Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1849 God's Backlash

Seeing that countless people among the Shenhuo Clan suffered disasters, many people immediately became suspicious.

"Then why haven't we been attacked?" Immediately, a strong man from the Thunder God Clan asked.

"Of course, over the years, all of our clans have lived in a corner, meditating and cultivating, and have not harmed the heavens and the earth, and have not initiated wars. Naturally, there are not many crimes. This method of attacking luck is not It may be groundless, only when the enemy has killed countless creatures, will the power of karma imprinted by the heavens and the earth explode, resulting in an attack of luck."

"The Red Emperor led the 'Shenhuo Clan' that day, joined forces with the Zhanxie Clan, and attacked many powerful forces. I don't know how many people died by their methods, so he was naturally attacked today."

"However, there is another important reason, that is, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' did not target us. They wanted to have no grievances with us, and they did not want to tear us apart. After all, both the Shenshui and Shenmu tribes became members of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', Xuanyuan This person stays on the line when doing things, which is telling us that he does not want to be our enemy. Although we have not done anything harmful to nature, there are still evils that have been invisible. If they want to be unlucky, they also have With our own means, we can find a few unlucky people to bless us and let us drink a pot."

"That's right, that's true, so let's keep silent on this matter." Leaders of the Shenjin, Shentu, Shenlei, and Shenfeng tribes all expressed their opinions.

"Should we go to help the Red Emperor?" Among the Shentu tribe, a strong man of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor said heavily.

"Don't go there, everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door. We can't stop this kind of luck attack, and we can't help it. Maybe it will affect the luck of the family. Don't worry, the Shenhuo clan is still there. If it is not going to be extinct, it is time for the Red Emperor to reflect on himself, these days, his temperament has become more and more violent, what he sows reaps the cause, and what he reaps reaps the fruit, maybe after this incident, he can understand something." Immediately, the supreme existence of the Shentu Clan said heavily.

Just as the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' jointly launched an attack of luck, a moment later, in the sky above the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven', bloody thunderclouds manifested, swallowing the might of destroying the world, The sound of ionization resounded in a radius of 50,000,000 miles, making people feel scalp numb and extremely terrifying. Many creatures fled towards the area outside the bloody thundercloud, not wanting to be affected.

The "Zhongzhou Dynasty" is located here, originally because the land under its feet is full of evil spirits and sins. There used to be countless killings here, and it needs to be suppressed with great luck. Now these resentments, sins and many other breaths , there is no suppression, and it is unscrupulous, so the catastrophe and punishment it attracts is naturally even more terrible.

Densely packed, full of destructive blood-colored divine thunders, descended from the sky, only to hear the screams again and again, endlessly, countless strong men from the "Holy Land of Shrouding the Sky", died in the divine thunders, and disappeared with flying ashes. After crossing the catastrophe, he died without a sound, leaving only an empty shell.

In addition, although the Xie Clan's cultivation and attack are powerful, there are various hidden dangers. They are most afraid of bad luck. The hidden dangers hidden deep in the body will explode. , are very unlucky, unavoidable, various reasons, in less than an hour, among the evil clan, countless casualties.

The blood-colored thunderclouds gathered in a large area of ​​the sky, attacking again and again, it seemed that there was no intention of stopping at all, and the ones it attacked were those who committed the most heinous crimes and killed countless living beings.

The evil emperor was almost mad, and roared angrily: "Since the luck attack has launched, I will make you pay the corresponding price, and the gods will fight back, Qi!"

His voice spread throughout the entire 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven', and many masters of the evil race immediately mobilized them together. A strange curse array opened up in an instant, filled with green light, like a will-o'-the-wisp, puff puff Pfft, the lamps were lit up, and a gloomy atmosphere permeated the nine heavens and ten earths.

It can be seen that in the center of the 'Holy Land that Covers the Sky', there are a total of 1,111 stone pillars, one foot high, lit with green light, as sinister and cold as ghost fire, under the stone pillars, there seems to be hidden Seeing an extremely terrifying wraith, many shrill screams could be heard faintly.

On this stone pillar, all kinds of veins extend and shine, and suddenly, when all the veins are intertwined with everything, the stone pillar is instantly shattered, thousands of resentful souls soar into the sky, enter the mysterious passage of heaven and earth, and carry out backlash , In the dark, attacking into the secret array of 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

There are traces to follow in any way of attack. These resentful souls are bred for countless years in this dark place, and they are very powerful. Those stone pillars draw all kinds of power for them. Nourish yourself.

They are extremely powerful in themselves. They use the method of the big formation to attack. Once the backlash is successful, they can possess the enemy and seize the body. It is very terrifying. Let it be used by yourself, and all its memories and supernatural powers will be occupied. .

