The evil emperor stood in the hall and took a look at the 'Emperor of Heaven'. This is indeed a problem. Although the attack of the large formation is terrifying, it will be limited. Damage is minimized.

"Don't worry, now that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' enshrines the holy image of Empress Houtu, the ground under their feet is their mother. When their mother is hurt, can they escape? If they do such a thing, I'm afraid It would be too difficult to be recognized by the power of the 'Hongmeng Origin' again, and the 'North and South Market' will inevitably be destroyed, this is the ultimate goal, isn't it?" The evil emperor has clearly seen through the 'Yuhua The Son of Heaven's mind was changed, so he chose the 'Origin Demon God Formation'. People are greedy. Knowing the power of a large formation, they naturally hope to cause as much damage as possible to the opponent.

"Having said that, it would be better if it could cause huge damage to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." The "Emperor Yuhua" was very calm, obviously acquiescing to what the evil emperor said.

"The curse in the Origin Demon God Formation contains the Witch Evil Nirvana Curse, which can make everything in the world silently extinguished and melted into nothingness. At the same time, it can also cast a vicious curse on the ground under their feet. When they work hard All the defenses will be put to waste, and all the elites sitting in the outside world will die. This is an unbearable injury for the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. As for whether they can penetrate into their mobile fortress, It depends on the strong men sitting inside. You and I don’t have to pretend to be confused about this. As long as their defenses are destroyed, then they want to deploy such a powerful force. Feng Shui and prohibition are impossible. This is the ultimate the goal of."

The Evil Emperor is obviously also very afraid of the reincarnation of the "Chaos Saint Emperor". A "Chaos Green Lotus" can hide a lot of information, attract people's imagination, and take care of it in his heart.

They don't know that Xuanyuan and the "Chaos Saint Emperor" are deadly enemies. Even if they have fought several times, it is endless. No one knows the truth, and it is impossible for the "Chaos Saint Emperor" to publicize his own 'Chaos Qinglian' was snatched by Xuanyuan, that would lose his old face, so he kept it secret, taught his apprentices to defeat Xuanyuan, in this way, inexplicably Added a protective shield to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

In the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

In the 'Tianji City'.

Xuanjizi and Tianzhao are in charge of the roulette wheel to calculate the world. The two opened their eyes at the same time, their expressions were solemn, and they almost lost their voices: "No, a catastrophe is imminent."

They are sensing the changes of the world almost all the time. Before the "Yuhua Shenchao", they felt that something was wrong with the order of soldiers, but now they calculated an evil force in the dark, saying Unclear, unclear, it is because of this that people feel terrible. Although they can't deduce specific things, there has never been a single thing that has given them such a sense of crisis in their hearts.

"Notify Holy Master Xuanyuan and let him come to make a decision as soon as possible. We can't decide on this matter." Xuanjizi said solemnly.

Immediately use the secret technique of 'Tianji' to transmit the sound to Xuanyuan.

When he got the news, his eyes were dignified, and he speculated in his heart what happened, which made Amaterasu and Xuanjizi's voices sound a little out of control, and Xuanyuan immediately rushed to the star platform of the 'Tianji City'.

"How, what happened?" Xuanyuan asked hastily.

It was the first time that Xuanjizi and Amaterasu looked so solemn, and the two of them told everything they had calculated.

"You said that the 'Yuhua Shenchao' made a big move before, mobilizing troops and generals, and then suddenly stopped?"

"Before that, there was another powerful force that broke into the 'Sacred Land'?"

The combination of these two points is very deliberate. Why did the "Yuhua Shenchao" obviously make some moves before, but then stopped suddenly, because a powerful force broke into the "Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven" in the middle, Xuanyuan began to have associations, and carried out guess.

"Yes, Junior Brother Xuanyuan, what you want to do next is up to your own decision. This is what we can calculate so far. In the 'Holy Land of Shrouding the Sky', there is an extremely evil palace. A terrifying treasure that can cover up many methods of calculation. Even if we work together to deduce it, we can only get a trace of extremely cryptic information. It is a treasure left over from the ancient times. There are many ways to be wary of the calculation method of "Tianji" .” Amaterasu felt a little helpless.

"Oh? What news?" Xuanyuan knew that even a few words could be an important clue, which is very important.

"Origin, demon god...other than that, it's all covered up, it's hard to figure out, I don't know what their plan is?" Xuanjizi shook his head, the strength of the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven' is terrifying, you have to know their What they have mastered is the "Ancient Art of Heaven's Mystery". Although they have not cultivated the "Ancient Art of Heaven's Secret" to the extreme, except for the existence of all taboos that they cannot calculate, it is difficult for others to hide it from their eyes and ears.

