Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1868 Dao Mirror Beast

The night has already covered the entire sky.

There are no stars in the sky above the evil race, they massacred countless creatures, and the evil spirit filled the sky, so that the black clouds covered the top, covering the stars.

In Beixie City, the lights are brightly lit.

Countless lights condensed by means of supernatural powers illuminated the entire city like daytime, and all the evil warriors entered a state of high alert, because not far away were the elites of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' The camp, at this stage, they attacked the city and seized the territory, like searching for something. They have already beaten the entire evil race into a panic. Many people feel that the North evil city can't hold it anymore.

Xuanyuan stood alone on the top of Beixie City, looking into the distance. At this moment, the cold wind was howling. The city under his feet was originally the Xuanwu City of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty", but after the entire "Zhongzhou Dynasty" migrated away, only A piece of open land was left behind, and after being occupied by the evil clan, this northern evil city was established. He looked at the tents in the distance, with their aura like a rainbow, and he was satisfied.

At this time, Huang Yuechan conveyed the idea of ​​'Emperor Hongmeng', which made Xuanyuan frowned, and began to think carefully in his heart.

"Why don't you let the 'Hongmeng Emperor' use the 'Hongmeng Birth and Destruction Realm' to resist, this son's luck is so high that he won't die so easily, if he can't even do this, he will be the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' in vain ' son." The greedy old man also knew about this matter and expressed his agreement, he naturally didn't want Xuanyuan to take risks, this matter must be borne by someone.

"It's absolutely impossible. Although the luck of the evil clan is extremely low at the moment, and the luck of the 'Emperor Hongmeng' is so strong, don't forget the existence of the evil emperor. His luck is purple energy from the east. If the "Emperor Hongmeng" really has three strengths and two weaknesses, it's not as simple as his death and dao disappearance. His luck will be swallowed by the evil emperor, and it will be even more difficult to deal with at that time, so we must think of a perfect strategy, absolutely not be able to grow The power of the evil emperor." Xuanyuan immediately rejected the idea of ​​'Emperor Hongmeng', and the greedy old man didn't say anything more.

In the commander's tent, Huang Yuechan shook her head and said: "Little husband won't allow you to do this, he said that he will figure out a way, let the three armies cultivate for a while, and fight for three months without stopping, although The enemy is weak, but after all, they are facing the evil race, and they need to recuperate and recharge their batteries to let them know that as long as they break through the northern evil city, they can directly take the core main city of the evil race! They have enough time to prepare."

"Well, brother Xuanyuan has always had a lot of good ideas, so we'll just wait for the good news, and now there seems to be no better way." 'Emperor Hongmeng' also knows Xuanyuan's guess, after all, they are an alliance , Sometimes he can't go his own way, even if he doesn't think about himself, he still has to think about the overall situation.

The "Emperor Hongmeng" gave the order to let the soldiers and horses of the three armies take turns to rest, recharge their batteries and prepare for the final battle.

After some encouragement, the morale of the three armies is not low, and the evil race is cruel. If they can be eradicated, then many people can feel at ease. It can be said that this is the long-cherished wish of the three armies.

Xuanyuan fell into deep thought, the battle situation has come to this point, it is difficult to move forward, a strong attack is inevitable, but how to minimize the loss, this is a question he has to consider, if he recklessly attacks, he can certainly break the evil clan, but his own losses will also be great. Huge and pointless.

He looked in the direction of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and suddenly a thought flashed in his mind, and he immediately secretly activated the ancient method of sound transmission in "The Ancient Art of Great Trend". Both he and Zhang Tianling practiced the "Ancient Art of Great Trend" To an extremely high level, they can communicate with each other through the changes in the pattern of the general trend of the world, and it is unknown to others. This is an extremely mysterious method.

"Senior Zhang, I need your help with something." Xuanyuan knew that this was the best way. If possible, the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' would have nothing to worry about.

"Please tell me!" Zhang Tianling immediately replied to Xuanyuan. These days in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' made him feel a little moldy, and he also wanted to go to the battlefield.

"The thing is like this..." Xuanyuan recounted the difficulties encountered by the army moving forward. He remembered that day, when Zhang Tianling was about to die, he told himself that the 'Qimen Qiankun Order' could open the 'Qiankun Emperor'. "Tomb of Qiankun", if one hundred thousand elites of Qiankun unite, based on "Tomb of Qimen Qiankun", whether they can counterattack the enemy's means, this should be the best way.

"So that's the case, then you've found the right person. I'm going to open the 'Qiankun Mausoleum'. Every soldier in it must not be powerful, and they are proficient in the Qimen Qiankun Formation. Otherwise, at the end of the chaotic ancient era In that kind of chaotic situation, you can't survive, but you still need the beasts in your 'cosmos bag'." Zhang Tianling solemnly explained.

"Oh? How do you say that?" Xuanyuan wondered in his heart. The 'Cosmic Bag' was indeed on his body.

