Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1884 Undead Divine Phoenix

The voice of "Emperor Hongmeng" resounded throughout the battlefield. He is a very affectionate person and has a deep friendship with Xuanyuan.

Among other things, Xuanyuan has great trust in him. Giving him the command of the three armies means trusting his ability to entrust the lives of his guards, elites, and his wife to him,' Emperor Hongmeng didn't say it on the surface, but he knew that Xuanyuan had enough trust in him.

If Xuanyuan's wife died on the battlefield for the first time when the two major forces cooperated, he would feel ashamed in his heart. Can't leave Huang Yuechan alone.

The opponent's strategic purpose is very simple, it is to refine the ancient arts in Huang Yuechan's body, and then to enhance their own strength. Once Huang Yuechan's supernatural powers are obtained by the opponent, then they will be given to the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" and "Qinglong Holy Land" 'Brought, is a greater disaster.

"Yes." The left and right emperors used their magical powers to evolve into a round of sun and moon, which pierced through the sky with majestic momentum. The rainbow light pierced the eyes of countless enemies, causing countless evil clans to howl and fall to the ground from the nine heavens. Above, he was crushed by the fluctuation of Dao Dou Qi and died unexpectedly.

The "Hongmeng Realm" covered one part of the world, and the "Hongmeng Emperor" fought hard, displaying all kinds of superb martial arts to the fullest, and defeated the intercepted Xie Clan Heavenly Emperor, his body was broken, but at this moment, the Xie Clan appeared eight Zuntiandi and the great sage joined forces to resist, blocking their way at once, even if the 'Emperor Hongmeng' has boundless combat power, with few enemies and many enemies, and the other party wants to entangle and trap him, this is very difficult Easy one thing.

And the mighty Zhongzhou imperial elite took the elixir, which is also a kind of elixir that can be swallowed without side effects, but it can only last for six hours. Five times as huge, the elite soldiers of the entire 'Central Province Dynasty' are all crazy.

They ignored themselves and rushed forward. If there were not enough elite fighters of the evil clan, they would have been torn apart long ago. You must know that what the "Qinglong Holy Land" and the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" are facing is the majority of the entire evil clan. the elite.

The sound of shouting and killing shakes the heavens, dead bodies are everywhere in the wild, countless resentful souls howl, and hundreds of millions of miles around are shaking. Many powerful people in the gods, underworld, heaven, "Yuhua Shenchao", good demons, and demons watched secretly Looking at this battle, everyone felt thrilling.

A moment later, from the direction of Beixie City, there was another mournful cry of the phoenix. Every time Huang Yuechan died, the power of the phoenix inner alchemy would be more integrated into her body. She had two phoenix inner alchemy, one It was left by the inheritance of Xianhuang, and the other was obtained by Xuanyuan from the corpse of Xianhuang in the Five Elements Tomb.

This time, if it weren't for the continuous support of the two immortal phoenix inner alchemy, it would be difficult for Huang Yuechan to persevere until now, because the combined strength of the heavenly emperors and great sages of the evil clan is too terrifying.

At this moment, the will of the two immortal phoenix inner elixirs merged together to pass on all the secrets and supernatural powers of the immortal phoenix family to Huang Yuechan. Besides, they also used the power of the immortal phoenix inner alchemy Tempering a stronger physical body for Huang Yuechan.

For the eighth time, Huang Yuechan fell and was reborn again. With her combat power now, even if she meets the evil emperor, she can survive a few tricks, remain invincible, and even be able to escape. Behind her, there are two The shadow of the supreme fairy phoenix, with overwhelming combat power, is as vast as the sea, galloping in all directions, hitting the cursed formation of the evil race, trembling unceasingly, turbulent waves, but still unable to break through.

Huang Yuechan held the map of Tianyue Mountains and Rivers and stretched it out. Mingyue Mountain was hundreds of millions of miles away, and the impact of the road shook the vastness.

However, the evil clan's heavenly emperors and great sages are united, even though she is powerful in battle, she is still unable to fight alone.

The expressions of the nine heavenly emperors and great sages of the evil clan were extremely shocked: "The Xianhuang clan is really powerful. No wonder they were attacked by people in the ancient times. They were reborn nine times, and each resurrection has such a terrible growth. If this group is allowed to develop and unite with the Qinglong clan, there will be no place for other clans to stand, and the method of Nirvana is truly terrifying."

"But soon, it's her eighth rebirth, and she won't last long. After her ninth rebirth, she will no longer be able to Nirvana. By then, all the supernatural powers she wields will belong to us, Evil Emperor We will be rewarded heavily, and we will all have our place once we ascend to 'Origin of the Damned'."

"That's right, let's use the ultimate move. Don't let her continue to struggle to the death. The longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for us. As long as Huang Yuechan is completely refined, the opponent will have no intention to fight back. When the time comes Let's pursue the victory and kill them all." The Great Sage Evil Dragon laughed ferociously.

The nine heavenly emperors and great sages condensed a purple evil god at the same time, with a ferocious face, and the cursed fire covered the body of the evil god. , suddenly a salvo.


