Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1663 Asura War Demon

The 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' floats in the boundless cosmic starry sky. This place is desolate and quiet, so quiet that it makes people panic. It seems that no matter how much they fly here, they can't find a place to stay.

Inside the dragon ship, many forbidden troops achieved breakthroughs in this thrilling fight.

They sat cross-legged, breathing in and out the power in this piece of starry sky and universe, blending it into their bodies, and turning it into their own battle energy. There has been a huge improvement.

Inside the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact', the greedy old man is frantically refining the body of the 'Star Iron War Dragon' of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. This is an extremely rare treasure of heaven and earth. Not bad at all.

If the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact' can restore the realm of the heaven-level supreme Dao Artifact, I'm afraid it will manifest new power.

After all, it is the existence of the impacted artifact, and the greedy old man paid the price of almost destroying the artifact, so he will naturally get the corresponding benefits.

Xuanyuan stood quietly on the prow of the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' alone, looking at the boundless starry sky in front of him.

Xuanyuan found that in such a long time, only at this time could he obtain a moment of tranquility.

Before, he didn't have any grand plans, he just wanted to protect the one he loved.

But with the higher one's strength, the more obstacles one has, and the greater one's responsibility, everything is constantly forcing oneself to move forward.

Mo Ming looked at Xuanyuan's back quietly, without saying a word, he could understand Xuanyuan's inner feelings.

Zhutou Dadi and Peng Fei on the side were drooling, comparing the treasures of heaven and earth obtained from the fierce god's nest and the starry sky where the 'Star Iron War Dragon' was.

However, at this moment, a small world of thirty-six heavens suddenly evolved on the top of Xuanyuan's head.

Within a day, Xuanyuan broke through the second heaven in a row, and stepped directly into the peak realm of the ancient sages, the sixth heaven, and was only one step away from stepping into the realm of the ancient emperor.

No one knows exactly what Xuanyuan gained in these two heavens, but the aura that Xuanyuan exudes now is very shocking.

The thirtieth heaven, the Dragon Transformation Heaven.

The thirty-first heaven, Jade Emperor Heaven.

After Xuanyuan broke through, the aura on his body began to undergo earth-shaking changes, as if it was the limit of the ancient sages, the supreme emperor.

Transforming into the Dragon Heaven allows Xuanyuan to completely evolve into a dragon. As the so-called dragon is among men, the dragon is the gentleman, and the dragon is the leader of all beasts.

Even if a person's strength reaches a certain level, he can develop the appearance of a dragon, but most people can't develop the rhythm of a real dragon, but Xuanyuan can.

And in the Jade Emperor Heaven.

The Jade Emperor is the Godless Lord in the legends, and the records about him in the "Central World" are all from the terrifying existence that came from the "Origin of the Primordial Mist", leaving only a few words.

Xuanyuan stepped into the Lingxiao Palace in the Jade Emperor Heaven.

His "Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng" has made an unprecedented leap.

In the Jade Emperor Heaven, he saw the true appearance of Shenting, and derived it with his own supreme thoughts, and carried out a complete evolution of his "Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng" from beginning to end.

There are seventy-two earth demons below, and thirty-six heavens above, and now I am only short of five heavens, and I can cultivate the soul of heaven to the state of Dzogchen.

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of the 'Lord of Order', and he looked at Xuanyuan. He didn't say much, but he was very serious in giving a lecture to the 100,000 forbidden soldiers, explaining the way of heaven and earth. As for how much he can gain, it depends on each one's own perception.

It is extremely rare to be able to hear the "Lord of Order" give a lecture. Even the pig-headed emperor and Peng Fei at this moment can't help but calm down and listen to the supreme avenue of the "Lord of Order".

Three days later, everyone including Zhutou Dadi and Peng Fei had a huge harvest. In just a few days, 3,000 of the 100,000 forbidden soldiers broke through to the realm of the ancient emperor and the ancient sage.

This is unimaginable for them, but in exchange for the "Lord of Order" a word: "What a bunch of idiots, not as good as pigs and dogs."

Everyone was speechless.

Indeed, the 'Lord of Order' has seen too many peerless geniuses, and in the 'Origin of Hongmeng', the younger generation of Tianjiao emperors are as numerous as crucian carp crossing the river, everyone is desperately trying to swim upstream, but Those who finally stand out are only a small part.

Xuanyuan's eyes were tightly closed, and only after the 'Lord of Order' had finished speaking, did he slowly open them.

Mo Ming, who was at the side, had thousands of changes in his eyes. During this trip, he broke through to the peak of the Ancient Sage Fourth Heaven, stronger than before.

Zhan Huang, A Suda, Zhutou Dadi officially stepped into the third heaven of the ancient sages, and Peng Fei reached the acme of the second heaven of the ancient saints.

The 'Lord of Order' has brought them too many benefits.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xuanyuan said to the "Lord of Order".

"Hey, improving your strength now is just so that I can escape in the future, and you will all work for me when the time comes." The 'Lord of Order' didn't appreciate it.

