Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1656 The Prestige of the Imperial Guard

The bodies of the ten "Lords of Order" hang down in midair, like invincible gods, and everyone feels that they are too strong. When they raised their hands, the "Gods of Order" they played were not theirs. The avenue attack in charge is comparable, and every blow is overwhelming.

The Dao Bodies of the ten "Lords of Order" pointed out all their own flaws in concise words, and let them understand them carefully.

Although these ten people were defeated in an instant, they were extremely excited, because the "Lord of Order" gave them advice on cultivation, which hit the nail on the head, which helped them a lot and gave them great inspiration.

"Thank you 'Lord of Order' for your guidance."

"Listening to what you have to say is better than me practicing alone for a hundred years."

"I feel like I'm about to break through."

Those who came to participate did not expect that the 'Lord of Order' would give advice on the spot. Many people are already eager to try. It is not shameful to lose to the 'Lord of Order'. What is important is that they can get the 'Lord of Order'. Guidance, this is the most critical, only in this way, they can be promoted.

Immediately, another group of people went to the fighting arena, but the result was still the same. No one was able to pass ten moves from the 'Lord of Order'.

The attack of the "Lord of Order" was fierce and decisive, and the power of the "God of Order" was almost overwhelming, making it impossible to resist.

"The 'Lord of Order' is really terrifying, it is simply difficult to defeat..." This is the most intuitive feeling of the strong ancient sages present.

Of course, there were quite a few people who realized the Dao when the 'Lord of Order' fought with them, and they improved themselves a lot. They were keeping a low profile and preparing to go, striving to enter the Forbidden Army in one fell swoop.

When the news spread that the "Lord of Order" would personally give advice in the martial arts arena, in the "Blue Dragon Holy Land", people from all major royal families and major forces who were in the realm of the ancient sages and strongmen rushed to the scene one after another. Even the disciples of the Three Thousand Great Confucians had arrived, and it was the Three Thousand Great Confucians who asked them to come because the opportunity was rare.

In the first day, only 20 people passed the review, and each of them got a set of unrivaled Taoist artifacts, which greatly increased their own strength, and more people were excited to see it .

This set of superb Taoist artifacts is definitely the best among the best. The Dao patterns depicted on it are definitely from the hands of the Emperor of Heaven and the Great Sage. The refining materials are all top-grade, even if it is the Supreme Dao. It is also difficult to destroy it.

"It's no wonder that the review is so strict for such a powerful Taoist artifact. Ordinary ancient sages and sixth heavens are not eligible to get it. It is also difficult to bring out their strength to the extreme.”

"But this is too strict. So many people went up, all of them were defeated, and only 20 people passed. They are all the elites among the elites. A pair of ten strong men of the same realm are all Those who can be defeated will be famous!"

"It's not strict, you see, ten people can condense into a small group, and can easily kill the ancient emperor, the ancient sage and the first heaven, such a powerful unrivaled Taoist weapon, it must be obtained by the most elite people, and only in this way can it be obtained." It can make the best use of these unrivaled Taoist artifacts."

"Indeed, this kind of power is unique, and each piece is comparable to the power of a peerless Taoist weapon refined by a great saint."

At a high place, Bu Jingsha saw that only twenty people were recruited in a day, sighed quietly, and said: "According to this speed, the composition of the two forbidden troops will not be until the year of the monkey."

"No, it won't be slow. At the beginning, many elites didn't make any moves. They were all watching. Even if the 'Lord of Order' is a Dao body, the Dao rhyme flowing from his behavior can make them realize the Dao. Many people have been promoted." Peng Fei has also benefited a lot from it, and he can see that the mystery is coming. It seems that the "Lord of Order" Dao Body gives pointers from time to time about the way of yin and yang, which is very sharp. Let Peng Fei Thoughtful.

"It's true. Some people are improving themselves in all aspects while watching. I'm afraid the 'Lord of Order' will take a lot of effort this time. I didn't expect him to do things for you kid so wholeheartedly." Pig head Even the emperor could see that the instructions given by the "Lord of Order" almost hit the nail on the head and solved the puzzle. This is something that only those who are well versed in the world and have endless wisdom can do.

Xuanyuan nodded. He knew that the purpose of the "Lord of Order" was to put tremendous pressure on everyone and make them generate great motivation. Only in this way could their potential be tapped and their strength improved. It's just that the conscription this time can make the strength of 'Qinglong Holy Land' get a substantial leap.

