Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1682 Star Iron Dragon Emperor

In this space, the atmosphere is extremely dignified.

It was the first time that a war demon with such humble strength dared to speak like this and put forward such conditions.

In the Shura world, the ancient emperors, the ancient sages, and the first layer of war demons are as numerous as crucian carp crossing the river, countless.

This world is growing up in endless cannibalism and mutual devouring. They will not care too much if they have not grown to the third heaven of the ancient emperor and the ancient sage, because those who have reached their level are stepping on The bones of countless fellow clans devoured their flesh and blood to achieve the present achievement.

Only when some of them have grown to a certain level of strength can they have a relative right to speak and create their own power.

But they all respect martial arts and are not good at ruling, so the war demons under their command do not have much organization. They all support their subordinates and kill each other. In their view, the Asura clan Only the strong are needed, only the supreme strong who have transformed from countless fights.

From their rewards, which are their own pure blood essence and fragments of the Supreme Battle Way, one can see what the rules of the Asura world are like.

Xuanyuan looked at the old war emperor and the eighteen war kings. Everyone was looking at him, which made him feel unprecedented pressure. If it was someone else, he would have been too scared to speak. His whole body became weak, and his body even burst due to the unbearable, but Xuanyuan was able to resist the coercion emanating from them invisible, and to be able to think carefully, which is already extremely rare.

Whether I am dead or alive is all in the mind of the old war emperor. Now I can only think about the problem from the perspective of the old war emperor and come up with a way that can satisfy him. This is the most important thing.

"The subordinates feel that there is another big force coming, and the Holy Corpse World and the Protoss stand between us and another big force. As long as the subordinates represent the Asura World, go to negotiate and join hands with it, in this way, We can attack back and forth, multiplying the pressure on the god race and the holy corpse world, and lighten the burden on my Shura world, they are very strong, but we are stronger than them." Xuanyuan roared loudly.

"Huh? This method is feasible." An Asura War King's eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed with Xuanyuan's method.

"Hmph, my Asura World has never shown weakness to others. By doing this, isn't it telling the living people that my Asura World is afraid and needs their protection? Make people laugh? It's simply destroying the prestige of my Asura World. It's a stupid idea. It should be killed!" An Asura War King disagreed and glared at Xuanyuan, if it wasn't for the old war emperor to decide on this matter, he would have slapped Xuanyuan to death long ago.

Half of the people agreed with Xuanyuan's plan, and half of them disagreed. Now everyone is waiting for the old Zhandi's reply.

At this moment, Xuanyuan's mood fell into an unprecedented tranquility. Whenever something went wrong, he would find a way to get out.

"Tell me, how are you going to persuade another big force? They are the Star Iron Warriors, and they are not so easy to cooperate with. You can sense that there is another big force, which is not easy. Divide your skills." The old Zhan Emperor spoke, his expression neither happy nor sad nor frightened nor angry.

"It's very simple. Let's say that the Holy Corpse World and the Protoss are joining forces to attack us. If our Asura World is destroyed, then it's time to replace them. The Star Iron Warriors and the Dragon Clan should understand the truth. This reason makes them have to cooperate with us." Xuanyuan's heart pounded, the Shura world really cannot be measured by common sense, and many people only have the word brave in their hearts, and the word innocence.

"Okay, I'll give you a drop of the pure blood of the Emperor Zhan." The old Emperor Zhan was about to integrate a drop of his pure blood into Xuanyuan's body, obviously he had agreed to Xuanyuan's method.

Xuanyuan quickly refused: "Wait a minute, this drop of Emperor Zhan's pure blood is for me to carry with me to prove my identity, otherwise, how could the huge clan of Star Iron Warriors trust me, but with the old Zhan As emperors, how can they deserve to meet the old Zhan Emperor in person? But they are still qualified to see the old Zhan Emperor's blood essence. If they see the pure blood essence of the old Zhan Emperor, they will definitely believe it. to work well together.”

Xuanyuan's words are very flattering, and they are all just right. The star iron and dragon clan are extremely strong. It is very comfortable to hear such words in the old Zhandi's ears.

"Hahaha, it's okay, I'll give you another drop." I saw that the previous drop of pure blood of the old Zhandi had integrated into every corner of Xuanyuan's body. The secret art of the Asura tribe nourishes every part of Xuanyuan's body, and after training it once again, it has been reborn, and its combat power has been raised to a higher level.

Immediately afterwards, a drop of the blood of Asura's Supreme Battle Dao, which was incomparably violent, turned into a ruby, condensed with supreme thoughts and killing spirit, and landed on Xuanyuan's palm.

"Go, I will leave this matter to you. After you succeed, you will be rewarded again. If you don't succeed, it will depend on your own good luck." The old Zhan Emperor waved his hand and sent Xuanyuan out. Thirty million miles away, a patch of nine heavens.

