Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2000 Mysterious Man

Xuanyuan stepped out of the 'swallowing myriad transformations Taoism' and took it into his body. Immediately afterwards, his body turned into the myriad ways of heaven and earth. Xuanyuan, who stepped into the realm of the emperor of heaven, had an unfathomable understanding of the heavenly prison. Noticing it, he deeply felt that after stepping into the Heavenly Emperor Realm, the ability to communicate with the "Origin of Primordial Mengmeng" broadened his field of vision and made his control over power more subtle!

He performed "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" and approached the battlefield near the "Nanyan Xianzhou" without sound, and everything happened in an instant.

Xuanyuan never expected that the mysterious ancient stone that he had been thinking about all this time would actually be on the battlefield of 'Nanyan Xianzhou'.

Xuanyuan looked down at the ground under his feet. The corpses of the major origin warriors that day had turned into bones and began to decay. He frowned. This scene made him feel very strange. One must know that the weakest of the three origin warriors is The ancient sages were in the realm of the sixth heaven, and their bodies were extremely strong, and they would not necessarily decay for ten thousand years, but now, after a short period of time, they almost turned into dust: "Greedy old man, what do you think is hidden in this mysterious ancient stone? What is it? What is the purpose of it coming here? Look at these bones, there are thousands of them, and the power contained in their bodies seems to have been completely drained?"

"How can I know, but I always feel that it is not a good thing. These bones should be related to the mysterious ancient stone. Otherwise, it would not go anywhere, but hide here. Speaking of the aura of heaven and earth, the Undead Mountain is comparable It's much richer here." The greedy old man said very sinisterly.

"If that mysterious ancient stone was such a terrifying existence, I'm afraid that I would have been sucked to death. You must know how humble my strength was at that time, and I couldn't resist it at all." Xuanyuan overthrew the greedy old man. idea.

"Anyway, it was just your luck back then, maybe the mysterious ancient stone was injured, and it didn't wake up for a while, just like me!" The words of the greedy old man made Xuanyuan feel a little more guessing.

"No matter what is hidden in it, I have to figure it out, otherwise I will always feel uncomfortable." Xuanyuan himself was very curious about these unknown things. Besides, he didn't know anything about this mysterious ancient stone. What's going on, I always want to find out.

Xuanyuan transformed himself into Dao, and covered the entire battlefield with his thoughts, like a big net, everything could hardly escape his supervision.

In this battlefield, there are countless casualties. It can be said that this is a central point. He can sense the existence of the mysterious ancient stone, and there is nothing else. The blood and souls of the dead soldiers?"

"It's not impossible, otherwise, you can find an explanation why he appeared here?" The greedy old man is full of enthusiasm. If this is the case, refining this mysterious ancient stone and taking it as his own is, for him, It has great benefits, no matter what it is, except for the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, otherwise, it can't resist Xuanyuan's power!

"Look, it's hidden deep in the ground, and everything will be revealed by then!" Xuanyuan's eyes burst out with two divine lights, but he can see through everything, and now he has reached Shangtong Qingming, It's time to peek into the realm of Jiuyou.

Sure enough, the mysterious ancient stone was hidden one hundred thousand miles underground. Xuanyuan could feel that the breath of countless life essences mixed together, condensed around the mysterious ancient stone, nourishing it, and on the mysterious ancient stone, there was A little bit of human-like pores, refining the essence, spit out countless impurities!

Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan couldn't help frowning. It seems that this mysterious ancient stone is not a good thunder, he directly merged into the land. You must know that Xuanyuan is very close to the "Origin of Hongmeng", and he has refined a lot of soil , can be more compatible with the earth. For him, entering the deep layer of the earth is like walking on flat ground. There is no difference at all, and he can also travel freely without obstacles. It's not an exaggeration to describe it. Xuanyuan in the soil is the most powerful, because he can use the power of the "Hongmeng Origin" to integrate into himself. Combining the two, it will not be a problem to contend against the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor!

The moment Xuanyuan entered the land, the mysterious ancient stone moved, obviously feeling someone coming and wanting to avoid it!

You must know that Xuanyuan locked it early in the morning, and knows its movements like the palm of your hand. It has escaped once before, and Xuanyuan doesn't want to miss it again!

"'Hongmengyuan', the cage of the earth!" Xuanyuan mobilized the power of the 'Hongmengyuan', and the land spread around the mysterious ancient stone was like a living thing, condensing an extremely strong cage, even if it was the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, it would be difficult to get out of it Sub-breakthrough, because this is under the land one hundred thousand miles deep, and the power of the "grandmist origin" is integrated into it, although there is only a part, but it is enough.

boom! The mysterious ancient stone that was about to escape suddenly hit the cage, making a loud noise, and the corner of the cage felt like it was about to burst!

