Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1844 Evil Emperor

For half a month, the collection of sacrifices was continued every day, and the hearts of many people of the royal families outside the territory were chilled, and they could only allow themselves to be taken away.

Their holy ancestors actually offered them as sacrifices, and didn't care about their life and death at all. In fact, many people understand that there is no way to do this in the 'Xiji Immortal State'.

"Son of Heaven, the sacrifice is ready!" The first day emperor knelt down on the 'Emperor Temple' and saluted.

"Very well, you guys go and inform the people in the 'Zhoutian Holy Land' that I, the 'Yuhua Shenchao', will join forces with them again to attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Let all their defenses collapse, and the north and south markets be completely destroyed, Xuanyuan is really good enough, if they continue to develop like this, we will all be overwhelmed!" "Yuhua Tianzi" knows about "Qinglong Holy Land" Zhongzhou The alliance between Dynasty's Good Demon City and the establishment of north-south markets and resource sharing have made their respective powers advance by leaps and bounds. This is what he is most worried about and must be destroyed. He never thought that there would be someone in the 'Central World' who could let him A sense of crisis in his heart is something he cannot tolerate.

As we all know, once the war starts, the market will be destroyed and development will come to a standstill. This is his ultimate goal. The "Qinglong Holy Land" has made the "Yuhua Shenchao" stand still for half a year, so he will naturally retaliate.

"Last time, the 'Shading the Holy Land' suffered a great loss. This time, they probably won't agree." The first great sage was worried, because he was the commander of the army at the time, and the senior management of the 'Shading the Heavens' The psychological thoughts of the staff are very thorough.

"It doesn't matter, you just need to go and convince them, explain the seriousness of the relationship, the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven' is deeply hidden, they will consider the consequences, and explain that the elite of the Shenyu Army sent by me, the 'Yuhua Shenchao', It is definitely not comparable to the vanguard of last time." 'Emperor Yuhua' waved his hands confidently.

"Yes." The First Great Sage and the First Heavenly Emperor could only take orders to go.

"'Qinglong Holy Land', the game I played with you before was just a cat-and-mouse game, did you really think of yourself as a dragon? This time, I will let you all suffer, and regret why you have to 'become a god' with me Go against it." In the eyes of the 'Emperor of Heaven', the decisive killing made the spines of the First Great Sage and the First Heavenly Emperor feel chills, and cold sweat seeped out.

The First Heavenly Emperor and the First Great Sage descended together into the 'Holy Land Shrouding the Heavens'. If this matter is messed up, I am afraid that the 'Emperor Emerald Emperor' will not spare them lightly.

Only after they came to the 'Holy Land of Shrouded Heaven' did they realize that it was not Tian Xiezi who saw them this time, but an existence named Xie Di.

He has been hiding in the ancient seal of the evil race for a long time. He will not break the seal and be born before the time comes, at least until the 'Central World' is complete.

However, in the war with the 'Qinglong Holy Land', 50 million elites were killed or injured, and the Tianxie tribe also paid a huge price. The demise of many people of the evil clan made them born independently, otherwise , it is very likely that the evil race will be played around with applause.

Evil Emperor Hall.

This is a hall to seal the evil emperor. It has existed since the ancient times. It is refined from countless natural materials and earth treasures. figure.

It's just that at that time, the nine patriarchs of the Xie Clan felt that a catastrophe was approaching, and they needed to hide it, so as to keep it hidden. They also counted on the day when the Xie Clan would come back in the future, so they sealed the young emperor of the Xie Clan on that day in this hall. In the doomsday era, you can control the evil race to dominate the 'Central World'.

In the evil emperor's hall, there is evil spirit permeating, everywhere is eerie and terrifying, there is a kind of power that makes people's soul tremble instinctively.

"Report to the Evil Emperor, the First Heavenly Emperor of the 'Yuhua Shenchao' seeks an audience with the First Great Sage." Tian Xiezi himself acted as the informant.

"Let them come in." The evil emperor's appearance was so hard to see clearly, there was a pitch-black figure in front of his eyes, and there were two cold lights from his eyes, which made people's heart tremble.

The first emperor of heaven and the first great sage entered the hall of the evil emperor, and their hearts were frightened. It was the first time in the "Central World" that they had such a feeling in their hearts, as if they were facing an extremely terrifying existence.

In this evil emperor's palace, there is an ancient curse, and the power of this curse is hard to resist even the laws of the great way in their bodies.

"I have seen the evil emperor." The first great sage and the first heavenly emperor did not dare to have the slightest arrogance. With their strength, they could not tell the depth of the evil emperor in front of them, so they knew that this person was extremely powerful. No wonder It's not unreasonable for the 'Emperor of Heaven' to say that the evil race is deeply hidden. This time the 'Sacred Land of Shrouding the Sky' is not as easy to fool as it was last time.

"What's the matter, tell me!" The voice of the evil emperor was transmitted slowly, making people confused.

"We are ordered by the 'Emperor of Yuhua', and hope to cooperate with the evil race again. This time, I, 'Yuehua Shenchao', will send 100 million elite divine feather troops to break through the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. I hope we can cooperate with the evil race." The 'Shrouding Holy Land' join hands, fight together, and wipe it out completely." On the first day, the emperor's words were sonorous, and his fighting spirit was fierce.

