Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1631 Tianshan Sword Pool

Not long after the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' left.

Great changes have taken place in "Central China". Xuanyuan's incarnation no longer retreats, and Xiang Liuli insists on staying. .

The 'Central State Dynasty' gathered forces of all sizes and urged the 'Halloween Kingdom' to leave the 'Central China'.

On that day, a ray of divine light pierced through the Nine Heavens, and above the Nine Heavens, a vortex of the Great Dao appeared, exhaling the terrifying mighty power of the Great Dao, and this shocking Great Dao vortex could be seen in almost the entire "Central China". A heavenly soldier and general, dressed in battle armor refined by Daluo Daoyin, hangs down above the nine heavens, and each of them has almost stepped into the realm of the ancient emperor and the ancient sage, with majestic energy and blood.

They have been suppressed for so many years, recharging their energy, hiding their power and biding their time in the 'Hongmeng Immortal Mansion', their strength has reached an unimaginable level.

The huge 'Hongmeng Immortal Mansion' has been controlled, and there is a strong man in the 'Heavenly Court' who is looking straight at Jiutian, with a light in his eyes, as if he is looking for something.

"The entrance to the 'Heavenly Court' is gone. It seems that we have underestimated the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' and all the saints. They changed the entrance to the 'Heavenly Court' and concealed it."

"That's true, we can't find the entrance, what should we do next?"

Their voices are hoarse. These are all characters from the time of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor'. They are extremely old now, but their strength is still extremely terrifying.

"Forget it, let's find a shelter first, and now the evil race is also breaking the seal, let's avoid confronting them head-on, first understand the current structure of the 'Central World', and then make other plans." An old man His brows and hair were all white, and he could not help but frown when he felt the terrible evil spirit below him. The power of the evil race should also not be underestimated, and it seemed that they would be a strong enemy of the 'Heavenly Court' in the future.

After giving an order, countless heavenly soldiers and generals entered the 'Hongmeng Immortal Mansion' and left the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', and the vortex of the Great Dao above the nine heavens disappeared without a trace.

A day later, a dark red evil light shot straight into the sky, with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles. The whole world instantly became extremely gloomy, and a kind of evil power that made people feel palpitating diffused and extended in all directions.

A stature is emaciated, like a walking corpse, and a strong man wearing a witch robe stands in the air. The evil race is a combination of the witch race and the evil race outside the sky. After the combination of witchcraft and sorcery, it is extremely terrifying. There have been evil races in ancient times. up.

"Finally free, no one can suppress us anymore." A hoarse voice with a strong penetrating power was transmitted far, far away.

After countless years of precipitation, the evil clan also has a lot of strong people, and soon the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" is the center and extends outward.

Xuanyuan is in the original 'Qinglong Holy Land', not too far from the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', separated by a distance of nearly a million miles, he can still feel the power of the evil race, he was shocked: "The evil race is too powerful , 'Heavenly Court' is also unpredictable, if the strength of a human race, there is no chance of winning against it..."

In the extraterritorial starry sky, the "Son of Primordial Mist" who governs the "Nation of All Saints" has not gone far. He felt the power of the "Heavenly Court" and the evil race, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in his heart: "It seems Xuanyuan's decision is correct. If the underworld launches an attack and joins forces with the gods, once the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' falls, there will be nothing left for the human race. After all, the human race is their common enemy, and it is right to leave. Let's fight for it, who will be in charge of the "Central World" in the future, and who will win, is still unknown."

After estimating the strength of 'Heavenly Court' and the evil race, 'Wansheng Kingdom' will not stay any longer, 'Son of Hongmeng' has his own goals, and 'Central China' will come back sooner or later for him.

"Xuanyuan, what's your next plan?" 'Wu Yi Wu Zun' knew that his soul could not hold on for too long, and fortunately Xuanyuan had always concealed his identity well and never let him do anything. , then the 'Wuyi Wuzun' will soon dissipate in this piece of heaven and earth, because his remaining power is limited, and these days of constant nurturing have made his strength higher, but a ray of soul is just a piece of soul after all. It is rare for a wisp of soul to survive by chance and coincidence.

However, the loss of the suppressors in 'Cantian City' is very fatal. At least Xuanyuan's strength is at the second level of the ancient sages. Although Xiang Liuli has stepped into the second level of the ancient sages, it is still difficult Sitting in the Protoss Division, unless someone stepped into the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor and the fifth heaven of the ancient sage, but that is really too difficult.

"We try not to conflict with the 'Heavenly Court' and the evil clan. The strength of the evil clan will not be able to invade my 'Qinglong Holy Land' for a while. There are also 'Undead Mountain' and other ancient royal territories around them. They will occupy them one by one. Yes, and there are also great supernatural beings born among the gods, so it's not so easy to provoke." Xuanyuan frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "But the 'Heavenly Court' and the evil races are born one after another, the gods can no longer be like before, every move can affect the whole world. The pattern of "Central China" has changed, and now the major forces are evenly matched, and no one is easy to provoke."

