Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1888 Killing the Evil Emperor

At the very beginning, when the evil emperor entered the small world of Xuanyuan's thirty-six heavens, he felt that the catastrophe and punishment in Xing Ge's small world of thirty-six heavens were very unusual, giving birth to an extraordinary way, But the power is not great, so he doesn't care much.

This is because Xuanyuan intentionally suppressed the power of his own small world of the thirty-six heavens, weakening those dao powers by dozens of times, because if the evil emperor felt that the small world of the thirty-six heavens had been robbed and punished by the Dao of the small world of the thirty-six heavens It is so powerful, he can definitely find out that this is not the small world of Xing Ge's thirty-six heavens.

At that time, if he can't be introduced into Huadao Heaven, there will naturally be greater risks, so Xuanyuan can only suppress the power of each layer of heaven with all his strength, so that the evil emperor will try his best not to doubt.

That's why the evil emperor has no scruples, and has been killing to Hua Daotian.

From the very beginning, he was led into a big pit by Xuanyuan. As early as a year ago when he was optimistic about Xing Ge, he was doomed to have the result today. I have some doubts, but it was Tian Xiezi who took the initiative to find him and wanted him to be his pawn. No matter how you look at it, there is no reason to doubt Xing Ge.

When the evil emperor came to the thirty-sixth level, the moment he transformed into the sky, there was overwhelming power of transforming way to attack him.

Xuanyuan stood in the air, at this moment he still looked like Xing Ge, but the eyes he looked at the evil emperor were completely different, that kind of kingly atmosphere, completely two people.

"How about it, can't you think of it?" Xuanyuan's words were very flat, because at this moment he already had the chance to win.

"I really didn't expect that the person Tian Xiezi found by himself would be you. I didn't even count on this. When luck is bad, people you trust will also have problems, and from the beginning you deliberately Expose your aura, everything is intentional." The evil emperor's eyes were very cold, and on the surface of his body was the supreme dao of the evil race, which resisted the invasion of the Taoist gods, and he finally understood why Xuanyuan Ta After entering the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, he will be so powerful, and this kind of Dao Transformation God is really terrifying.

"But Xuanyuan, don't forget that there is a big difference in the realm between you and me. Even if I have ten times the power of Dao in your small world of the thirty-six heavens, I can still kill you. Do you really think that I won't have the slightest preparation to kill you?"

"I should be the one to tell you this sentence, Evil Emperor, only you look down on me, I have always taken you very seriously, do you have any last words to explain? Don't say that I didn't give you a chance." Xuanyuan said Luo, at this time, Peng Fei, Nie Lao killed the saint, and the "Lord of Order" appeared one after another, and they trapped the evil emperor in the center.

Within the small world of Xuanyuan's thirty-six heavens, as long as he breaks through, everything is under his control. With a thought, many Taoist Gods will attack the evil emperor, keeping him in a high-pressure state. Among them, even if it is necessary to launch a desperate backlash, it is not so easy.

The evil emperor resisted the invasion of the Dao of Transformation God. He felt the power of Peng Fei, Nie Lao Shasheng, and the "Lord of Order". He had no doubt that he would be killed in an instant. No matter how powerful he was, he had no chance of winning against these four people.

He could feel that each of the four people he faced was an extremely terrifying existence, and they were absolutely supreme existences in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

Fighting alone with Xuanyuan, he has to deal with it seriously, not to mention dealing with the three gods, who seem to be stronger than Xuanyuan but not weaker, especially in Huadaotian, it seems that his end is already doomed.

"Xuanyuan, you think too highly of me. Even if you and the 'Lord of Order' join forces to deal with me, I will definitely die in your Dao Transformation Heaven. Now there is another killing saint and one more. I can't even see through the original person, could it be the reincarnation of the 'Chaos Saint Emperor'?" The evil emperor's last words directly hit Xuanyuan's heart, and he has always felt that Peng Fei, a dead fat man, is not easy. The existence of the ancient times has its own unique insights into people.

Xuanyuan looked at Pengfei, could he really be the reincarnation of a holy emperor? It is true that there are many doubts about this fat man, but why is it that Peng Fei doesn't have the aura that belongs to the Holy Emperor?

"Haha, I am invincible in the world. Any reincarnation of a holy emperor can only lick my feet. Don't you look down on me too much?" Peng Fei's body was swaying, and he raised his head and laughed, looking defiant.

"..." The evil emperor looked at Xuanyuan and said, "If you let me go, I promise that I will never be an enemy of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. If you kill me, I promise you will regret it!"

"Oh? Why don't you come and listen, I want to know what kind of consequences will be caused by killing you?" Xuanyuan asked with a smile.