Nine beams of purple light pierced through Huang Yuechan's body, causing her body that had just condensed for a short time to be shattered again. Countless curses made her "Immortal Defying the Heaven Technique" completely incapable of returning to heaven, and a mass of nirvana fire shattered her body. After wrapping up again and combining various avenues, Huang Yuechan used the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" to protect her soul from the invasion of the curse, but the last time she was resurrected, she felt that she only had a few days left to live.

This time of rebirth, Huang Yuechan's combat strength was once again increased, but she also burned her own lifespan to the extreme.

Although Huang Yuechan may not be able to defeat the evil emperor at this moment, it is enough to injure him. This is on the basis of her real body's combat power, which has doubled her combat power nine times. "Moon Fighting God Ancient Jue" has been cultivated to the extreme, fifteen times the combat power, which is no small matter.

Everyone knows that Huang Yuechan has been resurrected nine times, and if she dies again, she will completely perish in the world.

Taotie was insanely crazy, it devoured countless strong men of the evil race, tearing them apart inch by inch, its terrifying physical strength made it so difficult that even the Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages could only jointly defend against it, but relying on its own strength, it was always limited.

They have only one goal, which is to completely refine Huang Yuechan, and extract all the ancient arts and other supreme Taoist arts in her body.

Xuanwu Sacred Guards, Zhanhuang Sacred Guards, Champion Guards, Dragon Elephant Warriors and many other elites from the "Blue Dragon Sacred Land" launched the craziest counterattack.

Among the evil clan, a dozen or so heavenly emperors and great sages fell in a row, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' recklessly counterattacked. The kind of indomitable way of fighting moved the evil emperor, and the entire elite of the evil clan was beaten up and down. Tremor.

"The elite of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is really powerful. Although the evil race existed in the ancient times, they are not as good in this respect. The means of the human race on the battlefield are really terrible. The cooperation with the 'Emperor' It is imperative, on the one hand, we can use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son, and on the other hand, we can learn a lot from the army of the evil clan." The evil emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, even though there were many casualties, he was still extremely calm, Watching everything happen, because the most elite evil powerhouses are all concentrated in Shengxie City.

"Pass down the order, do your best to resist the counterattack of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and the 'Qinglong Holy Land', regardless of all sacrifices, be sure to refine all the supernatural powers and ancient arts in her body, including her memory, there must be many 'Qinglong Holy Land' And Xuanyuan's secret."

The voice of the evil emperor was mighty, and it was transmitted to the sea of ​​consciousness of every heavenly emperor and great sage of the evil clan present.

"Block it, kill Huang Yuechan, extract the ancient art in her body, all our sacrifices are worth it, kill kill kill, after three days, we will be able to recover our luck, and then we will reach the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', Avenge the dead son of our clan!" Zhan Xiezi gave an order, and the situation is extremely critical now, his voice boosted the morale of the elite of the Xie clan.

Trapped in Beixie City, the power of the two Supreme Immortal Phoenix Inner Pills possessed by Huang Yuechan had all been exhausted, and she looked desolate. This scene had once appeared on the Sansheng Stone.

I saw that she took out a magic medicine of immortality from her body, Nirvana Phoenix Fruit, which is the medicine of immortality passed down from generation to generation with the painstaking efforts of the Xianhuang clan. It is extremely precious. Huang Yuechan knew that she must save her life. At this time, use the Nirvana Phoenix Fruit.

"Little husband, I will not die, I want to be with you." Huang Yuechan immediately subdued, and the supreme Immortal Phoenix Dao spewed out from Huang Yuechan's body, resisting the invasion of many cursed Dao.

In the dark, above the nine heavens, in the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist', there is an immortal divine phoenix descending from the sky.

The Immortal Phoenix Clan, inherited from the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin', is an incomparably huge ancient clan, the Immortal Divine Phoenix Clan.

Huang Yuechan fell into a desperate situation, sensing the "Origin of Primordial Origin", and using the "Nirvana Phoenix Fruit" watered by the Xianhuang family for generations as a traction, the lifespan consumed by it increased rapidly, and the depleted source was instantly filled, and the weakened soul The power is restored.

The vast undead god descended from the sky, echoing the "Immortal Defying the Heaven Art", the two originated from the same origin.

"Immortal Defying Heaven Art" was created by the Immortal Divine Phoenix Clan, and it made Huang Yuechan achieve great perfection in an instant, even surpassing Xuanyuan's understanding of "Immortal Defying Heaven Art".

At this moment, Huang Yuechan stepped into the realm of the great sage completely, she was shocked, this is something she dared not even think about, stepping into the realm of the great sage is as difficult as reaching the sky, this time she was forced to a dead end, She had no choice but to attack with the 'Nirvana Phoenix Fruit', but she did not expect it to be successful.

I saw a thought of the undead divine phoenix descending from the sky. This is the supreme existence of the undead divine phoenix clan in the "Origin of the Primordial Mist" and the protection for their descendants.

That supreme thought derived the form of an immortal divine phoenix, which descended from the sky, and at this moment, the evil emperor appeared.

He charged forward with one punch, and was shocked by the idea of ​​the supreme existence of the undead divine phoenix!

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