Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1643 The Poisonous Rose With Thorns

"What are you doing here?"

Xuanyuan looked at Peng Fei, and was very speechless towards him and the pig-headed emperor. It’s nothing if his Taoist incarnation died. They just came here to hold back. If they let them go, I’m afraid that the other party’s god son and goddess will be suspicious .

Just when Xuanyuan despised Pengfei, he suddenly discovered that Pengfei had stepped into the realm of the first layer of the ancient sage before himself. At this moment, Pengfei had completely changed, with yin and yang flowing all over his body. The second qi is extremely powerful, as if countless lives are spawning all the time, Peng Fei's whole body has become a part of the geomantic omen of heaven and earth.

In Xuanyuan's eyes, there was an unconcealable shock. Peng Fei's life physique had evolved into a yin and yang between heaven and earth. It was no longer an ordinary life physique. His body could be transformed into mountains and rivers without a trace The breath of life in the body can be integrated into a piece of heaven and earth, and can affect the feng shui of a piece of heaven and earth.

Yin and Yang are the beginning of heaven and earth, the sky is Yang, the earth is Yin, and Yin and Yang give birth to all things.

It's too powerful. "Yin Yang Thaumaturgy" has greatly improved Peng Fei. Peng Fei expressed his satisfaction with Xuanyuan's eyes. The waves of flesh on his body seemed to break through, and the corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched wildly.

"Boy, what's the matter, do you admire me so much?" Peng Fei grinned, drooling wildly, and Xuanyuan directly gave him a big look of contempt.

Beside Pengfei is Zhutou Dadi. His hand, quietly bringing Pengfei down from the sky, is an extremely strange method. Obviously, "Sky Ghost Prohibition" has also greatly improved Zhutou Dadi At this moment, Xuanyuan looked at the pig-headed emperor and felt a little unfathomable.

"Hey, with this great emperor here, even if there are hundreds of millions of gods, everything will be annihilated under my feet, boy, prepare to worship this great emperor, hahahaha!" It looks like, at this moment, he has stepped into the peak of the second heaven of the ancient sages, and he is only one step away from stepping into the third heaven of the ancient sages. At that time, his strength will only become more terrifying.

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, the pig-headed emperor was too shameless, but he was just able to fight against the protoss.

At the foot, eleven sons and goddesses came through the air, and behind them each stood an unfathomable existence. These people had extremely special physiques, without the slightest vitality, erratic, and unpredictable. through.

"Waste of all races, I didn't expect you to dare to come here. It's a bit beyond my expectation." The 'Emperor God Son' raised his eyebrows and looked at Xuanyuan coldly. The realm of Chongtian, I didn't expect that Xuanyuan's strength has stepped into the realm of the ancient sages of the fourth heaven after only seven days, which is really incredible.

With the eyesight of the 'Son of Heaven', Xuanyuan's power has increased many times compared to that day, and he has become more and more afraid of Xuanyuan in his heart.

"I don't know which wastes were beaten and fled, and now they still have the face to shout here? Are the sons and daughters of the gods so shameless?" Xuanyuan's mouth curled into a sneer, and his eyes looked at " Mikako' with cold contempt.

"Hmph, do you have the ability to fight alone?" The laughter of the "Sky Sword Goddess" was like frost, which made people feel chills all over the body: "It seems that all of you can only use siege and joint sneak attack. No wonder there are no outstanding emperors and emperors among your ten thousand races, it's really sad, babies born in the cradle, my gods in the same realm can crush you to death at will."

"Hmph, do you dare to fight me again?" On the day of 'Dou Zhan Buddha', he was very unconvinced by the sword of 'Sword Goddess', and immediately shouted loudly, shaking the clouds of the nine heavens , I saw monkey hair glistening all over his body, and a pair of fiery golden eyes that made people tremble. On the body of 'Dou Zhan Buddha', he was galloping on the Dou Zhan Dao, although this is just an incarnation of Xuanyuan integrated into 'Dou Zhan Buddha' It is derived from the essence of blood, but it is enough to create that invincible fighting momentum.

"Hmph, how can you speak bravely about a defeated general? If they hadn't saved you, you would have died a long time ago. You don't deserve to fight with me. Get lost." 'Heavenly Sword Goddess' said lightly, saying 'Dou Zhan Fozi' was very angry. You must know that at that time, "Dou Zhan Fozi" had the idea of ​​not wanting to bully the weak with the strong, so he followed the way of "Goddess of Heavenly Sword".

"'Tianhuang Shenzi', I will leave this monkey to you. You two are of the same type. Remember not to be ashamed."

"Hehe, no problem." The eyes of the 'Emperor Goddess' turned cold, and he felt that the 'Dou Zhan Buddha Son' was not as simple as the 'Sword Goddess' said. Not weak at all.

"You all races, just send one person to fight with me alone. It's his honor to die under my sword." 'Goddess of Heavenly Sword' felt that he would never be able to face 'Fighting Buddha' again. It's so easy to win, because the pair of "golden eyes" of 'Dou Zhan Buddha' is really terrifying. When she fought against 'Du Zhan Buddha' that day, if the same moves, unless there is no solution, otherwise, as long as The second time you use it, you will be at a disadvantage.

