Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1876 Xuanyuan's plan

outside camp.

Xuanyuan stood in the air, and beside him were Peng Fei and Zhutou Dadi.

The two looked forward to Xuanyuan in their eyes, what kind of method could they come up with to break the predicament in front of them? In all honesty, they had thought of many methods, but they were all based on the premise of having a strong army. Peng Fei had an idea, but he didn't mention it, because he wanted to see what kind of solution Xuanyuan could come up with.

"You don't need to take action. You are not good at some aspects, but there is indeed one thing I want to ask you two. I hope you can work together to arrange a feng shui ban. The best way to kill is Jixuanzong and Longjin. It is refined by the power of the royal family, and it must be completed within six months, is that okay?" Xuanyuan already has a method in his heart, how to solve the current problem, what is missing now is a means of killing.

Because the person to be killed is the evil emperor, he is very clear that ordinary methods cannot completely kill him, and he is still in the opponent's territory. If he is allowed to live, let alone wait for him to recover, There is still a big worry in his heart, that is, his desperate backlash may not be something he can bear, after all, he is a character from the ancient times, Xuanyuan knows it too well.

The existence of the Heavenly Emperor Great Sacred Realm is inherently difficult to kill, let alone an existence like the Evil Emperor who stands at the peak of the Heavenly Emperor Realm. In the ancient times, he could stand shoulder to shoulder with Can Yunwu, Xia Changqing, Huang Wuming and other peerless figures If he is regarded as a generally powerful Heavenly Emperor Great Sacred Realm, if he does not use all means, it will be really difficult to kill, and it is very likely that he will die unexpectedly.

"Hey, boy, you don't need to bring the pig-headed emperor, but you must bring me, otherwise I'm really afraid that you won't be able to kill the evil emperor. I already know what you think, don't forget the importance of the blockade of heaven, earth and geomantic omen. "Peng Fei laughed strangely, his eyes showed a kind of light, and he could see through Xuanyuan's thoughts at once, but he used the method of sound transmission.

Xuanyuan frowned, and his heart trembled. These days, he felt that Pengfei, a fat man, was getting more and more unpredictable. After thinking about it for a while, he immediately said: "After thinking about it, let's add Pengfei. Feng Shui is extremely proficient, and he can evolve into mountains, rivers and lands without being noticed by others, which is indeed more appropriate, and he has his own way of concealment."

"Damn, are you discriminating against me, kid? I'm still a holy beast. I have all the concealment methods you have!" The pig-headed emperor stared, and immediately felt dissatisfied.

"I don't mean to discriminate against you, but it is not suitable for too many people. If this operation is not successful, there will be great danger. Okay, let's not talk about this for the time being. The two of you first refine a hand-held Inspired by the lore feng shui restriction, I will wait for your news, if you want to assassinate a person like the evil emperor, you can't do it in a hurry, you need to do it step by step." Xuanyuan waved his hand, unwilling to explain too much.

The pig-headed emperor bared his teeth and left with Peng Fei. In addition, Ao Fan also brought one hundred thousand elites of the dragon ban royal family back to the "Qinglong Holy Land" with them, because he refined a feng shui ban that can be carried with him. It's not easy, there can't be a slight mistake, otherwise, it is very likely that Xuanyuan's plan will fail.

This time back, Peng Fei will also select 100,000 elites from Xuanzong for joint refining.

Xuanyuan looked in the direction of Beixie City, narrowed his eyes slightly, and whispered: "Evil Emperor, if you still can't kill you like this, it's your fate."

Xuanyuan has already planned to carry out the beheading operation. As long as the evil emperor dies, the evil clan will definitely be in chaos. Now Xuanyuan and the evil emperor have the same idea, the key is who can kill the other.

Once the evil clan is in chaos, they will fight for the throne, and they will be defeated by themselves at that time. Otherwise, under the leadership of the evil emperor, they will also lead soldiers and horses to fight them to death. The casualties are too great. If you are willing to bear it, but you can't bear it, you can only do it in this way.

Xuanyuan entered the commander's tent, and now only the 'Emperor Hongmeng' was left, and the two of them looked at each other.

"Brother Xuanyuan, do you have something important to explain?" The 'Emperor Hongmeng' got up, he guessed just now, there are so many people, there are some things that Xuanyuan doesn't want to say, it's not that they can't be trusted, but the secrets must not be revealed, Once known by too many people, it is easy to be deduced.

"Well, next, seven days later, lead the army to attack Beixie City again. Remember, you must retreat immediately after one blow, and don't love to fight. On the one hand, it is to break the restrictions they have set up, and on the other hand, it is to test their battles. Strength." Xuanyuan solemnly explained.