"Among the 'Qiankun Bag', there is the Dao Mirror Beast, which ranks 30th on the list of divine beasts. According to legend, this beast is derived from a Dao mirror, the supreme ancestor of the Taoist Emperor, on the 'Origin of Hongmeng'. The resulting beast is extremely powerful. It breeds offspring and forms a race. This kind of mirror beast can reflect any avenue that comes from attacking, and attack it to the enemy. The reason why the "Emperor Qiankun" was able to refine Such a powerful "Qianmen Qiankun Token" is all inspired by the Daojing Beast, but this beast is unruly and difficult to subdue. Since the disappearance of the "Qiankun Emperor", it has never listened to anyone "Emperor Qiankun" knew his mind long ago, and was afraid that it would cause trouble, so he kept it in the "Qiankun Bag" and waited for someone who was destined to liberate it and tame it!" Zhang Tianling said, suddenly After a pause, he sighed helplessly, and said: "The Dao Mirror Beast was unwilling to be lonely and wanted to come out, but no one could tame it. I can only do my best to repair the damage in the 'Qian Kun Bag' and delay its coming out." I'm afraid it will hate me to the extreme, so you have to go out and surrender it yourself, but I don't know if you have the strength to get its approval, after all, you are only the ancient emperor now It’s just the realm of the fourth heaven, maybe it would be better to reach the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor.”

Sure enough, everything was not as expected by Xuanyuan, and now there is a solution, but Xuanyuan did not expect that Zhang Tianling would throw such a big problem for himself. It is really not an easy task to solve this mirror beast.

It is extremely difficult to tame a dao mirror beast in the Great Sacred Realm of the Heavenly Emperor, not to mention that it is a divine beast that can rebound many avenues, and many of my own methods have no effect on it. Taming it is a huge problem. It must be done in a closed space, otherwise, once the Dao Mirror Beast leaves, I can't stop it even if I want to, and it will be for no reason. , will lose a divine beast.

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll think of another way. Senior Zhang, go and open the 'Mausoleum of Qiankun', and then lead the holy guards of Qiankun, and quickly gather in front of Beixie City." Xuanyuan knew that this was the only way to go. up.

"Okay!" Zhang Tianling was very excited. The elite of the 'Qiankun Dynasty' could finally be born. He had been waiting for this day for a very long time. These were the elites left by the 'Qiankun Emperor' back then. , is the continuation of the entire 'Qiankun Dynasty', and now entering the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it can be passed down in another way, which can be regarded as fulfilling the wish of the 'Qiankun Emperor'.

Zhang Tianling left the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', and Xuanyuan also sent a voice transmission to Huang Yuechan, saying that he had already figured out a way.

In the tent of the head coach of the 'Emperor Hongmeng', strong people gathered, and they all wanted to break their heads, but they couldn't find a way to break it.

Cursing is like an attack by luck. There is a similarity between the two, which is hard to see at ordinary times. In the ancient times, the evil race was suppressed, and it did not appear until the end of the Dharma. During this period, all Without any means of cursing, naturally there are very few supernatural powers that specialize in dealing with curses.

Except for the supreme mysteries such as "The Sutra of Rebirth" and "The Curse of Rebirth", even if Xuanyuan and Yuan'er can pass them on with all their heart and give them personal guidance, it will be difficult for ordinary people to comprehend them in a short period of time. After that, the best time of the year has passed, so it doesn't make much sense.

Huang Yuechan said happily: "Little husband said, he has already figured out how to break the method of the evil race."

"What!" Many strong men who were present again got up one after another, looking excited. Before Beixie City, they had been troubled for a long time.

"He didn't say much about the specifics. He just asked the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' to use the 'Forbidden Breaking Arrow Array' to carry out a long-range attack, and Ya led the sharpshooter to assist in destroying the prohibition of Beixie City. It should be executed immediately without any mistakes." Huang Huang Yuechan directly expressed Xuanyuan's thoughts.

"What's the point of doing this?" Zuo Dishi frowned, very puzzled, no matter which direction you think about it, it doesn't make much sense.

"Don't worry too much about it. Brother Xuanyuan's actions must be his own ideas. We just need to follow suit. After so many years, I know him well. Otherwise, how could the 'Qinglong Holy Land' be so powerful."' At the order of Emperor Hongmeng, more than one million elite sharpshooters were ready to go. They rode powerful mounts and circled in the nine heavens.

A large black mass, occupying the sky, their aura is strong, every sharpshooter is one in a thousand, a dragon among men.

In these days, breaking through the protection of more than 30 cities is a great achievement. At this moment, I am still very excited to let them raid Beixie City.

Ya waved his strong arms, raised the corners of his mouth, and said, "Boys, let the people of the evil race taste our power!"

I saw sharpshooters all over the sky, quickly approaching Beixie City.

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