Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2004 Ascension quota

Facing the questioning from 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang', 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' was silent for a moment, looking very helpless. This was a past that he could hardly recall. A long time ago, in ancient times, one of my reincarnations was hunted and killed by the reincarnation of three holy emperors. The origin was unknown and the means were extremely strong. At that time, I didn’t know why. I escaped, but The memory of them has been completely blank. I only know that there is such a thing. If you hadn’t mentioned it today, I would not even take the initiative to think about it. Among their attack methods, there is something that can erase The supernatural power of the memory of being hunted, let me forget it myself!"

The supernatural power to obliterate memory, the supernatural power that makes people forget voluntarily!

"What he is in charge of should be the God of Destruction. At that time, he should have used secret techniques to attack to produce this effect. This method can eliminate people's thoughts, and it will do great harm to reincarnations like us... "'Jade Emperor' looked shocked when he heard the description of 'Lingxiao Shengdi'!

"It seems that you recalled correctly. This is a saint hunting organization that specializes in assassinating the reincarnation of the saint emperor. All their methods exist to hunt the reincarnation of the saint emperor. Xuanyuan is fighting against one of the saint emperors of this organization. Escaping from his hands, this is what I inadvertently monitored, so you two must be careful, from today onwards the three of us must be close together, go out alone, it is very likely that we will be hunted, and it will be difficult to Reincarnation, I'm afraid this organization has a plan, so we have to wait and see!" 'Tianxiang Shengdi' solemnly said.

"I can't remember what methods they used to hunt and kill me back then, but I worked so hard to reincarnate successfully. Although my strength has fully recovered, the memory of that period is very blank. The inspector is right. , this Saint Hunting organization cannot be provoked at will!" 'Sage Emperor Ling Xiao' nodded his head deeply, but now recalling that there was such a thing, he couldn't help but secretly hate it.

'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' was originally afraid that they would not believe it, but now that 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' still has such an experience, it will be easy to handle, and it will be fine to give proper guidance.

"It seems that the situation has become complicated. There are actually three reincarnations of the holy emperor who are united to hunt and kill the reincarnation of the holy emperor..." The 'Jade Emperor' frowned, and even the 'Bi Luo Origin' was a headache. No one thought of it before.

"Wrong, Saint Hunting organization has nine reincarnated emperors, but they are in groups of three. It's not that there is no possibility for two groups to cooperate, or three groups to unite. It's better for me to travel alone. They It is difficult to catch me, but you are different, once you are encountered, you will definitely die!" The words of 'Tianxiang Shengdi' are very ugly, but for this, 'Lingxiao Shengdi' and 'Jade Emperor Shengdi' 'With no doubts, the 'Sage Emperor of Execution' is based on insight and concealment. He said first, no one dares to say second, even if it is the means of the 'Wanhua Holy Emperor' in this respect, it is not necessarily true. It is tough to have the 'Executive Emperor'.

"However, this also has an advantage. The emergence of this organization will make people from all major forces dare not act rashly. Therefore, we convene representatives of all major forces. They will all be willing to agree to the division of the Ascension quota. If there is no Saint Hunter Organization, I'm afraid they will occupy their own territory and become kings..."

"Inspector, I will leave it to you to handle this matter. The place of the convening should be the battlefield in Zhongzhou, so they should feel more at ease." The 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' spoke.

"That's right, if there are too many people, it will not be a good thing for us to enter the Heavenly Court!" said the 'Jade Emperor'.

"Don't worry, remember, when the time comes, I will lock Xuanyuan's breath, and the three of us will follow in secret, and we must kill with one blow!" "Sage Emperor Tianxiang" looked extremely cautious.

"Okay! Killing Xuanyuan, this is what must be done. As long as Xuanyuan dies, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will be in chaos. At that time, it can be divided. It is best to let a large number of people surrender to my 'Biluo Origin' , work hard for us, this is the best, especially with the emergence of this holy hunting organization, we must increase our efforts to strengthen ourselves, and we must seize the opportunity to completely wipe them out!" The expression of the 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' was gloomy, Fortunately, it was the reincarnation of the three holy emperors who jointly killed him at the beginning, otherwise, I am afraid that he would no longer exist in this piece of heaven and earth!

"This holy hunting organization must be eradicated, otherwise, my heart will not be at ease!" The 'Jade Emperor' didn't like the feeling of being threatened very much.

"This matter cannot be revealed by our side. We can only give some very obscure clues for others to find out. It is best for people from all major origins to be on guard against Saint Hunter, and even work together to get this Hunting Saints and Eradication, this kind of existence hidden in the dark is really too dangerous, a thousand times more dangerous than the 'Qinglong Holy Land'!" 'Tianxiang Shengdi' said this intentionally.

