Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1853 Family Migration

The four heavenly emperors are coming, and they have their own means to watch the "Qinglong Holy Land" in all directions. Any arrangement of powers, feng shui layout, hidden restrictions, mechanism design, and intertwined spells are all seamless, so that people can't find a single loophole .

And every big city, intentionally or unconsciously, is formed into a big formation, which can attack all directions.

"I have to say that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is far better than the 'Zhoutian Holy Land'. Thousands of races coexist, such an aura, everyone is one, there is no distinction between high and low status, the weather is smooth, the country is rich and the people are strong, forming an excellent The virtuous circle of the "Central World" is unattainable among any major power in the 'Central World'." Bai Di looked at Hei Di, and said in a heavy voice: "The Chi Emperor said that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was so overbearing, saying You combined with foreign races to annex us, now it seems that we were all deceived by the Red Emperor, really ashamed."

"The Red Emperor has a violent temper. He is the one who wants to annex the Five Elements God Race. Otherwise, he would not have united with the cruel evil race. But this is not your fault, he took the meaning out of context." Hei Di Leng He snorted, he didn't want to explain more that day, he just felt that the facts would prove everything in the future.

"To this day, it is meaningless to say these things. Although we have not made a blood oath with the 'Holy Land of Shrouded Heaven', it is morally unjustifiable to abandon our allies in the face of danger. I have to say, 'Holy Land of the Azure Dragon' 'It's very attractive, and we really want to join, but we can't ignore morality for the sake of profit." Although Emperor Xuan admired the power of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', he did not hide his inner longing, but this is not the same thing as morality.

"This is not the point, everyone please follow me!" Xuanyuan smiled slightly, leading the crowd, the four heavenly emperors all looked at each other, and could only follow behind Xuanyuan until they entered the 'Swallowing Treasure House'.

They respectively took them to visit Shenjintian, Shenshitian, Shenfengtian, Shenleitian, and Xuanyuan said in a heavy voice: "This is the independent world created by the 'Wanhua Shengdi' through countless years of painstaking efforts. Practicing in each heaven has unique benefits, and now it has been integrated into the Primal Chaos Immortal Qi, which will benefit the future of all races. It is conceivable. I know that all the seniors are moral people, but compared to Compared with whether your own people suffer innocent disasters or let them have a bright future, which is more important, is personal face important, or hundreds of millions of people are important, I believe you will have a sense of proportion in your heart."

At this moment, the four heavenly emperors were extremely shaken in their hearts. They knew that Xuanyuan was not a threat, but a fact.

"'Emperor Hongmeng' originally said that he wanted to attack from the 'Beiyue Xianzhou', but passing through Beizhou, I don't want to fight to the death with all ethnic groups, and I don't want innocent Li people to die in the war, because in the In my 'Qinglong Holy Land', there are countless Limin people, displaced, without homes, without relatives, many orphans, helpless, they even lost their surnames, lost their names, and lived all day long. In the panic, I can understand all kinds of pain in the war, so I don't want any innocent people of any clan to be affected because of the war launched by my 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Soldiers are the country's murder weapon, and the saints have to use them as a last resort In short, I hope that seniors can seriously think about it, is it morality not to abandon the evil race and let their own people be hurt?" Xuanyuan's sentences are sincere, without the slightest falsehood, and the four heavenly emperors can feel it.

"Hehe, my Kamikaze clan is free and easy, and I helped the Shenhuo clan that day out of morality. I didn't collect the slightest benefit, so naturally I didn't have too many constraints. I agreed. After returning, we will move the whole clan. I have never received any favor from the evil clan, and I don't owe them anything." Fengdi thought for a moment, then agreed, this is the best time for the Kamikaze clan to become stronger, he can see, "Sage Emperor Wanhua ''s reincarnation, to open up this world, must have traveled all over the universe and starry sky, collected countless wind powers, gathered them together, and formed a powerful wind source.

"My God Thunder Clan is the same. I originally wanted to join in the fun with the Five Elements God Clan. Although we don't belong to the Five Elements God Clan, we have a good relationship and are very close. That's why I came to help this. This matter is for us. , I don’t have too many concerns.” Lei Di also expressed his opinion, those in high positions always put their own people first.

Only Emperor Bai and Emperor Xuan looked at each other. After a long while, after careful consideration, they all agreed to join the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. No matter what, it was reasonable to choose 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. That's right.

"Okay, then from today onwards, we will be a family, Hei Di, Senior Qing Di, please help to take care of it." Xuanyuan was in a good mood.

Swallowing the treasury is the final trump card. Xuanyuan believes that any leader of a big force can hope for a better development of his big clan. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is not mandatory to conquer it, but voluntary , Convincing people with virtue, getting along with each other in a friendly way, not over their heads, few people will refuse.

