Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2017: The Sacred Art of Slaughtering

Xuanyuan used 'Swallowing Years' to wrap himself up. Although he was in Brahma Heaven, the flow of time was different. He didn't have much time now. Let him savor and refine the essence of 'Bone Saint Emperor' carefully. Everything, if you want to completely refine, must be completed within the 'swallowing years'.

After practicing alone for thirty years, he finally completely integrated the "Bone God Rule" into every corner of his body, and the half of the "Bone Saint Emperor" was also completely refined by Xuanyuan. All thoughts have been eliminated, even so, the residual power of the Holy Emperor is still there.

After refining, Xuanyuan's combat power has been greatly improved. Today's Xuanyuan, if he encounters a Saint Emperor Realm existence with the same strength as the 'Bone Saint Emperor', he can even fight against the opponent without the slightest problem.

Half of the life essence of the "Bone Saint Emperor" was refined into the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact" by Xuanyuan, and the greedy old man cheered. After all, it is the reincarnation of the Saint Emperor's body and flesh, which will make him hit the artifact and have more hope. Now' Only the skeleton remains of the body of the Bone Saint Emperor, which is extremely precious. A Saint Emperor can be said to be full of treasures!

Thirty years of 'swallowing the years', but only one month has passed in Brahma.

Xuanyuan walked out of the restriction, but there was a feeling as if it was a world away. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas all over the sky, Vajra Arhats manifested, golden lotuses bloomed everywhere, wonderful sounds, Xuanyuan swept away every thought, and the Buddhist disciples in the entire Brahma Heaven, their realms, at least have a big realm Jin Chanzi talked about the benefits brought to them by the boundless Dharma, which is really too great.

Da Brahma is full of Zen. Compared with before, I don't know how many times it has improved. This is only a short month.

Even Chen Yongjie is in the realm of the great sage, and has improved to a higher level.

"'Wanhua Shengdi' is indeed a man of great wisdom. The many viewpoints contained in his supreme relic made me suddenly enlightened, my vision was broader, and I benefited a lot. I combined his wisdom , integrate into oneself, and spread, it can benefit so many Buddhist disciples, and the merit is immeasurable!" Jin Chanzi's expression was flat, but he could feel the joy from his words.

"As long as Brother Jin Chan thinks it's helpful to me, the disciples of Da Brahma will follow suit." Xuanyuan smiled and walked out of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' with Jin Chanzi, saying: "Now the world is in turmoil. , the 'Origin of All Evil' is coming, the Saint Hunter is reappearing, and the reincarnation of the Saint Emperors of the major forces is probably sitting on pins and needles, afraid of being targeted, what does Brother Jin Chan think?"

"'Origin of All Evil' has a bad reputation. Now that it has come to 'Central World', there will be a lot of trouble. I don't think 'Da Leiyin Temple' should sit idly by in 'Tianchan Lingzhou'. If there is any need If that’s the case, little friend Xuanyuan told me that it’s unavoidable as for the hunting of saints, and there must be a conclusion, which requires everyone to unite and fight.” Jin Chanzi knew that he had received this supreme relic, It is tantamount to making the entire 'Da Leiyin Temple' and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' form an inseparable cause and effect, so it is difficult to stay out of it.

"In this way, it's very good. Then the power of my 'Origin of Primordial Mist' will be much stronger. As long as we gather together, even if many origins unite, we may not be our opponents." Xuanyuan was excited, and what he hoped most was All the major forces of "Origin of Hongmeng" can unite to fight against foreign enemies. The arrival of "Origin of All Evil" and the appearance of hunting saints is a bad thing, but also a good thing. At least the major forces of "Origin of Hongmeng" have a strong sense of crisis , Knowing that if you don't unite, it will be difficult to compete with these big forces. Now they are just missing a step. If they can unite, it will be great.

"Brother Jin Chan needs more guidance on the side of the 'Ji Le Buddhist Temple' and the 'Sumi Buddha Kingdom'. After all, you are both in the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' and are relatively close. Now it seems that there is another great source of origin." The forces are about to come, and the 'Origin of Hongmeng' has given me the most authentic feedback. I think it will only take some time before they will appear. If everyone is not united by that time, I'm afraid they will be defeated one by one , disappeared in the 'Central World'..." Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"No wonder I always have a bad premonition in my heart recently. It seems that the 'Central World' is really going to be chaotic. If this is the case, I will go back to the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' first. Xuanyuan, you should be careful." Jin Chanzi turned towards Xuanyuan, clasped his hands together, saluted, and left the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. He knew that Xuanyuan was not an alarmist, and every holy emperor's perception was extremely keen.

One drink and one peck, could it be that it was pre-determined that in order to save Xuanyuan, the relic was shattered, but he got a bigger harvest, no one knew there would be such a result.

Looking at the vibrant 'Qinglong Holy Land', Xuanyuan sincerely sighed: "It seems that the major origins really don't intend to let us live safely. If this is the case, we can only act first."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan also left the "Qinglong Holy Land". He used his body to integrate into the "Origin of the Primordial Origin". ..."

