Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1969 Wanxiang Holy Wine

The 'Sage Emperor' is very ambitious, and there are not many female saint emperors. Once he can double cultivate with a female saint emperor, his own combat power will be greatly improved, making him unmatched.

It can be said that every female saint emperor is difficult to conquer. Such a woman is too powerful. Even a man of the same saint emperor level may not be able to appreciate them. Those who are weaker than them can only be in their hearts Admiration, dare not reveal it, for fear of causing death, this kind of woman is not something that ordinary men dare to think about.

Xuanyuan, Tsing Yi, and Huang Yuechan's dual cultivation can make such a big leap. It is conceivable how much progress will be made if the 'Sage Emperor of Inspection' can double cultivate with the 'Sage Emperor of Fragrance'? At that time, even the 'Sage Emperor Ling Xiao' and the 'Sage Emperor Jade Emperor' will have to act according to his face.

"Do you want to practice dual cultivation with me? When you can understand the secret technique of the sky mark first, then come to me about dual cultivation. Before that, I am quite willing to exchange cultivation methods with you, experience, stop talking nonsense, let's start! "What kind of person is the 'Tianxiang Shengdi'? Naturally, it is impossible to agree to such a major event as double cultivation, and immediately lead to the secret technique of the sky mark!"

The 'Sage Emperor of Inspector' just put forward an idea, and naturally he didn't expect 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' to agree to it outright. The road has to be taken step by step. He still understands this truth. With her character, it is already considered that she didn't turn her face on the spot. Not bad!

He stood up and said with a smile: "Since that's the case, I will communicate with you my supernatural power of monitoring the world. This is the Heavenly Supervisor! The 'Tianxiang Shengdi' is unparalleled in wisdom, so naturally he can quickly understand the essence of it!"

The power of the two great avenues flows out from their bodies, and integrates the secret techniques, experience, and many bodies they have cultivated all their lives into each other's sea of ​​consciousness. This is an unreserved way of communication, and everyone can feel it. The other party's frankness, without a trace of concealment.

Xuanyuan frowned. Seeing this scene, he felt very complicated. Although the "Sage Emperor Tianxiang" united with him, she also wanted to strengthen her own strength. If she is not stronger, the Protoss is in danger of being destroyed at any time.

It can be said that it is a good time to do it at this time, but if you do so, I am afraid that it will cause the displeasure of the 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' and self-defeating.

"The 'Sage Emperor of Fragrance' has other plans. It seems that he wants to hold the magical means of the 'Sage Emperor' in his hands." The voices in the hearts of the 'Lord of Order' and Xuanyuan passed each other.

"It doesn't matter, let her go. Since we have united with the 'Qinglong Holy Land', we have to trust her, we only have plans!" The emperor is in charge, I don't know what the structure of a woman's brain is, if you annoy her, I'm afraid you can do anything, it doesn't matter if you are in an alliance or not.

Moreover, the 'Tianxiang Shengdi' has a strange temperament, which Xuanyuan can't figure out at all!

I saw the avenue surging on them, and the 'Tianxiang Shengdi' pointed out all kinds of passes in the secret art of Tianhen. Once this secret art is practiced to the extreme, a punch in the sky will leave scars on them , difficult to heal.

The sky mark here refers to the will of God that can hurt the sky, such as the "Central World".

In the past, Xuanyuan was the "body of all transformations" and was rejected by the Dao of Heaven and Earth, but later he got the blessing of "Hundred Saints Hongguang", which was recognized by the orthodox of the human race, which is more important than anything else, and Xuanyuan has never done anything Evil, so Heaven and Earth Dao didn't reject him, and would help Xuanyuan.

This is the sky has eyes, and it sees a person's good and evil. At that time, Xuanyuan's xinxing was not determined, and if the "body of all transformations" was careless, once it grew up, the consequences would be unimaginable. The Heaven and Earth Dao would reject Xuanyuan It is also a matter of course, in the later period, with the growth of Xuanyuan's strength, the world can only dance with it.

And Tianjian, like the surveillance of God, is pervasive.

'Tianxiang Shengdi' savors carefully, she controls the heaven and earth ten thousand fragrances, smelting into the secret technique of the heavenly prison, she feels that wherever the fragrance reaches, everything becomes extremely clear and thorough, and all cover-up methods will Be seen through, without reservation!

And the 'Sage Emperor of Judgment' uses the sky mark to temper his body and enhance his combat power. Although 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' and 'Sage Emperor Jade Emperor' are listed as the Three Great Sage Emperors with him, their respective He has great reservations about supernatural powers, how could they be passed on to him? People in the Saint Emperor realm all have their own unique supernatural powers created by themselves.

The faint fragrance quietly blended into the pores of the 'Sage Emperor'. In this environment, especially the 'Sage Emperor' who is intoxicated by the secret technique of the sky mark at the moment, there is no trace of it. He noticed that although he did not completely let go of his guard against the 'Tianxiang Shengdi', he did not feel the slightest strangeness.

