Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2015 Hunting Saint Appears!

"Want to run away from me? Can you get away?" The 'Bone Saint Emperor' felt ashamed, but he was beaten so hard by a mortal. He felt unwilling and blamed himself At the beginning, he underestimated the enemy too much. He originally thought that Xuanyuan could only fight against him for a while, and then he would lose his strength. Because the attack with the reincarnation of the holy emperor requires extremely powerful power. , are all so long and long, and are becoming more and more violent, attacking layer by layer like waves, continuous, this is not an ability that a mortal should have at all, for this reason, such a mortal must not able to keep him alive.

Xuanyuan originally thought that he would go away, but he didn't expect that the 'Bone Sage Emperor' would catch up. This is a situation of immortality, and he immediately said to Jin Chanzi: "Brother Jin Chan, go to 'Nanyan Xianzhou' ', I'll lure him away!"

"Okay, little friend Xuanyuan, be careful yourself." Jin Chanzi didn't say much, but went straight towards the direction of "Nanyan Xianzhou". He knew that Xuanyuan must have his own way. , he had to make a move.

Xuanyuan escaped into the ground under his feet, the eyes of the "Bone Saint Emperor" turned cold, and he sneered: "It's just asking for a dead end."

"Bone God, ossify the earth." The 'Bone Saint Emperor' pressed the ground under his feet with one hand, and it was visible to the naked eye that the entire piece of land began to turn into bone, which was extremely solid. From top to bottom, every layer of soil Earth-shaking changes were taking place, but Xuanyuan was not affected in the slightest. The speed of bone changes could not keep up with Xuanyuan's rapid shuttle underground, and he fled in the direction of 'Nanyan Xianzhou'.

"What!" The 'Bone Saint Emperor' locked Xuanyuan's breath, seeing that Xuanyuan was not trapped, he felt anxious, so his whole body merged into the earth, and he chased Xuanyuan at the fastest speed.

The three holy emperors of the 'Origin of the Curse' wanted to remind them, but it was too late.

"Mortal, you must die today." With a flick of the "Bone Battle Spear" in the hands of the "Bone Saint Emperor", a large area of ​​land was torn apart, and countless pieces of earth and rock were thrown into the ninth heaven.

You must know that every inch of land in the 'Central World' is equivalent to the body of the 'Original Origin', which was attacked maliciously, causing the power of the 'Original Origin' to awaken in an instant.

Xuanyuan was the power that mobilized the 'Origin of Primordial Mengmeng', and his strength skyrocketed for a while, this time he was able to control a stronger power.

The sharp sword derived from the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact" in his hand erupted with infinite splendor, condensing the power of opening up the world, and Xuanyuan returned at the fastest speed, and slashed down towards the body of the "Bone Saint Emperor" .

The expression of the 'Bone Saint Emperor' changed drastically, and he hurriedly avoided, but there was no time, puff, I saw that the cuts of the bone armor on the surface of his body were even, and he had no ability to resist at all. From his shoulders from top to bottom, the whole Half of his body was sliced ​​off by Xuanyuan's sword, and blood spattered, and then the majestic thought of "Origin of Primordial Mengmeng" directly impacted into the sea of ​​consciousness of the "Bone Saint Emperor", causing his three souls to be severely injured.

"Ah..." He let out a loud howling sound, and immediately escaped from the ground with a secret technique, his heart skipped a beat. He never expected that Xuanyuan's combat power would be so powerful.

After Xuanyuan devoured half of the 'Bone Sacred Emperor', he fled back to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. As long as he can refine this half of his body, he can greatly improve himself!

Countless people were shocked when they saw the seriously injured 'Bone Saint Emperor'!

"It's unbelievable that Xuanyuan has seriously injured the 'Bone Sage Emperor'. Could it be that he is really so powerful?" Many people shouted wildly, their hearts jumping for joy.

The other three holy emperors of the fierce clan were also frightened for a moment. Could it be that the 'Central World' really has such a powerful force?

At this moment, the 'Wuxie Holy Emperor' said: "That is Xuanyuan, the holy lord of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', he is closely connected with the 'Original Origin' of the entire 'Central World', so he can use the power of the 'Central World' , for our own use, exploded in an instant, which is why we killed it."

As soon as the words of the "Wuxie Saint Emperor" fell, in the dark, three existences of the Saint Emperor realm suddenly appeared.

Under the eyes of everyone, the seriously injured 'Bone Saint Emperor' was tightly shackled and sealed, and taken away abruptly, without the slightest ability to resist.

Xuanyuan communicated closely with the 'Original Origin of Hongmeng', and at that moment, he felt the aura of 'Sage Emperor Qingtian'.

'Hunting Saint', finally made a move, they only kill the reincarnated existence of the Saint Emperor, but in the realm of the Saint Emperor, as long as they are severely injured, they are 100% sure that they will definitely make a move, and the fighters they choose are the most Precisely, it only appeared for an instant, and some people didn't even realize what was going on.

