Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1806 Chaos Realm

The "Emperor Devourer" poured all his life's feelings into Fu Xi's body. This is something that everyone can see. It can be seen from the establishment of his statue in the "Forbidden Road Square".

Everyone has feelings, "Emperor Hongmeng" also understands that "Emperor Devourer" is the love of Fu Xi's life, but they can't be together.

This kind of ending is a tragedy, but at least the "Swallowing Immortal Mansion" was left over by the "Swallowing Emperor" and given to her.

If that incident hadn't happened back then, there would be no suspense in the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' would be their love nest, so now it is only natural for Fu Xi to propose to stay in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', obviously she He has made this his home.

The existence of many Heavenly Emperor Great Sacred Realms made them feel a little surprised. The existence of a Great Sacred Realm was just added to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' out of thin air. of.

"Hehe, if Great Sage Fu Xi wants to stay, I, 'Qinglong Holy Land', will naturally welcome her. From then on, 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' will be my natal family, and I can go back anytime." Xuanyuan joked.

"Haha, of course." The 'Emperor Hongmeng' said with a smile.

"I don't know how great it would be if I could see him again." Fu Xi smiled, and the light in his eyes flowed.

At this moment, the sky and the earth trembled, and in the direction of Xizhou, the huge 'Xiji Immortal State' began to dock.

Large swathes of avenues fluctuated across the four directions, and patches of chaotic light made it impossible for people to see the situation clearly.

Xuanyuan said slowly: "I have seen the 'Swallowing Emperor' in the 'Central World', and now everyone's focus is on the 'Xiji Xianzhou', follow me and see if you can find him. "

As soon as Xuanyuan's words came out, not only Fu Xi was taken aback, but even the 'Emperor Hongmeng' was stunned for a moment.

"The 'Emperor Devourer' should be the reincarnation of the 'Sage Emperor of Wanhua' from 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'. In order to seek the way of eternal life, he made himself go through thousands of lives and hundreds of eons. You should have an end, he left me countless treasures, let me create the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', taking you to meet him is the only thing I can do." Xuanyuan said calmly. "I instinctively felt that you could meet again before."

"So that's the case, then you go." "Emperor Hongmeng" sighed, Fu Lian and those people have ruined the future of the human race, but now there is no point in saying anything.

If the "Emperor Devourer" and Fu Xi could be married that day, and become the emperor of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty", rule the Quartet, and become the supreme emperor of heaven, the current situation of the human race will definitely not be like this.

A single thought can bring a race into desperation.

"Boy, you said you have seen the Great Emperor?" The pig-headed Emperor looked at Xuanyuan like crazy.

"Well, I met Yuechan accidentally that day, but the pig-headed emperor, you don't want to follow this time. If the emperor wants to see you, he will naturally appear. Now you have awakened part of your memory. You must understand " Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"Understood." The pig-headed emperor clenched his fists, very helpless, but it was indeed as Xuanyuan said.

"Let's go." Xuanyuan pointed his toes in the air, and with a flicker, he disappeared from everyone's eyes, and Fu Xi followed closely behind.

"Where do you want to find him?" Fu Xi looks at Xuanyuan now, as if looking at her own child. Xuanyuan's back is somewhat similar to that of the 'Emperor Devourer'. After all, he is the one who has obtained all his inheritance. .

"I don't know, I can only go in the direction of Xizhou. When Yuechan and I met the emperor that day, it was on the road leading to Xizhou. Let's go to that mountain to have a look, maybe we can find something. There may be clues." Xuanyuan knows that in the vast world, it is not easy to find a person. If it is an ordinary person, Amaterasu and Xuanjizi can work together to calculate their whereabouts, but the words of "Swallowing the Great" A special existence, once it is calculated, it may be backlashed, and he is no longer the "Emperor Devourer" of the previous life, and it is impossible to find everything he left behind, so it is difficult to calculate.

"That's just a matter of luck." Fu Xi had an extremely urgent expectation in her heart, no matter what, she had to see the person she loved the most again, even if he had already reincarnated, it didn't matter.

"It's right here." Xuanyuan and Fu Xi hang down among the mountains, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and there are hidden ups and downs. The highest mountain is exactly where the "Swallowing Emperor" stood that day.

"It seems that I can't see him anymore, and I don't have a trace of him." There was disappointment in Fu Xi's eyes.

"Hehehe... I see, I see." At this moment, laughter came from all directions.

Xuanyuan was so familiar with this voice, it was like a nightmare, entangled endlessly.

"What exactly do you want? 'Chaos Saint Emperor'." Xuanyuan frowned. Today, he will definitely not be as embarrassed as he was when he faced the "Chaos Saint Emperor". It shouldn't be a problem to get out of the body, the premise is that the "Chaos Saint Emperor" doesn't want to fight himself desperately, otherwise, what means such a character has is beyond what he can predict.

"It's nothing, I thought you were the reincarnation of the 'Wanhua Sage Emperor', but it turned out not to be. In such a short period of time, your combat power has risen to such a level. It seems that you can't be kept."'Chaos The Holy Emperor's words and deeds are very calm, unhurried, Fu Xi is not unknown to him. In the last life, the relationship between Fu Xi and the "Swallowing Emperor" is well known in the world.

