Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1830 Large-Scale Air Transport Attack

In the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', the 'Lord of Order' and Old Killer Nie descended from the sky, unpredictable.

The two of them cooperated more tacitly. For many years, Old Killer Nie has specialized in the holy way of killing. As the saying goes, skill comes from hard work. Even the "Lord of Order" cannot be omnipotent and proficient in every way.

Under the guidance of Old Killer Nie, he gave the 'Lord of Order' a lot of inspiration, making his speed even more terrifying and his killing power even more astonishing.

The killing power of the previous 'Lord of Order' was one piece of damage, big and majestic, capable of killing enemies in a large area, and it is no problem to deal with ordinary enemies. Of course, as long as the 'Lord of Order' is given time, kill these heavenly emperors It is as simple as eating and drinking water, but what is an assassination is to kill in an instant, otherwise, it is meaningless at all.

So in the past few days, Old Killer Nie taught the "Lord of Order" how to concentrate his power on one point to instantly kill the enemy. Who is the "Lord of Order"? Existence, in ancient times, was also the master of the order of this piece of heaven and earth. He learned it very quickly, and within a few days, he had the momentum to catch up with Old Nie and kill the saint.

Old Killer Nie and his two-two cooperation have also greatly improved himself. For the mastery of the heaven and earth, the control of fighting spirit, Old Killer Nie has also reached an unprecedented level of purity, the "Lord of Order" put his own Many heart virtues were passed on to Lao Shasheng Nie bit by bit.

The two didn't have much contact before, but this time they cooperated, but they established a close relationship and regarded each other as confidants.

With their cooperation, they obtained another corpse that existed in the realm of the Great Sage, and handed it over to the Mohist family. All the property on the body was confiscated from the national treasury and received by Qian Duoduo. She was so happy that she smiled crookedly: "You two You need to spend money well, kill a few more Heavenly Emperors, they all have a lot of treasures, but the prospects of the two Heavenly Emperors are enough to make the "Qinglong Holy Land" fight for several more years Yes, quite rich."

"You, you are really a little money fan, so pack your things and go." Old Shaman Nie has a lot of contacts with Qian Duoduo, and there is a sum of money from the 'Liu Dao Samsara City' to train the younger generation, which is specially approved by Xuanyuan. Give these orphans more care, and the money will be distributed to Lao Shasheng Nie. He treats Qian Duoduo like a granddaughter.

Xuanyuan is also in a good mood, but I'm afraid that the 'Emperor Yuhua' is in a bad mood. He knows that as long as this continues, the 'Yuhua Shenchao' will fall apart sooner or later.

In the 'Tianji City'.

Xuanyuan, the 'Lord of Order', and Old Killer Saint Nie are all there.

On the star platform, various large formations are intertwined and running to calculate everything. Xuanyuan knows that the 'Emperor of Heaven' will not just wait to die like this, he will definitely use other methods, so he must not act recklessly, otherwise, the consequences None of them can be tolerated by the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. The 'Lord of Order' and Nie Lao Shasheng are too important.

Xuanjizi calculated for a long time, as if he was trying to draw the sky to speak. After a long while, he raised his brows and warned: "The 'Emperor Yuhua' seems to have used an inexplicable method. With the blessing of one method, as long as we assassinate, we will reveal our true colors, so I suggest not to make a move for the time being, it is best to let the other party be confused and fearful!"

"In this case, Xuanyuan, what are your plans?" Old Killer Nie looked at Xuanyuan, after all, he was the one who made the decisions.

"Hehe, don't worry. Brother Xuanji is right. This matter needs to be slowed down. This kind of large-scale blessing method will not last long for the 'Emperor Emeritus'. One day, we have more time to play with them, and let them be on high alert now, and wait until they relax before doing anything." Xuanyuan paused, and continued: "Amaterasu, I remember that in the 'Tianji', there is a dynasty The method of attacking with luck, right?"

"That's right, but if you want to use luck to attack, you need a lot of consumption for each person." Amaterasu said solemnly.

"It doesn't matter, as much as it can be consumed, the 'Yuhua Shenchao' has caused such a great murder, you have induced the misfortune of the world and attacked it, this is taking advantage of the trend, and will not damage the root of the 'Tianji'. "Xuanyuan is well versed in the way of luck, all good luck and bad luck are closely related to good and evil.

'Yuhua Shenchao' has done too many evil things and killed countless creatures. This account is to be counted on their heads. If 'Yuhua Shenchao' wants to use Qi to attack, It will not be so easy to attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land', even if there is a large formation, they will have to pay the price of countless lives.

Because the 'Qinglong Holy Land' only does good deeds, they are going against the sky to lure bad luck into attacking. They have to sacrifice and consume the lives of countless living beings, so as to attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land' with luck, and finally cast spells All of them will perish together between heaven and earth.

