the nine heavens The true shadow of Xuanwu, majestic

"It turned out to be Qinglong and Xuanwu, what is Xuanyuan going to do? There is still Xuanwu hidden in my 'Qinglong Holy Land'? What's going on?"

"I don't know, I'm afraid something big will happen. With such power and influence, it should be doing something extremely important."

"In any case, as long as it is beneficial to my 'Qinglong Holy Land', I don't know what will happen next, it is really exciting."

Countless strong men stopped to watch, they didn't get close, they just watched from a distance, not wanting to disturb Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan and Huang Yuechan were deeply in the center of the engulfment of the 'gluttonous phase', feeling this huge coercion, both of them were very excited, as if they were looking at their own children.

Huang Yuechan wrinkled her nose and said: "It's a pity, it is destined to be a divine beast, if it can be as cute as Pingsheng, then why Zixi and you can conceive a child, I have to follow you Breed a big monster."

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose and said with a dry smile: "Anyway, it's a divine beast. It's good to be obedient anyway. I don't care about it. Hers is a 'hundred-hole stone figure' after all, and mine is a 'gluttonous figure'. Between the two, it is destined to be different."

"Then dear husband, just give birth to a child with me, okay? You said that you want to double cultivate with me. People have been waiting for that day for a long time." Huang Yuechan's eyes were as charming as silk, watery and charming , her charming smile made Xuanyuan's heartbeat speed up involuntarily, thinking of the scene when he and Huang Yuechan met, it really made people sigh.

"Well, wait a minute, don't worry, these days are eventful, you don't know it, look..." Xuanyuan rubbed his nose, pointed at the 'taotie', wanting to change the subject.

"Let me tell you first, don't have too much hope. Even if you put so much effort into it, the chance of failure of this peerless immortal transformation form is not small. Everything depends on its own good fortune." Looking at Xuanyuan and Huang Yuechan who were so excited and had great hopes, they couldn't help pouring cold water on them.

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched. If the transformation failed, his 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' and 'Xuanwu Immortal Origin' would be in vain. For so many years, Xuanyuan did not get many pieces of peerless immortal origin. It can be seen that the peerless immortal origin Rare and priceless, it is almost something that countless people dream of and want to get.

Who would have thought that Xuanyuan could be so luxurious, using two peerless immortal sources to nourish a 'swallowing immortal source' to transform it? This kind of risk is too great. If it is someone else, they will only breed the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' and 'Xuanwu Immortal Origin', make them stronger day and night, and then use other warmth to nourish the gluttonous phase of 'Swallowing Immortal Origin', waiting for them Transformation, in this case at least increase the chance of success in transformation.

However, Xuanyuan gathered the three pieces of peerless immortal sources together. It is true that if it succeeds, the Taotie derived will be very powerful, but if it fails, it is equivalent to nothing. The peerless immortal source is not so easy to obtain Yes, even the "Swallowing Emperor" only left a piece of "Xuanwu Xianyuan". One can imagine how precious the peerless Xianyuan is.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, and said: "Forget it, I have done everything, there is nothing to worry about, in this life, you have to fight once, and you will definitely succeed."

"Hahaha, 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' and 'Xuanwu Immortal Origin' contain very powerful power, and it is difficult for 'Swallowing Immortal Origin' to absorb them completely for a while, and you must pay attention at all times, the Immortal Origin has its own Spiritual wisdom, my own soul, none of them want to be swallowed by others, once there is a strong resistance, it will destroy the source, and you will not be able to hide at that time." The 'Lord of Order' is on the side, it doesn't matter He spoke slowly, as if talking about an insignificant matter, with a little schadenfreude.

Xuanyuan's heart tightened when he heard the words, he didn't say much, and immediately activated the "Great Trend Ancient Art" to appease the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' and 'Xuanwu Immortal Origin'.

"But today, the world is in danger, all living beings are in misery, the autumn of the survival of all races, I, the 'Qinglong Holy Land', is an example for all races, and I must fight for a future for all races. Senior Qinglong has treated me as much as a mountain, and I hope you can help me again, Xuanwu Senior, bear all things, I hope you can incarnate into the earth, and bear the ten thousand races of all living beings, please..."

Xuanyuan's heart is sincere, transparent, and flawless, and he communicated with the two great immortal sources immediately.

"Xuanyuan, of course I have no problem. Since you are the inheritor of Qinglong, the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' will naturally be handed over to you. I hope you can create a new world." Among the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' , a response came out immediately, and soon it fell silent, obviously not struggling, and would fully cooperate.

"Inheritor of the 'Swallowing Emperor', I have nothing to say, I only hope that you can make this gluttonous form a success, let us get a new life in another way, we will do our best to make it better Strong." From the 'Xuanwu Xianyuan', a heavy voice came out, which made people feel very calm.

Xuanyuan was very moved, no matter what, they were willing to help him in this way, and now they can only do their best to let the Taotie evolve successfully, otherwise they will be sorry for their sacrifice.

The "Lord of Order" originally thought that this was a big problem facing Xuanyuan, but he didn't expect it to be solved so easily. For a while, he didn't understand why "Dragon Heart Immortal Origin" and "Xuanwu Immortal Origin" were so easy If you want to accept Xuanyuan, you will sacrifice for him. You must know that it is extremely difficult for them to reach today's level. He also has a chance to transform into a form. He has already prepared the means to suppress the refining, and intends to make Xuanyuan owe him again. A favor, I didn't expect it to be such a result.

Time passed bit by bit, under the intentional integration of 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' and 'Xuanwu Immortal Origin', 'Swallowing Immortal Origin' progressed much more smoothly. Every day, the three of Xuanyuan and his party could feel,' The power of Devouring Xianyuan has become more and more powerful. Along the way, it has swallowed countless Douyuan, and now it has been integrated into the inheritance of the two great immortal beasts. Impact.

Unknowingly, a year has passed in the 'swallowing years', but in the outside world, it is equal to one day. Every day, Xuanyuan and Huang Yuechan, the 'Lord of Order' are very focused on watching their little things. Evolution, absolutely can not have the slightest mistake.

The ten 'Xianlingyuan Mountains' used as the neutralization of power have been exhausted, and Xuanyuan's ten 'Xianlingyuan Mountains' have been consumed, which shows the horror of 'Swallowing Xianyuan'.

On this day, the 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' and the 'Xuanwu Immortal Origin' rose up independently, and directly merged into the 'Swallowing Immortal Origin' under the eyes of everyone, Xuanyuan and Huang Yuechan's hearts tightened.

I saw that in the incomparably transparent 'gluttonous appearance', suddenly there was a strong and powerful dragon heart, and on its surface flowed the avenue of innate gossip, possessing an extremely astonishing defensive ability. source merged.

At this moment, the 'Lord of Order' sternly yelled: "Boy, use your method of enlightenment, enlighten it, whether it can succeed or not depends on now."

'Swallowing the source of immortality', from the beginning of 'swallowing the source of spirit' to today, Xuanyuan has spent a lot of resources, and success or failure depends on it.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, condensed everything he had acquired in his life, including thoughts, will, avenues, and spirit, and activated the technique of enlightenment, and put a finger on Taotie's eyebrows. The moment the enlightenment was completed, Xuanyuan's entire body The person was so limp that he couldn't even stand upright.

Suddenly, the Taotie looked like a living Taotie, soaring into the sky, and in the sky, it turned into a gigantic beast with the size of a thousand feet, and let out a sky-shattering roar, roar, and the sound shook millions of miles.

Many people were shocked and looked at Taotie who was above the nine heavens of the 'Wanxian Peak'...

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