"Oh? The 100 million 'Divine Feather Army' has finally shown some sincerity. If that's the case, go back and tell your 'Emperor of Feathering' and ask him to prepare the sacrifice. My 'Sacred Land of Shrouding Heaven' is only responsible for the large formation." Attacking, assisting the 'Yuhua Shenchao', but not sending troops, as to whether he can attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is his business." The evil emperor's words are very concise, like sharp arrows, giving people the feeling that it is completely impossible discuss.

"I'm afraid that I can't do enough with my 'Yuehua Shenchao'. Now the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' good demons have formed an alliance and established a north-south passage. "We are about to face the enemy and fall into great danger. Please think about it and send out elite soldiers and horses to cooperate with us. We will break through the 'Qinglong Holy Land' in one go." The first great sage can speak eloquently and made it clear The stakes involved made Tian Xiezi on the side feel very reasonable.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for this reason, we wouldn't even have a large formation support. It's still the same sentence, we set up formations to complement each other, and you prepare sacrifices, and the rest is out of the question. The last cooperation made me "cover the sky." The Holy Land has lost so many people, and they haven't settled with you yet? If you dare to talk nonsense, I will let you raise your heads to see the "Emperor Emperor"." The evil emperor's voice had a kind of violence, which made the first day emperor He dared not say much with the first great sage, the power contained in every syllable can make his soul instinctively fear.

"Yes!" The First Heavenly Emperor and the First Great Sage had no choice but to leave and leave.

After they left, Tian Xiezi knelt on the main hall, and asked respectfully: "Evil Emperor, why didn't I send troops from the 'Zhoutian Holy Land'? Now the 'Yuhua Shenchao' has sent such a powerful force to take down ' There is nothing wrong with looting more property from Qinglong Holy Land, on the one hand, it can enhance our strength, and on the other hand, it can also prevent us from being attacked."

"This is an internal strife among the human race, let's not get involved too much, and you think that is the full strength of the 'Yuhua Shenchao'? Impossible, 'Yuhua Tianzi' suspects that there is a reincarnation of a holy emperor behind the 'Qinglong Holy Land' His intention of sending troops this time is to destroy the north and south markets and bring their development to a standstill. You have to see the essence of what you do, understand? He dare not kill him. Offending a reincarnation of a holy emperor is not a joke Yes." The evil emperor taught Tian Xiezi earnestly.

"Understood, thank the evil emperor for pointing me out, I'm still too tender." Tian Xiezi couldn't help feeling a little bit secretly resentful, the last time he joined forces with the 'Yuhua Shenchao', in fact, the other party was just a temptation, but let himself be buried with 50 million people elite.

The First Heavenly Emperor and the First Great Sage returned to the 'Yuhua Shenchao' as quickly as possible with lingering fears. The Evil Emperor's Hall was so evil, staying there made them feel uncomfortable all over, and they had a feeling of complete It wasn't the feeling of the Evil Emperor's opponent, it was the first time he was so embarrassed.

Everything that happened to the two of them was told.

'Emperor Yuhua' frowned, and said in a low voice: "It seems that he was born after all. This person is a character from the ancient times. It is said that he can stand shoulder to shoulder with Xia Changqing, Can Yunwu, Huang Wuming, etc., but at that time the evil clan With bad luck, I forcibly suppressed this person, until today, someone reminded me as early as I came to 'Central World'."

"The Shrouding Heaven Holy Land only agrees to set up formations for support, and doesn't want to send troops. What should we do next?" The first great sage couldn't make up his mind either.

"Fight, this time the two of you join forces and send fifty-six existences from the Great Sacred Realm of Heavenly Emperors outside the territory to launch an attack together. We must deal a fatal blow to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. You must remember that when the wall falls, everyone pushes it. If the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can't hold back, and the building is about to collapse, other big forces will not sit idly by, if the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is not eliminated at this time, it will become a serious problem for us in the future." At this moment, the 'Emperor Yuhua' attached great importance to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' in his heart. A large-scale attack of luck reminded him that he underestimated the enemy.

"Yes." The First Heavenly Emperor and the First Great Sage were extremely excited. The "Yuhua Shenchao" was finally going to make a big move instead of testing the waters. They couldn't wait for this day.

"Give me the sacrifice, and I'll meet this evil emperor in person. He has the qualifications to let me meet in person." 'Emperor Yuhua' knows very well that in the 'Origin of Hongmeng', Xia Changqing, Remnant Cloud Dance People like Huang Wuming are all qualified to become the existence of the Holy Emperor. He didn't think about it once or twice, if he could compete with them when they were young.

And this evil emperor existed in the same era as them, and was rated as a person who can stand shoulder to shoulder with them, so this is enough to arouse the curiosity of the "Emperor", if necessary, he will come to the world in person. On the battlefield, compete with the masters of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

"Yes." From the hands of the First Heavenly Emperor and the First Great Sage, two 'Emerging Cages' were integrated into the body of the 'Emperor's Eternal Son'.

There are countless sacrifices imprisoned here, which are talismans from outside the territory and the people of the royal family outside the territory. At this moment, there is only endless fear in their hearts, and only death awaits them. Everyone is desperate, but they can only wait helplessly for their fate. trial.

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