Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1863 The Power of Dao Extermination

The evil emperor stood alone in the palace, and in front of his eyes at this moment was a mirror of water, manifesting everything in Beicheng, because under the cover of the great array of power, Beicheng was under his control.

Seeing that all the elites from the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and 'Qinglong Holy Land' had entered the North City, he smiled coldly and said to himself: "Do you really think that my evil race is so easy to attack? Let your elites be attacked today All of them will be buried here, even if they can survive, they will have to suffer the curse of a thousand years, and their cultivation will be exhausted, and they will die of pain!"

The evil emperor flicked his fingertips lightly, chanting an obscure incantation, and in the depths of the evil emperor's palace, a huge force circulated.

The 'Dao Dao Xing Evil Formation' was activated, and all kinds of distortions appeared in the space of millions of miles in the north city, covering all directions. At this time, it was found that it was basically useless, because unless someone wanted to be into the void.

In the void that was pulled out by the terrifying force, stars with a diameter of tens of millions of miles and a small diameter of a hundred miles flew out of the sky, pulling fire-colored streamers, falling from the sky, with the speed of light, reaching in an instant, However, unlike what the evil emperor had imagined, the attack was on the northern city.

"What's going on!" Seeing the place where these stars attacked, the evil emperor's heart was shocked, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, his fists were clenched tightly, and an extremely terrifying aura was exuded from his body.

I saw densely packed, tens of thousands of fragments of the Dao Extinguishing Star like rain, attacking the second city in the north and a large area of ​​the third city in the north. The power was unprecedentedly huge, far beyond the imagination of the evil emperor. , It has a great relationship, all the damage will be maximized to them, just like when a person is extremely unlucky, drinking water can choke to death.

The elites of 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and 'Qinglong Holy Land' were like watching an unprecedented meteor rainstorm pouring down crazily. The terrifying impact of the Dao can easily tear apart the ancient emperor and the ancient holy realm powerhouse.

Everyone changed their positions and thought about it. If they form a large formation to resist, it will also be uncomfortable, and they will surely usher in a hard battle.

What's even more frightening is that everyone can see that the inexplicable power of the curse, contaminated with those restrictions, can quickly dissolve it, making it without the slightest resistance, and even some strong people are hit by Dao Exterminating Star In an instant, the body and soul melted instantly, turning into spots of light, directly transforming into the Dao.

Xuanyuan, who was in the second north city, looked panic-stricken and could only flee to the third north city, which didn't attract too many people's attention. It was quite normal to have such a behavior.

Numerous restrictions collapsed, and a large number of soldiers and horses of the evil race died unexpectedly, and were annihilated by flying ashes. Even the strong of the ancient emperor and ancient sage level, but below the third heaven, it is difficult to resist the power of the Dao Extermination star, the body is broken, and the soul is torn. .

But in the fourth heaven, the strong men above the fifth heaven and above are lucky enough to resist, but they have to bear a dark, inexplicable curse, entangled in the depths of their souls, it is very terrifying, and it will destroy the Dao The power contained in the star can wipe out bit by bit the avenue means they are in charge of. Even if they can escape, and after the curse is eliminated, they will become useless people. At least they have to practice again. walk the road again.

The vast Tao-killing star rain bombarded down, shaking the sky and the earth, and all kinds of fluctuations could be felt in a radius of two to three hundred million miles.

The 'Yuhua Tianzi' led the elite to guard the southern position of the evil clan, the first great sage frowned and said, "I wonder if this evil clan can withstand the joint attack of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'? Now it seems that they have activated a very terrifying formation."

"Should we lead the army to support? It seems that we have hit the three northern cities. How long has it been?" The first day emperor frowned.

"This is not something we should worry about. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is only a part of the elite. We only need to guard this place. If the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is just to divert the tiger away from the mountain, lead an army to attack, and our Shenyu army will disperse again. Come on, I'm afraid they won't be defeated. The reason why they attacked the North City was that they didn't want to confront us. Don't fall for it. Now we have done our best. If the evil race can't resist the attack, it proves that they are not worthy to fight with us. I, 'Yuhua Shenchao' join hands." 'Yuhua Tianzi' stood in midair, looked into the distance, he felt that the attack of that kind of formation must be the method of the evil clan, and it contained a terrible curse, presumably The armies of 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and 'Qinglong Holy Land' were bound to suffer heavy losses, but he didn't come to the scene in person, so naturally he didn't know the specific situation of the battle.

I'm afraid no one would have guessed that such a vicious formation of the evil race was their own formation, which beat their own family.

Thousands of Dao Extinguishing Stars blasted down from the sky above the Second North City and the Third North City, cursing and destroying the sky, resulting in the death of tens of millions of soldiers of the evil clan.

