Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1674: Three Hollow Cards

"After thousands of lives and hundreds of calamities, seeking the avenue of eternal life, maybe it is the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor', maybe the 'Wanhua Saint Beast' is also going through the calamity..." The 'Lord of Order' seemed to be trying to remember something, but It's strange that when I was suppressed before, I was so angry that I didn't care about the world at all. I just thought about how to break through the shackles all day long, so that I wasted for a while.

Until the end, he gave up and calmed down. Looking at the ups and downs of the world, he felt that he could also gain something. This time, being jointly sealed and suppressed in the "Central China" was a disaster, but it was also a blessing.

Misfortunes depend on blessings, and blessings depend on misfortunes.

"Xuanyuan, do you know what it means to go through a thousand lives and a hundred kalpas? For humble existences like us, every time we go through a kalpa is nothing more than a tribulation, and it's over. The time is not long, only some strong The existence that makes you incomprehensible, their catastrophe, is the most terrifying, directly reincarnated, so that one's mind is not awakened, each life experiences a kind of catastrophe, if you pass it, you will live, if you don't, it will have huge consequences for them Attrition, and every time they are reincarnated and reborn, they have no choice. When they are newborn babies, if someone wants to kill them, there is no way to fight back. Start all over again... such a repeated cycle, without great will, great luck, and great courage, it is simply impossible to do it."

Although the 'Lord of Order' is very strong in this world, but in the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist', it can only be regarded as above-average, and existences like the 'Sage Emperor of Wanhua' can only be looked up to.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath. Every time he crosses the catastrophe, it is one life, and life and death cannot be controlled by himself. If they pass through, will they be able to truly live forever?

Whether or not eternal life really exists is still an unknown mystery. They are trying to create a way of eternal life.

You know, the universe will be destroyed, not to mention creatures, no matter how powerful they become, they are just creatures, attached to this piece of heaven and earth, if the skin does not exist, the hair will attach.

However, no one can know what these characters think in their hearts. Their realm is too high for many people to reach. Similarly, the impact on Xuanyuan from his back view was too great.

Even if he stepped into the realm of the first layer of the ancient emperor, Xuanyuan felt that the feeling brought by his back was absolutely different from that of the "swallowing emperor".

The back view of the 'Emperor Devourer' gives people the feeling of a kind of vicissitudes, and the long-lasting domineering aura makes people involuntarily feel awe.

"He forced him to be strong. I only know that it is enough to be myself. I believe that one day, I can also become an existence like them. The current self is too shallow and needs endless years of precipitation. A complete tool." Xuanyuan took a deep breath, and brought the 'Lord of Order' to the eleventh heaven.

"Haha, that's a good point. Since ancient times, I don't know how many people have this kind of determination, but they all died out unknowingly in the endless years. Let's say, everyone knows it, but I don't know how long you can persist? "The corner of the 'Lord of Order''s mouth formed an evil smile, his speech was always so indifferent, revealing indifference and indifference, as well as that incomprehensible smile.

Xuanyuan was silent for a moment: "Until death."

With a light wave of his hand, the door of the eleventh heaven opened, Feng Shui Tian.

The sound of countless dragon chants was transmitted, and I saw the ancestral dragon veins rising and surrounding. The 'Lord of Order' saw the scene in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised, and he said with a smile: "This 'Swallowing Emperor' really surprised me more and more. In this feng shui sky, it can be said that every step is a miracle, and every ten steps is a unique game, and the supreme feng shui overall situation is laid out in this piece of heaven and earth."

Xuanyuan also felt it. Sure enough, the things hidden in the eleventh heaven are different. The ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins are breathing with vast aura, and the power of each ancestral dragon vein is superior to Xuanyuan.

"There are ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins in this place, representing the ninety-nine supreme beings. I don't know which piece of land the 'Swallowing Emperor' harmed to get these ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins. This is only second, the key is in Each of the ancestral dragon veins is engraved with "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" and its attainments are far beyond what Peng Fei can match. The ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins are divided into nine and ninety-nine. The big picture is the 'Supreme Strange Game', if you give it to Peng Fei, even if you want him to be your male favourite, he will raise his ass and serve you without complaint or regret..."

The 'Lord of Order' laughed loudly, Xuanyuan couldn't help but tremble all over when he thought of Pengfei's fat buttocks, and his goosebumps fell all over the ground. Temptation is indeed fatal, I am afraid that giving it to Peng Fei will make his attainments in Feng Shui thaumaturgy even more extraordinary.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, and moved the 'Feng Shui Heaven' with his own thoughts. Sure enough, in the depths of this sky, an ancient stone wall evolved, and what was depicted on it was none other than the "Feng Shui Ancient God Art" The other part, I didn't expect it to be in the 'Swallowing Treasure House', no wonder Pengfei couldn't find it after all his efforts.

