Xuanyuan closed his eyes and fixed his heart with the "Diamond Sutra". From Xuanyuan's body, countless Buddha lights flowed out, and a kind of wisdom derived from the invisible.

It is true that he has too many worries in his heart. When he thinks about the fate of those Li people who are unwilling to leave the "Central China" and want to die in their homeland, what is their fate now? Looking at the people of Nanyan Xianzhou who were tortured and killed by the protoss and devoured as food, Falling into endless panic, when thinking of every important person around him, Xuanyuan felt like walking on eggshells, he didn't dare to be careless.

Because I am the master of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', if I take a wrong step, countless people will be implicated. In fact, Xuanyuan has been burdened with too many burdens, and he has been moving forward non-stop. This road There is no retreat, just because he is the Holy Master of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

To some extent, the various fates of those people who are unwilling to leave the "Central China" are related to Xuanyuan. It is all caused by Xuanyuan's words. People have reached a certain status. One sentence is It can determine the survival of hundreds of millions of living beings.

Doing this is also to avoid the death of more Limin people, and Xuanyuan can only do this, discarding the small and choosing the big.

"I will definitely not let them feel at ease!"

"I will definitely take back the lost 'Central China'."

"Even if there are sacrifices, I will never let these sacrifices be in vain, let them die worthwhile."

Xuanyuan suddenly opened his eyes, and in his eyes, there seemed to be a sharp blade that could tear everything apart. Countless phantoms were shattered in Xuanyuan's eyes and turned into dust and smoke, which could no longer hinder Xuanyuan's heart. At this moment, Xuanyuan's spiritual infusion , cohesively.


At this moment, Xuanyuan let go of the bowstring, and with a whistling roar, a white air wave was pulled out, poof, the feathered arrow instantly penetrated the bull's-eye, and the tail of the arrow trembled.

Xuanyuan spit out a cloud of turbid air, and his body shook immediately. He only felt the ancient will of the Dao merged into his body. The way of asking is the will of the ancient great sage to stay in this world.

At this moment, Xuanyuan has really stepped into the realm of the ancient sages in the first layer of heaven. Xuanyuan clenched his fists tightly in his hands. The wisdom that is confused is the clarity of a spiritual platform.

When Xuanyuan raised his head, another portal appeared from above his head, which was the portal leading to the twenty-seventh heaven.

This door is open, Xuanyuan took a deep breath, looked at the old man beside him, he had already disappeared, it seems that it should be a wisp of thought left by the ancient great sage in this piece of world, and he didn't know the first time Twenty-seven Chongtian will face something by himself.

The twenty-seventh heaven, Miaochengtian.

Xuanyuan was in it, and didn't encounter any punishment. The place is empty, with blue sky and white clouds, but there are no green mountains and green waters, not even a blade of grass. It is very empty, more like a wasteland. I only saw a giant ape standing between the sky and the earth.

This giant ape has sharp eyes, is brave and firm, and moves his hands and feet like clouds and flowing water, with incomparable agility and extremely fast speed.

It looked at Xuanyuan, and Xuanyuan suddenly had an illusion in his heart, feeling that this giant ape was himself, but he was not sure in his heart, and wanted to use the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Technique" to detect it, and if necessary, he could also use it to detect it. It kills.

At this moment, the giant ape moved, it roared, and attacked Xuanyuan at such an incomparably fast speed that it shocked Xuanyuan's heart.

""Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", how is it possible..." Xuanyuan immediately used "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" to avoid the attack of the giant ape, Xuanyuan felt the surging combat power of the giant ape, which was on par with himself, and immediately thought One move: "As long as you use the "Liuyue Fighting God Ancient Art", you can instantly defeat it..."

However, the giant ape, who was chasing after him closely, hangs the "Ancient Jue of the Flowing Moon Fighting God" from behind him, spinning it thirteen times, and the thirteen times the fighting power erupts, extremely fierce and unstoppable, Xuanyuan's heart is shocked again: "What's going on here, it can also know "The Ancient Jue of Flowing Moon Fighting God", what kind of existence is this?"

In Xuanyuan's heart, a nameless fire rose, and being chased impatiently, he immediately used the secret art of transforming the three cleans into one qi, and then used the "Yin-Yang Fighting God Ancient Jue" to activate the "Yin-Yang Five Elements Fist" With a 'Six Dao Reincarnation Fist', he counterattacked suddenly.

The giant ape roared, and the same 'Yin Yang Five Elements Boxing' and 'Six Dao Reincarnation Boxing' attacked Xuanyuan. From behind the giant ape, three giant apes also appeared, using the same secret technique of 'one qi transforming three cleanses'.

Xuanyuan and the giant ape collided violently, causing the world to shatter, yin and yang, five elements, six reincarnations, ravaging the world.

The corners of Xuanyuan's mouth were bleeding, the arms of the giant ape were broken, and the six great apes were in full swing. Looking at the giant ape in front of him, Xuanyuan was shocked like never before. It was so incredible that it was able to synchronize with his own heart.