In just one hour, until the power of the 'Dao Mie Xing Evil Formation' was exhausted, the Second North City and the Third North City had been breached by it, ruined walls, dead bodies and war flames everywhere, countless people were wailing, only Very few people were able to escape.

On the land of the two cities, it was smashed to pieces by the Dao Miexing Star, all the buildings were destroyed, and the breath of death permeated the four directions. Down, turned into death.

Xuanyuan yelled in his sea of ​​consciousness: "Evil Emperor, what's going on! Why did the big formation attack us, this time the loss is too heavy!"

This was an angry question from the heart, and the corners of the evil emperor's eyes twitched. This scene was beyond his expectation. At this moment, his face was extremely gloomy, and he said via voice transmission: "It seems that they have fallen into the other party's scheme. Knowing that there is an formation in the northern city, using Fengshui thaumaturgy to carry out geological changes, and then distort the direction of the attack in the formation pattern, it is a good method, but it is done without knowing it. It seems that it is really small After watching the Shentu Clan, Xing Ge, you must quickly lead the remaining soldiers and horses and retreat to the four northern cities, there must be no mistakes, the same method will no longer be effective for us."

"Ah..." Xuanyuan let out a roar, and then ordered: "The remaining sons and I retreat to the four northern cities, and there must be no mistakes!"

"Yes." Sparsely, less than 10,000 people followed Xuanyuan to retreat to the four northern cities. Among these people, two-thirds of them were all cursed by the power of Dao Extermination Star, even the evil emperor It is difficult to help them eliminate, doomed their life, has come to an end, unless someone can start all over again, but it is too difficult.

"Why is this happening? The great formation of my evil clan will attack us! The loss is extremely heavy, but the enemy is not injured at all." Immediately, there was a strong man who had received the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, because he was cursed by the Dao Exterminating Star. , His strength was wiped out bit by bit. This feeling of watching his own strength disappear is hard for ordinary people to understand. It took him countless years to get to where he is today.

"We fell into the enemy's tricks. They quietly changed the attack of our clan's formation. It was my fault. If we didn't find out, we would move the formation." Xuanyuan stood up and admitted that it was his fault. The emperor can only transmit his thoughts to his heart. At this time, Xuanyuan knows what he should do. The evil race is unpredictable, and he doesn't know if there is any other support. It is not appropriate to jump out too early at this moment. He wants to infiltrate The moment the evil race is shattered, otherwise, other new changes are likely to occur.

Because the evil emperor is too inscrutable, Xuanyuan had to do this. Only the person he truly trusted could inflict fatal damage on him at the most critical moment. If he jumped out now, what he did There is no point in infiltrating from the rear. His core target is the evil emperor's palace, not the northern part of the city.

Xuanyuan believes that there are still many methods in the evil clan, especially in the evil emperor's palace, which worries him the most. Now he has to win the trust of the evil emperor step by step. Influence must have its frightening features. Even if luck is at its lowest level, it cannot be destroyed by ordinary people. If one is not careful, it is very likely that one's own army will be put to death.

The existence of the 'Emperor Hongmeng' and many Heavenly Emperors and Great Sacred Realms hung down on the nine heavens, looking at the four northern cities from a distance.

He looked at Emperor Xuan, and asked leisurely: "Why did my father rate 'Nine Nether Resting Soil' in the ranks of the first bucket of soil? But there is no record of 'Hongmeng Resting Soil'?"

"'Nine Serenity Resting Soil' comes from the origin of Huangquan. They also wanted to create their own world in this world, but they lost in the battle of 'Hongmeng Resting Soil', leaving part of their strength, and 'Hongmeng Resting Soil' lost "Xi Rang" began to incarnate into "Central World", and after combining with "Hongmeng Yuanyuan", it was almost dead silent. Back then, "Hongmeng Tiandi" and his sons and hundreds of saints traveled around the starry sky. 'Great Meng's Resting Soil' was obtained only in a later encounter, so before that, it never had the status of 'Great Meng's Breathing Soil'." Emperor Xuan explained patiently.

"What about the sky-replenishing soil?" The pig-headed emperor knew that if Xuanyuan could get the sky-replenishing soil, he would definitely be able to improve his own strength.

"Mending the sky and resting the soil, this is the invisible combination of the purest power of the two when the 'Nine Nether Resting Soil' and the 'Hongmeng Resting Soil' are fighting. The power of the earth was only partly used by Nuwa, the holy ancestor of the demon clan, in the ancient times. Now it is difficult to find this kind of treasure. If it is bred into a spirit, it can be possessed at the same time. The abilities of Nine Nether Breathing Soil and Hongmeng Breathing Soil have unlimited potential.” Emperor Xuan was obviously looking forward to seeing the legendary Heaven-Mending Breathing Soil. Its function, mending the sky together, saved the Central China from the fate of disintegration.

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