Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2019 The Legend of the God Court

Xuanyuan's strength has reached the level of being able to fight against the Holy Emperor, and he is no longer the original him.

Since it exists at the same level, it naturally does not need an extremely long time like before.

Swallowing and refining the blood essence of the two semi-sacred emperors, memory and many other things made Xuanyuan's "Body of Myriad Transformations" have a huge leap and improvement, which is comprehensive.

Including the growth of his soul, the tolerance of the memory of the sea of ​​consciousness, it is no longer comparable to before. He is only above the original source, and he is much smaller than the reincarnation of other holy emperors, but the "body of myriad transformations" brought Xuanyuan The characteristic of coming is that it has unlimited potential and can have unlimited improvement.

Xuanyuan took a long time to receive the massive amount of information from the 'Sage Emperor', but after receiving it, his comprehensive strength improved, and he received the 'Sage Emperor of Jade Emperor' much faster, of course it was very fast. To a large extent, the reincarnation of the three great emperors broke down those experiences, supernatural powers and many other things for him, and "refined nutrition" for him made him absorb so quickly, which is also related.

At this moment, the 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' was shackled all over his body, and the reincarnation of the three saint emperors joined forces, coupled with Xuanyuan's means, to make him unable to move. In addition, all the power of the entire 'Gu Sheng Island' was concentrated On him, I am afraid that there will be a slight accident.

It's not that he didn't try to break through the shackles, but he was too powerful. Both the 'Sage Emperor' and the 'Sage Emperor' had studied the 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' before. Cha Shengdi's own research is more thorough, so he has simulated how to seal the 'Ling Xiao Sheng Di', which is why the 'Ling Xiao Sheng Di' has no chance of breaking through now, he feels The life essence in his body is being lost bit by bit, and the power of his soul is gradually weakening, and a sense of sadness rises from his heart. Originally, he was the supreme existence of 'Bi Luo Origin', but in the end he was buried in his hands. superior.

Xuanyuan didn't devour his flesh and blood directly, if so, he has thousands of ways to take away Xuanyuan's body.

For the refinement of 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao', it is through the intense calcination of the 'Holy Fire of Ten Thousand Transformations' and the refinement of the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Taoist Artifacts', so that every drop of blood of 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' is incomparably pure, and all His thoughts were completely wiped out, making him completely desperate, without the slightest chance at all!

"Everyone!" Xuanyuan unfolded his thoughts, and closely combined everyone with his thoughts.

The supernatural powers, cultivation experience, and memories created by the "Sage Emperor Lingxiao" are presented one by one.

He never expected that Xuanyuan would reveal his secret to everyone, but at this moment, he seemed powerless to get angry.

No wonder the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' can be so powerful, no wonder the 'Eternal Saint Emperor' and the 'Longevity Holy Emperor' are willing to fight to the death to protect the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', at this moment he finally understands how Xuanyuan and these people have such a close bond, then Just sharing.

'Eternal Saint Emperor', 'Longevity Saint Emperor' and 'Tianxiang Saint Emperor' analyze, understand, and analyze everything about 'Lingxiao Saint Emperor' from their own perspective, that is, refine the 'nutrition', Xuanyuan is now comparable to Saint Emperor The existence of reincarnation, the viewpoint is also extremely unique, there is no absolute right, no absolute wrong, everyone is based on the 'Sage Emperor Ling', extract more essence, each takes what he needs.

Everyone has benefited a lot from the other's point of view and strives for excellence. It is difficult for people who have reached the realm of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor to improve, but Xuanyuan has really achieved it.

Sensing the exchange of their thoughts, the 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' had a bleak face. If the 'Sage Executioner', 'Sage Jade Emperor' and him could share secret techniques with each other regardless of each other from the very beginning, Absolutely will not make the whole 'Bi Luo Origin' reduced to the point where it is today.

Among other things, once they are all able to practice the secret art of Heavenly Supervisor, they will all be able to find some clues. In the beginning, Xuanyuan chose to plot against the "Sage Emperor" for no reason. The death of the "Sage Emperor" is equivalent to The eyes and ears of "Biluo Origin" are all lost, and they are blinded. How can they be sober, they can only become blind and let others fool them.

However, the 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' didn't understand until this time, but it was already too late.

In a month's time, Xuanyuan learned about the "Spiritual Principles of Lingxiao" from the "Sage Emperor Lingxiao", and with his own way, he gathered a more powerful and brand new "Spiritual Principles of Lingxiao", even if it is the "Spiritual Principles of Lingxiao". The Holy Emperor himself was extremely shocked.

"I didn't expect that the 'Lingxiao Shenzhi' could be presented in such a way. Once the 'Physical Transformation' is completed, it will really make people look at it differently." He laughed bitterly.

Xuanyuan integrated the "Spiritual Rule of Ling Xiao" into the "Spiritual Rule of Swallowing God", making its power soar, every punch and dance, it was like God descending.

Ling Xiao, above the sky, Xuanyuan's every move now seems to be higher than the sky, and it seems that he can cover the sky with one hand, with extraordinary domineering.