"The woman 'Tianxiang Shengdi' is really capable of killing people invisible, and she has great scheming. From the very beginning, the 'Supervisor Shengdi' fell into his trap. Poor, but he is indeed very careful. He is still here at the moment." Monitor our every move physically and mentally." The 'Sage Emperor of Longevity' sighed in his heart, they pretended to be five-decayed bloodlines, and their hearts were connected, and they could all know what the other was thinking.

"That's right, and the woman 'Tianxiang Shengdi' can cover up all the murderous intentions. Now even if we know that she is setting up the formation, we can't see it at all. I have only heard of her methods before, but I have never heard of them. I have fought against him." The voice of 'Eternal Saint Emperor' resounded.

On the side, Can Feixue's heart was as flat as a mirror, motionless, from the beginning to the end, from her breathing to her heartbeat, she maintained a consistent speed without any change. She didn't dare to let her mood fluctuate in the slightest. If the 'Sage Executioner' finds out, it will be a bad thing.

The 'Sage Emperor' is extremely shrewd. He communicated with the 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' to practice supernatural powers and virtues, but he focused on them. Working together to act together, he naturally couldn't see through it, and Can Feixue maintained his calm state of mind from the beginning, and gradually dispelled the doubts of the "Sage Emperor in charge". It seems that the Protoss did not treat him at all. Feeling the maliciousness of his body, the way of fighting with his body is getting stronger and stronger, and the 'Sage Emperor' feels unspeakable joy in his heart.

Sometimes, shrewdness will be misunderstood by shrewdness. I'm afraid that the "Sage Executioner" would never have imagined that this killing was set up for him from the beginning to the end. No one knows how many times it has been deduced. , I finally felt that there was no problem before proceeding.

The 'Eternal Holy Emperor' had fought against him back then, and he knew the mind of the 'Executive Holy Emperor' very well.

It can be said that the "Eternal Saint Emperor" contributed the most to being able to not be noticed by the "Executive Saint Emperor". Even the "Tianxiang Saint Emperor" was confirmed and allowed by the "Eternal Saint Emperor".

This time, the two of them have practiced supernatural powers and exchanged experiences for a month. They can clearly feel that the fighting power of the "Sage Emperor" is improving, and the combination of Skyline and Sky Supervisor has made him a big step Leap!

"Hahaha, the secret technique of Skyline is really powerful, the way of attacking the gods is domineering and powerful, and it really deserves its reputation. This trip has gained a lot!" Only then can it make a huge leap forward. Although he has also obtained a lot of fighting secrets, it is far from the supernatural power of 'Tianxiang Shengdi', and it can't bring him much improvement at all.

On the "Biluo Origin", the supernatural powers created by everyone are the foundation of their survival. Once they are taught, they will be known by everyone and will be thoroughly studied by others, and there will be no more secrets It can be said that it is impossible to communicate with each other at all.

This is also the reason why the "Sage Emperor" has always suffered from the fact that the way of physical combat is weaker than others. In the "Central World", he has also obtained a lot of supreme Taoism, but how can he compare with the infinite magic created by the realm of the Holy Emperor? On the esoteric? Tao is the way of heaven and earth, and secret art is the highest secret, not to be passed on.

"Tianjian is indeed unique. It really opened my eyes. You can actually create such a pervasive surveillance secret technique. If this happens, who else in the world can escape from my palm?" ?” Indeed, for the ‘Sage Emperor of Fragrance’, mastering this secret technique is a very scary thing. She can pretend that she doesn’t know where the enemy is hiding, and use fragrance to attack. There are thousands of fragrances. Spiritual energy has the taste of spiritual energy, and immortal energy has the taste of immortal energy. They are all a kind of fragrance, and she can evolve them at any time!

May I ask, who can escape the palm of the 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang'?

"'Tianxiang Shengdi', how do you feel? This is just our secret art exchange. Once we double cultivate, it will bring us more than that!" The eyes of the 'Sage Executioner' were extremely hot .

"I still need to think about it. You have a good understanding and practice very well. Not to mention these things, I have the 'Wanxiang Holy Wine' brewed by myself in the 'Wanxiang Temple'. Emperor, would you like to have a drink?" The pupils of 'Tianxiang Shengdi' narrowed like crescent moons, and their red lips were raised, full of temptation.

"This wine is extremely unique, and I rarely drink it myself, because the amount is very small, it is difficult to brew, and it is extremely rare. Today, I have completed the secret art of the Heavenly Supervisor, and I am in a good mood, so I want to take some to celebrate."

At this moment, the 'Tianxiang Shengdi' looked like a pure and flawless woman, full of joy.

The 'Executive Saint Emperor' laughed, how could he refuse an invitation from a beauty, this is the best time to bring the two of them closer: "Okay, okay, this is the first time I heard about 'Wanxiang Shengjiu', It is a great honor to be able to taste the wine brewed by 'Tianxiang Shengdi'!"

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