Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1894 Collecting the Battle Results

Inside the 'Eathering Cage', there is blood everywhere, stumps and arms are everywhere, it is extremely miserable, and there is a breath of death everywhere. This invisible pressure makes people feel suffocated.

Blood dripping from one head after another, or torn faces, or gouged out eyes, or bitten off noses, or ripped off ears, almost none of them are complete. The feeling makes people feel extremely uncomfortable, depressed, and about to suffocate!

Xuanyuan's will penetrated into the 'feathering cage' and merged into the soul of one of the human race people who had lost all reason.

In an instant, the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood surged and churned, and the blood surged everywhere. Apart from this, Xuanyuan couldn't see anything else. He used the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" to use his own thoughts to eliminate the evil in his soul. bloody.

An invisible ripple spread out, and all the blood in the soul was completely gone, but the other party's soul also became blank, and he couldn't find the memory of his anger. He had already forgotten himself and became Idiot, totally incapable of action.

In the next moment, the zombie infiltrated by Xuanyuan's thoughts was bitten by its kind, its hands and feet were torn off, and it was swallowed up in two or three strokes. The "Eternal Divine Soul Art" can only repair the wounds of the soul, or It is impossible to help them regain their memories by attacking them, unless Xuanyuan understands each of their lives and various details, and then implants memories for them, but this is obviously impossible.

Xuanyuan's will evolved into a shape. Looking at the people of all ethnic groups inside, their eyes were blood red, and they had completely lost the reason they should have. They roared wildly and attacked any living body around them. Fierce.

Xuanyuan also wanted to bring them back to their senses, but he had already lost such means, and he had no other way.

Nearly 100 billion creatures killed each other in a short period of time, so that it has shrunk to less than 10 million today. It can be seen how much loss the method of killing each other has. Of course, the effect is also obvious. Existence, their physical bodies have become extremely powerful, the method of cultivating Gu of the witch clan is integrated into the magic circle of the evil clan, and the power of their physical bodies and souls is enhanced by secret techniques, which still has a unique effect.

"There is no other way. If they continue to kill each other like this, there will be no results. It is better to let them be relieved." Xuanyuan shook his head, he had tried his best.

"Then let's cross over." Yuan'er looked at him.

Immediately, the two of them sat cross-legged and chanted the law of rebirth together, which evolved into a rain of transmutation all over the sky, scattered in every corner of the 'feathering cage'.

I saw these bloodthirsty and crazy people, when the light spots and power derived from the "Rebirth Sutra" and "Rebirth Mantra" are integrated, their consciousness will become extremely clear.

Their eyes changed from numbness and bloodthirsty to panic, looking at the blood stained on their hands, all kinds of crimes, the memories of the past year flashed in their memories, letting them know what they had done in the past year , This is the power of rebirth.

Just when they were hesitating, the power of the past life merged into their souls, allowing them to quickly dissipate the fear in their hearts and become peaceful and peaceful. At the next moment, the moment when the power of the past life permeated also represented that they would be transformed , each soul can only be reborn according to its own chance, these are beyond Xuanyuan's control.

'Central World', in the extraterritorial starry sky, is the place where countless creatures live. Souls are reincarnated, reincarnated in six realms, and life's cause and effect, good and evil, are predestined.

Xuanyuan and Yuan'er's joint transformation is extremely powerful. In the "Yuhua Prison", all the existences whose physical strength is at least at the level of the ancient sages and ancient emperors fell to the ground one after another, their souls were liberated, and merged into nothingness between heaven and earth.

Xuanyuan and Yuan'er's joint transformation to the rebirth is extremely pure. Wherever the power of the rebirth passes, everything will be baptized. Baoguang Liuli has a sense of great harmony, great holiness, and great auspiciousness in it.

The crossing lasted for three days and three nights. Feeling the power of Xuanyuan and Yuan'er's joint crossing, even the "Spirit of Ten Thousand Evils" couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "This kid actually holds so many powerful weapons to restrain the evil race." Using the secret technique, could it be that all of this was preordained long ago."

All the blood was swept away, leaving only eight million strong and complete corpses. The strength of each fleshy body was at least in the realm of the first heaven of the ancient emperor and ancient sage. It can be seen that the quality of this batch of corpses How high is it, if the evil emperor uses it, after sacrificing all of them, how powerful it will be, one can imagine.

This is the result of gathering the flesh and blood spirits of nearly 100 billion captives of various races and continuously devouring them.

"These corpses have a lot of uses, and they will be the number one battle force of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' in the future." The 'Spirit of Myriad Evils' glanced at Xuanyuan.

"I know, I have already made arrangements in my heart, and then you will see them differently." Xuanyuan's thoughts moved and spread out, and half a quarter of an hour later, Mo Ming came to the 'Evil Emperor Palace' alone. 'Among them, after a period of time, Mo Ming has undergone precipitation, and has obtained a part of the memory passed down by the ancestors of the Mohist family. It seems that there are more things he has mastered.

