Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1851 Surrender

"I didn't expect that in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there are so many unpredictable methods that can deal with the backlash of the evil emperor in the first place, and completely disintegrate. I have underestimated them from the beginning."'Yuhua Thinking in his heart, the Son of Heaven returned to the 'Yuhua Shenchao' and asked the First Heavenly Emperor and the First Great Sage to mobilize 100 million Divine Feather Army, as well as fifty-six Heavenly Emperor Great Saint Realm existences, to sit in the 'Holy Land of Shrouding the Sky' 'Beyond.

"Tianzi, what happened, the 'Holy Land Shrouding the Sky' has been attacked by such a large-scale luck, it is more terrible than what we have endured, I have never seen such bad luck, it is simply unlucky It's extreme, it seems that we won't be able to join forces with them in a short period of time, otherwise, we will all be influenced by their luck in the dark." The first great saint said in a condensed voice.

"It's a luck attack method jointly launched by the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'. Our intentions have been guessed by them, and we will not attack them for the time being, but at any rate, let's find the 'Zhoutian Holy Land' to join forces first, In any case, we must put on a show on the surface, mobilize 100 million divine feather troops, set up camp outside the 'Sacred Land of Shrouding the Sky', and be ready to deal with the attack of the 'Sacred Dragon' at any time, and leave the rest alone." The Son of Heaven ordered immediately.

"What, we actually want to take action to protect the 'Holy Land Shrouding Heaven'? What are they!" The First Heavenly Emperor expressed his incomprehension.

"'Zhetian Holy Land' is our ally now. If we give up on them, the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will join forces to attack and wipe them out. The next time they attack, they will point at me, the 'Yuhua God' Even if we can resist it, we will be in a passive state. Moreover, the "Sacred Land" still has great use value. It can't be destroyed at this time. You just do what I said. "'The Emerald Son of Heaven' shouted again.

"Yes, the Son of Heaven is wise!" On the first day, the Emperor could only take orders, and I have to say that the "Son of Emerald Emperor" considered this aspect very comprehensively and knew how to take care of the overall situation.

I saw the mighty Divine Feather Army advancing towards the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven', and they all arrived within three days. The existence of fifty-six Heavenly Emperors in the Great Sacred Realm sat in it, and they were outside the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven'. , Set up camps, block the main roads, support various restrictions, arrange various favorable terrains, and also arrange many feng shui wonders, which have their own subtleties.

The "Yuhua Shenchao" is not weak in terms of power, feng shui, and restraint. It can be said that the rebellion of the previous ten thousand races was planted on these means, and many people died without knowing why.

Judging from their current layout, if the 'Qinglong Holy Land' wants to launch an attack, it must pass through their line of defense. As for the attack of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', it can only be resisted by the 'Zhetian Holy Land'. If they couldn't resist, the 'Yuhua Shenchao' would retreat and not make unnecessary sacrifices, this was the intention of the 'Yuhua Emperor'.

In the Tianji Pavilion of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty", Xuanyuan and the "Emperor Hongmeng" looked at the scene in front of them and fell into deep thought.

"It seems that the 'Fathering Emperor' is more powerful than I imagined. He is not the only one who knows how to send troops to garrison the main roads to guard the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven'. The existence of fifty-six Heavenly Emperors in the Great Holy Land is in charge. If I am in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' If you send troops to go out, there is not much chance of winning, and it seems that you can't go head-to-head, the most important thing now is to delay the time and wait for the strong people in my 'Qinglong Holy Land' to grow." Xuanyuan shook his head, it seems that it can only delay time , no further action is possible.

"They are defending the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. What is the purpose of the north-south passage? They can attack from the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'. It's too far away, it's not suitable to send troops for an expedition, but now the 'Sacred Land of Shrouding the Sky' is close at hand, if you don't seize this opportunity, after a year, after recovering, there will be endless troubles, you must know that now they can't even use their magical powers to resist Be careful, cultivate with evil methods, there are many hidden dangers in the body, and bad luck will erupt at any time, even if we just make a feint attack, they will die a lot of people because of it." 'Emperor Hongmeng' is obviously much more ruthless than Xuanyuan, knowing Cut the weeds and root them out.

"I've also considered this matter, and it's indeed a solution. It's impossible for the 'Yuhua Shenchao' to resist the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven' in all directions. I believe that 'Emperor Yuhua' can only withstand the attack of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'." If the rear defense line of the 'Holy Land' collapses, he will naturally retreat the army." Xuanyuan folded his hands behind his back, frowning and meditating quietly.

"If that's the case, then go back and rectify the troops, dispatch elites, and attack the 'Holy Land that Shrouds the Sky'. Keeping them will become a serious problem for us sooner or later." The eyes of the 'Emperor Hongmeng' were full of fighting spirit. surging.