"Well, if you just do this, what's the point?" The 'Emperor Hongmeng' still wants to know what Xuanyuan's plans are up to now, and now it seems that Xuanyuan doesn't want to mention it to him.

"This matter, you will understand at that time, after every ten days, attack once, you can't let them repair Beixie City, and you dispatched 30 million elites from the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', pretending to be a response, Try to hide those 30 million elites, so that the enemy will feel fearful and dare not pursue them." Xuanyuan pondered for a moment, and in order to ensure that there would be no mistakes, he also made preparations, in case the opponent was really angered, regardless If everything is killed, it will still cause a lot of losses to one's own side.

"Okay." The 'Emperor Hongmeng' knew that until now, he could only listen to Xuanyuan, and he would have a better way.

Xuanyuan also informed the 'Emperor Hongmeng', saying that he had to go back to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' first and make some preparations, wanting to let himself step into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor.

"Emperor Hongmeng" nodded repeatedly. He deeply understood how meaningful it would be once Xuanyuan stepped into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. His combat power would be able to kill ordinary heavenly emperors and great sages easily. With Xuanyuan's Means, when the time comes to attack Beixie City, it will definitely relieve a lot of pressure on his own side. Immediately, he ordered the left and right emperors to return to the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" and lead 30 million elites. There must be no mistakes.

One day later, an army of 30 million people, acting quite secretly, quickly advanced towards Beixie City, but instead of joining the army, they became a horned force, stationed between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Xuanyuan has returned to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', in the strange sky, he continues to understand and communicate with the 'Great Sage and Divine Source', not only will it be beneficial for him to break through the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, but also for him to step into the fifth heaven in the future. The Heavenly Emperor's Realm draws the avenue of "Origin of the Grand Mist" to come to him, laying a better foundation.

The 'Wanhua Avenue' is entangled around Xuanyuan, and with every time he comprehends it, the power of the 'Wanhua Avenue' will become stronger. This is a change in the use of the essence of the Dao, making the 'Wanhua Avenue' itself is promoted.

He experienced it carefully, dismantled the memories of these great sages bit by bit, and felt it, as if he had experienced it himself, which made Xuanyuan feel a lot, and Xuanyuan had a greater understanding of the three words of the great sages , the ancestors of all schools of thought, they are all figures who can be called great sages.

Xuanyuan found that as his strength became stronger and stronger, he could carry more and more things, and all the feelings of sentient beings could be integrated into himself. Perhaps this is the advantage of the body of all transformations.

"Boy, once you cultivate to the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, it will be an essential leap, which will make you unimaginable, so don't have any distractions at this stage. If you want to assassinate the evil emperor then If you do, you will be more confident." The greedy old man suddenly made a voice, apparently Xuanyuan asked Peng Fei and Zhutou Dadi to refine the kind of feng shui restraint that can be carried around and stimulated, which made him guess Xuanyuan's intention.

"Oh? How to say?" Xuanyuan was puzzled.

"The 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is considered a true mastery at the fifth level of the ancient emperor. The "Swallowing Dao Jue" has been cultivated by you and integrated into various schools. It has reached an unimaginable level. Its power is as powerful as For any ancient art, this is your most essential supernatural power, which can make it the best use. Once you step into the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, you will fully display the power of "Swallowing Dao Jue". The power of the "transformation body" will be stimulated to a large extent, and you will naturally understand at that time, it is useless to say what I say now, because I have never felt it." The greedy old man followed the "Swallowing Emperor" before. He is quite clear about the evolution of Dao Jue in the future, especially now that he has stepped into the realm of the heaven-level supreme Taoist weapon, and all his memories have been restored. The words, the understanding is more thorough, far surpassing him back then.

"I know, but before that, I have to accumulate well and settle down. I need the capital to break through to the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. Once I reach this level of breakthrough, if I don't succeed, I will become a benevolent person. I always feel that My own accumulation is not strong enough, I still need to communicate more with the 'Great Sage and Sage', and the day when I get to know about it is also the day when I break through." Xuanyuan's heart was quiet, he knew everything about himself, he Slowly closing his eyes, in his sea of ​​consciousness, the layout area of ​​"Origin of Primordial Mist" was derived. He was like that great sage, living in that area, feeling every part of their memories bit by bit. brought experience.

Xuanyuan is intensively cultivating in Qiyitian, trying to break through to the realm of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven as soon as possible, and the "Emperor Hongmeng" also followed Xuanyuan's idea, and after seven days, he launched a surprise attack on the entire Beixie City.

It was the same soldiers and horses, mighty and mighty, with the fiercest attack, the temporary prohibition built by Beixie City collapsed, and every surprise attack could always catch the Xiezu by surprise.

At this moment, in Beixie City, the flames of war raged, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

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