At this moment, Xuanyuan merged with the idea of ​​"Hongmeng Yuanyuan". He deeply felt what is vastness and what is greatness. He knew many secret places in the "Central World". The same mysterious ancient stone was hidden in He Fang was also known by Xuanyuan.

For the joint attack of the reincarnation of the three great emperors, whether he can escape this catastrophe or calamity, there is only this chance in front of him, otherwise, he will be lost forever.

Xuanyuan deeply understands that he can't rely on other holy emperors to save himself every time, he is unwilling to do this, he must really grow up, and truly learn to be on his own, otherwise, it will always be like being unable to grow up. The older child will always be a young eagle who needs the protection of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor. To him, it has no meaning at all!

When he moved his mind, it was extremely difficult and extremely slow to operate, because his realm was not enough to control the power of the 'Origin of Primordial Origin', and he couldn't operate the power in it at all.

Moreover, there were many things that Xuanyuan was puzzled by the first fusion of thoughts with the 'Original Origin of Hongmeng'. He never imagined that the fusion of thoughts with the 'Original Origin of Hongmeng' would lead to such an end.

Seeing the thoughts of the three great emperors attacking together, Xuanyuan didn't have the slightest means of defense. He felt miserable: "I think I'm smart, it seems that this time I'm really in a cocoon."

"Xuanyuan, originally you might still have a chance to escape, but it's a pity that you actually wanted to merge with the 'Original Origin' and use its power to deal with us. You are too tender, and you are looking for your own death." Three Great Saint Emperors Obviously, everyone could feel that Xuanyuan's intention had failed.

Almost at the same time, the will of the "Origin of Primordial Mengmeng" awakened, bursting out with infinite divine light, straight to the sky, and a huge wave of thoughts rushed out. At this moment, many saint emperors in the "Central World" reincarnated one after another Opening their eyes, they could feel that the will of the 'Great Origin' had awakened and launched an attack. Everyone was surprised and wanted to know what happened.

Xuanyuan and the "Origin of Primordial Origin" are merged into one mind, and mind is an invisible thing, but it makes his sea of ​​consciousness become incomparably vast. He slashed at the joint idea of ​​the reincarnation of the three holy emperors!

boom! The thoughts of the reincarnation of the three holy emperors were broken, and they had no ability to resist at all. On the one hand, this was not their full strength, and on the other hand, they were not prepared at all. All this happened so suddenly, even when they were attacking , can feel Xuanyuan's despair and helplessness!

boom! Terrible mental fluctuations trembled in the void, spreading in all directions in Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, and the sword waves rippled, smashing nine heavens and ten earths with force.

puff! The three great saint emperors reincarnated, and their true deities vomited blood together. This time they joined forces, and all the thoughts extended by them were defeated by the thoughts of the "Origin of Primordial Origin". The origin of his thoughts, and he pursued them to the end, which shows how terrifying the power of the "Original Origin of Hongmeng" is!

At this moment, Xuanyuan felt that all the power of his three souls had been drawn out, and he had no strength at all. Fortunately, he had refined the medicine of immortality, as well as the "Eternal Divine Soul Art" and the power of "Creation Soul Light", which made Xuanyuan's The three souls recovered quickly, and his strength was simply not enough to operate the power of the "Origin of Hongmeng". The blow just now was due to the fusion of the mind and mind of the "Origin of Hongmeng", and Xuanyuan was attacked by the mind of the three holy emperors,' Hongmeng Yuan's independent counterattack!

Although Xuanyuan can clearly feel everything in the 'Central World', it is like a weak soul that cannot support a huge body!

The idea of ​​the three holy emperors united was defeated by the "Origin of Primordial Mist", and Xuanyuan took advantage of himself to devour them all and refine them one by one!

The thoughts of these holy emperors are extremely precious, which makes Xuanyuan's understanding of the cultivation, experience, and "origin of the curse" of the three holy emperors more clear and thorough. This kind of understanding of everything in the world , can make Xuanyuan go longer and farther on the road of cultivation. Besides, it also greatly nourishes Xuanyuan's soul and makes it stronger!

He sat cross-legged on top of a mountain, and his body was weaker than ever before. The 'Holy Sword of Hongmeng' just now almost drained all the strength in Xuanyuan's body. If a random existence of the Emperor of Heaven came out now, Xuanyuan might fall into a catastrophe. landed.

While refining the thoughts of many holy emperors, he was recovering his own strength. Although the fusion with the thoughts of the "Origin of Primordial Mengmeng" was only for a moment, it brought countless insights to Xuanyuan.

In a distant and mysterious space, the 'Hongmeng Holy Sword' attacked with a strong mind, and the fluctuations spread here.

It's a pity that after arriving here, the power of the 'Grandmist Holy Sword' has been greatly reduced, and it was destroyed by life and death!

"Damn it! Xuanyuan was able to merge with the 'Origin of Hongmeng'! It wasn't Xuanyuan's attack just now, it was the awakening of the will of the 'Origin of Hongmeng'!" The three holy emperors were completely shocked.