It can be said that the "Bone Saint Emperor" was targeted by the hunter. It can be said that he was unlucky. He was already aggrieved enough to meet Xuanyuan, but now he will die if he meets the hunter.

Many saint emperors of the fierce clan did not reflect it. In the "Origin of Biluo", the "Sage Emperor Lingxiao" felt a chill in his heart, extremely resentful, and said: "It is them, the "Hunting Saint", who appeared, it seems that the entire "Central World" ' is going to get more chaotic."

On the battlefield of the 'Beiyue Xianzhou', the 'Soulless Saint Emperor' felt cold and said: "So the news received in the previous stage is true, there is really a saint-hunting organization in the 'Central World' , specifically to assassinate the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor!"

Obviously, the 'Wuxie Holy Emperor' and the 'Wuxie Holy Emperor' also knew that the other party had a total of nine reincarnations of the Holy Emperor.

"What?" The three great saint emperors of the other fierce clans were also shocked when they heard the reincarnation.

"I didn't expect that we lost the 'Bone Sage Emperor' just after we came. We should settle down first, and then the account will be settled one by one." Two reincarnations of the Sage Emperor descended from the sky, obviously they are the murderous clan The most powerful Saint Emperor among them, they have witnessed everything that happened just now, the power of the 'Central World' is beyond their imagination.

At first, they thought they could invade the "Central World" regardless of everything, until the appearance of the "Emperor Emperor", "Chaos Saint Emperor" and Xuanyuan broke their thoughts, and Jin Chanzi was able to resist it all by himself. Although there is great restraint in supernatural powers in the joint curse killing of the three "Curse Origin" holy emperors, after all, it is one against three, and it is indeed remarkable to be able to resist it.

"The three Taoist brothers of 'The Origin of the Curse', thank you for your generous help just now, please speak further." One of the fierce saint emperors saw that the 'Beiyue Xianzhou' had been occupied one after another, so he opened his mouth.

"You're welcome! We're just trying to fight the injustice. We wanted to inform the 'Sage Emperor of the Bone' just now. Xuanyuan can use the power of the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'. It's just that he was too hasty and we didn't have time to notify him!" The corner of Emperor's mouth rose, their goal had already been achieved, although Xuanyuan escaped this time, but it won't be so in the future.

"Origin of All Evil", the gathering of countless strong men, they are ferocious, grotesque, a race derived from various hybrids, violent in nature, bloodthirsty and cruel, only conquered by absolute force, including their occupation of "Beiyue Xianzhou", each other Between them, a fierce fight was launched to define the size of the territory.

Millions of corpses were killed, blood flowed like rivers, and violent murderous aura permeated everywhere.

For such a scene, the holy emperor of the fierce clan is already familiar with it, and does not stop it, because power is everything, the person who is killed is destined to be swallowed, and the murderer is destined to increase in strength. The fierce clan only needs the strong, not It needs the weak, this is their principle, slaughter all the way to achieve themselves, it can be said that with the addition of the "Bone Sage Emperor", the six Sage Emperors have walked all the way in this way, and it goes without saying how many dangers they have gone through.

"The three Dao brothers from 'The Origin of Curse', who are helping each other this time, must want to form an alliance with me, 'Origin of All Evil', right?" The holy emperor cut to the chase without beating around the bush. Breath, the whole body is like a mass of black flames, burning blazingly, you can't see his face clearly, but it feels that once the black flames on his body are contaminated, it will be burnt to ashes.

"It's natural. 'Origin of All Evil' is very similar to 'Origin of Curse'. We can work together to conquer the entire 'Central World'. You have also seen that the two great forces of the human race only rely on the 'Origin of Hongmeng'. If we don't join forces, we will only be suppressed by them." The 'Wuxie Saint Emperor' clearly sorted out the pros and cons, and let the holy emperor of the murderous clan decide between the two. relationship between.

"Brother Wuxie makes a lot of sense. We should unite. The 'Central World' is stronger than we imagined. It must not be underestimated. A mortal can grow to such a level. Who can guarantee that there will be no first one?" Two, the third?" Another holy emperor of the ferocious clan, his whole body was like water, and it seemed that there were billions of waves stirring, and the turbulent waves slammed in all directions.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's make a covenant." The reincarnations of the five great saint emperors of the fierce clan all agreed. Sacrifice the living beings, and use their lives to evolve into a more terrifying attacking force. Even the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor may be killed. This is an extremely powerful force, and they are naturally willing to join forces.

"Okay, let's swear a blood oath together." The 'Wuxie Holy Emperor', 'Wuhun Holy Emperor' and 'No Curse Holy Emperor' have all found the problem. Great powers, they can only truly unite.

Representatives of the two great powers made a blood oath, and the evil and fierce clans were very close for a while.

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