Yang An from the Heavenly Court looked at Can Feixue, feeling very strange, logically speaking, Can Xueshen is very unique and difficult to comprehend at all, but how can Xuanyuan grasp it?

He said from a distance: "Oh? Can Feixue, what's going on? Xuanyuan was able to comprehend your Can Xue's divine principles. Isn't this something you should have alone?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I believe in Xuanyuan, and he has mastered it." Can Feixue's words immediately surprised countless people.

This is too unimaginable. It can be said that Can Feixue is a top-notch existence of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and she is extremely proud. How could she believe in Xuanyuan? Down, almost naked, naked.

"How is it possible that Master Can Feixue actually went to believe in Xuanyuan..." A strong man among the Protoss shouted on the spot, as if this was something that he couldn't accept.

"Nothing is impossible. I can understand Master Feixue's thoughts. Xuanyuan is a special existence. He is sincere to his believers. If sentient beings have any doubts, he will answer them without reservation. He Believe in Confucian benevolence, wisdom, propriety, righteousness, loyalty, filial piety, and bravery. If he cannot be honest, then his way will inevitably collapse. As the saying goes, knowing yourself, knowing your enemy, and invincible in a hundred battles..." At this time, the 'Son of Dragon Candle' stood up to answer for everyone, It was they who understood Can Feixue's good intentions.

"Yes, because of this, I believe in Xuanyuan. He is indeed a gentleman. He never uses his own strength to confuse all living beings who believe in him. He will let all beings who believe in him have independent thinking and will not worship blindly. , and give feedback to protect them. These days, I have detected many of his mysteries, but also as one of the sentient beings who believe in him, I must also be sincere, and I will use the "Canxue God Rule" and what I have cultivated Supernatural powers, unreserved dedication, but I did not expect that he would be able to comprehend so quickly, it is too incredible."

Faced with Can Feixue's high evaluation of Xuanyuan, whether it was Yang An in heaven or the emperor of Huangquan in the underworld, they couldn't help frowning. You must know that they are also the emperors of the younger generation, so they naturally refused to accept Can Fei Xue's evaluation was even higher than theirs.

Emperor Huang Quan smiled and said: "Can Feixue, you won't be captured by Xuanyuan after you believe in it, right? You must know that you are Can Yunwu's apprentice!"

Can Feixue said indifferently: "I'm just telling the truth, if I dare not face up to my enemy, I'm doomed to fail in the future."

The meaning behind Can Feixue's words was already very clear, which made Emperor Huang Quan and Yang An feel extremely uncomfortable.

"I admit that Xuanyuan's methods are indeed unmatched by ordinary people, but you think too highly of him." Yang An sneered.

"I don't know whether to look high or not. If you have the ability, you can lead your 'Heavenly Court' to attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. The consequences will be at your own risk. I look forward to the outstanding performance of Emperor Yang An." Can Feixue is using this The aggressive method, depending on the situation, the 'Yuhua Shenchao' and the 'Zhoutian Holy Land' have already lost their strength, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' Xuanyuan took the lead, and with one person's strength, caused considerable losses to the two major forces, causing the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' to take the lead. Holy Land', morale boosted.

I saw that many Mohists were starting to maintain the 'Sky Cannon', and those 'Storm Pear Blossom Needles' that had been fired were also being reloaded. Xuanyuan was buying time for them to kill them all by himself. It turns out that many people are afraid that there is some kind of trap in it to lure them into the trap. You must know that the core combat power is these Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages. If their group is wiped out, it will be an irreparable loss.

Xuanyuan is the Holy Lord of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', why should he take the lead? Everyone will have ideas, and he dare not act rashly. It seems obvious that he wants to attract the existence of the Heavenly Emperor Great Holy Land.

"Joke, why don't you protoss stay still and let us attack?" Can Feixue immediately brought Yang An back to his senses as soon as Can Feixue's words came out. This was to provoke him and let Heavenly Court test the 'Qinglong Holy Land' Powerful, as smart as Yang An, how could he be fooled, and the situation will soon be calm.

"That's right, 'Yuhua Shenchao' and 'Zhoutian Holy Land' have some strength means to try out the hole cards of 'Qinglong Holy Land', we'd better wait and see here, just as agreed." The topic changed.

"Actually, I think the strength of the Heavenly Court and the Underworld is extremely terrifying. They can smash the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' to pieces in an instant. It is not as strong as we imagined. Why don't you give it a try?" Can Feixue entangled endlessly. In front of him, there was no shyness at all, which made the two emperors turn green.

"This will be discussed later..."

From the 'Tianyan Pass', with a radius of one hundred thousand miles, black snowflakes fell down, incomparably crystal clear, flickering with black light, flowing with biting cold, incomparably sharp, even if those holy corpses were frozen stiff.

Chi Chi Chi, each frost and snow rotates at high speed, and the friction between it and the air tears the space and makes a piercing sound.

