Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1827 Killing Dao

(Clerical error, please correct it. The nineteenth heaven of Devouring Treasure House is the Heaven of Shenhuo, and the twentieth heaven is the Heaven of Houtu.)

During this period of time, Xuanyuan was in the 'swallowing treasure house', and had no knowledge of what happened outside, and no one dared to disturb it.

After all, all the turmoil in the outside world has nothing to do with the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. The most urgent task now is to delay the time so that the people of all races in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can have time to grow up and accumulate enough strength and wealth.

In the twenty-first heaven.


In this piece of heaven and earth, one of the vast winds, Gangfeng, Tianfeng, Daofeng, Yanfeng, Ice Wind, Extreme Wind, Star Wind...

Practicing some supernatural powers in this world, including "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", will have a great quick success.

Xuanyuan got a treasure in this divine wind, named Dingfengzhu.

As soon as this bead is urged, it can stop all kinds of strong winds and make everything calm.

I always felt that it was useless, but Xuanyuan knew that the 'Emperor Devourer' must have his intentions and reasons for keeping this thing.

In addition, in this piece of heaven and earth, there are many wind-attributed fairy sources, and there are many treasures of heaven and earth, which are extremely precious.

Including the previous lands of God Leitian, Shenshuitian, Shenhuotian, Shenshitian, etc., what is actually more precious is the treasures of heaven and earth that were bred in this world.

How wise is the 'Emperor Devourer'? It can be imagined that the rise of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will inevitably require a lot of natural resources and treasures, and the layout has been laid out early, nourishing each layer of heaven with spiritual objects, so that these natural resources There are many types of earth treasures, some of which have gone through a long period of time, and some of which were derived in the later years.

Although Qian Duoduo told Xuanyuan that the national treasury could last for a year if it went down, it would probably be less than a year. Based on Xuanyuan's understanding of her, it should just be that Qian Duoduo didn't want to worry about her, and she might work harder behind the scenes.

Therefore, in these days, Xuanyuan let people with a lot of money come in to mine a lot of natural and earthly treasures, which will bring great effects when used for refining organs, magic weapons, setting up restrictions, magic circles, etc. , so that the strength of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has been further enhanced.

Xuanyuan didn't care too much, and came to the 22nd Heaven, Shenmu Heaven.

Here, the vitality of heaven and earth is incomparably majestic, blending into every pore of the human body, making people feel comfortable throughout.

There are strange flowers and plants growing, all of which are extremely precious elixir and fairy grass, and many people in the medicine hall stared straight at the sight.

Here, there is a fighting tree, in the ancient times, it was the third on the list, Ruomu.

In the previous life, Xuanyuan read such a sentence, Fusang in the east and Ruomu in the west.

Ruomu is a sacred tree that allows the sun to inhabit. It is extremely precious and possesses incredible power. Ruomu, which ranks third on the fighting tree list, can be integrated into it, so that the owner can nourish the world and all things.

That is to say, after Xuanyuan took charge of Ruomu, he could use the "Immortal Against Heaven Technique" to heal others by virtue of the huge vitality contained in Ruomu.

On the battlefield, as long as the power of Ruomu is mobilized to form the Ruomu Life Seal, people can regenerate their vitality, which is equivalent to having a gold medal to avoid death until the power of the Ruomu Life Seal dissipates.

Ruomu's active integration, all the things it experienced in its life, flowed through Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness like a horse on a horse.

He is just like Ruomu himself, who has experienced all kinds of things in the world and formed.

It turns out that this Ruomu is a branch of the "Origin of Hongmeng" sacred tree, which is extremely tiny. When this piece of heaven and earth first opened, it fell into the universe, breathed out the power of heaven and earth, and gradually formed an independent individual, and later became a strong man. All have been bred by generations of masters.

In the end, it developed the ability it could have. An existence like Ruomu has an extremely long lifespan, and it is difficult to estimate at all, but its growth is not fast, because in the world, among the fighting trees, apart from Jianmu, the undead Daomu , there is nothing else that can compare with it.

If it weren't for the 'Emperor Devourer', it might still be stuck in the realm of the ancient emperor's fourth heaven, unable to advance an inch. His last master is the reincarnation of the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor', who brought great fortune to it and made it It is very important to understand the meaning of our own existence.

So it is grateful to the 'Emperor Devourer', and is willing to live in this world for a lifetime, and to serve his successors. Ruomu raised the entire Shenmutian with his own ability.

Anyone who cultivates a strong tree can get great benefits when they come to this piece of heaven and earth. Xuanyuan found that Shenshuitian and Shenmutian can both become the habitat of the Shenmu and Shenshui tribes, and immediately gave an order , so that Qingdi and Heidi can move the two clans here.

Qian Duoduo could feel that after Xuanyuan merged with Ruomu, his combat power had increased again, but there was still no sign of breaking through the realm.

"Duo Duo, how about it? After the resources here are mined, will it be enough?" Xuanyuan is not in charge of the family, and he doesn't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are, so he still has to ask Duo Duo.

Her saliva almost didn't come out, she gave Xuanyuan a blank look, and said angrily: "Xuanxuan, you are too much, there is such a good place, you don't even talk about it, let me mine these resources, there is no need to be so If we are in short supply, the development of the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' will also be accelerated."

