Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1922 Brahma

In the Yin-Yang Dzi Bead, the yin-yang and qi inside are intertwined, extremely tight. Xuanyuan was shocked to find that what was adopted in the dzi bead was the extremely pure Qi of Chu Yang and Chu Yin. The qi of the beginning of the Tao and the beginning of the yang and the beginning of the yin are constantly intertwined, and they are deriving such a strong yin and yang as the yin and yang.

This bead contains an incomparably majestic vitality, and it is a supreme secret treasure!

Xuanyuan knows that if he refines this Yin-Yang Dzi Bead into his body, he will become even more immortal, and his body's recovery ability will reach an unimaginable level for ordinary people. With such an existence, it would be difficult for him to completely kill himself for a while!

However, if it is given to Peng Fei, it will be used as a feng shui layout, and the benefits will be even greater, benefiting all living beings. Immediately, he directly donated this 'Yin Yang Dzi Bead' to Peng Fei, knowing that he should focus on the overall situation and maximize the benefits when doing things.

"Well, then I'll give it to you, practice hard, and I'll go to the twenty-sixth heaven to have a look." Xuanyuan immediately passed through the Yin-Yang Heaven and entered the twenty-sixth heaven of the treasure house!

Not God.

Entering this layer of heaven, Xuanyuan found that the flow of time seems to have become extremely slow, but the life of everyone in this layer of heaven will be optimally extended, and the gap between heaven and earth.

The spirit of immortality was rolling, making the Dao of Longevity in Xuanyuan's body scream endlessly. He knew that this heaven was not suitable for him to practice, because his lifespan had already reached its peak, and his own vitality and resilience were ordinary people's. It's unimaginable, even if it is against the fierce God Shou, it will not be damaged at all, because the Tao of Longevity in the body will greatly restrain it!

But for many people in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there are many benefits, not everyone can be like Xuanyuan.

It seems that the 'Emperor Devourer' had already thought of everything very well. If there are powerful figures in the sect, and their lives are about to end, they can enter the Immortal Heaven and practice in order to seek a breakthrough.

'Immortal Heaven' is suitable for those who have lost their lives in the war and their lives have come to an end. They can practice here, and they can preserve the effective combat power of a holy place to the maximum. You must know that these people, if they are in danger, they will fight to the death A war is an extremely terrible thing.

"'Swallowing Emperor' is really far-sighted, he has even thought of this aspect, hey..." Xuanyuan was extremely impressed, and sighed, if it wasn't for 'Swallowing Emperor', how could 'Qinglong Holy Land' have such a great achievement, The outsiders have been praising him for how great he is, but Xuanyuan himself dare not take the credit, because the 'Emperor Devourer' has laid a lot of foundations for him, without these, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' would not know what it would be like now!

"Haha, that's natural. The realm of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor is beyond your imagination." The greedy old man laughed.

As soon as Xuanyuan's thoughts moved, orders came out, from top to bottom, and the news was almost immediately transmitted to the major forces. Those old antiques and people whose lifespan had come to an end heard that Xuanyuan was going to prolong their lives, and they were pleasantly surprised Endless!

Six hours later, a large number of people who were lifeless and whose lives were dying all entered the Immortal Heaven.

"It's amazing. After entering this immortal world, I feel that my aging has been delayed, and the effect is so obvious!"

"That's right, the flow of time in this Immortal Heaven is more than a hundred times slower than that in the outside world, and such a strong energy of immortality can make us delay aging and increase our lifespan!"

Countless people were so grateful for Xuanyuan that they saluted one after another.

"Thank you, Holy Master Xuanyuan!"

Xuanyuan looked at these people, all of them were ancestor-level figures from various ethnic groups, just nodded, and said: "You should practice hard here, since you are a member of my 'Qinglong Holy Land', you can naturally enjoy everything , I want to continue to open the treasure house, one step ahead.”

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan disappeared. In fact, they should thank the "Emperor Devourer" or "Sage Emperor of Wanhua". Xuanyuan can't do it at all. You must know that this is for large-scale people entering it, and the stronger the people who enter, the higher the requirements for the depiction of runes. After that, I'm afraid it will collapse long ago, and it will be difficult to support the strength of these people!

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan is really selfless. The coexistence of all races was impossible in my opinion before, but now he really doesn't treat us as different, and treats us equally!"

"That's right, in his eyes, people of all races are equal and impartial, just like Feng Lie of the law enforcement team, upright and upright, if some races bully other races, they will be punished, without the slightest favoritism..."

"In fact, we have been mentally prepared from the very beginning. We will always suffer some grievances. Looking at people's faces, we feel that as long as we can survive, we can survive. It is also necessary to endure humiliation. I feel that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is impossible. A bowl of water is flat, after all, it was created by the human race, and it is bound to favor one's own clansmen, and now it seems that it is a big mistake!"

"It seems that the reason why the human race has been so prosperous since ancient times is not unreasonable."

