Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1666 God Mirror Artifact Spirit

As soon as the words of the "Lord of Order" came out, everyone's hearts suddenly hung.

You must know that the "Lord of Order" is not afraid of anything, but ordering like this, it is obvious that the Emperor of War is very terrifying.

"'Jiugonglongshen Cannon', turn the muzzle direction to the west, and fire in salvo."

Mo Ming didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation. On the huge 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', the muzzles of the 'Nine Palace Dragon God Cannons' were turned in the right direction, and the cannons were filled with a chilling light.

The simultaneous bombardment of nine thousand 'Nine Palace Dragon God Cannons', the terrifying recoil directly sent the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' flying thousands of miles away.

The Asura War Demon who was blocking the east along the way was smashed to pieces by the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', screaming again and again.

However, the densely packed Asura war demons in the west died incomparably miserably, with heavy casualties, which made the fluctuations emanating from that terrifying war emperor even more intense.

Xuanyuan's heart shuddered, it was too powerful, even if the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' was alive, he would not dare to underestimate the power of this Asura War Emperor.

At the moment of being sent flying, the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' used the imperial forbidden method to cross the starry sky, and in an instant, it was 100 million miles away.

However, in the starry sky of Shura World, a hundred million miles is nothing.

The 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' crossed again, and a domain gate opened. As long as it crosses once, it can quickly leave this starry sky.

It was a distance of hundreds of millions of miles, and the pig-headed emperor laughed loudly: "Okay, the space node is in front, it would be strange if the Asura War Emperor can catch up."

Mo Ming mobilized the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' and sailed through the air.

Seeing that he was about to leave the space node of the Shura world, suddenly a giant hand slammed down hard.

The pig-headed emperor's outermost 'Wanhua Guardian Great Restriction' was photographed in pieces, and the giant hand changed a gesture and punched down, boom!

The feng shui wonder that Peng Fei had set up also dissipated in an instant, and the fat man's face turned green immediately, and he screamed: "You stupid pig, what a fuck, crow's mouth."

Almost immediately, Mo Ming activated the 'Xuanwu Shoutian Great Restriction' to the extreme.

The third hit came.

The giant hand slapped it suddenly, and the huge "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship" was directly thrown out. The soldiers on the dragon ship were spinning around, everyone was devouring the spiritual energy of this piece of heaven and earth, refining it into their bodies, Turned into a steady stream of vindictiveness.

The pig-headed emperor screamed, "None of my business."

Immediately after bang, another blow, the pig-headed emperor staggered and almost fell to the ground, Xuanyuan shouted: "You two stop arguing, what time is this?"

The strong power passed through the "Xuanwu Shoutian Great Restriction", and it couldn't reach the defense. One hundred thousand forbidden soldiers were shocked to vomit blood.

The 'Xuanwu Shoutian Great Restriction' trembled even more violently. If it hadn't been supported by a huge force, this great restriction would have collapsed a long time ago, and it was attacked one after another, making the operation of the innate gossip above a little stagnant.

Just when everyone was in doubt, the huge black hand fell again, bang!

The 'Xuanwu Shoutian Great Restriction' let out an overwhelmed groan, and horrible cracks appeared on the surface.

A combined battle formation of 100,000 forbidden troops resisted this terrifying force, otherwise, the blow just now would have killed many of them.

"Lend me the seal of heaven." The Lord of Order became ruthless when he saw the solemn expression of the hundred thousand imperial guards.

From Xuanyuan's 'Central Soul', only the 'Fengtian Seal' broke through the air and fell into the hands of the 'Lord of Order'.

The 'Lord of Order' held a big seal, and the berserk 'God of Order' slammed it fiercely at the terrifying giant hand.

The 'Seal of Heaven', in the hands of the 'Lord of Order', seemed to have the power to seal the sky, and the combat power was supernatural. I saw the 'Lord of Order' colliding violently with the giant hand, and the 'Lord of Order' also It's just two steps back.

But the giant hand was numb for a while.

"Holy Artifact of Humanity..." In this piece of 'Feng Tian Yin', it was a heaven-level supreme Dao artifact that was condensed with the thoughts and wishes of billions of sentient beings. , so it has the ability to recover after being broken.

"You go." The 'Lord of Order' obviously dealt with this Asura War Emperor not easily.

"A mere Asura Warlord, what are you afraid of?" Xuanyuan looked at Peng Fei, and shouted sharply: "Take out the 'Yin-Yang Mirror' and summon the spirit inside."

Peng Fei stared, looked at Xuanyuan, and said, "Don't you know that it takes a lot of energy to revive the 'Yin-Yang Mirror'?"

"Give it to me, stop talking nonsense." Xuanyuan looked angry.

"Hey, hurry up and give it to you kid, you go and play it." Peng Fei handed the 'Yin-Yang Mirror' into Xuanyuan's hands.

I saw Xuanyuan holding the 'Yin-Yang Mirror' in his hand, he closed his eyes, and within the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Taoist Artifact', the remaining dozens of 'Xianlingyuan Mountains' burned almost instantly.

