Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1685 Where is the road

'Central China' experienced violent turmoil, which was worse than the situation in 'Nanyan Xianzhou'.

During the first year.

The God Race, the Evil Race, the Underworld, and the Heavenly Court have had large and small frictions, and they are all just tentative attacks, and they are also united with each other.

Until the second year, a big scuffle started. No one could trust anyone, and everyone wanted to wipe out any big power in the "Central China", so countless strong men were dispatched to attack each other.

But there was still no large-scale war broke out, and a group of strong men from all races led by the "Purple Faced God" fell into the Tianshan Sword Pool, cultivated and cultivated Tianshan Sword Dao, making countless people develop rapidly in strength.

The 'Purple-faced God' is away all the year round, absorbing some strong people from thousands of races, scattered people, including some strange beasts that have survived for countless years, hiding in the nine heavens and the earth, these existences are extremely powerful, and they all belong to independent individuals. No matter what race they are in, they just want to subdue them, they will not respect them, and the strong are all proud, so they will not submit easily. On the one hand, the "Purple-faced God" can give them a place to live, and on the other hand On the one hand, the courtesies are added, and the most important thing is that they will have a common vision to ascend to the "Origin of Hongmeng" and create a new prosperous world.

Therefore, the "Purple-faced God" has been searching hard, and it has been smooth sailing along the way, and the strength of the Sanxiu League has been continuously strengthened. In addition, there are four major sword spirits guarding the Tianshan Mountains. Fortunately, there is not much war. The pervasive Tianshan Mountains are now a rare pure land.

But the "Shenglin Emperor's Son" and others live in seclusion in the sea of ​​suffering. They don't have any adventures, and their strength soars. It has been completely occupied by the underworld. During these years, the underworld has attracted countless strong men from its "Origin of the Underworld". If Xuanyuan hadn't abolished a Taishan Domain Gate, the consequences would have been even more disastrous.

However, just when everyone thought that this situation would continue forever, in the third year, when the war between the four major powers began to break out on a large scale, a large number of terrifying existences suddenly entered from outside the territory.

On that day, the end of the world will come, the real end of the world!

Countless creatures were howling, the whole earth was trembling, and the violent fighting spirit swept across the entire 'Central China'. Attacks were everywhere, and almost no place was peaceful.

That battle was fought in a dark and dark manner, and almost the gods, evil races, heavens, and underworlds were all united together to resist these powerful forces that came from outside the territory, otherwise, they would be defeated one by one.

They all know that these powerful forces that suddenly attacked were either in the ancient times, ancient times, the great clans that traveled far away and passed on in the starry sky of foreign lands, or in the chaotic ancient times, the gods and the ten thousand races fought fiercely. The "Central World" collapsed, they didn't want to participate in too much disturbance, and the horrible existences who wanted to wait for the moment when the "Central World" merged were born one after another.

This moment has arrived, and they have come to kill together, and every big force has extremely terrifying power.

The 'Central Shenzhou' was completely killed, devastated, Tianyang God Son, Moon Emperor God Son, Zhan Yuan God Son, Jiuyou God Son, and the Goddess of Ecstasy all fell, without any suspense.

God Son Tianhuang, God Son Xinghan, Goddess Taiyin, and God Son Biluo survived and made great breakthroughs.

And the "Son of Dragon Candle" derived from Xuanyuan has become more and more important in the Protoss, because in these years, Xuanyuan has devoted himself to the Protoss, and died. , Killing the big forces in the extraterrestrial starry sky and defeating them.

Because if the protoss of the "Central China" are destroyed in this battle, they will lose the qualification to talk to the protoss outside the territory. Xuanyuan has worked so hard to give himself a disguised identity, which will lose any meaning. If he really wants to mix with the protoss Among them, and sit in a key position.

Although the status of "God Son of Dragon Candle" is not outstanding in combat power, but he leads troops in battle with unparalleled wisdom, and has repeatedly made outstanding achievements for the gods.

None of the younger generation of god sons can be compared with the "God Son of Dragon Candle" in terms of fame. In a chaotic battlefield, their individual combat power is really not insignificant.

In terms of combat power, the 'Goddess Longyue' is the first. It is said that the 'Goddess Longyue' went into the 100,000 mountains of the Wu Clan, had an adventure, came back alive by chance, and controlled a family of the Wu Clan. With the method of poison, countless people saw her, and it was like seeing a ghost. The existence of the ancient emperor's fourth heaven was poisoned to death by the 'Goddess Longyue'.

When you raise your hands, there are poisonous techniques everywhere, which makes people afraid to avoid them. In the middle of a battle, it is the right-hand man of the 'Son of Dragon Candle'.

