Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1801 The Power of the Holy Fire

"Wanhua Sacred Flame." These four words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Xuanyuan's heart fiercely.

His heart throbbed, and he could feel the blood in his body surging, tumbling, and turbulent. If he could take this 'Holy Flame of All Transformations' as his own, then his own strength would have an unprecedented leap.

"This is the holy fire of all transformations!" Suddenly, Peng Fei who was standing beside him also spoke, his eyes were filled with amazement.

"How do you know?" Xuanyuan looked at Pengfei, very surprised, the 'Wanhua Holy Flame' was transmitted in Xuanyuan's mind by the old man, it was impossible for Pengfei to hear it, and it was on the fire fighting list , there is no ranking of 'Wanhua Sacred Flame' at all.

Peng Fei was stunned for a moment, paused, and said: "I have seen it in some secret histories of Guzha, and there are only a few words of records. This kind of flame does not exist in the records of the fighting fire list. On the one hand, it is It only appears in legends. On the other hand, it is a flame that only the "Body of Myriad Transformations" can control. The limitations are too great. After countless years in this world, how many people have become "Body of Myriad Transformations" '? How many people among these 'Myriad Transformation Body' will be lucky enough to get this 'Myriad Transformation Sacred Flame'?"

Xuanyuan nodded, that was indeed the case, but he was very curious about where this 'Ten Thousand Transformation Sacred Flame' came from.

"Xuanyuan, you're in luck, hurry up and refine the 'Wanhua Sacred Flame', your combat power will be improved like never before, and your killing power will also be enhanced. The next time you meet the 'Chaos Saint Emperor', at least you don't have to You are so embarrassed, when you step into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, you will even have the power to fight." The greedy old man roared, and saw the 'swallowing myriad of transformations' directly flying into the blackness In the sea of ​​flames, it seems that it is enjoying the burning of the "Holy Fire of Wanhua". The dense Dao patterns of Wanhua are intertwined, engraved in the space of the four directions, forming a furnace, wrapping the "Dao Tool of Devouring Wanhua".

Xuanyuan sat cross-legged in front of the "Shenhuotian", and drew a ray of "Holy Fire of Myriad Transformations" into his body. This ray of "Sacred Fire of Myriad Transformations" was like a gossamer, light and dexterous, and began to penetrate deep into Xuanyuan's previous "origin". Among the limbs and bones that even the fire could not penetrate, some impurities began to be slowly refined and forced out from the deepest part.

And it is still deep in Xuanyuan's body, incorporating the power of the 'Wanhua Holy Fire'. If Xuanyuan swallows some life essence in the future, once it penetrates here, it will be completely refined into Xuanyuan's most pure life essence. Turn vindictive.

The power contained in the "Holy Fire of Wanhua" made Xuanyuan introduce it into his heart, causing the "Fire of Origin" to clank. He could feel the "Fire of Origin" constantly absorbing the "Holy Fire of Wanhua" and Extremely fast, growing.

Peng Fei who was on the side could only watch. He knew that in this sea of ​​flames, he was doomed to not have the magic weapon he wanted.

When Xuanyuan refined the 'Wanhua Holy Fire' into his body bit by bit, he felt that his physical body had undergone an unprecedented improvement. The fire was the heart, the earth was the spleen, and the heart was strengthened to strengthen the spleen. The flesh and blood on Xuanyuan's body transformed into a non-flesh and blood state, and it was very powerful.

It seems that it can be separated from Xuanyuan's body at any time, but it will not be affected in the slightest and become an independent individual.

Xuanyuan was pleasantly surprised. He finally understood where the gap between himself and the "Chaos Saint Emperor" was. With his flesh and blood, how could he possibly be able to resist an existence like the "Chaos Saint Emperor".

But now that he has the 'Ten Thousand Transformation Sacred Flame', he doesn't have to worry too much. The greedy old man who was in the sea of ​​Ten Thousand Transformation flames cried out wildly, enjoying the feeling that the 'Ten Thousand Transformation Sacred Flame' refined away many impurities for him.

Over the years, the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact" has swallowed countless life essences, souls, and many other supreme Dao artifacts, countless treasures of heaven and earth, and many impurities. The reason why it has been difficult to reach the pinnacle of the Heavenly Supreme Dao Qi.

I saw that this 'swallowing myriad of transformations', under the tempering of the 'everything's holy fire', the black luster flowing out of its body is more pure, and Xuanyuan can clearly see that many impurities have gathered into a rust-colored The blood stains are refined bit by bit from the 'swallowing myriad of Taoist artifacts', not only the countless Taoist artifacts, impurities from heaven and earth, but also the negative emotions of those dead creatures, these are the most vicious Once the existence of the soul is not completely refined, when it is about to break through the divine weapon, it will attract even more terrifying catastrophe.

On the other hand, Xuanyuan's body has gradually become stronger in the baptism of the "Holy Fire of Ten Thousand Transformations", and the strength of his physical body is no longer comparable to that just now. Fire' was conceived by Xuanyuan from the beginning, and the strength was insufficient. Although it was able to refine the sky-replenishing thing at that time, it was not fully tempered. Now, after the integration of the "Holy Fire of Wanhua", the "fire of origin" itself has become more and more powerful. It is powerful, and after being integrated into the true meaning of Wanhua, it can naturally penetrate into every hole. The impurities contained in the sky-filling things that have settled in Xuanyuan's body have been refined cleanly. The power is fully stimulated.