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose. Every time he came in, he only cared about those heaven and earth spirits and the treasures suppressed in this piece of heaven and earth. How could he be interested in other treasures of heaven and earth that he didn't need? He only remembered it after fighting one battle at a time and spending a lot of money.

"Enough is enough." With the opening of the two heavens again, Xuanyuan felt that he had gained a lot and needed to absorb it. Since there was no shortage, he was naturally relieved.

Moreover, with the advent of the "Yuhua Shen Dynasty", the pattern of the "Central World" may change at any time.

He knew that he couldn't stay there for a year or two like before, which might cause great losses to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

Exposing one's own strength also made the 'Qinglong Holy Land' itself a target of public criticism, so every step Xuanyuan took was walking on thin ice, and he had to be cautious and consider the overall situation.

It was only after Xuanyuan walked out of the 'Swallowing Treasure House' that he learned about the big move of 'Yuhua Shenchao', which made Xuanyuan extremely surprised, and immediately worried about the existence of the Seven Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages.

In Qinglong Hall, the six Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages from the original Liuhe Holy Land arrived at the first time, in addition to the "Lord of Order".

"You said that the 'Yuhua Shenchao' did such a domineering thing, conquering the big clans hidden in the outer starry sky one by one?" Xuanyuan was furious at what the 'Yuhua Shenchao' did, which was too domineering, Those who follow others live, and those who oppose others die.

"That's right, that's right. Dozens of big clans have already been beheaded to death because they refused to accept the actions of the 'Yuhua Shenchao'. They were all captured and taken as captives. If these captives were used as sacrifices again, if the 'Zhoutian Holy Land' and the 'Yuhua Shenchao' cooperate again to attack with an evil formation, I'm afraid it will bring a lot of trouble to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. It's an incalculable loss!" The last time the 'Lord of Order' saw was the 'Breaking Forbidden Heaven and Evil Formation', he didn't dare to underestimate the 'Sacred Land'.

"I understand, could it be that all the great clans in the extraterrestrial starry sky were all surrendered by the 'Yuhua Shenchao'?" Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"Of course not. Some of the big clans have gone far away and hid themselves, so as not to be discovered by the 'Yuhua Shenchao'." The great sage of the Luohu clan said solemnly.

"So that's the case, that's the way it is, since I have already made enemies with the 'Yuhua Shenchao', I don't care about this time, let out the strongest voice of my 'Qinglong Holy Land', if the big clans outside the region want to join my 'Qinglong Holy Land' Among them, those who come will not be rejected, and they will all be blessed by my "Qinglong Holy Land". If there are people of all races who have been harmed by the "Yuhua Shenchao" and have nowhere to go, they can come to my "Qinglong Holy Land". How about it!" Xuanyuan's words clanged loudly.

"Then this is equivalent to fighting the 'Yuhua Shenchao' to the end." The emperor of the Shazhan Tiger Clan frowned.

"Hehe, it's exactly what I want. I wanted to do this before, but after all, you are the holy master of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', so I didn't make the decision on my own. The 'Yuhua Shenchao' launched an attack on my 'Qinglong Holy Land' Cut it off, don't we need to give them some face?" The blood of the 'Lord of Order' was boiling, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

"'Lord of Order', I have a task I want to give you, but it may be a bit difficult, I'm afraid you won't be able to complete it." The corners of Xuanyuan's mouth rose, obviously he had made up his mind, and he had no good intentions towards 'Yuhua Shenchao' .

"Haha, don't provoke me, there is nothing I can't accomplish, just say it, otherwise, I can issue a military order." The "Lord of Order" laughed, full of confidence.

"Since you are so confident, then I will send you and Nie Lao to kill the saints and work together to kill the Heavenly Emperor and the Great Saint Realm in the 'Yuhua Shenchao'. The reason why they can deter all races is because they The Heavenly Emperor and the Great Sage, you can imagine, when their Heavenly Emperor and the Great Sage are gone, will those powerful people of all races who have to submit in order to survive, still submit? I am afraid that they will not even retain people I don't even have the ability." Xuanyuan smiled and said with a smile.

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of the heavenly emperors and great sages of the original Liuhe Holy Land lit up. Xuanyuan's words were reasonable, and felt that Xuanyuan's move was aimed directly at the throat of the 'Yuhua Shenchao'.

"Yes, this method is feasible."

"The way of killing, in the ancient times, killing all the people in the ancient times is terrified, and the thief is the first to capture the king. We will kill the 'Yuhua Shenchao', and the army will be defeated!" Xuanyuan stood up, walked towards the gate of the Azure Dragon Hall, and said to him. The Great Sage, the Heavenly Emperor of the original Liuhe Holy Land, said: "You are all from big clans outside the region, you know them better than us, and you know how to convey information so that they can know it, so this matter will be handed over to you." Here you go."

"Understood." The six great celestial emperors and great sages left one after another.

Xuanyuan is now taking the 'Lord of Order' to the 'City of the Six Paths of Reincarnation', it's time to ask Old Nie to kill the saint.

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