"It turned out to be "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art"..." Xuanyuan was also extremely excited. Although it was only a part of the ancient art, adding this part should be able to complete "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art".

"Good luck, let's see if there is something good." The 'Lord of Order' was also looking forward to it. Just in the eleventh heaven, there is such a powerful thing. I don't know that there will be something hidden behind it. what a baby.

Xuanyuan calmed down his heart, looked at the ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins, and the inscriptions on the Dao of Fengshui thaumaturgy depicted on them, and he felt something in his heart. Although he didn't practice Fengshui thaumaturgy, he still dabbled in it. One, each one has something to learn from.

"I've decided, I don't plan to tell Peng Fei for a while, first hide this supreme Feng Shui wonder in the 'Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng', and leave a second killer move for myself, hehe, this time if Pengfei If you want to get rid of this Supreme Strange Game and this part of "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art", you will have to bleed a lot." Xuanyuan grinned, and he could already think of Peng Fei's convulsive appearance, and he felt particularly comfortable.

The 'Lord of Order' chuckled, but didn't say much. Xuanyuan beckoned, and ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins fell from the sky and entered the celestial aspect of 'Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng'. Also sitting in it, it seems that the Fengshui strange situation of the Nine-Nine Supreme is centered on the "Fengshui Ancient Magic".

"Let's go, go to the twelfth heaven." Xuanyuan was excited, and rushed all the way with the "Lord of Order".

Soon, the two of them reached before the twelfth heaven.

Xuanyuan opened the gate of the twelfth heaven, and suddenly, a gust of piercing sword energy came towards him, and the sound of clanging was endless.

Three large characters were revealed, Wan Jiantian.

Looking around, in this world, there are thousands of swords hanging down, of various types, three-foot swords, seven-foot swords, wooden swords, jade swords, sleeve swords, double swords, big swords, heavy swords, blunt swords, soft swords sword……

Every sword has an extremely unique rhythm, the lowest level, and it is among the top grade Taoist weapons. There are 3,000 swords at the human level supreme Taoist level alone, and the earth level is the highest Taoist weapon. There are three hundred swords of the artifact level, three swords of the supreme Taoist artifact of the heavenly level, and the rest are all of the supreme Taoist artifact level, with immeasurable power...

"It seems that this 'Swallowing Emperor' is also a good swordsman. Every sword here is forged by every person who has a sword heart. Thousands of swords, ten thousand hearts, and ten thousand ways. The ultimate move, few people can resist it, 'Swallowing the Emperor' really left you endless wealth..." 'Lord of Order' looked at these swords as if looking at some delicate gadgets, with a little appreciate.

Xuanyuan moved Wan Jiantian with his own thoughts, and sure enough, a formation image floated up, and in an instant, Wan Jian moved, and they all let out a scream, they all merged into the formation pattern, and disappeared into the invisible, "order The expression of the Lord changed, and said: "This sword map is an ancient thing, owned by the 'Wanjian Tianzun'. I didn't expect it to be obtained by the 'Swallowing Emperor'. It really surprised me."

"'Tianzun Wanjian'? In other words, all the swords were refined by the 'Tianzun Wanjian'?" Xuanyuan was surprised.

"No, the 'Wanjian Tianzun' is a human race. In the world, everything can be a sword. An ordinary leaf and petals are indestructible and indestructible in his hands. A grain of constant sand is also a sword. The array is the foundation, it can sweep the nine heavens and ten places, and few people are his opponents. However, in this life, the "Swallowing Emperor" may not be as profound as the "Wanjian Tianzun" in the way of swords, but he is very determined. , I found the Wanjian with the heart of the sword, and integrated it into the formation. As long as it is activated, you can kill the enemy and win. Explain one by one, and fortunately the "Lord of Order" is there, otherwise, with Xuanyuan's vision, he must not know the origin of this formation.

Xuanyuan was very excited in his heart. In this way, he now has three big trump cards, and in the changing world in the future, he can be regarded as able to protect himself, but he deeply understands that like this 'Wan Jian' Although the "killing dao formation" is amazing, with my own strength, I'm afraid I can't fully exert it, so now I still need to focus on cultivation.

"Very good, come in!" Xuanyuan ordered.

I saw that huge formation, directly sitting in Xuanyuan's "Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng" in the sky.

The three trump cards merged into this celestial aspect, and Xuanyuan immediately felt that his "Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng" had also undergone a great change!

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