"Kill..." Xuanyuan didn't think any more, and immediately shot at the giant ape, berserk and tearing apart vigorously.

One arm of the giant ape was torn apart by Xuanyuan, and Xuanyuan's chest was scratched and pierced by one of its claws. From both of them, the "Immortal Defying Heaven Technique" was operating simultaneously, repairing everything that was damaged by it.

Xuanyuan didn't believe it, and the six ancient characters came out of his body, containing the supreme suppressing power, and the giant ape also manifested the six ancient characters in an instant, and had a heaven-defying collision with Xuanyuan, a terrifying impact of ancient characters, Let Xuanyuan cough up blood again and again, his body was bleeding, and the giant ape was also messed up, with dao injuries everywhere.

But with the recovery of "Immortal Defying the Sky", the two recovered quickly.

"This is the ape of the heart, it is me, how to subdue my heart..." Xuanyuan suddenly encountered a big problem, how should the ape of the heart in front of him deal with it, it has the same magical powers as itself, superb fighting way.

Before, it was the worry in my heart, and I could stabilize my heart with great will, but my heart is all kinds of manifestations in my heart. To subdue my heart, everyone is thinking about all kinds of things all the time. , This is the constant heart ape, Xuanyuan recalled everything before.

When Xuanyuan saw Xin Yuan just now, he wanted to use "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" to find out what happened. As a result, Xin Yuan used "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" to chase and kill Xuanyuan. Its power, when it felt that it could be defeated with the "Ancient Jue of the Flowing Moon Fighting God", it used the "Ancient Jue of the Flowing Moon Fighting God". There are also "Yin Yang Five Elements Boxing" and "Six Paths of Reincarnation Boxing" basically at the same time.

This is everyone's heart ape, the body moves with the heart, how to move the body but not the heart, the sky changes but the heart does not change.

It is a difficult problem to fix one's mind. Many people will be shackled in the realm of the ancient sages all their lives, and they are stumped by many Dao problems.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, risked his life, relaxed his body completely, and did not move his mind. As expected, Xin Yuan did not move at all. Xuanyuan's three Taoist bodies, and Xin Yuan's three Taoist bodies, At the same time, they all stopped and stopped fighting.

Looking at Xin Yuan in front of him, Xuanyuan felt as if he was looking at himself in the mirror. He suddenly understood a lot of things in an instant, and he could only be at ease when he let go.

He turned to leave, and suddenly Xinyuan also turned and left, Xuanyuan said in his heart: "The way of heaven is easy to calculate, but people's hearts are unpredictable. No one understands my heart better than me."

After a while, Heart Ape began to disappear into this piece of heaven and earth, turning into an invisible force, blending into this piece of heaven and earth, Xuanyuan let his heart be peaceful and didn't think about anything.

In the blink of an eye, this piece of world has undergone tremendous changes. Flowers, plants and trees are growing everywhere, and the majestic vitality fills the world.

"Inaction, inaction, peace of mind, Taoism is natural..." Between this piece of heaven and earth, a Taoist man manifested, and after glancing at Xuanyuan, he turned into a stream of fresh air and merged into this piece of heaven and earth.

Xuanyuan looked at this piece of heaven and earth, all kinds of creatures evolved, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, a natural law in the food chain, lions on the grassland, after hunting their prey, starve themselves To die on the grassland, the heavens and the earth are natural, and all things grow with their own laws. Once you violate this law, you will be punished by the Dao.

The laws of nature cannot be violated. Miao Chengtian takes Miao as its name, and Miao Chengtian has its own mystery.

Xuanyuan sighed in his heart. From the beginning to the end, he watched everything that happened in front of him. He did nothing, just watched quietly, and asked the ancients. Not necessarily a bad thing, Taoist thought, do nothing to rule.

Xuanyuan had a deep feeling in his heart, and suddenly the whole world was shaken, auspicious clouds filled the sky, dotted with wreaths, the sun was shining, the avenue was hanging down, golden lotus step by step, feathered flying immortals, there was a kind of heavenly sound of enlightenment from the avenue, spreading nine heavens and ten places.

From Xuanyuan, there is another eternal one. At this moment, Xuanyuan is already in the realm of the ancient sages in the second heaven, and he is still short of the fourth heaven, and he can step into the first heaven of the ancient emperor, and he is still short of the fourth heaven. The state of the day of the 'Emperor Devourer'.

"For now..."

Xuanyuan walked out of his own small world of thirty-six layers of heaven, and in just this time, Taotie had already killed six or more than a hundred protoss scout troops.

Huang Yuechan and the 'Lord of Order' had almost never fought, and Guan Zizai who was on the side was incomparably amazed, looked at Xuanyuan, and said: "Brother Xuanyuan is really courageous, to be able to break through the realm in this situation."

"Hehe, it's okay, Tao'er is so strong, I am very relieved." Xuanyuan smiled slightly.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of golden divine light descended from the nine heavens, and each golden divine light was like a sharp blade, which made people feel extremely stinging, as if it wanted to split the skin of the body...

A terrifying aura belonging to the Protoss descended from the sky...

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