Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1841 North-South Trade Market

Xuanyuan originally thought that it would take a while, and he had already prepared patiently to deal with what might happen at any time, because everything went so smoothly, it was unbelievably smooth, if it wasn't for the good demons and the "Qinglong Holy Land" The alliance, Xuanyuan felt that there was something weird about it.

I saw that the "Heavenly Son of Good Demon" extracted a thousand most prestigious and powerful elites from the demon clan at the first time, and many of them were in the realm of Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage, and gathered in front of Xuanyuan.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, I'm ready and I can go." It took several hours for the "Son of Good Demon" to get everything done, and he acted swiftly and resolutely, which was in line with Xuanyuan's appetite.

"Haha, the 'Emperor Shanmo' is really a straightforward person, but the 'Emperor Yuhua' looks so superior, it's really annoying. To be honest, when you were in 'Origin of the Primordial Mist', did you not deal with it? This time we will unite with my 'Qinglong Holy Land', do we embarrass 'Yuhua Shenchao'?" Xuanyuan laughed, half joking, half serious.

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan is really smart. I can't hide this from you. It is true. This is one of the factors, and there is another factor. What we are fighting against with you is the 'Yuhua Shenchao'. At that time, it will be better for me to go up. The rhetoric, if I can beat the 'Yuhua Shenchao' into disgrace, it will greatly improve my status among the demons, no matter what method I use, it will do." The 'Son of Good Demons' laughed, no No concealment.

"Okay, I won't disappoint the Son of Heaven." Xuanyuan smiled, pointed to the west, and walked through the sky. Soon, the group arrived outside the border of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty".

The Right Emperor envoy saw Xuanyuan leading the powerful existence of many demons descending, and was amazed in his heart. He did not expect that Xuanyuan succeeded in persuading the good demons to unite with the "Qinglong Holy Land" in just seven days. No wonder the 'Emperor of Hongmeng' has been admiring Xuanyuan all the time.

In the eyes of the right emperor, Xuanyuan is just like inheriting the true biography of Zonghengjiao and famous masters, eloquent and eloquent, uniting all directions, and fighting against foreign enemies.

He eliminated the prohibition and guardianship of the 'Central State Dynasty' at the first time, and led Xuanyuan and others into the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', and walked along the way. Inside the dynasty, everything is thriving, and there are many strong people, all of whom are amazed.

They are well aware that these are not descended from the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin', but in this world, relying on their own hard work to grow up, it is extraordinary, and it is not easy to be able to achieve the results in front of them.

In addition, the north-south trade market has also been officially opened. The strong people of all races gather at the entrance and exit of the north-south passage. They are all newly established markets. There are many strong people. Many elites of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" gather here to maintain order. More is to take out the treasures that I have treasured for many years to sell or exchange.

"King of Strange Stones, is there anyone who wants to take a gamble? Maybe the treasure of heaven and earth can be discovered, and it's possible for a goddess to descend to earth!"

"Daoluo Shengjin, the main material for making supreme Taoism tools, is rare and invincible, and can sweep away many supreme Taoism tools."

"Fire Phoenix Immortal Source, if you practice the supernatural powers of the Fire Dao, you can control the Fire Phoenix Dao Principle, and your attacking power will skyrocket. If you are lucky, you will be able to comprehend the supernatural powers of the Fire Phoenix Nirvana and comprehend the immortal body."

This is a few strong people taking out the treasures they don't need in order to exchange for the materials they want. Looking at a large area in the past, everyone follows the rules and will not break the rules of the north-south market. It is extremely standardized and very orderly.

On a larger scale, the official personnel of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' contacted Qian Duoduo, the official personnel of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', to exchange resources. I saw a large number of natural materials and earth treasures entering the other party's space, and a thriving scene scene.

In just seven days, the 'Emperor of Hongmeng' has completed all of this. It has to be said that his speed of doing things is swift and resolute, which is comparable to that of the 'Emperor of Good Demons'.

Qian Duoduo was very happy to see Xuanyuan, she had just done a business and made a lot of money for the 'Qinglong Holy Land': "Xuanxuan, you are really good at it, you, once the North-South trade market is opened up, it will be very difficult for me to 'Qinglong Holy Land' ’ But it has brought great benefits, I no longer have to be ashamed to go to the royal families to exchange for natural materials and earthly treasures, the resources of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' are so rich."

"Haha, let me introduce you, this is the son of the good demon clan of 'Tianmo Lingzhou', the 'Son of Good Demon'." Xuanyuan also introduced to the 'Son of Good Demon' at the same time, saying: "This is the son of my 'Qinglong Holy Land'. The property manager, Duoduo, my lifeblood, and the entire economy of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are all in her hands, this little ancestor can't be offended."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, it's a pleasure to meet you." The 'Son of Good Devil' is gentle and polite, smiling happily, and the 'Emperor Hongmeng' is also on the side, and he recognized it at a glance, saying: "I think this one is the 'Central Zhou Dynasty' The 'Emperor Hongmeng', I am the emperor of the 'Good Demon Clan', so be polite."

