Before the long trip, Xuanyuan had to make arrangements in advance, and who should be in charge in the following days.

It is still Xia Ziyu who is in charge of the outside world, and Bu Jing kills the master in the house. If there are major events, the 'Lord of Order' can decide, and he will fill the gap between Zhang Tianling and Huang Tian.

Xuanyuan suddenly realized that he had nothing to arrange, and the other major forces performed their duties to manage their own city well, but if there was anything wrong, they would report it directly to Bu Jing, and Xia Ziyu would let them decide.

It seems that I am very relaxed as the hands-off shopkeeper. Now that I am in the "Qinglong Holy Land", it is no different from not being there. The dragons have a leader, and all major forces can manage their subordinates well. He does not need to centralize power. It is enough for a hundred schools of thought to contend, for the common people to live and work in peace and contentment.

Yao Chen came to see him off in person, brought a batch of extremely precious pills, and told Xuanyuan Qian and Wan to never let anything happen to the teacher, otherwise, Xuanyuan was the only one who asked, and there was nothing in it. A pill that can be used.

Xuanyuan pledged his life to let Yaochen rest assured that Shihou is his wife.

Qian Duoduo sent a lot of five emperor coins, one with snot and one with tears, so that Xuanyuan must return safely. She was very reluctant, knowing that this time Xuanyuan's long journey would take a long time.

Moreover, this trip was no worse than the last time, and the 'Lord of Order' was not accompanying him, and bringing these more than a dozen people along would inevitably be full of dangers.

"Duoduo, don't worry, I will definitely bring you many rare treasures for you to play with." Xuanyuan comforted Qian Duoduo.

"I don't want rare treasures, I just want you to return safely." Qian Duoduo looked at Xuanyuan seriously with red eyes.

"Yes, Duoduo, I'm here." Huang Yuechan who was at the side said with a giggle, as long as I don't die, he won't die.

Qian Duoduo nodded, looked at Mo Ming, and said loudly: "Dead wood, you must ensure Xuanxuan's safety, otherwise you will be the only one to ask."

Mo Ming nodded repeatedly, he really had a headache for Qian Duoduo, and it was the first time he saw such a troublesome woman.

Tsing Yi also came, looked at Shihou and Huang Yuechan, nodded, and only said to Xuanyuan: "Take care."

As soon as she finished speaking, she left. She knew that Xuanyuan would be away for a long time this time. Although she appeared to be innocent, she was very reluctant in her heart and didn't want to sue Lishang. She believed that Xuanyuan would return safely.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Zixi and Ba Ji came with Xuanyuan Pingsheng.

Xuanyuan Pingsheng is now taller than Xuanyuan, with a height of two meters, mighty and majestic, with amazing combat power, and has even stepped into the realm of the ancient emperor's third heaven.

"Father, when you come back, I will fight with you. Don't lose to me then." Xuanyuan Pingsheng was full of energy and blood, his energy was extremely strong, and his tall body looked like a wall. wall.

"Okay, I hope you can beat me." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, looking at Ba Ji and Luo Zixi.

"Be careful, the child is waiting for you to come back." Luo Zixi said softly like a good wife and mother.

"Don't bring another woman back, otherwise I will never end with you." As soon as Ba Ji said this, Huang Yuechan quickly answered: "Dare he?"

"Hahaha." Xuanyuan smiled, looking at the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', the things that should be prepared are almost ready.

"Okay, it's time to go. You guys should practice hard. If you have anything to do, you can find the 'Lord of Order'. All major issues will be decided by him." It can be said that the 'Lord of Order' is a know-it-all, there is nothing he can't solve Question, Xuanyuan is very relieved, the pig-headed emperor frowned, and said to Xuanyuan: "You are so relieved of the 'Lord of Order', aren't you afraid that he will plot evil?"

"You don't need to be suspicious, and you don't need to be suspicious. Everyone has their own yardstick to measure everything. Do you think the 'Lord of Order' will allow every major force in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to do evil, and they may agree? Don't worry, nothing will happen, the 'Lord of Order' sees farther than us, his goal is in the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist', not my little 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'." Xuanyuan said via voice transmission .

From a distance, Yan Ziyun looked at Xuanyuan, and the "Path Master of Suffering Love" patted her on the shoulder: "Why don't you go?"

"No need, just look at it like this." Yan Ziyun smiled and shook her head.

Zhizhi stood above the 'Linglong City', standing in the air, her white clothes were more than snow, fluttering with the wind, also watching all this quietly.

"Don't worry, I'm here, brother Xuanyuan will be fine." Mochou puffed out her small chest, her voice was crisp.

"You little girl, you'd better take care of yourself." Ba Ji said to Mo Chou, and she grinned and made a face at Ba Ji.

"Oh, my darling, Holy Master Xuanyuan, you can't leave me. If you leave me, how can I live?" At this moment, the nine-tailed fox fairy also came, her face Qingcheng, a peerless evildoer, looked sad and looked at Xuanyuan: "My family followed you all the way, how could you abandon me, my family wants to live and die with you..."

"This trip is full of dangers, so don't meddle in it." Xuanyuan felt a headache when he looked at her.