"It doesn't matter, if he casts this secret technique, it is equivalent to binding himself with the power of the 'Original Origin'. Once the 'Central World' is destroyed, he will not be far from death! It seems that Xuanyuan only I can kill from the flesh!" 'Soulless Saint Emperor' said fiercely.

"His physical strength is already comparable to ours. If he continues to grow, I'm afraid we will all be threatened." The expression of the 'Wuxie Saint Emperor' was extremely angry. A small ant was actually stepping on After entering the Heavenly Emperor Realm, he was able to compete with them!

"It doesn't matter, the physical strength of the 'Myriad Transformation Body' is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, but his soul is still too weak, far from being our opponent, don't worry, there are thousands of ways to kill him! "'Curseless Saint Emperor' still didn't take Xuanyuan seriously. The blow just now was actually good for them, at least they understood how powerful the 'Origin of Primordial Mist' is.

"'Hongmeng Origin' has awakened, what's going on?" The 'Eternal Holy Emperor' hangs over the sky above the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', looking into the distance.

"It seems to be a confrontation between the 'Origin of Primordial Mist' and the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, 'Origin of Curse', their idea of ​​attacking 'Original Origin of Primordial Mist'?" The 'Sage Emperor of Longevity' was also very puzzled, and he pursued the direction to the Undead Mountain.

"I just received Xuanyuan's thought that it was the reincarnation of the three great emperors who joined forces to assassinate him, and then he used a secret technique to integrate with the will of the 'Origin of Primordial Mist'. The blow just now..." The 'Lord of Order' told the matter I told it from the beginning to the end, making the two great emperors reincarnated, and suddenly realized.

"So that's it. It seems that Xuanyuan has stepped into the realm of Heavenly Emperor, which is a good thing." The expression of the 'Sage Emperor of Longevity' was calm and calm.

"This is very good. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' can be more stable, but the responsibility will be greater. Maybe this is the fate of Xuanyuan!" In the eyes of the 'Eternal Saint Emperor', it seems that there are thousands of universes hidden in the eyes of the universe. Ten thousand, eternal and eternal, seems to have been foreseen.

"Excellent, excellent!" Jin Chanzi let out a long sigh and said, "Brother Xuanyuan has finally broken through to the Heavenly Emperor Realm. It seems that 'Origin of the Primordial Mist' has raised another star."

"Xuanyuan was able to escape the joint assassination of the three reincarnated emperors of the 'Cursed Origin'. This kind of luck, it seems that no one can stop his rise. He is destined to be equal to us, the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor' It's really a big deal." The 'Chaos Saint Emperor' has a far-reaching gaze, and at this moment he has already felt the earth-shaking changes in Xuanyuan, even if he goes to kill Xuanyuan, it will be difficult to kill him completely.

Now is Xuanyuan's weakest time, and it is also the result of his confrontation with the reincarnation of the three great emperors of the 'Curse Origin'. The 'Chaos Emperor' disdains to do such things.

"I didn't expect that such a brilliant figure would be born in the 'Central World'. I'm afraid no one would have expected the result, but it's no wonder that the accumulation of countless lifetimes of the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor' has been passed down to him. , It is not impossible to grow to such a degree." 'Emperor God King' smiled, he was in a good mood, he didn't care about the growth of 'Emperor Emperor', he was not a person who reached the realm of Saint Emperor The Holy Emperor is reincarnated and has a complete consciousness. The world view is completely different, especially in the "Central World". It's a defeat, it's very interesting!

in heaven.

"Inspector, what happened just now?" 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' frowned, the fluctuation just now was too strong, and they could clearly feel the collision of ideas, the land under their feet, Awakening of the will of the "Original Origin"!

"Xuanyuan made a breakthrough, and the three holy emperors of the 'Curse Origin' joined forces to assassinate him, but unexpectedly became the driving force for Xuanyuan's breakthrough, making him step into the realm of the emperor of heaven, and merged with the thoughts of the 'Origin of Hongmeng'. It seems that Xuanyuan has been able to deeply It's threatening us." To be honest, there is no point in concealing this fact from 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang', he knows 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' and 'Sage Emperor Jade Emperor' deeply, and these two people will definitely spare no effort Eliminate anyone who poses a major threat to you.

"What, inspector, are you sure?" The 'Jade Emperor' is still unconfident. In his eyes, Xuanyuan may have been a person with great potential, but it is difficult to threaten them, but now even the evil It was unbelievable for him that none of the three great saint emperors of the family had killed Xuanyuan.

"Will I make such a joke with you? It seems that the plan has to be accelerated, and Xuanyuan must be trapped and killed. What do you think?" In the eyes of 'Tianxiang Shengdi', murderous aura flowed, 'Lingxiao Shengdi' and' The Jade Emperor and Sacred Emperor looked at each other and nodded at the same time, unaware that everything had fallen into the control of the 'Tianxiang Sacred Emperor'.

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