If the backlash is successful this time, then the luck attacking the large formation is likely to be stopped. This is one of the methods used by the 'Holy Land' to suppress the bottom of the box. I didn't expect it to be used so soon.

Almost at the same time, on the two star platforms, the resentment was overwhelming, and the sound of howling and howling ghosts could be heard endlessly. Xuanjizi, Amaterasu and many "Tianji" powerhouses were all possessed by the terrifying souls, and from their seat The star platform below exploded with infinite starlight, which did great damage to these resentful souls, but these resentful souls were so powerful that even the starlight could not penetrate or melt them!

Xuanyuan let Yuan'er come to the star platform at the first time, and the "Nightmare Ghost Immortal" who became the "Eternal Life Chaos Clock" shot at the same time as Naihe, and practiced the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique". The method of killing, the eternal avenue is hidden in the majestic chaotic energy, which is integrated into the body of every elite of heaven, and begins to expel the resentful souls that suppress them.

Yuan'er came down immediately and recited the "Mantra of Rebirth":

"Yin and Yang are invisible, the avenue is boundless, the heaven and the earth are natural, and follow the destiny."

"Six realms of reincarnation, sin and grace, return to the void, and regain a new life."

As Yuan'er grew up, her understanding of the "Curse of Rebirth" became more profound than before. This curse has a great effect on killing resentful souls. Some terrifying resentful souls who approached Yuan'er on the spot At the very first moment, he gradually smiled and let out a terrible howl.

"I don't want to be transformed...I want to kill, kill, kill!"

The air of resentment is permeating and filling, making people shudder and frightening, very frightening.

When Xuanyuan called Yuan'er, he had already left the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and rushed to the area of ​​the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' through the 'North-South Passage'.

The 'Qinglong Holy Land' was backlashed, and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' was bound to be no exception. Xuanyuan's reaction was extremely fast.

Sure enough, when he came to the north-south market of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', he met the envoy of the right emperor. Obviously he was going to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to ask for help, because the 'Emperor Hongmeng' knew that Xuanyuan could kill these resentful souls s method.

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan, come with me quickly, the situation is extremely critical." The Right Emperor envoy knew that Xuanyuan must have come to help.

Lead him into the 'Fudi City', where there is a 'Tianji Pavilion', which gives people an unfathomable feeling.

In the alien space in the 'Tianji Pavilion', in the star platform, there are thousands of resentful souls roaring.

Every strong man of the 'Heaven's Secret' is in great pain, and they are mobilizing their own means to contend with these resentful souls.

Once they are taken away by them, not only will they lose themselves, but they will also cause serious consequences, so each of them will rely on their own will to resist. Every time they struggle, their souls will be hurt, and not every time. Individuals have the means to cultivate their souls. For most people, the damage to their souls is irreparable.

I saw that the 'Emperor of the Hongmeng' was using the 'Hongmeng Realm' to help them suppress these resentful souls, the effect could only play a role in relieving them, so that their pressure was not so great.

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan, you are here at the right time, and I need your help." The 'Emperor Hongmeng' and Zuodi exhausted all their strengths, their foreheads were covered with sweat, they never imagined that there would be such a terrifying phenomenon in the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven'. The method of backlash.

Xuanyuan directly used the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", using the Eternal Dao, to integrate into the bodies of many heavenly elites present, making it difficult for these resentful spirits to invade further, and at the same time relieved a lot of pain for the strong Tianji.

Afterwards, Xuanyuan sat cross-legged on the unitary position of the Great Formation of the Star Terrace, holding the "Son of Vajra Bodhi" in his hand, and he recited the Sutra of Rebirth.

"So I heard, put down the butcher's knife, turn your head to the shore, look at your body in the mirror, good and evil will be revealed, evil in the world, karma retribution, blazing good fire, burning the evil body, you can be reborn."

"So I heard, the world is myriad ways, the evil will not exist, the good will live forever, and those who want to kill will be cut off from the world, in the vastness, and there will be retribution."

"Thus I heard, the good ones, those who suffer from all disasters in the world and the earth, will be reborn in bliss, and the evil ones, will die unexpectedly and fall into the eighteen levels of hell. They will not be reborn forever, and will suffer endlessly for hundreds of millions of years."

"So I heard that in the three thousand worlds, hundreds of millions of living beings live for only a moment, good and evil have a cause and effect, and many resentments are just a handful of yellow sand, like dream bubbles. When you meditate like a lotus, you should look down on the world of mortals..."

Today's Xuanyuan has a more thorough understanding of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and when he recites the "Rebirth Sutra", an ancient Buddha who looks exactly like him manifests behind him, with a heart of great compassion and the power of great enlightenment!

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