Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1892 Cut and Exile

Inside the Evil Emperor Palace.

The power of the avenue collided with each other, forming a circle of light ripples, rippling in all directions, hitting the wall of the hall, and there was a deafening roar.

On everyone's head, I saw that big purple hand poking out, gradually expanding, as if there was an extremely terrifying existence, about to break through the dome, with an extremely huge and thrilling aura.

Feeling the majestic evil spirit, the 'Spirit of All Evils' frowned, and said sharply: "Everyone, be careful, the evil emperor sealed the channel before, cutting off the channel between 'Curse Origin' and 'Central World'. At this stage, they entered the tunnel, constructed the magic circle, and wanted to break through. They have been preparing for a long time, and it is not so easy to deal with it, so you must not underestimate the enemy, once they break through, the consequences will be disastrous."

Hearing the words of "Spirit of Ten Thousand Evils", the swords from the three thousand Great Confucianists flew up one after another, forming a formation of Great Confucian holy swords. When the Great Confucianism was in ancient times, the most learned person of the Confucian school at that time, the sword on his body began to be worn and refined since he was an adult, to achieve the fusion of popularity and sword energy. In these days of the "Qinglong Holy Land", the integrity of the Mohism, As well as the strength of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the level of their swords has also been improved. In addition, their cultivation bases are not trivial. It's only one step away. It is conceivable that it is not difficult to refine a human-level supreme Taoist weapon. Now it is no different than before.

The Confucian sword clanged, and the mighty sword energy breathed out, condensing a golden horse, which hit the big purple hand, smashing the strange purple curse runes into pieces, making it difficult for the big purple hand to move forward any further. , the crushing of awe-inspiring righteousness broke many curses.

Xuanyuan transformed into a Taoist body and left the Evil Emperor's Palace. Obviously, he was going to rescue soldiers. He was not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case. He absolutely did not dare to take the words of the "spirit of all evils" as a deaf ear.

You must know that all the three thousand great Confucians were mobilized this time, not to mention Peng Fei, Nie Lao Sha Sheng, Lord of Order, Fu Xi and other existences of the Heavenly Emperor Great Sacred Realm. The two forces are still at a stalemate. , it can be seen how powerful the evil race expert at the other end of the dome passage is.

"You must not protract the tug-of-war. In the 'Origin of the Curse', there are many strong people. Once there is a transcendent emperor, it will be able to defeat everyone's power at once. At that time, not only everyone's life will be threatened, but the whole world will also be threatened. The sentient beings in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will fall into an unprecedented disaster." The 'Spirit of All Evils' hastily confessed.

Many powerhouses frowned, and Xuanyuan derived an avatar of himself, and together with Yuan'er, they recited the "Sutra of Rebirth" and "Curse of Rebirth" together to eliminate the lines of evil clans full of resentful souls, making Wisps of black smoke evaporated from the big purple hand.

The power of the "Sutra of Rebirth" and "Curse of Rebirth" converged into a torrent, constantly hitting the big purple hand.

"This big hand of the evil clan is formed by the gathering of many 'Curse Origin' experts. It is so powerful that we join forces to attack, but we still cannot repel it!" Teaming up, I also feel the pressure doubled.

"I'll take the shot!" Xuanyuan ascended into the sky, urging his own "Wanhua Dao Principle" to evolve into six grand ancient characters.

Om Mani Padme Hum!

The six-character mantra, all manifested, suppressed on the big purple hand, I saw the big purple hand, but wherever the six-character mantra was attacked, it melted inch by inch like snow meeting the sun, and there were countless tragic stories. The sound of howling and screaming makes one's scalp numb and his whole body feel cold.

"Six-character mantra, descendant of Shenting?" From the big purple hand, a voice came out, which was very shocking.

"Get out!" Xuanyuan's heart twitched. According to legend, these six ancient characters were inherited from the divine court. He was noncommittal, shouted loudly, and shot into the sky with the Devouring Demon Sword, stabbing at the big purple hand, forming a chaotic black hole. Tear the purple big hand from the surface layer by layer, smash it, and grind the avenue in it, devour and melt it into your own "Ten Thousand Transformation Dao Principles", and strengthen Xuanyuan's own power.

"You are looking for death!" Obviously, although Xuanyuan is only in the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, his attacking power is extremely terrifying, and he has great restraint against the evil race. There is another reason. Killing the evil emperor greatly improved his own luck. The original red dragon evolved into a purple dragon of good luck, which doubled the power of Xuanyuan's methods.

When the luck is reduced to a certain level, the attacking power will be reduced to the minimum. When the luck is like a rainbow, the attacking power can also be blessed in the dark, and it will skyrocket. This is very scary.

"I want to die too, but I can't die." Xuanyuan didn't have the slightest fear. Behind him, a round of bright moon flowed, which increased the power of the six-character mantra by fifteen times. Move to the extreme.