Xuanyuan was very emotional: "If there is no 'Holy Fire of Wanhua', I am afraid that I will not find out until a long time later in my life that a large part of the power of the sky-replenishing thing is deposited in the body, and it is not refined, and it is almost wasted. gone."

"Tsk tsk, you boy is going to the road of freaks. If you continue like this, no one can beat your physical body. The 'Body of Myriad Transformations' is really terrifying. Soon, even the 'Holy Emperor of Chaos' will be able to fight you." There is a fight." Peng Fei who was on the side grinned.

"It's still far from the 'Chaos Saint Emperor', but I should also start to have the strength to attack with the Supreme Dao Weapon with bare hands, but it still depends on what kind of Supreme Dao Weapon, like Chaos Green I can't accept an existence like Lian." Feeling the changes in his body, Xuanyuan was full of confidence.

"Take your time step by step. Don't be dissatisfied, kid. There are still 18 floors of the 'Swallowing Treasure House'. I don't know how many treasures the 'Swallowing Emperor' has left for you." Peng Fei laughed loudly. .

In this vast sea of ​​flames, the most quintessential fire power was extracted by Xuanyuan one by one and integrated into his body.

Three months have passed, and finally the myriad sea of ​​flames in the 'Shenhuotian' disappeared completely.

In front of me are extremely solid black houses. This is a special material. In the endless years, under the burning of the "sea of ​​fire", it has become stronger and stronger, and there are many obscure ancient patterns, depicting Among them, they are connected into an extremely terrifying formation.

In the sky of 'Shenhuotian', there is a round of black sun, burning blazingly, breathing out terrifying heat.

This is the core fire of the entire 'Wanhua Holy Fire'.

"Presumably this should be the terrifying sacred fire condensed from the life of the 'Swallowing the Great'." Xuanyuan looked at the black sun.

"Yes, in the past few months, you have absorbed the power of some small fires and laid the foundation. Next, as long as you can completely refine the core fire of the 'Wanhua Holy Fire'." After the greedy old man said , revealed a kind of extreme excitement.

Xuanyuan nodded, and with a thought, he saw that above the nine heavens, the round black sun began to sink down.

Under Xuanyuan's mind, it became smaller and smaller, and when it came to Xuanyuan, it only became the size of a fist, and then it crashed into Xuanyuan's heart at once, "the fire of origin 'Now it has completely surpassed the power of when the Red Emperor was in charge.

Ever since it was incorporated into the 'Wanhua Sacred Flame', its power has become so strong that it defies the sky.

At the moment when the 'Holy Fire of Myriad Transformations' crashed into Xuanyuan's body, Peng Fei looked at him and felt that he was going to be melted away by the power of the holy fire, but he was able to see Xuanyuan's 'Body of Myriad Transformations' itself, and started It will have great resonance with the 'Wanhua Holy Fire', and carry out the most perfect integration and fusion.

This fusion took a full half a year, causing Xuanyuan to undergo a huge transformation again.

Day and night under the calcination of the "Wanhua Holy Fire", his blood became more and more majestic, like a group of holy fire burning, as long as Xuanyuan exudes hostility towards anyone, once he gets close to Xuanyuan's body, that person will People will be burned into fly ash all over the body, making it difficult for people to get close. This is an extremely terrifying mind attack.

Incorporating the "Holy Flame of Myriad Transformations" made Xuanyuan's body perfect, becoming a "Body of Myriad Transformations" without any impurities or blemishes. Presumably the reincarnation of the "Emperor Devourer" back then has already been counted into my future. In the first life, the achievement of "the body of all transformations" will inevitably refine a lot of precious life essence into the body. It is necessary to have this fire to perfectly improve one's physique and eliminate all the ills on the body.

Xuanyuan practiced the 'Holy Fire of Myriad Transformations', from which he realized how this ball of 'Sacred Fire of Myriad Transformations' was formed, which shocked him.

It turns out that this is the first life of the "Emperor Devourer", the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations", which is extremely low-key, and basically does not show any ability in front of others. After cultivating to the extreme, it awakens part of the memory, induces the will of the deity, and uses many means , Only then did the refining out of this 'everything holy fire'.

Just like 'Chaos Qinglian', but he doesn't feed on the lives of others like 'Chaos Saint Emperor'.

Instead, he entered many foreign starry skies, collected all kinds of flames, took their essence, used the way of myriad transformations, and then integrated them into the true method of the sacred fire on the "Origin of the Primordial Origin", condensed and gathered to form a unique "Sacred Flame of Myriad Transformations".

It took a full thousand years, and it must be known how terrifying it would be to spend a thousand years to create a spiritual object of heaven and earth for an existence like the 'Swallowing Emperor'.

Xuanyuan walked in the Divine Fire Heaven, as if a god had descended. Now that he had enough strength, he had introduced the 'Undead Dao Wood' into his body, and the wood produced fire, and the integration of the 'Immortal Dao Wood' would definitely increase his strength.

Xuanyuan looked at the nineteenth heaven, and Peng Fei glanced at it from time to time at this stage, and then left the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to continue arranging feng shui wonders.

Watching Xuanyuan completely refine the 'Wanhua Sacred Fire', a pair of eyeballs were as green as two big lanterns.

"Let's go, go to the treasure house of Nineteen Heavens and take a look."

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