"It's a great honor for the 'Son of Good Demons' to visit my 'Central Province Dynasty'." The 'Emperor Hongmeng' had a refined smile and a personable demeanor. The gathering of several big figures attracted the attention of countless people.

"Fantastic, powerful, Qinglong Xuanyuan, Zhongzhou Hongmeng, Lingzhou Shanmo, these three people gather together, the scene is different."

"Which one do you think is stronger?"

"It goes without saying, of course it is our Holy Master Xuanyuan."

"I think our 'Emperor Hongmeng' is stronger."

"It's hard to say. The 'Emperor of the Good Demon' is also extremely difficult. He descended from the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist', which is unfathomable."

"That's not as strong as our Holy Lord Xuanyuan." Many people are Xuanyuan's diehard loyalists, and they talked a lot, taking it as talk, as entertainment, and more importantly, to exchange for the treasures they want.

"This time we want to visit the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and when we come back, we will definitely disturb you a lot from the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'." After a polite greeting from the 'Son of Good Demon', he said goodbye in advance, and The words are very to the end, which makes people feel very comfortable to listen to.

"Okay, the door of my 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' is always open to the people of the Shanmozu." The 'Emperor Hongmeng' is also very eloquent, pointing to the core, the Shanmozu and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' have indirectly become an alliance, especially The two major powers are close to each other, whether it is in peacetime trade or in time of war, they can join forces to help each other. This is the relationship between lips and teeth.

"Then we'll take the first step." The 'Son of Good Devil' was happy. He was very optimistic about the alliance with the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'. It can be seen that the relationship between the two is very close, honor and disgrace are one.

The north-south channel was built with the effort of more than a dozen Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages, and it was constructed with the help of the "Original Origin of Hongmeng", which is extremely convenient.

When Xuanyuan returned with a group of "Son of Good and Demon Emperor", it also caused a lot of shocks among the powerful.

None of them expected that Xuanyuan's negotiation would be completed.

"A lot of strong men from the 'Heavenly Demon Spirit State', almost all of this kind of aura came from the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'."

"It is indeed very strong. There are at least thirty gods in the Heavenly Emperor and Great Sacred Realm alone. The others are the peaks of the ancient emperors and ancient saints in the fifth heaven. I am afraid that their status is extremely high."

"It seems that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has found a powerful ally again. In the future turmoil, I'm afraid it will be able to stand firmer."

Many heavenly emperors and great sages of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' communicated with each other with their own thoughts, and their hearts were filled with joy.

"From today, the 'Tianmo Lingzhou', the good demons are my allies in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', we have to learn a lot from the good demons, all the seniors of the demons, please come inside!" Xuanyuan's voice was not loud , but it has been spread far and wide. He respects the existence of the good demons in every word and deed.

"Welcome!" Huang Tian and Zhang Tianling received them in person, and Xuanyuan also introduced them one by one. He brought the group of "Son of Good Demons" into the "Qinglong Holy Land" and let them feel it with their hearts.

Xuanyuan understood that what he said was useless.

When the 'Son of Good Devil' entered the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', he was shocked.

"Such a layout, such a terrain, such a weather, good luck, red and purple, and prosperous, this 'Qinglong Holy Land' is too powerful." The idea of ​​the "Son of Good Devil" was swept away, and the most ordinary people of the Li people were still under the age of five. There are many children in the realm of fighting immortals, and their bodies are strong, their will is firm, and their hearts are flawless. It is extremely important to have this pure heart.

A great sage under the jurisdiction of the "Son of Good Demons" grabbed a handful of soil under his feet, in which flowed the Dao ideas of all races, and after that, there was also the nourishment of the immortal energy of chaos, which was extremely fertile: "This kind of land, with It is really powerful to grow whole grains, and they have been eaten since childhood. From now on, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will undergo a greater transformation. It seems that this time the alliance with the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is the right choice. We can propose to the Holy Lord Xuanyuan. Request, buy rice from the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and feed it to my demon people."

"Look, the people of my demon race have learned the farming methods of the human race, and they can coexist peacefully with the people of the Li people of all races. There is no ghost or scheming among them. They all regard each other as their own family members, oh my god, how did this 'Qinglong Holy Land' do it, there is a huge gap between all races, you see, in this 'Qinglong Holy Land', people of different races abound Yes, but why are they able to live together so harmoniously, why?" Among the many benevolent demons, those powerful men with great prestige almost lost their eyeballs, and the scene in front of them made them feel unbelievable .

"Don't be amazed, Holy Master Xuanyuan said, you can walk around at will, turn into the most ordinary people, enter every city in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and experience it carefully, it will be good for everyone. "'The Son of Heaven' left only one sentence, and he blended into the crowd.

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