The strong and violent fighting spirit frantically poured into the 'Mirror of Yin-Yang'. Taking this opportunity, Peng Fei just bit his own fingertips, and a drop of black and white mixed blood dripped into the 'Mirror of Yin-Yang' .

Boom... A black and white divine light shot straight into the sky, the terrifying power of the supreme power rolled, even the 'Lord of Order' avoided the side, and the 'Yin-Yang Mirror' came out, as if he had gained spiritual wisdom.

In Shura's starry sky, a man and a woman manifested, and the 'Yin-Yang Mirror' split into two.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, someone would be able to revive us..." The man sighed faintly, and it could be seen from his eyes that he was nostalgic for this piece of heaven and earth.

"This is not in the 'Central China'. This kind of breath seems to be in the starry sky of the Shura world." The woman smiled.

"Go ahead, kill this Asura War Emperor." The white-clothed man, like a god-king, shook the mirror in his hand, and a white divine light condensed incomparably, smashing out.

The woman in black, with fluttering long hair, looked like a supreme goddess. When she released the shadow mirror in her hand, a black divine light tore through the space.

Black and white converge, bursting out with infinite killing power.

All of a sudden, a blood-colored ax light struck down from the nine heavens, colliding with the black and white divine light.

Centered on two forces, the destructive fighting spirit ravaged the Asura starry sky. Mo Ming hurriedly urged the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' to escape. Once affected, the already overwhelmed 'Xuanwu Shoutian Great Restriction' would probably be torn apart .

No matter how powerful the 'Asura War Emperor' is, it is not an easy task to face the fully revived 'Yin Yang Mirror' spirit.

In addition, there is also a mysterious and unpredictable 'Lord of Order', who holds the 'Seal of Sealing Heaven' and smashes it out again and again.

Every blow is enough to cause serious damage to those who are in the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. Although the lethality is not so great when facing people who have stepped into the realm of the emperor, but even Asura War Emperor does not want to let the "order Lord' hit once.

Because the god controlled by the "Lord of Order" is too terrifying. This is a power that can make many principles of the world bow down and submit.

Two men with terrifying auras descended from the sky, and a black battle ax with overwhelming killing power. This is the heaven-level supreme Taoist weapon of Emperor Asura, the 'Sura Battle Axe'.

Tool spirit versus tool spirit.

person to person.

The battle was about to break out, and the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' had obviously survived. Mo Ming drove it to the starry sky node.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Chuanyin sternly shouted: "Don't fight them in the starry sky of the Asura world, draw them out."

Immediately, the 'Lord of Order' and the 'Mirror of Yin-Yang' looked at each other and retreated together.

Asura Zhandi is invincible, he shouted loudly: "Come on, Zhan Zhan Zhan, it's been a long time since I've had this much fun."

A moment later, they passed through the starry sky node and directly appeared in the original cosmic starry sky.

This place no longer belongs to the world of Shura. Obviously, after the war emperor Asura didn't have the advantage of the geographical advantage, fighting was not as easy as before.

The "Lord of Order" saw that the "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship" was still not far away and did not leave, and immediately shouted: "You go, I will catch up with you later."

"No, we have to die together." Xuanyuan sternly shouted.

"Idiot." The 'Lord of Order' cursed angrily.

"Hahaha, it's really affectionate, then you can die here together." The Asura War Emperor laughed, clasped his fingers tightly, and slammed down on the "Lord of Order" below him , what he displayed was completely the way of physical combat.

Countless battle qi explosions sounded.

"Seal it to me." The 'Lord of Order' did not evade, the 'Seal of Heaven' at this moment was complete, and under the urging of his 'God of Order', the 'Seal of Heaven' became the size of thousands of miles, straight Boom up.

Bang, the two forces collided together, and the 'Fengtian Seal' was thrown out, while Asura Zhandi's hands were bloody and his bones were shattered, and his whole body was overturned several times.

It's just that the injuries to his hands recovered in an instant, and the 'Lord of Order' was in charge of the 'Seal of Sealing Heaven', attacking again and again.

On the side, the yin and yang magic mirror, a man and a woman, arouse the two ways of yin and yang, and unfold the avenue of lore.

Apparently, it incorporates a ray of the power of early yang and early yin between heaven and earth, which is beyond the reach of ordinary supreme Taoist artifacts.

The two ways of yin and yang can evolve all living things, how powerful they are.

Although the weapon spirit of the 'Sura Tomahawk' was also very terrifying, it was still defeated steadily.

"In that case, I'll kill one first." Asura Zhandi knew that the 'Yin-Yang Mirror' cannot be guessed by common sense.

I saw the 'Sura Tomahawk' fall into the hands of Asura War Emperor, and he chopped it down with one blow, like a galaxy hanging upside down, looking from a distance, it seemed that the entire starry sky was about to be split by him, making Xuanyuan and others wait The mind was shocked.

Even the 'Lord of Order' showed an unprecedented solemnity on his face!

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