Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1866 North Evil City

Although they didn't want to confront the armies of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', they had no choice but to resist with their bodies and their lives.

In a piece of sky, the Dayi clan led by Ya Suo also drew their bows and shot arrows, each arrow feather was engraved with a powerful Ancient Emperor Talisman.

As they shot into the enemy's airspace, a portal of golden weapons was formed, which contained thousands of weapons, and they attacked in unison.

Such a way of killing makes even the evil emperor feel speechless for a while when he looks at it. Hidden in this formation is a killing formation formed by the minds of one hundred thousand ancient sages and ancient emperors who have been practiced countless times. It was so terrifying that even the ordinary characters in the Great Sage Realm of the Heavenly Emperor couldn't resist it, let alone these shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Although there are not many elites in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', they seem to be more mysterious than those in the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'. Their cooperation on the battlefield, and the magic weapons on their bodies, in many respects, are even worse , the evil emperor's eyes flickered, and he was calculating in his heart.

At this moment, he began to analyze the elite troops of the two big forces, and he didn't want to act rashly yet.

I saw that the prohibition of the four northern cities was collapsing rapidly, and they resisted with great difficulty. Although there was a divine fire restriction, the effect of its attack was negligible. 'It is crushed, and there is no enemy at all, because no one can protect it.

No one can resist the power of the 'Breaking Forbidden Arrow Array'. Those who can resist one or two dare not go. No one wants to die. Under such a big environment, what they think about is how to save their lives .

The elites of the four northern cities were all in a panic, although they also took various countermeasures, either attacking with magical powers or shooting arrows.

But most of them are too weak. Xuanyuan's Xuanwu Saint Guards are like an indestructible mountain. The slightest injury, and the blessing of the Xuanhu royal family behind them, made their physical bodies improve to the extreme in all aspects.

At this moment, Xuanyuan regards his own army as his enemy, even if he faces this army of tigers and wolves, he has no chance of winning. The soldiers sent by the evil clan to guard are too weak. They are all attacking on their own, and they have not formed a battle formation at all, and everyone is panicking, and they just want to escape.

While resisting, they have to pay attention to the changes in their bodies, otherwise some hidden dangers may suddenly erupt and cause them to die. These series are the consequences of the extreme drop in luck.

The evil race at this time is the least able to resist, that's why the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' chose to attack at this time.

As the deputy commander of the three armies of the evil clan, Xuanyuan was extremely anxious seeing that the city was about to collapse, so he asked the evil emperor, "Evil emperor, what should I do if I can't keep it?"

"Withdraw! Next, it is estimated that there will be many big cities that will not be able to defend. Don't worry, I will not blame you!" The evil emperor gave an order, and he knew that it was not Xing Ge's fault. The overall strength gap was too big, which made him It is impossible to command better results. In front of the public, Xing Ge admitted that he was the one who urged the restriction, and did not mention the evil emperor. This made him appreciate Xing Ge even more, showing that this person can be used to great effect.

This kind of acknowledgment can firstly prevent the evil emperor from losing face and lower his prestige in the hearts of the people of the evil clan. Second, it can also prevent the morale of the army from being affected. There was a certain shadow in the hearts of the soldiers.

"Retreat to the five northern cities!" Xuanyuan immediately gave an order, and a large number of mighty elites withdrew directly, leaving only a part of the weak ones, who were too late to resist, and were killed by the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" and the "Qinglong Holy Land".

This is war. If it wasn't for the sacrifice of the five great saints of the Tianxing clan and the Dixuan clan, as well as the sacrifices of many ancient emperors, ancient saints, and fifth-level heavenly powerhouses, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' would have suffered even greater casualties.

Soldiers are the country's lethal weapon, and saints cannot use them. The evil clan and the "Yuhua Shenchao" are united, and it is impossible to give in at all. Xuanyuan knows that if he does not act first, then he will suffer disaster in the future It is the common people of the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land', kindness does not command soldiers, although he is kind by nature, but he is still able to deal with such a cruel enemy, not for himself, but for his own people.

The four northern cities couldn't hold back for even an hour, and they were destroyed in an instant. The flames of war were everywhere, and corpses were everywhere. The pig-headed emperor enjoyed devouring many life essences with the method of devouring, but at the same time, he also It was discovered that there was also an inexplicable force harvesting these life essences and those broken souls.

However, at this moment, the evil emperor activated the 'Silent Annihilation Formation', and in the dark, a terrifying force penetrated from the void, as if the entire sky was darkened, as if The doomsday is coming, and there is no sound.