With Xuanyuan's thought, puff puff puff, the densely packed corpses of soldiers were torn apart, frozen into ice sculptures, and even their souls were shattered together.

At this moment, the Heavenly Emperor came to his senses, Xuanyuan's target was not him, but all the soldiers, and Xuanyuan killed nearly a million elites in an instant.

"Xuanyuan, you little bastard, what means do you have to come towards me, I want to see what you can do to me!" I saw that the heavenly emperor attacked Xuanyuan at the first time, and he turned into a thousand gods Feather collided with the black frost and snow all over the sky.

The collision between the terrifying Shenze Dao, the torn space shattered, the sound of the Dao was rolling, protecting many soldiers, and the blossoming snowflakes escaped into the void, giving birth to black ice lotuses, breathing out cold air, Converging into a cold wave, it will cause huge damage to the soldiers and horses of the two major forces...

Feeling Xuanyuan's means, many powerful men of the Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage used their methods again and again to resist the cold wave and protect part of the soldiers and horses, while Xuanyuan seized the right time to attack that Heavenly Emperor.

"Really? Then you will accept the trick for me." Xuanyuan performed "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", you must know that he has cultivated this ancient art to the extreme.

Beyond the speed of time, the first time he appeared in front of that heavenly emperor, the 'Thousand Swords Killing Dao Formation' was activated at the first time.

The killing power is so powerful that it is unimaginable. At this moment, the Wanhua Dao in Xuanyuan's body boiled to the extreme. edge.

The face of the "Yuhua Shenchao" Heavenly Emperor changed drastically. In front of him, it evolved into a giant elephant shield, but under the cohesive force of the "Thousand Swords Killing Dao Formation", it shattered instantly, and let out an elephant's mournful cry.

The tyrannical Dao force blasted him flying under the eyes of everyone, causing him to vomit blood again and again.

Xuanyuan's attack speed was too fast for people to react.

The first great sage looked dignified, and said: "This is one of the ancient arts, "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", I never thought that this child could practice to such a degree!"

"Let's take action and kill it completely." Immediately, a corpse exorcist said heavily.

"Be careful, you see that the 'Lord of Order' and the others have not appeared, maybe there is some trap waiting for us, think about it, Xuanyuan is the lord of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', as the core figure, how could it be so easy Take the risk with your own body." The first great sage cautiously watched the 'Tian Yan Guan', Mo Ming and many elites of the Mohists were urging the 'Moyin Treasure Box' and the 'Mystery Box' to maintain many organs, For example, the cracks on the 'Sky Cannon' were quickly repaired bit by bit, and the rainstorm pear blossom needles were also fully loaded in the first place, and the reserve was even larger.

All kinds of powerful offensive restrictions are deeply brewing.

Xuanyuan joined forces with his three Taoist bodies to attack, and almost no one could enter his body, only one heavenly emperor fought against Xuanyuan, and he couldn't either!

All kinds of Dao laws came out together, the ancient techniques were used alternately, and they were so proficient that many experts in the "Qinglong Holy Land" were dumbfounded. This is the combat power of their Holy Lord Xuanyuan.

"Kill kill kill..."

In the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', the momentum was like a rainbow, and they didn't seem to worry about any danger to their Holy Master Xuanyuan, which made the first great sage and many corpse exorcists even more suspicious.

Xuanyuan was annoyed in his heart, the fall of the five great sages, knowing that thousands of troops could not exchange for the existence of a great sage, he hated it in his heart, but he couldn't express it.

Although many soldiers died in the 'Yuhua Shenchao' and the 'Zhoutian Holy Land' from the beginning to the end, their Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage were basically intact. From another perspective, the loss of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' They will all have to suffer, there is no way.

The 'Yuhua Shenchao' family has a great career and can sacrifice so many captives. Once these people surrender, they will have extremely terrifying combat power. There are 70 billion powerful people from all races. This number is extremely terrifying. If they can infinitely If I offered it, I was afraid that the consequences would be unimaginable. There was a heavenly and earthly formation to dodge the first time, but Xuanyuan couldn't help but feel deeply worried about the second time. Fortunately, the enemy didn't know that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' had made such a move. Great sacrifice.

Needless to say, as long as there is a second appearance of the "Forbidden Breaking Heavenly Evil Formation", the "Blue Dragon Holy Land" will suffer even greater losses.

This kind of price is too heavy and unbearable. It is impossible for Xuanyuan to allow Tianxing and Dixuan to set up the 'Tianxingdixuan Formation' again with the intention of exterminating the clan.

"Brother Xuanyuan, my Mo family can only be healed. Come back, we are all ready to withstand their remaining soldiers and horses." Mo Ming held the 'Moyin Treasure Box' in his hand, and his temperament broke out. The huge change has now entered the realm of the great sage, and there is an extremely mysterious connection with the 'Moyin Treasure Box', which seems to be able to explode with extremely terrifying means.

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