The Black Emperor and the Qing Emperor, accompanied by the Four Great Heavenly Emperors, returned to the Northern Province and carried out the family migration to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

There is still a distance between Zhongzhou and Beizhou. The evil emperor was not very relieved of them, so he secretly deployed means to monitor everything. After seeing the four heavenly emperors and Xuanyuan leave, he was extremely furious and wished to tear them all to pieces.

"These scumbags, at this time, want to leave my evil clan, they are simply damned." He is the only one in the evil emperor's palace, but he deeply understands that the current evil clan is not suitable for fighting with them at all. They are not vegetarians, and they are all masters of extremely terrifying spiritual objects of heaven and earth. There are still many restrictions in Zhongzhou that are personally arranged by them. Once they are completely offended, the consequences may be even more unimaginable.

"'Qinglong Holy Land', I will definitely settle this account with you, and then I will let you die without a burial, and I will let you know that joining the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is your worst choice, I have already planted my chess pieces inside you, and nothing can escape from my palm, so join the 'Qinglong Holy Land', when the time comes, I will just break the 'Qinglong Holy Land' from the inside!"

I saw the Shenjin clan, the Shentu clan, the Shenlei clan, and the Shenfeng clan migrated after the return of the four supreme beings.

"Emperor Xuan, in the Shenhuo Clan, there is my life-and-death acquaintance. He was originally the Supreme Elder of the 'Shenhuo Clan'. He was suppressed all the time because he opposed the Red Emperor's conquest. This time, the Shenhuo Clan was attacked by luck. , the entire Shenhuo clan was panicked, he wanted to take away a group of innocent people of the Shenhuo clan and throw them into the 'Qinglong Holy Land', don't know if it is possible? He didn't want the blood of the Shenhuo clan to be cut off." A god The Tu nationality, the existence of the ancient sages and five heavens, asked for instructions.

"Hei Di, do you think this is feasible?" Emperor Xuan knew that this time Xuanyuan left everything to be arranged by Qing Emperor and Hei Di, and this matter could only be done with their consent.

"Of course, I can go with you. There are still many good men in the Shenhuo Clan, but it's a pity that Chidi takes the lead." Heidi knew that entering the Shenhuo Clan would inevitably cause Chidi to retaliate. The one who restrained Chidi is now under the attack of bad luck in the entire Shenhuo Clan. Even Chidi dare not fight him easily.

The Hei Emperor led a group of powerful beings, and descended from the sky on the land of the Shenhuo Clan. Those kind people would not do evil things, and naturally they would not be affected by the attack of luck. Some people lived in peace.

The existence of the god, the ancient sage of the earth tribe, the fifth heaven, shouted in the sky: "Brother Chixue, lead the innocent people of the Shenhuo tribe into the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. The black emperor is here to protect the law. Action, no one can stop."

This voice resounded in the sky above the Shenhuo Clan, and the Scarlet Emperor was suddenly furious: "Chixue, you traitor, I should have killed you if I knew it earlier, and such a shameful thing like today would not have happened."

An old man said hoarsely: "Chidi, I really misunderstood you at the beginning and supported you to take the position. You have forgotten where our roots are, and you even cooperated with the evil clan, which led to today's calamity. My Shenhuo clan is not like you!" Heavenly Emperor, starting today, the Shenhuo Clan will be divided into two, and those who do not want to be ruled by the Red Emperor can leave with me. My five-element God Clan is connected in the same spirit, descending from the same line, and revolving together. Although the vitality of the Shenhuo Clan is greatly injured today, but There will always be a glorious day, and if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood."

"Didn't I do this to expand the power of my Shenhuo Clan and promote the prestige of my Shenhuo Clan? You people are short-sighted and content with mediocrity, how can you become a great weapon? You are simply rotten wood!" The Red Emperor said angrily.

"Chidi, don't give money to your actions. If you do many unrighteous actions, you will die. We have known each other since we were young. I won't kill you today. I hope you can do it well and be able to reflect on yourself." In the sky above the Clan, every word and every sentence, like a divine thunder descending into the world, contains mantras, with supreme power, which made the hearts of many powerhouses of the Shenhuo Clan with ghosts in their hearts shaken to pieces.

"Hei Di, I am at odds with you!" Chi Di's tone was very hard, his bones creaked and exploded, and he was trembling with anger, but he did not dare to fight Hei Di, firstly he had lost the "fire of origin" 'Okay, secondly, the current luck has been reduced to the lowest level, and the power of using supernatural powers to attack will be minimized. In addition, the supernatural powers he cultivated were originally restrained by the black emperor, so he can only seek his own death.

"Chixue, take your people away, Heidi, I hope you keep your promise and don't take advantage of others!" Everyone knows that the Chidi has given in, and at this time, any heavenly emperor may put him to death. There was nothing he could do.

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