At this moment, one hundred thousand black forbidden dragons burst out of the sky, mighty and majestic, with an attacking momentum, extremely condensed, plunged into the void, and blocked it layer by layer.

"Dragon forbidden lock empty."

In the void with a radius of 100,000 miles, Ling Xiao Dao Lei rioted, breaking the invisible and invisible evil curse.

Pengfei and Tianxing often infiltrate their thoughts into it, and the forbidden dragons are also under the curse, and their bodies gradually melt.

Fortunately, the pig-headed emperor has integrated a part of the power of myriad transformations into their prohibition methods, making them more able to resist. With the greatest strength, they carried out a devastating attack, and the brand marks of formations in pieces were eliminated , so that the power of this 'Silent Annihilation Formation' gradually weakened.

In the outside world, many powerhouses saw countless black forbidden dragons roaring mightily, with boundless fighting spirit, condensing the true meaning of dragon forbidden. It seemed that there was an incomparably large long dragon hovering in the sky, and the sound of the dragon's roar stirred the surrounding fields.

The evil emperor looked at the scene in front of him, narrowed his eyes, and clenched his fists tightly, as if the entire evil race was under the control of the enemy. These formations are extremely powerful, and once activated, they can cause damage to the enemy. Unimaginable losses, but every time, they seem to be able to predict everything, either changing the geology, distorting the direction of attack, or using restraint means to break through, and hitting the core, all the power is not wasted in the slightest, it seems that everything Everything is under control, which makes the evil emperor dislike this feeling very much. He likes to control everything, and he doesn't like to be controlled by others.

Could it be that the evil clan's defense map has been leaked?

It should be impossible for the evil clan to go up and down, and everything is under his surveillance. If the defense map is leaked, it is impossible for him not to know.

"Okay, okay, it's really interesting. I will stay with you to the end. Go ahead and attack. The more you kill, the worse your death will be." They didn't realize that the essence and soul power contained in those dead people had penetrated into the ground and were swallowed by an inexplicable force. Although the pig-headed emperor felt a little weird, he didn't think much about it.

Xuanyuan retreated to the North Five Cities. The strategy of the evil clan is to send the weakest soldiers to the front of the big city as cannon fodder, unlike the "Qinglong Holy Land", where the powerful elite are stationed in The first pass.

Because in Xuanyuan's view, the weak need to be protected, not sacrificed. Under the protection of the strong, they will gradually grow up and want to become strong. No one is born strong .

This battle lasted day and night without stopping. In three months, the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' were like two indestructible sharp knives, piercing through the bodies of the evil people, blooming in all directions, attacking one after another. Down thirty cities, causing nearly tens of billions of deaths and injuries to the evil race.

There are also people of the evil race among them, but under the war, some casualties are unavoidable. Although they are not fighters, they have different positions, so if you don't die, you die or I die. The 'Emperor Hongmeng' will not leave his back to the enemy .

Due to the blessing and protection of the powerful members of the Xuanhu royal family all the way, the two camps did not suffer too many casualties.

The 'Qinglong Holy Land' was unscathed, while nearly a hundred people died in the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'. The strong ones, and the other five million statues are the existence of the ancient sages in the sixth heaven realm.

At this moment, in front of their eyes is a big city named Beixie City, which is one of the core cities of the entire Xie Clan and is the gateway to the heart.

Once this city is breached, it will be able to directly reach the heart of the evil clan, deal a fatal blow to the enemy, and greatly shake the hearts of the entire evil clan.

Xuanyuan, the deputy commander, retreated all the way without making any achievements, but he kept encouraging the soldiers so that they could escape without being defeated. On the verge of collapse, it seems that in their view, the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and 'Qinglong Holy Land' are invincible gods.

Now that they are seriously affected by the attack of luck, it is normal for them to lose self-confidence and will not be strong. Only Xuanyuan has not been affected and has been persisting. In any case, superficial efforts must be done, otherwise Well, it is useless for the evil emperor to ask for a waste.

For Xuanyuan, it is to do something that makes the evil emperor feel reasonable and make great contributions, to gain his trust and praise, and then to be able to get close to the evil emperor and enter the core of the entire high-level of the evil clan. important.

In Beixie City, there are many masters, and it is no longer like those cities before, which can be easily breached. Up to now, Xing Ge is still the deputy commander of the three armies, which shows the trust and affirmation of the evil emperor in him!

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