The piercing eyes can see through all flaws.

"Yo, the chick's tone is so big, then I'll come and meet this chick for a while." Peng Fei shook his fleshy waves, and took out the 'Yin Yang mirror', and saw that from the 'Yin Yang mirror' On the ground, violent yin and yang qi burst out one after another, making people shudder.

"This is an existence that surpasses the heaven-level supreme Taoist artifact. I never thought that there would be such a divine object in the hands of the Wanzu." There was a murderous intent in the eyes of the 'Emperor God Son'.

"So what, his strength is only in the realm of the ancient emperor's first layer of heaven. If I want to kill him, it's easy." The 'Sky Sword Goddess' looked down on Peng Fei very much, because this fat man was so inconspicuous, and he was very handsome. Ugly and clumsy, although it is said to have a "yin and yang mirror", it gives the impression that it does not have the demeanor of a master.

I saw the body of 'Sky Sword Goddess' turned into a sharp light, piercing directly between Peng Fei's eyebrows.

Peng Fei's movements were slow but heavy. He waved the 'Yin Yang Mirror' in his hand and struck a blow.

At that moment, the power of Fengshui with a radius of tens of thousands of miles seemed to be mobilized by Peng Fei, and hit the 'Goddess of Heavenly Sword'.

The space where the two terrifying forces collided cracked inch by inch, and the 'Goddess of Heavenly Sword' flew out without any injuries, but her hands were a little numb. The moment she faced Peng Fei, she felt as if she was facing a whole piece of land. The feeling of the vastness of the world, there is a sense of powerlessness in my heart.

Peng Fei was as immobile as a mountain, holding the 'Yin-Yang Mirror' in his hand, grinning his teeth, and laughed loudly: "Children of the Protoss, let's go together, I will beat you all into dogs."

"Don't worry, 'Emperor God', didn't you say that among all races, there is an emperor who hurt you in the second heaven of the ancient sages? It seems that after he hurt you, he improved again, The ancient sage is in the fourth heaven realm, why don't you let me fight him?" The 'Blood Rose Goddess', whose body was tightly wrapped in scarlet petals, came out, her figure was extremely enchanting, graceful, curvy, and extremely sexy, Like a beauty out of the bath.

Before Xuanyuan agreed, a strange fragrance had already enveloped Xuanyuan, full of fatal dangers, Xuanyuan's mind moved, and immediately disappeared into the whole world, as if he had never appeared before.

The 'Emperor Goddess' did not remind, but just watched from the sidelines, 'Blood Rose Goddess' frowned, her red lips parted slightly, she let out a soft breath, and immediately scarlet petals fell from the sky.

These petals seem to be soft, but there is a hidden danger. Xuanyuan flew back with "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", not daring to let himself be enveloped in the field covered by the flower rain, the 'Blood Rose Goddess' twisted her waist and hips, She looked at the front with charming eyes, and said, "Don't hide, you can't hide."

How could Xuanyuan pay attention to her? Who knew that when the jade finger of the "Goddess Blood Rose" was lifted, thousands of blood-colored petals shook suddenly, tearing apart the space in the four directions, and countless voids surged against the current, swallowing everything.

The pig-headed emperor at the side felt a little toothache: "This woman from the protoss is really not ordinary ruthless."

"That's right, I don't know where Xuanyuan is hiding." The corners of Peng Fei's eyes twitched. The 'Blood Rose Goddess' is simply a poisonous rose with thorns. Once anyone is confused by her appearance, the result can be imagined .

Xuanyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and he could feel that those blood-colored petals were not only amazingly lethal, but also highly poisonous. This 'Blood Rose Goddess' is worthy of being the existence of the Ancient Sage Fourth Heaven.

Xuanyuan deeply understands that none of his incarnations are her opponents by far.

"It turns out that this is the emperor of all races who is not to be underestimated in the mouth of the 'Emperor God's Son'. It seems that it is nothing more than that. He will only hide and hide." The voice of 'Blood Rose Goddess' is seductive, and every syllable is exploring the four directions , spreading, on the surface they were mocking, but they were actually searching for Xuanyuan's whereabouts with their own voice.

Xuanyuan flew back all the way, as if disappearing in this piece of heaven and earth. He had no way of attacking the 'Goddess of Blood Rose', but he deliberately avoided it. It would not be easy for 'Goddess of Blood Rose' to hurt Xuanyuan.

"Hey, I said 'God of the Emperor'. You were hurt by such a coward. I really feel sad for you." The "Goddess of Blood Rose" was shocked. Considering the difference in strength between her and Xuanyuan, she thought It is very easy to kill it, and under normal circumstances, it is impossible to escape.

But Xuanyuan was able to make her helpless, which shows that Xuanyuan still has some advantages.

The face of the "Emperor God Son" was not very good-looking, he had a gloomy face, and he searched with his own secret techniques, but he also couldn't find Xuanyuan's whereabouts.

This hidden secret technique is really annoying...

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