Xuanyuan smiled and didn't say much, everything was waiting for the order of the 'Lord of Order'.

"Okay, 'Lord of Order', let us out quickly." Suddenly a crisp voice came out.

The 'Lord of Order' waved her hand, only to see Huang Yuechan and Taotie manifested, she looked at Xuanyuan with a smile.

"Why are you here?" Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment.

"I was afraid that you would not let me follow, so I discussed it with the 'Lord of Order'. Now that I have traveled far enough, I am not afraid that you will drive me back." Huang Yuechan's eyes were extremely resentful, originally she wanted to talk to Xuanyuan The two of them practiced together, but they stopped because of other things.

The Taotie at the side also let out a loud roar...

"Okay, then you have to stay by my side and don't mess around..." Xuanyuan shrugged. In fact, Huang Yuechan and Taotie's fighting power is also very strong, so it's good to sharpen it.

"Okay, little husband is the best." Huang Yuechan threw herself on Xuanyuan's body, ignoring others, and kissed Xuanyuan.

The 'Lord of Order' couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately said: "To the west, there is a foreign node."

Mo Ming touched his nose, triggered the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', trembled violently, and after crossing ten times, he directly merged into that piece of alien starry sky.

In this piece of starry sky, filled with this strong blood evil spirit.

Battle battle.

A bloodthirsty and war-thirsty atmosphere filled the nine heavens and ten earths, as if all the creatures in this foreign starry sky were born for war.

Xuanyuan peeped with the 'eye of truth', and saw a living being with black scales, sharp claws, scarlet eyes, ferocious fangs, and majestic devilish energy.

The "Lord of Order" said in a deep voice: "This is an extraterrestrial starry sky leading to Asura's hell. Asura is the most combative race. Only by fighting with them can you get the best training."

"Asura War Demons." Xuanyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, the power of these Asura War Demons is very terrifying, he can see that these Asura War Demons will also kill each other.

"But the number of these Asura war demons is too huge, hundreds of millions. Could it be that we have too few people?" Huang Yuechan exclaimed.

"Asura War Demons are an extremely warlike race. They only value personal abilities and don't have battle formations, so don't worry." The 'Lord of Order' gave an order.

The 100,000 imperial guards erupted into even more terrifying power. It took only a few days for them to make such a big change from their strength to their aura.

The appearance of one hundred thousand forbidden troops immediately attracted the attention of countless Asura War Demons.

"After so many years, someone actually came in."

"Hahaha, Zhan Zhan Zhan, kill them all."

"This is the human race, their blood is very sweet."

Countless Asura war demons roared loudly, the blackness was overwhelming, and the terrifying fighting spirit crushed them.

The Zhanhuang army pulled their Taoist bows at the same time, firing a volley, the fire of the fairy phoenix covered a starry sky, and many Asura war demons were difficult to extinguish even if they were infected with a wisp.

The fire of the fairy phoenix can ignite the battle energy in the body, once it is contaminated, it is difficult to extinguish it.

Huang Yuechan's repeated shots of 'Nirvana Fire' can enhance the power of the Phoenix Fire. With the blessing of Huang Yuechan, the descendant of the Immortal Phoenix, the power is even more terrifying, burning pieces of Asura War Demons. into fly ash

Every imperial guard of the Xuanwu Army was like a mountain. Swinging the war hammer in his hand, he saw an Asura War Demon whose muscles and bones were broken, screamed miserably, and blood spattered.

The sharp claws of those Asura war demons smashed on the battle armor of the Xuanwu army, leaving no trace, just like scratching an itch.

Asura war demons in the third heaven realm of the ancient sages and emperors are almost unable to resist the power of the forbidden army.

Xuanyuan, Pig Head Emperor, Peng Fei, Huang Yuechan, and Taotie also took action.

Xuanyuan directly mobilizes the celestial phase, "Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng". Wherever he passes, Asura's war demons become ashes, and when he encounters a stronger one, he activates "Liuyue Fighting God's Ancient Art", which explodes thirteen times Combat power, even the existence of the ancient emperor, ancient sage, and triple heaven realm, can fight.

Since stepping into the realm of the sixth heaven of the ancient sages, Xuanyuan felt that he could control the Dao of this piece of heaven and earth, and more importantly, his physical body had undergone unprecedented changes. Merging into one, and then playing his own 'Way of Wanhua', it is even more terrifying.

In the cosmic starry sky, there is also feng shui. Peng Fei invokes feng shui thaumaturgy. With the power of feng shui, even the existence of the ancient emperor and ancient sage's third heaven is very difficult. Of course, it does not consume Peng Fei himself. Small.

Taotie's attack is the simplest, which is to devour, devour, and never spit it out.

The pig-headed emperor's restraints were triggered again and again, and pieces of Asura war demons were shattered. The creatures who died in this world, their life essence, and their souls were all swallowed up by Xuanyuan and the pig-headed emperor.

Everyone was killing almost tirelessly, for seven days and seven nights, never stopping for a moment.

However, at the time of the stalemate in the war, in the Shura world, a powerful Dao fluctuation was surging...

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