Everything that is derived is like the vast sky, lofty and deep, making people unable to figure it out. With one punch, it seems like the majestic will of heaven, making people feel irresistible. Once the momentum is weak, it is impossible to defeat the opponent .

Xuanyuan's combat power has become more and more domineering. The Superintendent, Yuhuangshang, and Lingxiaojie are the most supreme supernatural powers of the three holy emperors of "Biluo Origin", but now they are all mastered by Xuanyuan. The Emperor, the Heavenly Fragrance Saint Emperor, and the Eternal Saint Emperor already have their own unique way, and these are only auxiliary to them, but Xuanyuan can condense and combine the essence of everyone's way, so as to achieve themselves and perfect themselves. Play it out!

The 'Body of Myriad Transformations' has been infused with the blood essence of the 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao', making every drop of Xuanyuan's blood contain space, as if there are palaces of Lingxiao floating in it, majestic and mighty.

"'Lingxiao Palace' is the most supreme palace in the 'God's Court' in the legend. Among the many origins on the highest plane, the 'Biluo Origin' is the closest to the God's Court. It is extremely mysterious, and what is contained in it Power, above the Holy Emperor, the 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' is able to have such power only after obtaining the incomplete treasure lost by the 'Shenting', and condensing the 'Treasure of Lingxiao Palace' to form his own world. The not bad 'Lingxiao Palace' can even use its power to defeat the holy emperors of all directions." The 'Eternal Holy Emperor' gave some explanations for Xuanyuan's changes, and Xuanyuan's growth went a step further.

Xuanyuan paused when he heard the words, and said, "Is the 'Shenting' a plane above many origins?"

"It can be understood in this way that it does exist, but just like the previous 'Central World', it lost the passage to ascend to it, and occasionally some strange scenes will occur, and there will be many existences such as secret techniques, from' Shenting' fell down and was obtained by predestined people. The police, the Jade Emperor, and Ling Xiao were all beneficiaries, but what they got was only the tip of the iceberg, and it was still incomplete. One can imagine how much it would be if they could get the complete one. Powerful!" The 'Sage Emperor of Longevity' sighed faintly, it was a mysterious world beyond reach of the major origins.

"It's too far away to think about it now, Xuanyuan, you should improve your own strength. As the 'Physical Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', you should break through the path of the 'Sage Emperor of Ten Thousand Transformations'." The 'Tianxiang Sage Emperor' smiled, The face is charming.

Xuanyuan nodded. There are nine immortal medicines in the body of the 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao', called 'Lingxiao Yulu'.

This is the "Sage Emperor Lingxiao" conceived from the first reincarnation, collected and condensed from the essence of heaven and earth.

These jade dews have their own spiritual intelligence, and the human body formed is no longer a pure medicine of immortality. They can independently absorb the most quintessence of the world and integrate into themselves when the 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' is practicing. , and left the body of the 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' to find what he needed, and cultivated for a very long time.

Xuanyuan baptized the "Lingxiao Yulu" with the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Taoist Artifact", making them forget about the "Lingxiao Holy Emperor" and integrate into his body.

The body of the 'Sage Emperor Ling Xiao' was trembling, and he knew that at this moment, he could no longer recover.

'Lingxiao Yulu' is very special. It cannot be rooted in the soil like other immortal medicines. It can only continuously collect the most quintessential power from the world and integrate it into itself. Once it is used, it can be used. Recover again, so the medicinal explosive power of 'Lingxiao Yulu' is the most powerful.

But now that even the nine drops of 'Lingxiao Yulu' have been obtained by Xuanyuan, he knows that this is a dead end.

"Seniors, I want to condense the reincarnated bodies of the three holy emperors from 'Biluo Origin' into my incarnation outside the body. You know more than me. What is the risk?" Zun Shengdi couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Of course it is possible, but your soul's thoughts must be strong enough to suppress their thoughts. Otherwise, once they break through and recover, it will only cause you more trouble."'Tianxiang Sheng Di' looked at the man in front of him. Once upon a time, he was so immature in front of him. Now even if it is her, she is not sure of winning against him. All this happened in a very short time. , Now that I think about it, it's a bit unbelievable.

"Xuanyuan, you just killed me." The 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' finally got angry, which was the most intolerable thing for him.

"I will let your physical bodies live stronger than before, and will not insult your reputation. This is my greatest respect for you." Xuanyuan said every word clearly, "Even if you are in your prime Period, do you think you have the confidence to defeat me now?"

Xuanyuan's strength was very restrained, 'Sage Emperor Ling Xiao' moved his lips, but was finally speechless.

"Let's refine it. In this way, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is equivalent to the existence of the reincarnation of six holy emperors." The "Longevity Holy Emperor" said with emotion.

"I want to use 'Wan Hua Baptism' to make them forget themselves, but with my current strength, it is still very difficult to do it, and I need your full help." Xuanyuan knew that the imprint of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor was extremely deep , It is very difficult to erase their memories.

However, it would not be so difficult if we joined forces with the existence of the reincarnation of the three great saint emperors, especially now that the reincarnations of the three great saint emperors are no longer what they used to be.

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