Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1896 Sky Demon Spirit State

This time, Xuanyuan deliberately made many elites of the evil race join the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

The original evil race has completely disappeared. Unless the "curse origin" breaks this plane and draws a passage, otherwise, there is absolutely no other possibility. Xuanyuan knows that if that kind of passage can be opened casually, the evil The emperor didn't have to work so hard, and had to allocate part of his own strength to seal this passage.

Today's evil clan is a brand new evil clan. Under the control of the "Spirit of All Evils", they are all well-behaved and will not violate any rules. The leftover secret techniques and secret techniques were not allowed to be passed on in the past. Everyone picked out their own practice secret techniques, combined with their own foundation, and practiced completely new. There were no other distracting thoughts in their minds, which made their practice All aspects have been greatly improved.

The power of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was unimaginable before. Many people even looked down on the 'Qinglong Holy Land', thinking that it was timid. Entering here, let them personally feel that kind of majestic atmosphere, which is the evil race Incomparable, many people have never imagined that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is hidden so deep. If it is to erupt like this, the evil emperor will have no way to counter the 'Qinglong Holy Land' if he does not communicate the 'origin of the curse' , including many Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages of the evil race also accepted this conclusion.

But no matter what, at this moment, they have a kind of real conviction in their hearts, because the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is really powerful, among other things, just a chaotic immortal energy can buy 99% of the people , this kind of cultivation environment is indeed something they can meet but not seek.

Many people also analyzed it from various angles. If they had fought against the 'Qinglong Holy Land' at that time, under the solid barrier, it would be difficult for the evil race to break through. It's just that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has been covering up its own strength.

Keep a low profile and keep a low profile.

Under the guidance of Xuanyuan, the Wu Clan and the Evil Clan began to integrate and communicate with each other, allowing them to abandon some means of sacrifice and sacrifice, and to seek a righteous way between heaven and earth. Now that they have joined the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', they They all understand that they should follow the way of 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

Although it won't take effect immediately, Xuanyuan believes that with the passage of time, the integration between the witch clan and the evil clan will produce a very powerful force. It seems that there is no bad thing at all, and what is more important is like-mindedness.

In half a month, Zhongzhou was divided into many pieces, the "Yuhua Shenchao" occupied a large part of the territory, other protoss, heaven, and the underworld also occupied a part on average, and the last small part was occupied by the demons. .

They set up their own camps, confronted each other, and began to arrange various restrictions, feng shui, and power techniques to stabilize their territory. As long as time goes by, it will naturally become their territory at that time. This is an eternal truth.

At this initial moment, once careless and careless, it will be replaced by other big forces!

From the beginning to the end, no matter whether it was the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', 'Qinglong Holy Land' or the 'Good Demon Race', there was no movement at all.

Because for the 'Qinglong Holy Land', a large piece of land in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' has not yet been settled, so why bother to look far away after the construction is completed?

The same is true for the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', and the 'Son of Good Demon' knows that he has just taken root in the 'Central World', and he might become a target of public criticism, not to mention that he is allied with the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'. I don't want to cause any trouble to my allies.

This time the 'Devil Clan' will send troops because they have united with the Protoss. The two soldiers and horses each occupy a piece of land, relying on each other, as an alliance, and guarding a piece of land for each other.

This stalemate lasted for half a year. Everyone started to build a military base from a temporary city, which was difficult to break through. Finally, they felt relieved. There was no conversation, only a tacit understanding.

At this moment, another Immortal State descended.

Between 'Nanyan Xianzhou' and 'Dongfu Xianzhou', above the nine heavens in the southeast direction, there is chaos, and a big dragon and snake rise in the sky. Although the avenues converge, they are extremely real.

Xuanyuan sensed an incomparably strong demon energy immediately, and there was no doubt that this must be the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'.

That day, I had a very unpleasant quarrel with Tian Yaozi. This person is very high-spirited and unusual. He will definitely break out of his own world, but I don't know how powerful the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou' is now.

"Do you think the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' will be an enemy or a friend?" Xuanyuan looked at the 'Lord of Order' beside him.

"It's hard to say. It's hard to distinguish between friends and foes. If there are eternal interests, then they are friends." The 'Lord of Order' did not make his own judgment.