"If you want to talk about the misfortune of the world, the 'Yuhua Shenchao' self-inflicted crimes are part of it, and the attack of luck imposed by man is another part. You need to invite two people, both of whom are between heaven and earth and have misfortune in one. , so that the power can be increased." The old god Xuanjizi was there, looking ahead.

"Oh? Who is it?" Xuanyuan asked.

"One is far away in the sky, close in front of your eyes, naturally it is you, Brother Xuanyuan, and the other is the disciple of the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal', but, 'Naihe Soul Body', born with bad luck, it's a pity that she is not here now, but There is still someone who can replace him, but he was cursed the day after tomorrow." Amaterasu laughed.

"Huh?" Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, he was indeed a combination of good luck and bad luck, except for Naihe, who would be the other person?

"It's Brother Pengfei! He has been walking in the ancient tomb of the Great Sage of the Heavenly Emperor all year round, and he has robbed countless tombs. In the dark, bad luck damages virtue and is condensed in one body. Now, he just uses the law of luck to remove part of the bad luck from you. , concentrated on the large formation to attack the luck of the 'Yuhua Shenchao'." Amaterasu laughed loudly.

"Okay, this is just right." Xuanyuan immediately transmitted the sound, and soon Pengfei rushed to the 'Tianji City', and told the whole story, so happy that Pengfei jumped up and down, his body covered in waves. Swaying, beaming with joy.

"That's great. I always feel bad luck and can't solve it. Now it's just right. Thank you brothers." Peng Fei smiled happily.

He and Xuanyuan were in the center of the big formation, and Xuanjizi said in a harmonious voice: "Brother Xuanyuan, you are proficient in the "Ancient Jue of Flowing Moon Fighting God", you can draw your own bad luck out, which will bring us a lot of convenience. Brother Fei can sit safely together!"

"Okay!" A full moon rose behind Xuanyuan's head immediately, and behind it, two dragons of luck, one red and one black, intertwined back and forth, and the black misfortune filled the air. It can be said that whoever encounters it will be unlucky.

Among the "Tianji", people are very particular about luck. Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the dragon of doom behind Xuanyuan.

"Oh my god, bad luck is like a dragon, how did Holy Master Xuanyuan survive?"

"He is a person with great luck. When he is accompanied by bad luck, he is also entangled with great luck. Misfortune is blessed by blessings and disaster is subdued. In the dark, he is destined."

"That's right, with Holy Master Xuanyuan's help this time, I'm afraid the 'Yuhua Shenchao' will be in bad luck."

Xuanyuan drew fifteen small dragons with the thickness of arms from the dragon of misfortune, which was already his greatest method.

In addition, from Peng Fei's body, the black doom was also drawn out by the "Tianji" array, and the big area was like a mist.

This is difficult for ordinary people to see with the naked eye, and only those who are in the realm of the Great Sage of the Heavenly Emperor can see it with their own eyes.

On the star platform, countless celestial star imprints echoed with the stars of the nine heavens. The elite disciples in the "Tianji" displayed their magical powers together, making the star platform work, and the sky was filled with divine light.

Faintly, a lot of misfortune has been attributed to the void, and it has triggered the killings committed by the "Yuhua God Dynasty" over the years, including the sacrifice of more than 70 billion people, half of which must be counted in the "Yuhua God Dynasty" Towards' head.

Xuanyuan and Pengfei felt that the battle energy in their bodies was consumed astonishingly, as if some bad luck had been pulled away from their bodies, they felt particularly comfortable and happy, otherwise, there would be a huge shadow oppressing their hearts Let them walk on thin ice, and now the good luck on them has overwhelmed their bad luck, so naturally they feel more relaxed.

In the "Tianji", everyone's foreheads began to ooze sweat. This is the first time that such a large-scale attack of luck has been carried out.

Amaterasu closed his eyes tightly, and said in a deep voice: "The way of heaven is boundless, good and evil will be rewarded, and evil will be rewarded, so we should pay back today."

"Nine heavens and ten places, hundreds of millions of vengeful spirits, all have enemies, and the time has come!" Amaterasu activated the 'Tianji Roulette', and it started to run, and strands of power merged into layers of void, attracting everything The power of bad luck, follow the trend.

"Heavenly calamity, imminent!" Countless 'Tianji' disciples shouted in unison.

In the dark, there are days, it's not that they don't report, the time hasn't come yet.

In the sky of the 'Western Immortal State', densely packed black raindrops of misfortune fell, all pervasive, and the prohibition was simply irresistible, and no terrain or feng shui could resist the attack of luck.

Although it is said that there are posture techniques and feng shui oddities that are specially designed to deal with luck attacks, who would have thought that large-scale luck attacks cannot be resisted by small-scale posture techniques and feng shui oddities.

The attack of luck is extremely terrifying.

Many people couldn't see it, but when the bad luck came, in the "Western Immortal State", many people who were cultivating fell into obsession and died without any reason. , Their robbery and punishment have skyrocketed by more than ten times, and their deaths are unclear.

However, this is only the beginning, and the best is yet to come.

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