"In the holy and evil city, there is an evil emperor's palace. It is a treasure hall built by many supreme beings among our evil clan and witch clan in the ancient times. He communicated with the "curse origin" The channel of the evil emperor, now only because I am sitting in the palace of the evil emperor, can close the channel. If you kill me, the channel will be opened in a short time. At that time, what you will face is countless "curse origin" The strong, their methods are more brutal than mine, hehe..." At this time, the evil emperor was still quietly negotiating with Xuanyuan, wanting to seek escape, he did not make a dying struggle, this This is the way of a wise man. After all, he has fallen into the trap of the enemy and is isolated from the outside world. He has no better choice.

Xuanyuan frowned. All along, the powerhouse of the 'Curse Origin' has not come, he has always felt very strange, now thinking about the words of the evil emperor, it is very reasonable, once the powerhouse of the 'Curse Origin' descends, He would share power with the evil emperor, and how could he, a person who was aloof in ancient times and who had gathered the luck and expectations of the evil clan of the 'Central World', divide the power in his hand?

All this makes sense.

"How about it, Holy Master Xuanyuan, have you thought it through?" The evil emperor raised the corner of his mouth, waiting for Xuanyuan's decision.

"The attack on the evil clan this time cost the lives of many elites of my 'Qinglong Holy Land' and 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', so I must have an explanation for their deaths, even if it is the arrival of the 'Curse Origin' powerhouse, it can't convince me , of course, if you are willing to kneel down, swear a blood oath, and be loyal to me, I can give you a way to survive. From then on, everything in the evil race must obey my orders, and you can no longer do evil!" Xuanyuan thought for a while, and indeed killed the evil The emperor is not the best way, and not killing will inevitably leave a serious problem in his heart, unless he can be made to surrender to himself, this is the best way.

"Xuanyuan, you have to understand that we are people of different origins. The emperors of 'Curse Origin' and 'Hongmeng Origin' are mortal enemies, understand? Once you take in the evil race, your 'Qinglong Holy Land' will ascend to 'Hongmeng Origin' Now that’s a problem, and I’m the evil emperor, if you want me to kneel down and swear allegiance to you, are you just dreaming?” The evil emperor suddenly laughed, he has his pride, once he kneels down to Xuanyuan, he will surrender For him, then this life, he is finished.

"Then there is no other way, you just need to cut yourself off from the world, or let us do it?" Xuanyuan has already put forward his own conditions, if the other party cannot compromise, then there is no room for negotiation.

"Then let's take you to be buried with me!" The evil emperor moved in an instant. Just as he was speaking, a fatal blow was brewing deep inside his body. The strike would be a curse of billions, and the Tao in his body ruled everything. They were all on fire, and his combat power soared. He used the burning of death to achieve eternity in an instant.

Even Xuanyuan, who was in his Dao Transformation Heaven, felt the approach of death in an instant.

The tiny point in his hand, the feng shui restriction, was activated in an instant, and it evolved into a world, covering the evil emperor in it.

Thousands of great rivers are like dragons, converging into a sea, continuous mountains are like snakes, intertwined, dragons and snakes rise from land, and the terrifying power of restraint also gushes out in an instant, wrapping the spontaneously ignited evil emperor in it, so that Xuanyuan can be avoided. , as long as Xuanyuan is one step late, even if he does not die, he will be severely injured, or even completely destroyed.

In this feng shui restriction, various avenues intertwined, and suddenly Xuanyuan's 'Wanhua Taoist' evolved, which penetrated the body of the evil emperor, and evolved into a chaos that smashed part of his body and swallowed it.

I saw that Xuanyuan immediately evolved his "Way of Ten Thousand Transformations" into a melting pot of the Dao, refining the Supreme Dao that belonged to the evil emperor bit by bit, and strengthened his "Way of Ten Thousand Transformations".

"Xuanyuan!" The evil emperor roared loudly, he never imagined that Xuanyuan attracted three such terrifying figures, and even prepared such a feng shui restriction.

"Evil Emperor, I told you earlier, I never dared to underestimate you, and treated you like the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, so today you will definitely die, and it is impossible to take me away. You are not only facing us The four of them are still the elites of the 200,000 fine wind and water restrictions of my 'Qinglong Holy Land'." As soon as Xuanyuan's voice fell, Peng Fei, Nie Lao killed the saint, and attacked the "Lord of Order" together. A three-talent Dao formation, for refining and killing.

A person like the evil emperor must be completely refined and killed, otherwise, even if a drop of blood melts into the space between heaven and earth and makes him escape, he will be able to behave in another way like those fierce god-level existences of the gods. Restoring itself, extremely terrifying!

Old Killer Nie occupies the position of the sky, light and lofty, the 'Lord of Order' occupies the position, calm and heavy, and Peng Fei occupies the position of person, corresponding to the heaven and the earth.

Almost at the same time, the three of them activated their own avenues and poured into the feng shui restriction to refine the evil emperor!

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