Many powerhouses of major forces are also very concerned. At this time, the appearance of any major force can greatly change the pattern of the entire world, especially the issue of positioning.

"'Tian Yao Lingzhou', this is a very powerful group." Can Feixue stood in the air, with her hands behind her back. She once heard her master, Can Yunwu, say that in ancient times, the "Sky Demon Lingzhou" 'There is an extremely powerful emperor-level existence that can compete with each other. After entering the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin', it began to disappear and can no longer be found, but it must have become very powerful.

"Now the 'Good Demon Clan' has united with the Protoss. If the three of 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' unite, it will be a very powerful force. 'It's against all courts."

Everyone is constantly calculating in their hearts, because the appearance of the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' is so important, and it directly affects the most important point, which is its geographical location, which is very close to the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'.

If the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou' and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are united, it will inevitably make the 'Dongfu Xianzhou' and the demons feel a sense of crisis, because if the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou' are united, there will be another party on the other side. With the joint siege of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and the Good Demons, one can imagine their fate.

Time passed bit by bit, when the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' was bordering the 'Central World', Xuanyuan could feel the power of the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin' in the depths of the ground beneath his feet. Growth, so that many damaged land, once again has been repaired.

Next, there are only "Heavenly Dao Lingzhou" and "Tianchan Lingzhou". As long as they are in place, the "Central World" will be completely complete. If it can be opened, it will be another bloodbath at that time. The outcome of this battle will be a change, which will determine the direction of the future pattern of the "Central World".

After seven days and seven nights, the entire 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' and 'Central World' were completely integrated into one.

At this time, Tsing Yi and the three Heavenly Emperors of the Monster Race appeared. These three Heavenly Emperors were all newly promoted characters. They were originally talented people, but they were subject to many restrictions. Now they have accumulated a lot and finally broke through. Yes, great results.

"What do you want to do?" Xuanyuan looked at Tsing Yi.

"I want to go back to the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'. This is the origin of the demon clan. Don't worry, as I am, no one will do me any harm." Tsing Yi said softly.

"The current situation is unclear, so don't act rashly. I will make arrangements for this matter." Xuanyuan waved his hand, obviously not wanting to put Tsing Yi in danger. You must know that he is a "body of all transformations", and he wants to inquire about it. Depending on the situation, he has to rely on himself.

But one thing is certain, there are many terrifying existences in the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'.

"I can feel that there are so many strong people in the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', which is even worse than the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'." This is the most pertinent evaluation of the 'Spirit of Ten Thousand Evils'.

"'Tianmo Lingzhou' is at least divided into two parts, the good and the evil. In the 'Tianmo Lingzhou', it is too mixed. The fight is the inheritance of blood. It is divided into several pieces, each of which is king Yes, this structure is very unstable and prone to accidents." The 'Lord of Order' infiltrated his own ideas, and the affiliation between people's hearts is a very chaotic state, and they are not concentrated.

Empress Nuwa mending the sky is also a thing at the end of the chaotic ancient times. For those monster clans who moved from the "Central China", there will be great awe in her heart, but in the "Sky Demon Lingzhou", the Nuwa clan is just A big clan among the monster clan.

Of course, what is certain is that the Nuwa clan's status among the monster clan is still quite high.

Time flies, and during this period of time, no major force took the initiative to visit the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'.

Because this is an unowned Lingzhou, whoever you look for first and then whoever you look for will have a great impact. It is better to be optimistic about the grim situation in front of you, which is more important.

"Husband, let me go. Now that the 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou' has just arrived, it is also the time when all aspects of defense are the most lax."

"It's up to you, then I have to evolve into a member of the demon clan, and enter it with you." Xuanyuan not only has joint attack skills with Huang Yuechan, but also has supernatural powers with Tsing Yi.

Immediately, from the 'Qinglong Holy Land', Tsing Yi and Xuanyuan, the two peaks of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperors, led the existence of the three heavenly emperors in the Great Sacred Realm, and headed towards the direction of the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou'!

"Tsing Yi, back then when you formed a monster clan independently and entered the 'Qinglong Holy Land', I'm afraid you also forged a lot of enmity. I think you should play it by ear later, lest the members of the monster clan take a big hat On your head." Xuanyuan warned once solemnly.

"Understood." Tsing Yi nodded.

After a while, five people descended into the sky of the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'.

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