Xuanyuan's heart was shocked, he didn't expect that the old war emperor Asura would be so terrifying, but no matter what, he finally succeeded.

After being tempered by the old war emperor with the supreme secret technique of the Asura clan, Xuanyuan felt that his physical body existed for battle, and it was extremely strong. On his bones, there was even a terrifying inscription on his body. The lines of Shura's supreme battle path are extremely precious.

The benefits obtained this time are beyond Xuanyuan's imagination. The reason why the Asura clan can be so powerful is not without reason. This trip has benefited a lot.

He immediately headed towards the direction of Yanguan, and walked through the air at the fastest speed. Xuanyuan was afraid that Emperor Asura would observe his every move, so he did not dare to use "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", so he could only use Asura Some secret methods of the clan.

This method seems clumsy to Xuanyuan, but Xuanyuan has a unique insight in the secret way, so even if it falls into Xuanyuan's hands, it can turn decay into magic, surpass its previous effect, and is barely usable.

In that mysterious space, Asura War Emperor and eighteen Asura War Kings were watching Xuanyuan's every move.

"Oh? Asura's secret technique, he can actually have his own unique understanding. It's not bad to hide himself like this. At least no one in the younger generation can do this step." How does an Asura war king think of Xuanyuan, how pleasing to the eye, He wants to take him as his subordinate.

"Hehe, he is indeed a good seedling. The reason why he was asked to do this this time is also a test for him. If he can pass, he should be cultivated well." Asura Zhandi looked at him playfully. all of these.

"What if the Star Iron War Dragon Clan doesn't want to cooperate with us and wants to kill him?" Another Asura Warlord asked.

"That can only depend on whether his life is good or not. I have already left behind in that drop of blood essence. If I can come back alive, I will focus on training. If I can't come back alive, it is not uncommon for ghosts to fall." Asura Zhandi's words were very plain.

Xuanyuan was silent, but fortunately, he was not discovered by the protoss and the powerhouses of the holy corpse world. Otherwise, his strength would be exposed. This time, it was his real body, not his incarnation.

In the field occupied by the Star Iron War Dragon Clan, looking around, it is densely packed. Some of them turned into dragons hovering above the nine heavens, and some turned into human forms and stationed in one side.

When Xuanyuan approached, he was immediately intercepted by the strong men of Star Iron Fighting Dragon. There were at least a hundred strong men in the third heaven of the ancient emperor and the third heaven of the ancient sage.

"People from the Shura world, what are you doing here?" the leader of a star iron war dragon shouted.

"It doesn't matter what he does, just kill him." The other star iron war dragon roared.

"That is, to kill him, it must be a scout sent to inquire about intelligence."

"Do you think I will be the only scout who came to inquire about information? Quickly take me to see your emperor, I, Asura Supreme Battle Emperor, I have important matters to discuss with your emperor, and if you delay the important matter, you will die Ten thousand times is not enough." Xuanyuan sternly yelled, with Shura's supreme fighting way on his body, that kind of aura, which can only be possessed by the blood essence of the supreme war king and war emperor.

But Xuanyuan's gestures and gestures, the look in his eyes, the aura is more like the coming emperor, the coming king in the Shura world.

Even Asura Zhandi saw this scene, and a strange color flashed in the depths of his eyes. It is not easy to cultivate this kind of temperament.

Those guarding star iron dragons looked at each other, and immediately the leader said coldly: "Okay, then I will take you to meet our emperor, but whether you can live or not is up to you."

Xuanyuan laughed and didn't say much.

The terrifying existence of Star Iron War Dragon stood on the 'Human Yanguan', and they all turned into human forms, otherwise, their bodies would be too huge.

Seeing Xuanyuan being brought up, their king and emperor couldn't help but frown.

"Report to the Dragon Emperor, people from the Asura World said that they have important matters to discuss and ask to see them."

"Let him come forward and talk." A man looked at Xuanyuan quietly. Just standing there, Xuanyuan felt as if he was facing the starry sky, giving him an extremely vast feeling...

Xuanyuan stood in the sky, neither knelt down nor worshiped Star Iron Dragon Emperor, but bowed and said: "I have seen 'Star Iron Dragon Emperor'."

"Bold, when you see me, Dragon Emperor, why don't you kneel and kowtow?" There was the Ancient Emperor Four Heavens next to him, and he shouted loudly at Xuanyuan.

"Now I represent the entire Shura world. If I kneel down to the Star Iron Dragon Emperor, wouldn't that mean that my Shura world bows down to the Star Iron Dragon Clan? It's just a dream." Xuanyuan's words were calm, his eyes With coldness and fearlessness.

Even the many Asura war kings and old war emperors who watched this scene showed admiration for Xuanyuan.

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