"Don't be afraid, my family has the 'Taiyin Bell', so I must go." The Nine-Tailed Fox Immortal didn't care whether Xuanyuan agreed or not, and went directly to the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'.

"Boy, 'Taiyin Bell' is very important, so let's take her with me. If she can break through to the realm of the fifth heaven, she will be a great force in the future." The pig-headed emperor who was on the side said quickly.

Peng Fei was drooling even more. If the 'Taiyin Bell' could be borrowed to comprehend it, it would be of great help to his cultivation. He immediately said: "I strongly request the Nine-Tailed Fox Immortal to stay, but she The 'Taiyin Bell' I want to use to understand, if I can get the 'Sun Clock' in the future, hehe, then my understanding of the way of Yin and Yang will be deepened."

"No problem at all." The Nine-Tailed Fox Immortal saw that two important figures pleaded for him, and immediately agreed.

"Okay." Xuanyuan was very helpless and could only agree.

Ba Ji handed the 'Ba Gu Di Bow' to Xuanyuan, saying: "With it, it's like I'm with you."

Xuanyuan nodded, and put away the 'Ba Gu Emperor's Bow'.

At this moment, Zui Guchen and Tian Youqing also followed, screaming: "With such a good thing, how can we miss our two brothers."

Xuanyuan supported his forehead, speechless for a while, and said: "Don't meddle in it, this trip is really too dangerous, and we need to keep you guarded in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'."

Zui Guchen and Tianyouqing who were rejected, fought to the death, regardless of good or bad, rolling on the ground, and the last two people even bribed Peng Fei and Zhutou Dadi among them, saying that they would give them all the treasures they got along the way. They all have their own supreme Taoist artifacts.

Of course, Peng Fei and Zhutou Dadi also opened their mouths, and the corners of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched. It is true that Zui Guchen's inheritance is very remarkable, but it is more biased. In the Holy Land', women who will only harm other powerful forces, it is better to take them out to experience, maybe there will be a big breakthrough.

"Okay, then you two will do odd jobs on the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'. Without my order, you absolutely can't mess around." Xuanyuan really had no choice, his face was black, the pig-headed emperor and Peng Fei With the threat of a strike, it would be impossible without them along the way, so I could only agree.

"Yes, boss." Zui Guchen and Tian Youqing hurriedly followed the 'Gudilong Ship'.

"Okay, okay, there are only three things, and that's it." Xuanyuan was afraid that someone would go with him again with various reasons, so he just said the words to death.

At this moment, Yuan'er descended from the sky, looked at Xuanyuan, and said: "Xuanyuan, I also want to go with you. This trip is full of dangers. Since I am God's darling, I can avoid unnecessary dangers. The calculation of 'Heaven's Secret' has Sometimes it will be blinded."

Yuan'er is dressed in blue palace clothes, and she is too beautiful to behold. The pig-headed emperor, Peng Fei, Zui Guchen, Tian Youqing naturally wished for another beautiful woman to go with her: "We want to be together, we want to be together!"

Xuanyuan nodded, and said: "Forget it, Yuan'er has special abilities, so we're together."

Yuan'er smiled slightly, and immediately landed on the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'.

Under the eyes of everyone, a portal opened, and the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' flickered, and immediately disappeared into this piece of heaven and earth.

Xia Ziyu stood on the 'Qinglong Palace', watched Xuanyuan and his party leave, and jokingly jokingly said, "Why, does Ziyu feel very reluctant?"

"Hehe, that's not true. If he wants to travel far, it means he has more confidence in us. I won't let him down. All the military strategists are practicing war. I have won the inheritance of the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' art of war, so naturally I can't hide my clumsiness. , These days, I will focus on martial arts, and you will focus on writing. The world is in turmoil, and the rule of culture is important, but martial arts must not be neglected, otherwise how will we gain a foothold in future wars?" Xia Ziyu glanced at Bu Jingsha and asked for his approval.

"Hehe, you can just go. There is nothing serious right now. All races are in harmony. If there is any major issue, I will come to you." Bu Jingsha laughed. He was very happy to cooperate with Xia Ziyu. Zhou Dynasty's Nine Heavens Xuannv, he admires from the bottom of his heart.

Xia Ziyu smiled, turned and left.

In the barbarian king's city of the witch clan, Tian Xing often watched Xuanyuan's group of people leave. On the side, the ancient witch of the Xing Tian clan said slowly: "Do you want to calculate how bad this trip is?"

"Hehe, since Brother Xuanyuan is fully prepared, we don't have to worry about it. Just keep the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. You should study hard to understand the realm of the Heavenly Emperor and the Great Sage. Today, the world is changing and the strong are coming out frequently. Scrambling to be born in this ancient era, it seems that something important has happened in the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'." Tian Xingchang looked calm, and when he broke through the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, he sensed some fragments.

The ancient witches of the Xingtian Clan nodded and turned to leave. When it comes to seniority, Tianxingchang is the same as them. Tianxingchang was the first to be sealed up, and they were sealed after guarding the Wu clan for a period of time. stand up……

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