Not long after, the 'Blue Sky Saint Emperor' appeared on the battlefield in front of the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'.

"Haha, what does 'Holy Lord Xuanyuan' want from me?" The 'Sage Emperor Qingtian' descended from the sky and laughed.

"I want to ask the 'Sage Emperor Qingtian' about the method that can completely kill the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor." Xuanyuan raised the corner of his mouth, without beating around the bush, and looked directly at the 'Sage Qingtian Emperor', his gaze was sharp like a sword.

"Do you think I might tell you? So that you can deal with us?" The 'Qingtian Shengdi' was very shocked by the change in Xuanyuan's temperament, and felt that Xuanyuan seemed to have the capital to fight against him. Back then, it was just one day at a time, he asked rhetorically.

"Nothing is impossible. Do you want half of the body of the 'Bone Sage Emperor'? This is a deal, each takes what he needs. If not, I can ask the Mohists to refine it into a puppet. It is also valuable and can resist the Sage Emperor." The attack of reincarnation, or refining into one's own body, to maximize the strength of the physical body!" Xuanyuan shrugged, tempting the 'Sage Emperor Qingtian'.

'Qingtian Shengdi' pondered for a moment, nodded, and said: "Forget it, since you are so sincere, it is not impossible to teach you the "Sacred Saint Divine Law". The Holy Emperor of "Origin" is reincarnated, your "Qinglong Holy Land" also has the "Sage Emperor of Eternal Life" and "Eternal Holy Emperor". Together with you, we are united, and any reincarnation of the holy emperor locked by us will not escape his life. If Holy Master Xuanyuan is willing to cooperate with us, I will be able to teach you the "Sacred Sacred Law" without your deal , but the spoils belong to us, so you should just eliminate the threat for yourself, how about it? The price is that you have to help us kill the reincarnation of the five holy emperors!"

"Hehe, do you want to kill a small threat and grow a big threat?" Xuanyuan sneered, and said, "'Qingtian Shengdi', I know you as a human being. As long as you can achieve your goal, you will use any means. If you exchange for the "Sacred Sacred Art", the price is half of the body of the 'Bone Saint Emperor', I will give you time to consider whether you want it or not, I have shown enough sincerity."

'Sage Emperor Qingtian' frowned, and said with a smile: "It seems that Holy Master Xuanyuan is still brooding over those two wastes of the Famen merchants back then. It is tantamount to leaving endless troubles for your own "Qinglong Holy Land". Holy Master Xuanyuan, please consider it carefully. In fact, cooperating with us is not as bad as you imagined. Let me tell you a secret. There are two origins, one is decay The origin, one is called the origin of blood, and in time they will come. If these major origins are combined, I am afraid that the "Central World" will become a mess. How will the "Qinglong Holy Land" deal with itself? Hahaha Ha ha……"

As soon as the words fell, the 'Blue Sky Saint Emperor' disappeared before Xuanyuan's eyes, but the laughter still lingered in Xuanyuan's ears.

Such a result would happen, and Xuanyuan had already expected it in his heart. For those of them who hunted and killed the Holy Emperor all the year round, this half of the body was naturally nothing. Their plot was bigger, and the two origins he mentioned, As the name suggests, Xuanyuan was quite disturbed.

"'Origin of decay', 'Origin of blood'..."

At the beginning, Xuanyuan only knew that there would be other origins coming to the "Central World". He returned to the "Qinglong Holy Land" and told the "Eternal Saint Emperor" and "Eternal Saint Emperor" about this matter. Frowning, their expressions became incomparably dignified. You must know that they are not as good as they were before. Having obtained the secret techniques of the 'Jade Emperor' and the 'Executive Saint Emperor', their strength has been greatly improved. So, they are still frowning.

"These two origins are extremely ferocious. Wherever the 'Origin of Decay' passes, everything will be corroded, and the aura of rotten immortals will be generated, which will degenerate the aura of heaven and earth. If others practice and inhale this degenerated aura of heaven and earth, their bodies and souls will be destroyed. Decay, this is extremely frightening, the number of people in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is increasing day by day, and the more heaven and earth spirit energy is needed, it cannot be completely supplied by immortal energy, it needs to be mixed with heaven and earth spirit energy to neutralize, and immortal energy is not everyone's childhood It can be easily refined, let's ignore the 'Origin of Blood', the 'Origin of Decay' is enough to cause headaches... "'Eternal Saint Emperor' obviously has a problem with the 'Origin of Decay', and is very aggressive towards the other party's methods familiar.

"That's true, so for this matter, we must unite with the major forces of the 'Great Origin' as soon as possible. No matter what grievances or grievances there were in the past, we should put them aside first, and unanimously speak out, otherwise it will be fatal to everyone."'Eternal Life Saint Emperor' Solemnly said.

"Do you two think it is possible to cooperate with Hunting Saints? Helping them behead the reincarnation of the five Saint Emperors can actually severely injure these malicious origins and deter them. The most important thing is that we can also get the "Sacred Sacred Law" "!" Xuanyuan looked at the two holy emperors, wanting to ask for their opinions.

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