"In the future, the Forbidden Army will directly face the elite of the Protoss, or even the ace army of the Protoss. If they are not strong enough, they will not be qualified to become the Forbidden Army at all. Think about the scene where you are facing hundreds of millions of Protoss troops with 100,000 troops. What you have to do is to count one as a thousand. After joining the Forbidden Army, I will arrange more cruel training for you to hone your body and soul, and more importantly, your Dao Xin to unearth your potential , let you become the king of soldiers."

The voice of the "Lord of Order" was not loud, but every syllable was like a big bell exploding, causing many strong men to collapse, and they were under the impact of the Dao all the time.

"So strong, the 'Lord of Order' is too strong, this kind of will, this kind of firmness, this kind of domineering..." Countless people turned pale, but they found that their fighting spirit became stronger in their hearts, and they all wanted to become The king of soldiers.

"I really want to participate in more brutal training, honing the body, soul and Taoist heart." Everyone knows that being able to be trained by the "Lord of Order" is better than anything, even in the "Blue Dragon Holy Land" Among them, the three thousand Confucian scholars who are known as the most knowledgeable also want to ask the "Lord of Order" for advice, but none of them have that chance!

"If I can get the guidance of the 'Lord of Order', it will definitely be of great help to me. Those who have fought against the 'Lord of Order' have improved a lot. I must join the guards."

On the second day, the number of people who passed the "Lord of Order" audit reached 80, which was only four times more than the first day, but there was no doubt that these people were all the best of the best. It was the first time they had fought against the 'Lord of Order', and they were able to survive ten moves.

This requires a strong Dao heart and courage, as well as extraordinary supernatural powers. Almost everyone has used their ultimate moves. It is wonderful, and the collision of various avenues has made countless people applaud.

Hundreds of ancient sages and powerful Forbidden Army are majestic and majestic. Some of them soar to the nine heavens like phoenixes. When they pull the bowstring of the "Zhanhuang Dao Bow" in their hands, a howling sound shoots out in all directions, and the fighting spirit arrows can be seen piercing the sky. Some of them are like Xuanwu is as immovable as a mountain, which makes people feel unshakable, difficult to break, and solid as gold. Swinging a war hammer, the world will fall apart.

"Awesome, the power is getting stronger and stronger. I really don't know what kind of momentum it will be if there is an army of 100,000." Xia Ziyu exclaimed again and again, these two guards are really terrifying.

"It's really powerful. The 'Lord of Order' is amazing." Bu Jingsha's voice trembled a little.

"Damn it, I'm afraid it's my Daoist. If I don't use the Supreme Dao Weapon, I will be beaten all over the floor in the face of these hundred guards. They are obviously weaker than me, but once they are united, But it's so strong." Peng Fei immediately felt very unbalanced in his heart, even if he used the power of Feng Shui, he was not an opponent, you must know that this was the elite selected by the "Lord of Order", the reason why he was friends that day Fei's ability to mobilize such a powerful feng shui force has a lot to do with the 'Yin Yang mirror', but outsiders don't know the way to do it.

"I have to run away when I meet them, unless I lay down the avenue of heaven and earth in advance to fight." Xuanyuan felt endlessly in his heart, personal power, on the battlefield, seems too humble, this is the real trump card army .

On the third day, a total of six hundred and forty people joined the Forbidden Army. When each of them put on their own unique Taoist weapon, they united and became even more powerful. Everyone firmly believed that no more than a thousand elites The Forbidden Army can definitely sweep hundreds of thousands of ordinary protoss elites. It is so strong that it feels completely unshakable.

Xuanyuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and at this moment, he understood why the pig-headed emperor said that the guards formed by these 100,000 pieces of peerless Taoist artifacts can withstand hundreds of millions of protoss elites, unless the protoss can come up with a trump card of comparable strength The army, otherwise, is not in the slightest comparison.

On the fourth day, more people came to the fighting arena. Even in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', major forces and many casual cultivators came one after another, but when they saw the trump card forbidden army, they were all shocked.

"It's too strong... There are so many peerless Taoist artifacts, and they are still complete sets."

On this day, a total of 960 people joined the imperial army.

On the fifth day, 1,280 people joined...

The ranks of the Forbidden Army are growing day by day. Every day, many people are promoted or even break through because of the guidance of the "Lord of Order". There are countless people, from the ancient sages of the sixth heaven, to the ancient emperor and the ancient sage, there are also, but not many, there is no doubt that they all resolutely joined the two major forbidden armies.

A month passed like this, and the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' has undergone earth-shaking changes...

"It's too strong. In one month, under the guidance of the 'Lord of Order', more than 200,000 strong people who have been stuck in the fifth heaven of the ancient sages for many years can directly step into the sixth heaven of the ancient sages. Realm, let two hundred people who respected the ancient sages in the sixth heaven realm, step into the realm of ancient sages and emperors!"

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