Now the atmosphere in the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' is very harmonious, and Xuanyuan's move has won the hearts of the people even more, especially these old antiques, who have great prestige among the major forces!

He came to the twenty-seventh heaven of the Devouring Treasure House.


Entering it, Xuanyuan felt a vast atmosphere, compassion, peace, and tranquility.

The sky is full of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Vajras, all manifesting together.

They are all formed by the gathering of the breath of this piece of heaven and earth. In the Great Brahma Heaven, there are famous temples and ancient temples everywhere.

From the majestic Great Buddha Hall to the small dilapidated temples, they all have their unique charm.

A statue of ancient Buddha, Bodhisattva, Vajra, and Arhat stand in it, spotless.

"Well, let's practice here." Xuanyuan knew that the reincarnation of the "Origin of the Underworld" and "Origin of the Curse" that he would face next would be very powerful. Not enough, Buddhist methods will have some restraint on them!

Entering the Great Brahma Heaven, Xuanyuan's heart fell into an unprecedented calm, without the feeling of eagerness to improve, and he let everything go, very comfortable.

Before he came to a great Buddha hall, it occupied an area of ​​tens of thousands of feet and enshrined a big Buddha. On the golden body, there were engraved Sanskrit characters. With Xuanyuan's attainments in Buddhist supernatural powers, he could naturally understand these ancient characters. He looked at the golden body , concentrating on it, muttering in his mouth:

"Thus I have heard that the Buddha was in Shiluo Raft City at one time, only staying in the monastery, together with the great bhikkhus, a thousand two hundred and fifty of them, all of whom were impeccable great arhats, the abbots of the Buddha, good above all beings, and able to live in the land. , achieve the prestige, turn the wheel from the Buddha, be worthy of the will, strictly purify the Vine, promote the three realms, respond to the immeasurable body, save all living beings, pull out the future, and overcome the dust. His name is: Great Wisdom Shariputra, Mahamu Qianlian..."

Xuanyuan stared quietly, standing in front of the golden body, motionless, like an ancient pine, quiet and peaceful, this is Mahayana Buddhism, "Surangama Sutra", every time Xuanyuan recites, the Sanskrit on the golden body will be It emits a light, which is extremely mysterious, and there is a voice from the sky...

"Enlighten the body, uphold the heart precepts, cultivate great concentration..."

His station lasted for five years, and Xuanyuan immersed himself in the profound meaning explained in the Shurangama Sutra.

He has a great understanding of himself, and with Xuanyuan's in-depth understanding, his treasured body glows, and with a single thought, all three thousand Buddhas manifest!

If it wasn't for the clothes on Xuanyuan's body, he was not a member of the Buddhist sect, but in the eyes of outsiders, he would definitely be an eminent monk in the Buddhist sect based on the aura he exuded.

The "Shurangama Sutra" was one of the supreme inheritances of the 'Da Leiyin Temple' in the ancient times, but it became incomplete due to many things that happened. It may not be possible to have such a complete scripture.

The golden body of the big Buddha in front of me is bright, and I don't know how many years it has existed in this world, but it is spotless.

The golden Buddha puts his hands together, his eyebrows are lowered, he doesn't see sentient beings, and he doesn't touch karma. There is a huge power in his body, and Xuanyuan can feel it deeply!

"I didn't expect that five years would pass in the blink of an eye!" Xuanyuan said to himself, during these five years he remained motionless, feeling the profound meaning of the "Shurangama Sutra", and finally thoroughly penetrated it and integrated it into himself!

He got up and left, and entered an ancient temple.

The whole body of this temple is pitch-black, giving the impression that it is like entering hell, with a Bodhisattva in the center of the hall.

Under his seat is an ancient beast, listen carefully, the Bodhisattva Xuanyuan in front of him is no stranger, it is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

"If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell..." Xuanyuankou chanted, containing all his will and determination, even if the general situation of the world changes in the future, he still can't stop his determination to protect all living beings!

At this moment, the Dharma image of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva seemed to be in touch with Xuanyuan, and the golden light pierced through the endless darkness, forming ancient scriptures one after another. Xuanyuan's eyes moved with his heart, gazing quietly:

"Thus I have heard that for a time the Buddha was in the Trayali Heaven, teaching the Dharma for his mother, and at that time, in immeasurable worlds in the ten directions, all Buddhas and great Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas, who could not speak or speak, all came to gather and praised Sakyamuni Buddha, In the evil world of the five turbidities, he manifests the power of inconceivable great wisdom and supernatural powers, subduing strong beings, knowing the dharma of suffering and happiness, and sending attendants to ask the World Honored One..."

Every time Xuanyuan recites one, on the body of the simple and unadorned Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, a trace of light begins to emit. This is the "Ksitigarbha Sutra".

From the scriptures, Xuanyuan has a deeper understanding of Ksitigarbha's thinking. This is a supreme being who entered the "Origin of the Underworld" and vowed that hell will not be empty and that he will not become a Buddha.

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