Now facing Mo Ming, Xuanyuan even has the feeling of facing the ancestor of the Mohist family. This is a good thing, which means that Mo Ming is improving. Sooner or later, he will have the same achievement as the ancestor of the Mohist family, or even surpass it.

Xuanyuan handed the two 'Emerging Cages' to Mo Ming, and said slowly: "They will become the main combat power of my 'Qinglong Holy Land' in the future, the Mo family can study it with the Wu Clan Tianpuppet, and strive to be together with the corpse puppet. In fact, they can have higher attainments. These people died unjustly and were persecuted by the evil emperor. Let them die worthwhile! If you deal with the 'Yuhua Shenchao', use them and treat them as yourself Avenged myself!"

"It's natural!" Mo Ming smiled, collected two 'Emerging Cages', turned and left, he was in a good mood, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' became stronger after this battle, and everything is going well However, he also understands that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, there is no doubt about it.

These days, many elites who have returned to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' have made breakthroughs. Although the number has decreased by one hundred thousand, the quality has made a higher leap. Casualties in wars are inevitable, even for the existence of the Holy Emperor However, it is impossible to lead soldiers to fight without the slightest damage to their soldiers.

After Mo Ming left, Qian Duoduo also came in, the two of them bumped into each other, and Qian Duoduo smiled like a little fox: "How about it, have you grown up?"

"You'll only grow bigger." Mo Ming smiled, and passed Qian Duoduo.

"This wood can actually laugh, it's not bad." The bells on Qian Duoduo's body jingled, and he jumped into the 'Evil Emperor Palace' happily: "Xuanxuan, what do you want me to do? , You have worked so hard, what kind of treasure did you get, and you want to comfort me."

Xuanyuan looked at the 'Spirit of All Evils' and said with a smile: "For you now, breaking through yourself should be the most important thing, 'Origin of the Primordial Mist' is your goal, and the development of 'Qinglong Holy Land' is even stronger. You'll have more to gain, too."

"That's right, that's right." The Spirit of All Evils nodded.

"That's good. There should be a lot of evil clan's wealth accumulated in the evil emperor's palace. Anyway, it's useless to keep it. Wealth is called wealth when it is used. If it is not used, it is equivalent to waste. Let me introduce it to you. This is me." The treasurer of Qinglong Holy Land', she can display the treasures in the Evil Emperor's Palace to the fullest!" Xuanyuan laughed, clearly revealing.

The 'Spirit of All Evils' said with emotion: "Holy Master Xuanyuan, you are really direct, but you are right, it is really useless for me to hold these things, it is better to make the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' stronger. "

As soon as the words fell, one door after another opened in the evil emperor's palace, and many treasures of heaven and earth flowed out from inside.

Qian Duoduo's eyes were shiny green, as bright as a big lantern, and his saliva almost didn't flow out.

"Ah, the medicine of immortality, it turns out that there are also among the evil race."

"Ah, Holy Evil Sword, isn't this the heavenly-level supreme Taoist weapon of the evil race in the ancient times?"

"This, this, Daoxie God Stone, it is said that this material can increase the chance of a heaven-level supreme Taoist weapon breaking through a divine weapon..." Qian Duoduo's eyes are so vicious, she knows all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures very well .

You must know that the Evil Emperor Palace existed in ancient times, and it has accumulated the wealth obtained by countless powerful people of the Evil Clan. It may be slightly inferior to the 'swallowing treasure house', but it will not be much worse.

It took Qian Duoduo a day just to accept the treasury of the Evil Emperor Palace, which shows how much wealth he has.

"Xuanxuan, you are so kind. After having these wealth, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will not be afraid to fight a few more battles." Qian Duoduo looked at Xuanyuan with a happy face, but his heart was all about those treasures.

"..." Xuanyuan shrugged, Qian Duoduo is the real businessman, a big money fan, because Bai Youniang wanted to hide the identity of the Bai family, she had no way to cover herself with business, and now she has the title of the ancestor of the Bai family. Inheritance, she didn't want to deal with it at all.

"Okay, Xuanxuan, I'm leaving!" Qian Duoduo didn't know how rich she was in the big treasure house now, and she slipped away quietly with a quirky, cheap and good-looking appearance.

"Let's go!" Xuanyuan smiled.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, what are your plans next?" The 'Spirit of Ten Thousand Evils' is now in high spirits, and naturally wants to kill all the major forces in the entire 'Central World'. Let the 'Qinglong Holy Land' unify the 'Central World', at the same time, he will get great benefits, even a breakthrough.

You know, what realm Xuanyuan's incarnation is in, he is naturally in that realm, and the last level of the Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage realm must be broken through by himself.

To crush the evil race, the greatest victory is not the treasury of the evil emperor hall, nor the eight million puppets of the ancient emperor realm!


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