"Then let's wait and see what happens. Among the tribes of the Protoss, I, 'Cantian City', are not easy to mess with. Everyone has practiced the supreme secret technique of the 'Cantian God Emperor'. In terms of overall strength, We should be the strongest." "Can Tian City" has Xuanyuan as the master, and almost all of the subordinates who have meritorious service will open up the Can family's supreme secret technique. As long as they reach a certain level of strength and meritorious service, this is all possible. Owned, and will also get the guidance of the 'Wuyi Wuzun', so that they can practice more quickly, so that these people can be more loyal to them.

There is also a very important point, their lives are all in the hands of Xuanyuan and Xiang Liuli, this is an army that absolutely obeys orders, it is Xuanyuan's secret method, and it is also for him to return to the "Central China" in the future make preparations.

"That's right, now it's time to strengthen the cultivation of the entire army of 'Can Tian City', as long as they develop, everything will be fine." Xuanyuan nodded.

"Let's not talk about that for now, what's the situation in 'Nanyan Xianzhou'?" Xiang Liuli asked.

"The distance is too far, I can't feel the consciousness of this deity, and the minds of the two cannot communicate through countless starry skies, but my strength has increased by two heavens, so the situation should be fine." Xuanyuan's incarnation, gently Sigh, in a short period of time, the 'Central China' has changed beyond recognition. This is no longer the territory of the human race, and the ancient royal family has all disappeared.

The change of the avenue, who is in charge of the ups and downs, and the change of rise and fall, are the laws of history, and no one can change them.

'Sword Pond'.

The place where it is located is called Tianshan Mountain, which is located on the coast of the South China Sea. The overlord power that once occupied this piece of land is called Jianzong.

Speaking of Sword Sect, it has a great relationship with a Taoist patriarch. The inheritance left by the Taoist patriarch is the Immortal Sword Daomen.

His name is Tongtian, and he is known as the "Tongtian leader". It is not recorded in which era he is.

His supernatural power, the master of the sword of killing, is a Taoist figure at the level of Daozu. He accepts disciples very casually, and he can accept disciples from all races. He will not discriminate or distinguish because of his race. As long as you have potential, you can .

His inheritors came to the "Central China", first set up the "Immortal Sword Dao Gate", and finally extended outwards, thus creating the supreme glory of Jianzong for a while.

However, an ancient battle destroyed Jianzong. No one knows what happened, and there is no detailed record in history.

Nine thousand years ago, the Sword Sect was destroyed.

With just a few figures, the demise of a great force is recorded, which shows something strange.

Since then, almost no one has come to Tianshan Mountain. First of all, it is not very big, it only occupies a radius of one million miles, and it is only a small area, which is not conducive to development. The people who were in Jianzong back then were all idle clouds and wild cranes. The power is terrifyingly strong, not weaker than the 'Ancient Sword Royal Family', so they are suitable for such a place.

Another reason, which is also the most important, is that after the great battle in ancient times, the entire Tianshan Mountain was surrounded by terrifying sword energy. Countless sword souls, with sword intent lingering, linger between this piece of heaven and earth, every August The sound of sharp swords whistling to the sky can be heard from the Fifteenth City. The sound is so strong that it can tear the eardrums of others a million miles away, let alone living in the Tianshan Mountains.

There used to be many people who wanted to enter Tianshan Mountain to find fairy fate, but unfortunately, they died unexpectedly after they stepped into Tianshan Mountain.

There are countless sword intents left over from the great battle in ancient times, pervading millions of squares, colliding with each other. This is an attack between the supreme swordsmanship, ordinary people can't resist it, they will only be torn apart.

But on the land of Tianshan Mountain, the ravines carved out by terrifying sharp swords give people a shocking feeling.

At this moment, on the top of Tianshan Mountain, there is a person standing. His back is overbearing, giving people the feeling of being majestic and tall.

Behind him, there are four people.

"Unexpectedly, you are as strong as you, and you have fallen to the point you are today. If you can climb to the top that day, I'm afraid it will be even more brilliant." Among the four people, one of them had an absolute killing voice.

"Insufficient strength, let alone useless, it has passed. Back then, when I was young, I didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. I went to Tianshan alone, and I was lucky enough to meet four seniors. Now I am a dying person. It's sad..." This voice Every word, every word is very powerful, and it goes straight to the heart.

"What's your purpose in having a group of people stationed at the foot of Tianshan Mountain? Now there are only four sword spirits left in the Sword Sect, and it's hard to become a great weapon anymore." The murderous intent was still strong in the other person's words.

The tall figure suddenly raised his hand, pointed in the direction of the 'Central China', and said: "The sky is about to change, let's leave some blood for the people, Tianshan is their last destination."

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