If Xuanyuan is the reincarnation of the 'Sage Emperor of Wanhua', how could Fu Xi see his expression like this? If you think about it, you can understand everything.

"Hehe, 'Chaos Saint Emperor', are you afraid? You are afraid that once I grow up, you will no longer be my opponent." Xuanyuan can only use words to provoke him now.

"'Wanhua Shengdi' is really good. I have taken in a good disciple. Last time I didn't take precautions against the 'Wanhuashen Cannon'. Look at this time, where are you going? I let you escape several times. I was careless. , this time, none of you will try to run away." The voice of the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' was sharp, and suddenly, a large piece of chaotic air permeated the four directions of the world, this is his aura.

"Chaos Realm."

Even stronger than the 'Great Mist Realm' of that day, Xuanyuan cast 'Holy Emperor Fighting the Primordial Mist' without saying a word.

This is a kind of grand momentum that wants to fight all over Hongmeng, and it will have a violent collision with the 'Chaos Realm'.

I saw the celestial aspect of "Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng" was thrown away, and the condensed heaven and pavilions were broken, but they were all repaired at the first time. At this moment, Xuanyuan realized that he was very naive. Di' didn't try his best at all, the gap between himself and him, at this moment, he felt that the difference was not even a star.

Xuanyuan was shocked in his heart, he did not expect that the "Chaos Realm" cast by the "Chaos Saint Emperor" would be so terrifying.

"Fuxi Realm."

Fu Xi, who was at the side, made a move. This Fuxi world was the means left by a supreme ancestor of the Fu family in ancient times.

It has the shape of a human, beast, and snake, and has the aura of an ancient holy emperor. From its body, a side of gossip, Qian, Kun, Li, Dui...

All kinds of ancient avenue runes manifested and condensed into formations. In addition, there is a big mountain sitting in it.

It was the first time Xuanyuan saw such a mountain with his own eyes, and it felt like Mount Tai to him!

The eyes of the "Chaos Saint Emperor" turned cold, and he said with a smile: "I didn't expect it to be the Fuxi Realm. It seems that the "Wanhua Saint Emperor" has treated you well, and passed on to you the condensed method of the Fuxi Realm that has been lost for many years."

"As long as I'm here, don't even think about hurting a single hair of Xuanyuan." Fu Xi said calmly.

"Haha, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, you want to stop me just because of your strength? Even if you are in the Great Saint Realm, you can't be my opponent. I will let you feel, what is humble, let you Understand what gap is." 'Chaos Saint Emperor' laughed loudly: "Chaos is all ways."

Boom, thousands of heavenly pillars rushed out from the chaotic world, and each pillar was imprinted with a destructive aura, crushing towards Xuanyuan and Fuxi.

Fu Xi looked dignified, and saw the huge world of gossip, all kinds of ancient runes manifested into a giant gossip formation, with Mount Tai as the center, smashing the pillars of heaven, and producing the supreme power contained in the oldest gossip formation of Mount Tai .

The collision of the two worlds shook the world, and the creatures with a radius of millions of miles fled in panic. Many creatures in the center of the collision of the power of the Dao realm were shaken into flying ash, and there was no body left. There was no chance at all. No.

The stretching mountains collapsed from bottom to top, and the flowing water was evaporated in an instant.

The ground under his feet was torn apart. Many powerful people noticed it and dared not approach him. They all knew that this was a supreme existence. Even if he was alone, no big power wanted to offend him. with him.

Seeing that the 'Fuxi Realm' controlled by Fuxi was being defeated steadily, Xuanyuan was surprised. You know, she is an existence in the Great Sacred Realm, and she also obtained many secret techniques left by the 'Emperor Devourer'. Supernatural powers.

And the realm of the "Chaos Saint Emperor" is only in the realm of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven, which is almost so overwhelming that Fuxi has no power to fight back. Xuanyuan can feel that as long as it continues like this, the "Fuxi Realm" will collapse sooner or later .

"He's too strong, Xuanyuan, you go first." The corner of Fu Xi's mouth was bleeding.

"I will help you." Xuanyuan said in a heavy voice.

"No, the Chaos Realm is too strong. Unless you have condensed the Myriad Transformation Realm, otherwise, don't fight him. Although he is only in the fifth heaven realm of the ancient emperor, he already knows the way of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' well. Ban Tiandi exists, and once he enters, his 'Great Meng Realm' will become even more terrifying." Fu Xi is well aware of the seriousness of the matter, and it is indeed too difficult to compare with an existence like the 'Chaos Saint Emperor'.

"Hmph, die." With a thought of the 'Chaos Saint Emperor', suddenly, a beam of Chaos sword light slashed out from the void, at an extremely fast speed, directly tearing apart the 'Hongmeng Realm', and directly took Fu Xi's head .

Xuanyuan felt suffocated for the first time, a holy emperor reincarnated, in the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, it is so terrifying, it can obliterate a great saint of Fu Xi's level, it is simply too unimaginable, too invincible.

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