"Although this is the case, I think this matter is still a bit inappropriate. You see, to attack from the 'Beiyue Xianzhou', you must pass through Beizhou, and the Shentu tribe, the Shenjin tribe, the Shenhuo tribe, the Shenlei tribe, and the Shenfeng tribe All clans have been merged into the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven', we must not be able to ignore them, we can only kill them all the way, but I think this is not appropriate, first of all, the God Earth Clan, the God Gold Clan, the God Thunder Clan, The Wind Clan didn't do anything against us, everything was done by the Evil Clan, it would be bad for us to implicate them." Xuanyuan looked at the 'Emperor Hongmeng' and said seriously.

"Those who achieve great things don't care about trivial matters. Since they join the evil race and form the 'Holy Land that Shrouds the Sky', they are our enemies." The 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' disagreed with Xuanyuan's opinion, and he had to act decisively if he should act outright.

"Even if it's an enemy, we must have a clear target. At least they haven't attacked us. My principle is not to kill an enemy who has never attacked me, and there is no permanent enemy, so I think the 'Emperor Hongmeng' will give me For some time, let me enter it and persuade them to leave the 'Holy Land of Shrouding the Sky', and not let the people of all clans be attacked by wars and chaos. The people are very kind, and there are very few villains, I believe it is the same among the Shenjin, Shentu, Shenhuo, Shenfeng, and Shenlei tribes." Xuanyuan still insisted on his opinion, his eyes were firm, Watching the 'Emperor Hongmeng' seeking the other party's opinion.

"If that's the case, I have nothing to say. If Holy Master Xuanyuan wants to try it, you can try it. I have no objection. What you said is not wrong. It's because I didn't think thoroughly."'Emperor Hongmeng' smiled wryly. With a sound, he could only shrug his shoulders and said: "'Qinglong Holy Land' really met a benevolent Lord, no wonder it can attract the admiration and recognition of the people of all races!"

"Where, I was born in poverty and suffered all kinds of torture. Even if the high-ranking people such as the Shenjin clan and the Shenhuo clan have offended us, they have nothing to do with the people of Li under their command. Soldiers are murder weapons. Saints It is the best way to use it as a last resort. As the saying goes, it is best to attack the city without fighting, and to subdue the enemy without fighting. If they can join, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can also be greatly improved. This is It is a good thing to benefit others and self." Xuanyuan said clearly.

"Well, anyway, I, 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', respect any opinion of 'Qinglong Holy Land', and I will cooperate with you. Be careful in everything, after all, you are an enemy." 'Emperor Hongmeng' smiled, this may be the shining point of Xuanyuan, Kindness to the enemy may be cruel to oneself, but it may also influence the enemy.

"It doesn't matter, I have my own sense of proportion. If you stay here, the nine ghosts, you must let the brothers in Tianji not leave the slightest sequelae. Before you recover, you must not leave without permission." Xuanyuan gave an order, very stern.

"Yes!" The Nine Great Ghosts did not dare to be careless.

Looking at Xuanyuan's leaving back, the 'Emperor Hongmeng' murmured: "I am quite strict with my own people."

Xuanyuan did not rush to Beizhou immediately, but returned to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', seeing that the many elites of the 'Tianji City' were fine, he finally felt relieved.

"Nowadays, the 'Shading Heaven Holy Land' is attacked by bad luck, and it is the time when it is most likely to collapse. At this time, I, 'Qinglong Holy Land', can lead an army and crush it. This is a golden opportunity." 'Nightmare Ghost Xian' has an extremely precise grasp of the battle situation.

"Yes, this is indeed the best time." Xuanjizi and Tianzhao looked at Xuanyuan at the same time. Obviously, they made a simple calculation, and this shot can minimize the damage of the "Qinglong Holy Land".

"I have my own plan, everyone should be calm, anyway, there is a year, don't worry." Xuanyuan turned and left, leaving Yuan'er, Naihe and the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' here, just in case.

He entered Shenmutian and Shenshuitian, met Qingdi and Heidi, and told them his thoughts.

After all, the Five Elements Protoss intersected. Among other things, the relationship between the Black Emperor and the White Emperor was not bad, and the relationship between the Qing Emperor and the Xuan Emperor was not bad either.

If the two of them were to be this lobbyist with me on this trip, the Shenhuo clan would not dare to say, but other big clans still have a chance to win over to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. Take it for granted how stable their relationship with the evil race is, everything still has to be considered from the actual performance and the extension of the interests between the two.

That's right, Xuanyuan's idea is to recruit them. Once successful, not only can the defense of the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven' be completely disintegrated, but also the strength of the 'Sacred Land of Azure Dragons' can be improved.

Regarding Xuanyuan's idea, the Black Emperor and the Qing Emperor both agreed, and Xuanyuan also showed enough respect for them on this matter.

After all, the Five Elements Protoss are connected in one vein, and they don't want to kill their former clansmen unless they have to.

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