"It seems that the 'Yuhua Shenchao' wants to cooperate with the 'Zhoutian Holy Land' to attack us again. I should have guessed that we launched such a large-scale luck attack on them and caused such a huge loss. , They won't let it go." Xuanyuan's expression was solemn, although he didn't know what conspiracy the other party had, but it must be a big deal to make Xuanjizi and Amaterasu so restless.

"Then what should we do next?" Amaterasu frowned and asked, this incident is enough to affect the future direction of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', even life and death!

"Be the first to act first, and unite with the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' to launch a large-scale luck attack on the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven'. All the large formations they set up are harmful to the harmony of the sky. I don't know how many sins they have accumulated , once they are overwhelmed by the law of luck attack, enough for them to drink a pot, in the short term, they will definitely not be able to do any harm to my "Qinglong Holy Land". Find out what kind of conspiracy they have, but for the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it is definitely not a good thing, and it may be fatal, and I absolutely cannot let my people suffer the slightest harm." Xuanyuan made it immediately Such a decision is very decisive.

"In this way, the relationship between us and the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven' will be completely severed, adding a big enemy to the 'Sacred Dragon', and even causing them to retaliate wildly." Xuanjizi explained the consequences. There have been wars in the 'Holy Land', but it is not enough for them to target and deal with it regardless of the consequences.

"I have also considered this. Now that the 'Zhoutian Holy Land' wants to deal with us, I also consider that once my 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' grow stronger, they will be attacked from both sides, so they also need to rely on the help of the 'Yuhua God' To weaken our strength, in this kind of matter, we must be the first to be the strongest, and should not stop, but suffer from it. As the Holy Lord of the "Qinglong Holy Land", I don't want my people to be harmed. The slightest injury, this matter, is decided like this!" Xuanyuan knows that the responsibility on his shoulders cannot be left to chance. The last time the five great sages fell, Xuanyuan has been to heart, no matter what, This time, even if the 'Qinglong Holy Land' made the first move, the 'Zhoutian Holy Land' had nothing to say. From the beginning to the end, the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' has never done anything wrong to anyone.

"Okay, then I'll contact the Tianji fellow of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'. A few days ago, we had a more thorough understanding of the luck attack formation. This time, once the 'Zhoutian Holy Land' is attacked by the luck formation, I'm afraid I'll suffer a year of bad luck." Amaterasu immediately made a decision, and Xuanjizi didn't have any objections, looking at Xuanyuan, he said: "If possible, call Xiao Naihe back, she is the best in the world. A person who has all the misfortune in her body has a miserable life. We extract the misfortune from her, which will make her develop much more smoothly in the future, and there will no longer be so many inexplicable misfortunes. Serious consequences will minimize their luck and make them unlucky everywhere!"

"Well, that's fine. I haven't seen Xiao Naihe for a while, and I miss her a little bit. I don't need to rush for the pursuit of 'Eternal Life'. Besides, she is born with bad luck, and there will be many dangers outside. It's time for her to come back, although there are "Nightmare Ghosts and Immortals" by her side, there are so many strong people in the world today, and there are always unpredictable existences." Xuanyuan and Xiao Naihe have established a unique "Eternal Life Divine Soul Art" Traction, and immediately sent a sound transmission to him: "Xiao Naihe, hurry back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there is something important that needs your help."

"Understood, Brother Xuanyuan." Xiao Naihe gave Xuanyuan the first feedback.

Two hours later, Xiao Naihe returned to the "Qinglong Holy Land" Tianji City, not daring to delay at all. For her, apart from "Nightmare Ghost Fairy", Xuanyuan is the closest person to her. today without her.

"How is it? What's the effect of the pursuit of 'Eternal Life'?" Xuanyuan looked at the slim Nai He and said with a smile.

Just as Xiao Naihe was about to speak, a big clock hangs behind his head, exhaling the breath of chaos, and the voice of 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' came from inside: "I never thought that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has changed so much, the majestic 'chaos 'Xian Qi' can enable me to take a bigger leap."

"Senior Guixian, you haven't answered my question yet, what does 'Eternal Life' look like now." Xuanyuan could feel the excitement in the heart of 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal', but he was also very worried about 'Eternal Life'.

In this general situation, 'Eternal Life' is developing extremely fast. Once the war breaks out, they will secretly absorb their souls to strengthen themselves. Once they are uncontrolled, they will become a serious threat to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

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