The ground in all directions was also trembling violently, Xuanyuan was startled, he did not expect the power of this mysterious ancient stone to be so powerful, obviously it is not extraordinary!

With a distance of 100,000 miles, Xuanyuan arrived in a blink of an eye. When he came to the cage of the earth, he was very cautious, and said to the mysterious ancient stone: "Where are you sacred? Why do you want to take the life essence and soul of the dead, and cut people off?" Reincarnation?"

"Hmph, what's the point of not using the dead things and being scattered between the heaven and the earth? Those people are just waste when they are reincarnated. They might as well be refined by me!" The voice of the mysterious ancient stone was very old, and at the same time Also very domineering, there is a feeling of being the only one in heaven and earth!

"All living beings are equal. It's too cruel for you to do this." Xuanyuan knew that there was nothing to refute the words of the mysterious ancient stone. The Holy Emperor didn't bother to care about these things, and left their bodies on the battlefield. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' was afraid that this was some kind of trap, so they didn't clean up the battlefield, so those who cared would naturally make use of these resources.

"Mortal, your aura, I remember, I didn't kill you at the beginning. If I was cruel, I should have killed you. I am an ancient stone that cannot move, but you came to check my memory. I didn't It is very good to pursue your offense, but I did not expect that day, you, a little Doudi, could grow to the point where you are today. There is no grievance or enmity between you and me. What?" The mysterious ancient stone made a hoarse and heavy voice!

"I just want to know what kind of existence you are." Xuanyuan felt that he really had no reason to deal with this mysterious ancient stone.

"It's him!" The greedy old man's voice suddenly sounded, full of extreme anger!

"Who?" Xuanyuan frowned, the greedy old man actually knew this mysterious ancient stone?

"'Swallowing Emperor' once said that the reason why the major forces of the human race united back then was that there was a mysterious figure who planned everything behind it. The existence of the reincarnation of the emperor, Xuanyuan, you have to be careful!" As soon as the old man's words fell, the cage of the earth suddenly exploded, and he couldn't resist the attack of this mysterious ancient stone. Only then did Xuanyuan realize that he had just spoken to himself. It's just to delay time, accumulate strength, and break the cage of the great dungeon!

I saw this mysterious ancient stone transformed into a human figure, his face was stern, with sharp edges and corners, a palpitating cold light erupted from his eyes, the murderous aura permeated the nine heavens and ten earths, and when it invaded Xuanyuan's body, there would be a strong stinging pain Sensation, fighting spirit Taotao, can feel a strong vitality from him!

"Who the hell are you?" Xuanyuan did not expect that a mysterious ancient stone turned out to be the reincarnation of a holy emperor. No wonder he was able to see so many ancient pictures from the mysterious ancient stone. It must be that the mysterious ancient stone had not yet awakened. At that time, the stored memory happened to be read by Xuanyuan, and all doubts were finally resolved!

Now that the mysterious ancient stone has awakened, it is no longer possible for anyone to check his memory. This is a real reincarnation of the Holy Emperor.

"Me? Mortal, you don't deserve to know my name, huh? Didn't expect you to be the 'Body of Myriad Transformations'!" Originally, the mysterious ancient stone didn't pay attention to Xuanyuan. Just now, he instinctively avoided it, just because he didn't want to be discovered. , he wants to be the final winner of this "Central World" major origin battle, unknown to others, and finally use his power to suppress the Quartet. All along, he has been devouring and refining a lot of blood and blood The soul is to accumulate one's own strength.

The mysterious man was a little surprised that Xuanyuan was able to move the 'Origin of Primordial Origin' to trap him, and upon investigation it turned out to be the 'Body of Myriad Transformations'.

"That's right, I am the inheritor of the 'Sage Emperor of Wanhua', Xuanyuan, and also the lord of the 'Sacred Land of Azure Dragon', you must have been defeated by the 'Sage Emperor of Wanhua' back then, right? That's why you died tens of thousands of years ago. , alarmist, misleading the various tribes to deal with the "Swallowing Emperor", leading to the end of the human race, you are behind the scenes, right?" Xuanyuan said coldly, he wanted to confirm whether the greedy old man had admitted his mistake, if so, it would be really tricky !

"Hahaha, it seems that the 'Wanhua Shengdi' still saw that I was manipulating everything, but he can do nothing to me, and can't find me. Human races are fighting each other. Everyone is afraid of the world in the future. Being controlled by them, if it weren't for the human race's selfishness, how could my scheme succeed so easily? It is not me, but they themselves that lead the entire "Central China" of the human race to the Dharma-ending era! Presumably, you know this better than me. Holy Master Xuanyuan, do you think so?" There was a kind of disdain and sarcasm in the eyes of the mysterious man.

Xuanyuan was silent when he heard the words.

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