"After all, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is clearly visible, and every move is hard to avoid our eyes and ears, but this hunting saint is different. I have suffered from them, and I will do this matter. Go!" 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' has hatred for this holy hunting organization.

"Alright, Ling Xiao, you must be more secretive, otherwise, the hunting saint may directly target us, and then we will be in danger. This organization may not have the same people, but once it threatens this organization Everyone in the organization, they will eradicate all of us without hesitation, our lives are in your hands!" 'Tianxiang Shengdi' looked solemn, more or less scruples.

"Don't worry!" 'Sage Emperor Ling Xiao' took a deep breath. The reincarnation of the Holy Emperor only has advantages over mortals. They have no advantage over the same realm, or even those who specialize in assassinating the Holy Emperor. 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' should also act cautiously!

"That's good. I'll call all the major forces and announce the news. Xuanyuan, let me see where you can go this time..." 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' got up and left.

Not long after, a piece of news flew across the entire 'Central World' as if it had grown wings!

Organized by 'Biluo Origin' and 'Sage Emperor', the helmsmen of the major forces gathered in Zhongzhou.

Now no one dares to move the 'Sacred Gate of Longevity', as it will become the target of public criticism, and most people can't touch the 'Sacred Gate of Longevity', because there is an overwhelming formation inside, and only the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor unites to break it down, but In the process of dismantling the array, even if it is the reincarnation of the holy emperor, it is extremely dangerous and laborious to untie it, so no one is willing to touch the "Longevity Gate". Put yourself in danger?

Therefore, the reincarnations of the holy emperors of all major origins are extremely cautious!

Dividing the soaring quotas of the major forces immediately attracted the hearts of countless strong people living in the 'Central World'.

Many people who came down did not want to exist in the 'Central World', and everyone wanted to return to the 'Origin of the Grandmist'. They came down to perform tasks, and as long as they went back, they would be rewarded!

All of a sudden, countless people were moved, and people from all major forces were all excited. Anyway, as long as they can ascend, at least everyone will have the hope of ascending!

"I thought the major forces were in dispute, and it was a long way off to ascend to the 'Origin of Hongmeng'. I didn't expect that the people of 'Origin of the Blue Sky' could come up with this method. It's great!" Or, he didn't know that the 'Sage Emperor of Tianxiang' had been mixed into the 'Origin of Biluo' and became the 'Sage Emperor of Execution'. This is a secret that only a few people know.

"Yes, our generation has survived to this day in various ways, just wanting to ascend to the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin' and get a greater promotion!" In the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', there are also countless great demons Roar.

"'Grimmist Origin', I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to ascend to it..." Even the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou' is no exception. Many people who are teaching and explaining the teaching also yearn for the 'Grandmist Origin'.

"Good..." In the 'Tianchan Lingzhou', even if they are Buddhist disciples who are indifferent to the world, it is better that countless people focus all their attention on this matter.

But only the 'Qinglong Holy Land' did not move at all from the beginning to the end. It seems that this news has been completely blocked. This is Xuanyuan's intention!

"Origin of the Yellow Spring" is represented by the "Sage Emperor Yama", "Sage Emperor Shura" and "Sage Emperor Rakshasa". Let's talk about this matter!

'Curse Origin' is represented by 'Curseless Saint Emperor', 'Soulless Saint Emperor', and 'Wuxie Saint Emperor'.

The 'Tianchan Lingzhou' is joined by Jin Chanzi, Yang Linger, and Di Shitian. Everyone wants to fight for a bigger quota for their own power. They represent the entire 'Tianchan Lingzhou'.

Yang Ling'er is the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor of the 'Jile Buddha Temple', and Xuanyuan did not visit him before.

The "Sky Demon Lingzhou" is jointly created by Nuwa's patron saint, the Zulong Saint Emperor, and the Sky Demon Holy Mother. At the beginning, everyone thought that there was no reincarnation of the Holy Emperor in the "Sky Demon Lingzhou". But I didn't expect them to hide so deeply.

Nuwa's patron saint is the old woman that Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi met that day, she is the most puzzling.

The protoss will participate in the negotiations by the outsider body of the "Sage Emperor Tianxiang".

"Yuhua Shenchao" is the simultaneous appearance of "Chaos Saint Emperor" and "Yuhua Saint Emperor", which really surprised many people!

Representatives of almost all major forces have gathered, but only the 'Qinglong Holy Land' seems to have received no news, and there is no movement at all.

Ascending the portal is related to the interests of the major forces in the entire "Central World". If the "Qinglong Holy Land" does not cooperate, it will be difficult for them to proceed, so every major force must be the same!

The 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' is extraordinary, its behavior can affect the portal of Ascension!

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