A few days ago, there was a battle where Xuanyuan commanded the Protoss, fell into the enemy's trap, and caused great casualties. Fortunately, Xuanyuan had arranged a chess piece earlier, which opened a bloody path, allowing the extraterritorial sky ghosts to also die. Suffered a huge loss. Although this battle suffered a lot, it can be regarded as regaining face. Victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs. No one blames Xuanyuan, because he leads the army to win more and lose less. This is enough. .

At this moment, Xuanyuan was standing alone on the wall of the 'Cantian City', watching the turmoil in this piece of heaven and earth.

This is really a dark and turbulent era, almost without a day of rest. Suddenly, he felt exhausted physically and mentally, lost his goal, and was very confused.

Are the protoss really their own enemies? Take yourself but command hundreds of millions of protoss soldiers to fight.

After experiencing so much, Xuanyuan discovered that the real enemy is never others, but himself. If you want to be an enemy with him, then he is an enemy. have enough power.

"If I can be so strong that I can't be stronger, then there won't be so much turmoil in this world, and I will be able to control everything and create a prosperous world."

"It's a pity that my current strength is too weak. The ancient emperor is a heaven, and there are so many heavenly emperor realms in the outer world. How can I fight against it unless I can step into the heavenly emperor's mirror? far away."

In Xuanyuan's heart, there was a sense of powerlessness. Many strategies could have been very successful in the first place, but in the face of an absolutely powerful force, the strategies could work, but the opponent was able to defeat ten times with one effort.

It's not that his own ability is not enough, but that the other party is too strong.

"Li, where do you think our future is going, and who is our enemy?" This incarnation of Xuanyuan has the same thinking as Xuanyuan. Over the years, he and Xiang Liuli have been fighting north and south. The clan, the heavenly court, and the underworld united with each other one after another, and then broke up, turned against each other, countless traps, plots, trajectories, and fights.

In the end, the strong outside the territory are like divine soldiers descending from the sky. The evil race, the god race, the heavenly court, and the underworld were completely covered and attacked. The strong will kill until the sky is dark and the sky is dark.

"The enemy comes and kills, that's how it is." Xiang Liuli sighed quietly, and she also felt unprecedentedly tired, as if the war was endless.

"Do you still remember the original intention?" Xuanyuan asked.

"The original intention was to guard the 'Central China' and our homeland." Xiang Liuli's eyes were shining brightly.

"But whose home is this? Any strong man in the outer starry sky used to be the master of this piece of heaven and earth." Xuanyuan couldn't find the answer at first.

"At least not long ago, 'Central China' was our homeland. They have abandoned this piece of homeland for so many years and never guarded it. Why do they come here now? Why is this piece of land just because they once lived in it? Yes, if it's theirs, why give it up?" Xiang Liuli's thoughts became extremely firm, the Wu Clan has paid too much for this piece of land.

"They withdrew from this world due to the power of the gods, and they were unwilling to fight against the gods. I, the witch race, led all the tribes to kill the gods together, and the humans created a pure land. Ankang, whoever causes turmoil in the homeland is my enemy." Xiang Liuli's words were sonorous, powerful, resounding, and deafening, allowing Xuanyuan to come out of confusion.

"Thank you, Li." Xuanyuan held Xiang Liuli in his arms. At this moment, his incarnation could not communicate with the deity, because the distance was too far, and the incarnation still possessed the wisdom and consciousness that Xuanyuan had when he left the 'Central China'. It's just that the experience is completely different from Xuanyuan's deity, so the mentality of Xuanyuan's deity is also different.

Only on the day when Xuanyuan comes back, can the soul communicate with this incarnation, and the two sides can feel each other at this stage. Different encounters and different states of mind, combined, will have a great breakthrough.

Xiang Liuli's body trembled, feeling Xuanyuan's body temperature. Over the years, the two of them have gone through life and death, experienced more than a thousand battles, and they have established an extremely deep relationship.

Although some words are not spoken, the hearts of two people are slowly getting closer, and both of them can feel it.

"Are you still unable to communicate with this deity?" Xiang Liuli embraced Xuanyuan, and she expected that Xuanyuan deity would return with a brand new 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

"The distance is too far, but the strength of this deity is improving. I think that after the deity returns, my Wanzu will definitely have a brand new look." Regarding himself, Xuanyuan has always been very confident.

"That's good. 'Wuyi Wuzun' can't hold on for too long. Although his current strength is constantly improving, he said that he can only last for twelve years at most. If the time comes, 'Qinglong Holy Land' We will be in danger if we lose the protection of the 'Wuyi Witch Venerable' before we return." Xiang Liuli said cautiously.

"It doesn't matter, twelve years is enough for us to grow to the point where the enemy dare not underestimate us. Let's go." Xuanyuan's eyes are clear at this moment, he is no longer confused, the road is in front of him, and those who invade my homeland are my enemies.

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