At this moment, the six-character mantra evolved into six golden-bodied gods and Buddhas, and they moved towards the purple big hand to suppress them.

The mantra's ability to kill the curse crushed the big purple hand through layers, dented it, and greatly reduced its combat power.

However, at this moment, an extremely powerful thought suddenly descended and crushed Xuanyuan. It was obvious that the terrifying existence of the evil race made a move!

This is an extremely distant, desolate, ancient will, extremely powerful!

"Those who block my evil race will die!"

Xuanyuan's heart trembled, and his thoughts moved him. He did not show any weakness. From the "source of great sages and sages", he obtained the will left by three thousand great sages and brought them together.

Almost instantly, behind Xuanyuan, the thoughts of three thousand great sages soared into the sky, collided with that powerful idea, and in the void, the impact of this idea power caused countless existences to be destroyed. Big ideas work against each other.

"Go back, 'Central World' is not the place for you to come." Xuanyuan Li shouted.

"Hmph, 'Central World' is an important portal leading to several major origins, how can it be occupied by your 'Origin of Primordial Mist'?" The owner of that voice did not expect that Xuanyuan could induce such a powerful idea to unite together , to contend with him.

At this moment, the elites of one hundred thousand Taoism and Buddhism came together.

The leader of the Taoist sect is Daozi. Behind him, there are disciples of the Taoist sect from all major forces who have refined the supreme Taoism of the Taoist sect. As a result, they all became elite disciples, dragons among men.

The "Yuhua Dao Court" was combined into a "Yuhua Taoist Formation", and with their respective ideas, they condensed into runes, which rose on the dome, gathered into a Tao character, and moved towards the big purple hand to suppress it.

The Buddhist disciples were led by Chen Yongjie. Everyone sat cross-legged on the ground of the main hall, chanting Buddhist scriptures, which evolved into densely packed * characters, and rolled towards the big purple hands together.

The three thousand great Confucians seized the right time and joined hands with many heavenly emperors and great sages to push back the big purple hand.

"Damn it!" The joining of Taoist and Buddhist sects, on the one hand, is the restraint of supernatural powers, on the other hand, the joint forces of various forces have put tremendous pressure on them, and at the same time, because the passage is too small, they have nowhere to use their strength.

Fortunately, the Evil Emperor's Hall is under the control of the 'Evil Spirit', and there is a large enough venue where other experts from the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' can continue to gather. Otherwise, once the 'Origin of the Curse' passes through the 'Evil Emperor's Hall' Coming to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', there will inevitably be a fierce battle.

I saw the seals laid down by the people surging, one hundred thousand Xuanzong, Shiting and the elite of the Dragon King's family entered one by one.

These are the experts who are most proficient in wind, water and strange situations, the general trend of the world, and the means of restraint. They work together to arrange, and their power is unparalleled.

I saw the part of the dome, and the purple evil energy coming out, struggling, they are trying to break through, even if the seal of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is intact, as long as the days go by, they can corrode it with the evil secret technique. The passage was broken, not to mention that there is still such a gap now. Maybe, the embankment of a thousand miles will be destroyed by an ant nest!

So Xuanyuan didn't dare to be careless, and gave an order: "Seal it!"

Accompanied by Xuanzong, Shi Ting, and the Dragon King's royal family, they sealed all the opportunities that could be seized to death.

In the end, Mochou and Zhixie led the powerhouses of the "Linglong Immortal Mansion" to unite and use the "Linglong Town Tower" to cut and seal the passage in the dark, and banish it to the eternal world. In the void, the only channel through which the 'Origin of the Curse' can directly descend on the 'Central World' is cut off.

"Accident almost happened!" Cold sweat broke out on Xuanyuan's forehead. The situation just now was really extremely dangerous. If he hadn't separated himself and summoned the elites of all major forces to suppress the seal together, he might have been killed by the powerful "cursed origin" There is a breakthrough.

"Now I can rest assured that I have no more worries. Even if I want to open this sealed channel, they will have no way to come. This method of cutting and expelling the space channel is really terrifying!"'The Spirit of All Evil' looked towards These women in 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' are dressed in white and full of fairy spirit.

Mo Chou hugged Xuanyuan's arm, frowned and said, "Brother Xuanyuan, you haven't come to play with me for a long time."

"No way, you know the situation of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and you don't know what kind of changes will happen in this world. As the Holy Master of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', I can't just think about it all day long. Let's have fun!" Looking at his beloved sister, Xuanyuan could only shrug his shoulders with a helpless expression.

Mo Chou's long hair fluttered and her eyes were bright. Looking at Xuanyuan, she smiled like a flower, waved her hand, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, brother Xuanyuan, I'm teasing you. I know you are a busy person with so many things to do every day. You must Hurry up to quell the turmoil, many Limin people are looking forward to you, they all want to return to their homeland, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is good, but they want to go back to worship their dead ancestors, and take root in the 'Central World' ..."

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